• last month
00:00I'm not done with the Warriors at all and Draymond Greene's comments on TNT over the weekend
00:04I think you know we were kind of headed in the wrong direction
00:07Thinking we're figuring it out and never figuring it out this year throughout the course this year and since he's been here
00:13We've walked into every game
00:16Thinking and believing that we're going to win that game and that goes a long way in this league
00:20But you walk in the game like ah man. We probably gonna lose this game. It's not good
00:25so he's brought back that belief and I think
00:29We're going to win the championship say that one more time so that everybody
00:39I'm sorry. I said, I think we're gonna win a championship, but I lied we are going to win
00:48Mean even when I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I mean even though just the way you said it
00:54The quote right there tells you that like in in the moment he can switch from yeah
01:00I think we're gonna win a championship to
01:03Look at the camera lean in
01:06We are going to win the champion because he got checked and if they wouldn't have checked him if or not
01:13He got he got no they checked him got encouraged. They said you know say it with your chest
01:19Oh you think and then he had I'm sorry
01:22Let me try it again, and then he went out there and was definitive
01:27Which is what he really wanted to do anyway, but he probably thought you know if I say
01:32I think
01:33Then it can't come back on me if people want to aggregate it later if people want to play the soundbite later if it's I
01:40Think well of course. I think that we all think that we're NBA players blah blah blah
01:44But then when he follows it up, and he doubles down and says we will win the championship now
01:50We've got ourselves a talking point right except for
01:53Here's why to me like and I know that he knows this
01:57We've probably then spent and we didn't spend a ton of time on it yesterday
02:01We were more reacting to all-star weekend, but here we are two days later, and we're really getting into oh my gosh Draymond Green
02:07Guaranteed a championship Steph Curry goes to the podium after winning all-star MVP because I got my teammate out here on the telecast
02:13Guaranteeing a championship he references it, but then here's the backdrop
02:18Here's just a little bit of all of the other things that Draymond Green
02:24Said and did this weekend scale of 1 to 10 your thoughts of the format
02:3010 being the best yes a zero
02:34Say basketball all right, so the all-star formats is zero and it sucks now. Here's what he says about basketball today
02:41It's not smart basketball
02:43No, I saw I saw a clip not too long ago where Kobe said like yo, it's accidental basketball
02:49He couldn't have been more right it was so refreshing to play against Brian because every possession is like a chess match
02:55But you don't just get that on a regular basis. It's just who can run faster who can hit more threes
03:00It's no substance, and so I think it's very boring. It's very boring
03:06He's talking about basketball today. He's not wrong and then a little bit later
03:10He talked about how he's already been offered the Warriors coaching job
03:13And I can't even count how many things Draymond Green did and said over the weekend
03:21That make him
03:23Literally the most talked-about NBA player coming out of all-star weekend, and he wasn't even on the all-star team right so
03:32That was my takeaway
03:34Draymond Green says they're gonna win a championship of course he did
03:37Draymond Green and by the way, I hope this doesn't sound like a criticism because it's not
03:42but Draymond Green
03:44Really knows what he's doing
03:46He knew what he was doing for years as power forward for the Golden State Warriors still does and he knows what he's doing
03:53As the next big NBA media star as soon as he retired
03:57He's not gonna be the coach of the Golden State Warriors in three years. He's gonna be doing this right
04:02He's already doing it. He's already doing it
04:05I'd argue in the last two years Draymond Green has been talked about more for his podcast than his play
04:10That's fair
04:11And you know if you want to go even further back than that he was talked about more for his
04:17Suspensions and his lack of self-control and his podcast then he has been for his play which this year his plays been
04:24Pretty good. Yeah, he's been pretty sturdy
04:28Very good player, but you look at the Charles Barkley blueprint
04:31And you know, I can't help but think about that part of the all-star game
04:35which I didn't love when they completely stopped down the
04:39Final of the tournament for about I think 18 minutes was the official running time of that tribute
04:45but it felt a little symbolic about Kenny and Ernie and Shaq and Charles like the
04:51Inside the NBA on TNT era is coming to an end and it feels like the page will be turned
04:58I don't know if all four will be together in a new entity or if they're all gonna split apart and do their own
05:03thing, but it feels like
05:05Draymond Green is gonna be the centerpiece of the next wave of that sort of a show and he's already doing a great job
05:13Of that as replacing Charles with the hot tape
05:16So I like I don't here's sort of a tough way of saying it because we sit here in this business
05:22We know how it works
05:24I don't think our show does that some do some don't most still don't but to whatever degree
05:31This is kind of out there. It's it's hard to look at what people say and go. You don't even believe what you're saying. I
05:39Don't think it's that
05:41But here's how I would describe it. You have a lot of people in media who have done
05:47Very very good work and have become very wealthy
05:51By understanding this dynamic don't go out there and say something you don't believe but whatever you do believe
06:02Ramp it up a bit. Yeah
06:04Ramp it up a bit. So if I listen to Draymond Green, do I think like you asked me earlier?
06:10Do I think that Draymond thinks that they're going to win the championship?
06:17No, I don't think he thinks they're going to win the championship. I think he thinks that they're a lot better
06:25With Jimmy Butler. I think he's excited about his arrival. I think their confidence is through the roof after recent games
06:32I think he thinks they can work their way into the playoffs and then when players like that work their way into the playoffs
06:38They like their chances against anyone. So in any one game or any one series, they're like, well, yeah
06:45Yeah, we got a shot here of course, but but do you sit here at 28 and 27 and go yeah
06:50We're gonna we're gonna win most of the remaining regular season games
06:54And then we're gonna win round one and then we're gonna win round two and then we're gonna win round three and then we're gonna
06:59Win round four. No, I don't think he thinks that's going to happen
07:02Did he think that three years ago when they were 41 and 14?
07:05actually, I know he has said that he didn't right and so now you're 28 27 and
07:10You're 13 games worse than what you were when you won the title three years ago
07:14And now you're gonna say it with your chest during the all-star weekend
07:17I do agree with you that he probably deep down doesn't believe it
07:22Believe it when Kevin Durant joined the team. It's easy to say
07:26We're gonna win the championship because they were amazing and yeah
07:30they were the best team and they had it in second gear all year and then they
07:33Kicked it up a notch in the playoffs and one of those years
07:36They went 16 and 1 in the playoffs and they almost went 16 to no
07:40So yeah that year you could say we're gonna win the championship and you could be
07:46Absolutely believed but this year when you're sitting at 65 to 1 odds and you're 28 and 27
07:51It feels a little bit like more bluster than reality
07:56but I do believe that there is a
07:58path that
08:00Things could break their way if they stay healthy if they continue to gel if cominga comes back and he fits in
08:07I mean, there's a lot of ifs. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I'm not laying out six or seven ifs
08:12It feels like like the ifs that were focused on to me are way earlier than June
08:18Oh for sure
08:19Like I don't even know why like I mean, I know why cuz Draymond brought it up
08:23But like right now it's it's can you do what you've been doing this week?
08:29For longer, can you can you stay healthy? Can you work your way into at least one of the top seven or eight seats?
08:36Just start there. Yeah, and if that answer becomes a yes, and then we'll go from there
08:41But you know, I mean some of us are sitting here saying I think there's a path to win a championship yet
08:47None of those people think they're even going to be a top six seed
08:50That's an interesting combo
08:52It is be a seven you could be an eight and you know
08:56Emerge from the play-in which they've never done before but if you do emerge from the play-in as the seven seed
09:03I don't like it as the eight if you're the eight and you face
09:05Okay, see the one a team that pretty much doesn't lose at home. That's a big ass
09:10That's gonna be a lot. But if you can get to seven and you take on Memphis, that is a team to me
09:16That is vulnerable, right?
09:18Seven could also get you Denver. It could they could absolutely get you down six could get you
09:23I'm in Denver or Denver's a half game behind Memphis right now, right?
09:27I mean, it's it's too early to really look at it and say who it would be and you know on the other side
09:33I would like to talk about his notion of the NBA and how it sucks
09:38Because I don't think that he's wrong
