• last month
00:00Here is the clip on TNT and Draymond Green talking about the Warriors and winning it all.
00:08I think, you know, we were kind of headed in the wrong direction, thinking we were figuring it out and never figuring it out this year, throughout the course of this year.
00:16And since he's been here, we've walked into every game thinking and believing that we're going to win that game.
00:22And that goes a long way in this league.
00:24When you walk in the game like, ah man, we're probably going to lose this game, it's not good.
00:29So he's brought back that belief, and I think we're going to win the championship.
00:35Say that one more time so that everybody can hear.
00:37Say that with your chest?
00:38I didn't hear you, my earpiece.
00:40Because they added Jimmy Butler III, so what did you say?
00:43I'm sorry, I said I think we're going to win the championship, but I lied.
00:47We are going to win the championship.
00:53Okay, want to know what I thought the key word was in there? Because a lot of people have started...
00:57Him saying, I'm sorry?
00:58No, it's not that.
00:59Because he had to get cajoled, and he had to get goaded into actually stand on it, as he would say.
01:07Say it with your chest.
01:08He did, he did.
01:09Stand on it! Stand on what you say! Stand on what you do!
01:13A lot of people stand on this.
01:15A lot of people are going, and in fact we just got a text.
01:18I see you 510, thank you for listening and for interacting with our show.
01:22He said, Mark Draymond didn't say when we'd win a chip.
01:26He said this year before he made his guarantee, but not in that sentence.
01:33You want to know why? I'll push back on that a little bit.
01:37He used the word the.
01:40He didn't say at the end, we're going to win a championship.
01:45He said, we're going to win the championship.
01:48I mean, if you want to play exact words, I feel like that means this year.
01:53That's hiding behind something that I don't think Draymond meant.
01:57Are we really going to be like, oh, he meant 2027.
02:04He means that they're going to win it this year.
02:07Does he not?
02:08I mean, he might be talking about the Pacific Division Championship,
02:12and they're only five and a half back in the Lakers,
02:15so maybe he's talking about the Divisional Championship,
02:18which we all know is a big deal now when you win that division.
02:22We'll give any listener a thousand dollars if they can call us
02:25and tell us who is in the Pacific Division.
02:27I'm kidding.
02:28You'd be surprised.
02:29Don't do that because you've all got Google,
02:31but nobody even knows who's in what division.
02:33Four California teams and Phoenix, which, perfect.
02:37Makes a lot of sense.
02:39Maybe that's what he's talking about.
02:40I don't think that's what he's talking about.
02:41I don't think it is either.
02:42We're going to win the championship.
02:45The fact that he needed somebody to say,
02:47say it with your chest for him to actually come back
02:50and then say it with his chest tells me that you're probably right.
02:54He doesn't fully believe it, and that's fine.
02:57Yeah, it doesn't matter.
02:58It really doesn't matter.
02:59It doesn't matter if he believes it.
03:01I do believe that he thinks that they're better
03:04and that if they get into a playoff series,
03:06and it's what you've been saying for months,
03:08just give Steph and company a swing.
03:11Give them an at-bat because if you don't have an at-bat,
03:14you have no chance of hitting a home run.
03:16So if you make it in the playoffs and you have a series,
03:20a best-of-seven against whoever it is,
03:22you've got a shot and you have to win 16 playoff games to be the champ,
03:26and they've done it four times.
03:28And every time they haven't made the playoffs,
03:30they haven't won the title, Mark, and I didn't have to look that up.
03:33Hold on. Hang on a second.
03:35No team has ever won the title without making the playoffs.
03:40You're welcome.
03:41And no team has ever won the title out of the playing tournament either.
03:44Right, but a team has made it to the finals.
03:46I know. It's everybody's favorite comeback.
03:48No, I think it's worth noting because Miami is an 8.
03:53They had a guy, who the Warriors now have,
03:56who not single-handedly, but he was a dog on that run in 2020.
04:02No, he's a great player.
04:04He's a great player.
04:06He's Himmy Butler.
04:08He's a great player.
04:09He's playoff Jimmy.
04:11Do you know that?
04:13Himmy Butler is one of his official nicknames.
04:15Was it you and me?
04:16I can't remember.
04:17It was me and you.
04:18Was it?
04:20Because I feel like we had a conversation in my house,
04:21and my sons believe that his nickname is Himmy Butler.
04:24It's one of them.
04:25And I'm like, his nickname is Jimmy Buckets.
04:27Nobody calls him Himmy Butler.
04:29Like, who the hell, leading up to the trade deadline,
04:33is like, I think they should get Himmy Butler.
04:35I never heard that.
04:36Am I wrong?
04:37Do people walk around in life calling him Himmy Butler?
04:40If you want to do Family Feud,
04:42and you want to do like the top four nicknames are on the board,
04:45Himmy Butler would be probably third on the list.
04:50It is a nickname.
04:52And Jimmy Buckets.
04:53I have the four Jimmy Butler nicknames,
04:55according to Basketball Reference.
04:57That's what I'm talking about.
04:58And Himmy Butler is one of them.
05:00Jimmy Buckets, Himmy Butler.
05:01What are the other ones?
05:02Captain Amsterdam?
05:04It's actually three nicknames.
05:06Three nicknames.
05:07Oh, boy.
05:08Playoff Jimmy.
05:09Oh, Playoff Jimmy.
05:10And then the other one, which you sort of mentioned,
05:12but you forgot his middle initial.
05:14Jimmy G Buckets.
05:16The G stands for getting or get.
05:20Jimmy Gets Buckets.
05:22I can't, like whenever I hear Jimmy G,
05:24I can't even get to the next word.
05:26The second you hear Jimmy G, my mind goes to a different spot.
05:30It goes to a different spot.
05:3320 seconds on Jimmy G.
05:35Not Jimmy G Buckets, but Jimmy G Chuckets.
05:40Has any player had a more precipitous, dramatic drop-off in recent history from Jimmy G?
05:47Super Bowl almost to does he even play football anymore?
05:52Like is he even.
05:54He's on a roster.
05:55Is he?
05:56Well, I mean.
05:57Has free agency started?
05:58The drop-off.
06:00Oh, yeah.
06:02Andy Dalton signed today.
06:04Right, but that's your own guy.
06:06Right, so free agency hasn't started yet.
06:08Is Jimmy a Ram right now?
06:09March 12th.
06:10Okay, so Jimmy is still a Ram.
06:12He's a Ram at this moment.
06:13Is that accurate?
06:14I guess.
06:15Okay, all right.
06:16I just, I mean the drop-off from where he was with the Niners to where he now is,
06:21we don't even know if he's a Ram.
06:22It's pretty wild, but keep telling me how Kyle Shanahan's overrated.
06:26I'm so here for it.
06:29Yeah, 6-11.
06:30Yeah, 49er off-season party starts at 415.
06:348-8, 9-5-7, 9-5-70.
06:37McManamal in Fairfield is first up on Weatherden Devs.
06:40Hi, McManamal.
06:41What you doing?
06:42Hey, guys.
06:43How you doing?
06:44I listen to the show every day.
06:46I was super excited to call in when you guys were talking about Draymond and his boots,
06:52if he's actually going to win the whole thing.
06:56Now, we all know that the first step to bringing something into reality is to believe in it,
07:02so I do think that he believes in it, but his unsureness in his statement,
07:08I don't think it's happening this year.
07:10We all know that time is of the essence, and there just ain't enough time to win enough games.
07:16Somebody's probably going to miss a few, and no one's ever done it from the play end,
07:23so it's less likely to happen this year.
07:27But Jimmy Buckets, Jimmy Buckets, Jimmy G, he is the key.
07:33He brings something to this team that we haven't had since Corey Maggette.
07:37He can get to the foul line at will.
07:40He can hit those shots.
07:42He can score 20 a night for us.
07:44He's doing all the things that we wished Andrew Wiggins would do.
07:49It's very possible within the next two to three years that we do take it all.
08:19Why do people get mad at that?
08:21Do I look mad? I'm smiling.
08:23No, but I guess I get confused at how you can point to anybody and be like,
08:29well, that was a cash grab.
08:31It was a cash grab.
08:33So the guy, like, Steph Curry's not doing a cash grab?
08:37Steph Curry's earning his money.
08:39He's underpaid.
08:40Steph Curry is underpaid.
08:42Corey Maggette signed a contract and came here and shot the ball every time he touched it
08:48and gave you empty calories.
08:49I remember he was trying to earn his money.
08:51I don't think he was trying to be bad at basketball, was he?
08:54I don't know, man.
08:55When somebody gets hired to do a job, if it doesn't work out,
08:58I blame the hirer, not the hiree.
09:02You know what I mean?
09:03I'm not blaming him.
09:05That's basically what it was.
09:07I'm just trying to figure out what's a cash grab.
09:09I feel like everybody who goes to work is doing it for money.
09:12Right, and he came to a team, and they were terrible,
09:15and he basically ran around and got him his
09:20and then moved on about the country.
09:22Yeah, he got hired to do a job.
09:24He came here, he did it, and then he left.
09:27Kind of did it, but anyway.
09:29Anyway, no, I think it's interesting when people look at the Warriors right now
09:34and they're like, well, hold on a second.
09:37Draymond wasn't talking about this year.
09:39Or, hey, give Jimmy time to blend with these guys.
09:43We haven't even seen him with Kaminga yet.
09:45Maybe they'll win it two years from now.
09:47And I'm like, you mean when Steph's about to turn 39?
09:51Why would this get more likely as we go?
09:54I guess would be my question.
09:57Well, the team will not be this going into next year,
10:00and there's already talk about maybe adding another piece.
10:04Joe Lacob famously in that podcast or in that interview with Anthony Slater
10:09was talking about why.
10:10Why does this have to be it?
10:12I do think that the Warriors next year will be a team that spends more
10:16than they are this year.
10:17They're going to probably go out and try to get another piece.
10:19So even if they don't do it this year, I don't think that the story ends.
10:24I actually think that if they sign Kaminga to a reasonable deal
10:28and they go out there and they get another player to come in here,
10:31at least one player or maybe two players and a draft pick, I don't know,
10:35your team next year could be better than it is now.
10:38Yeah, sure.
10:40I don't even know who's on the roster.
10:43But, again, I think most of us are basing this conversation off of love,
10:47of the core idea of Steph, Jimmy, and Draymond,
10:51and it is an interesting pairing.
10:53And through four games it does look like it has maybe some puzzle pieces
10:58that fit that we weren't realizing.
11:00But I would absolutely argue that if it's going to work,
11:03better do it sooner rather than later.
11:05I don't think it was, let's get Jimmy and let's see if we can build
11:08for a couple years from now and see if that works out.
11:11It's a two-and-a-half-year project.
11:13Yes, but it's not going to get easier as it goes, I don't think.
11:16Depends on what you do in the offseason.
11:18You're allowed to sign Kaminga and have him be better,
11:22and you would think that Pods would be better,
11:24and you would expect Moody to continue to be better.
11:27So I do think you can look at younger players and say,
11:30yeah, we have a young core of players.
11:33Maybe they're not all elite or all-stars,
11:35but they're allowed to be better next year.
11:37And, yeah, your veterans who are getting older
11:40doesn't mean that they have to fall off the face of the earth.
11:43Look at LeBron at 40, for God's sakes.
11:45Yeah, I mean, I think he's a cyborg.
11:48He's one of one.
11:49But even if you look at Steph,
11:51like look at Steph three years ago versus Steph now,
11:54would you say that he is 93% of what he was then?
12:00Yeah, absolutely.
12:01And Draymond's probably 85% of what he was.
12:05Well, there's that side of it,
12:06and then there's also the fear of missing games,
12:10which, you know, I do think I'm mindful of that also.
12:13We're having this conversation tucked into a week
12:16where we're like, Steph, Draymond, and Jimmy
12:19are always going to play basketball together
12:21and it's going to be amazing.
12:22It's like, pfft, like probably not.
12:26Do you know?
12:27That's fair.
12:28Probably not.
12:29Like these guys, Draymond just got hurt a short time ago.
12:32Now he's back.
12:33But is anybody in that group ever going to play
12:38north of 65 games in an NBA season ever again?
12:42What would you bet?
12:45I mean, north of 65.
12:47Fingers crossed.
12:48Well, I think Steph is on pace this year for about that.
12:51And, you know, Draymond, probably not quite that.
12:55And Jimmy Butler, no, because he missed a month or so
12:59due to suspensions with an S,
13:01but I do think that that kind of helps him stay fresher.
13:05And you mentioned this before, Mark,
13:07the schedule that they have coming down the stretch
13:09is not super daunting.
13:11No, no, it's very favorable.
13:13But the third easiest or something like that in the NBA?
13:16Yeah, it might even be second.
13:18Like, put it this way,
13:19compared to the teams they're going against,
13:21it's by far and away the easiest schedule.
13:24Like when you compare it to the Phoenix and the Dallas
13:26and the Minnesota and all those squads,
13:28Warriors have an edge based on who's left on the schedule.
13:30There's no doubt about it.
13:32Steph has played 46 games so far this year.
13:35All right, so he's missed 9, 55.
13:37Out of the 55, Draymond has played 41.
13:40To extrapolate that out,
13:41Steph's on pace to play a little more than 68 games this year.
13:44Okay, great.
13:45Fingers crossed.
13:46My God, fingers crossed.
13:48Yeah, I mean, 68, and I'm just looking at back-to-backs,
13:50and I'm counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 more back-to-backs.
13:56Well, I'm super encouraged by the back-to-backs he's already played
14:00after a period of time where we felt like as a fan base
14:03that we were sort of told he wasn't going to be doing too much of that.
14:07And that lasted for like two weeks,
14:09and then he started playing them, including the one in Houston
14:12where they, I don't know if you've heard this,
14:14but apparently they got in at 3 in the morning the night before.
14:17Yeah, 3.30, yeah.
14:18It was a very, very difficult night.
14:20Yeah, brutal.
14:21Schlepprock and Milpitas is next up on Willard and Dibbs.
14:25What's up, Schleppie?
14:27What's going on, you guys?
14:29Hey, Dibbs, and you might know me as the Angry Black from back in the day.
14:33So, Willard, you probably are going to know this guy that I'm going to mention,
14:37but Dibbs kind of being in the same circle as my age group,
14:41he's going to know who Jimmy Swaggart is.
14:43Oh, yeah.
14:45Yeah, I know who that is.
14:46The Reverend Jimmy Swaggart.
14:48I was alive on Sunday mornings in the 80s, I remember.
14:54Here's where I'm going with this.
14:55So, Jimmy's been playing with some swag, right, Butler?
14:59Why do you think we call him Jimmy the Preacher, you know?
15:05Butler, yeah.
15:07Jimmy the Preacher.
15:09That had a little bit of a bitter aftertaste there at the end.
15:13A little bit, yeah.
15:14But are we making more nicknames?
15:17I mean, we just listed like three or four already.
15:19I feel like that's enough.
15:22I was just throwing it in the bucket.
15:24Yeah, I don't hate it.
15:25I don't hate it at all.
15:27I'm going to get confused here pretty soon about who we're talking about.
15:30And maybe playing off of the Himmy Butler, we just spell it H-Y-M-M-Y,
15:34like the church hymn that you sing playing off your Jimmy Swaggart.
15:39There you go.
15:40There you go.
15:41I like it.
15:43Lucas is giving me the thumbs down.
15:45I'm not talking to Lucas.
15:46I know, but.
15:47I'm talking to Schlepp Rock, an old friend.
15:49I'm a professor.
15:50We need to spell him right.
15:51Isn't it like H-Y-M-N if it were a hymn?
15:55You're probably right.
15:57I mean, yeah.
15:58I'm just saying.
15:59You're a professor.
16:00I am.
16:01With air quotes.
16:03What do you mean air quotes?
16:04I mean, you wouldn't let a guy like reschedule his midterm?
16:07I did not.
16:09I did not let him.
16:10He got a zero on his midterm.
16:11Yeah, you did.
16:12I didn't even give him an F.
16:13I gave him a zero.
16:14It's two different things, by the way.
16:17Well, a zero is an F.
16:19I know, but.
16:20A zero is a zero.
16:21No, this is anybody who teaches a class in 2025 because everything's all online now.
16:26I'm not kidding.
16:27These programs that they give you as a teacher, if you give them an F, it just calibrates
16:31it to 50%.
16:33And then you get 50%.
16:34I'm like, why did you?
16:35You didn't do anything.
16:36Yeah, you get zero.
16:37You got to get zero.
16:38That's zero percent.
16:39Yeah, it's brutal.
16:40But if you just like scroll down and give them an F.
16:44I had some students that did half their work one time and I got to the end of the semester.
16:49I'm like, how the hell did they get a C plus?
16:52Why am I giving this kid a C plus?
16:54They sat out half the class because I didn't even realize what was going on.
17:00You were giving them Fs for 50 instead of zeros.
17:01I was giving them Fs.
17:02And they were getting 50s out of that.
17:03Yeah, yeah.
17:04I'm like, that's a bunch of bull.
17:05Yeah, it is.
17:06So we're going to switch that thing up.
17:08Make sure you keep scrolling until you get to the big fat word that says zero.
17:14What do you do about 89.5%?
17:17On the student?
17:19Will you roll them up to an A minus or do you keep it real and keep that at a B plus?
17:22It depends.
17:23Like, are you talking about per assignment or when we get to the end of the year?
17:26At the end.
17:27You get to the end of it.
17:28And somebody's got 89.45%.
17:35That's a B.
17:36That's a B plus.
17:37Yeah, that's tough.
17:40What if it's 89.7%?
17:42Or 89.51%?
17:46Then we're going to have to talk about it.
17:48Who's the kid?
17:50Subjectivity comes in.
17:51What did they do during the year?
17:54Were they a little jerk?
17:56Or were they on it, man?
17:58Did they skip the midterm for their birthday?
18:00Max effort all the time.
18:02Like, good kid.
18:03I mean, sure, you do that stuff.
18:08Different rules for different people.
18:09Damn right.
18:10Of course.
18:11I hate that.
18:12Of course there's different rules for different people.
18:15If Michael Jordan's on your team and little Timmy, Dibb's neighbor, are you going to coach
18:20them the same way?
18:22God, I hope not.
18:24One of them's just little Timmy.
18:28And one of them's the greatest basketball player to ever play.
18:30Little Timmy?
18:32That's a four.
18:33You know what I mean?
18:34I got to expect more out of this other kid over here.
18:35No doubt.
