• last month
00:00It struck me what Tim Kawakami said in our interview that we had at the top of the hour when I asked him about
00:05You know coming and can they pay him? What will they pay him and he used the the th
00:11he was talking about 30s like 30 to 35 million he was saying as
00:17You know the amount of money that maybe they would offer and that maybe he would accept
00:21Felt to me like a little bit more of a higher price than what we've heard from outside the market, right?
00:26Although to be honest with you, who would I trust?
00:30Outside the market or Tim Kawakami. I would I would trust him
00:33Yeah, but I also think there's some intricacies to this one that aren't actually about hey, what do you think Jonathan's worth?
00:40It's actually not about that. It's about leverage. It's about who else is gonna offer him anything
00:46It's about who else can offer him anything
00:49So then there's that balance of the Warriors have all the power, but you're also not looking to take off
00:54Your your you know your young star your young up-and-coming player
00:58So I don't know but yeah
01:00Like this trade deadline going by with Jonathan still on the roster and the fact that they weren't willing
01:06To put him in any deals that didn't include Durant and the fact that yes
01:10I had heard with you want to go back a month when the Warriors were involved in Butler conversations
01:17I had heard that it was gonna be coming and Wiggins at least at that moment and I was like damn that feels steep
01:24And the Warriors played it the way they played it
01:27I don't think they were just playing a waiting game because they actually pivoted to Durant
01:31But when it came back to them and Jimmy and the Heat had devolved even further, I mean
01:38Again, I didn't love I got my questions about the deal. But from that standpoint
01:42I'll give the Warriors credit like it came all the way down to the end and
01:48There's no doubt that they got Jimmy for less than what he would have cost if they had done it a few weeks earlier
01:53Fair and I do love the piece that you shared from our good friend of the program Ramona Shelburne
01:58And I think Brian Windhorst or Shams. They all were in on it
02:01Yeah, it was windy and Ramona's an amazing feature
02:03It was great
02:04and I recommend you all go to ESPN and spend the 15 minutes that it takes to go through the timeline of it all and a
02:10nice correlation to the poker party that the Warriors had and how
02:15Basically the Suns and the Warriors and the Heat were all playing a three-way
02:18Poker game with Washington kind of as a as a shoulder organization
02:23Looking to maybe get a piece of it and when it all came down
02:26It was Miami and Golden State who kind of cut Phoenix out of it
02:30Yeah, and they went straight to each other and so just a fascinating
02:34Timeline a very good report well sourced and it kind of walked us through what we all were saying on the air
02:40we were saying it based on reports and they actually have the
02:45Sourced material that kind of lines up with what we all were saying no doubt the Suns ran into two brick walls
02:51I mean that like this is how I could quickly summarize this they ran into two separate brick walls
02:57One of them was Bradley Beals contract which has its own two sort of spider legs one of them being
03:03Bradley's like not waving the no trade clause not waving it like I only want to go where I want to go
03:10Now he did have some teams that he would join and those teams were like either
03:14We don't want Bradley or
03:17We'll take Bradley if he then gives the trade the no trade clause up right from his contract
03:23And he's like that's gonna be a no from me dog, and so that's it
03:27Is it only he and LeBron are they the only two I think so yeah, I'm pretty sure that right Randy
03:32Yeah, that's it. It's which is so random like LeBron and Bradley Beal well
03:38It's like you know the biggest name of the last 15 years and then the 31st right like
03:43It's just an odd, but he got it
03:45He got it and when you get it
03:47That's one of those things you keep you keep it like when you're on one of those reality shows with
03:51Eliminations, and you get one of those like idols where you can't be voted off that week
03:56You will keep that that's like playing Monopoly and having four get out of jail free cards in front of you
04:01Yeah, yeah, so keep it
04:03That's number one and then the second thing was then let's pivot to Durant which they kind of did by gritting their teeth
04:10But okay, we got to make a move
04:12Let's move Durant and that got all the way as you've all heard
04:16Almost down to the finish line and the second brick wall. They ran into was Durant was like nah. I'm good
04:22No, I don't want that now you still could have done it
04:26But the Warriors did not want to acquire a disgruntled Durant and Tim slipped this in real quick
04:31This is one thing you all should know if you don't know you want to talk about juice
04:37Like the high-powered stuff
04:40these Durant
04:42Negotiations got inside the five-yard line, so who calls who?
04:47Steph calls KD Steph and Kevin Steph and Kevin talk this out. Yeah, and
04:53It's interesting Kevin did not say
04:57Hell no, dude. I don't want to go the Warriors. It was a soft
05:00No, it was a soft no like a soft
05:02No, he also said not now right now is not the time and that's not to say like oh
05:10I'd love to in July in the middle of a movie. Can you call me in 90 minutes?
05:13I do I do kind of feel it's like when you tell a good friend that you're gonna try to stop by their party
05:19Yeah, like yeah, I can't come now, but I try to stop by in about two hours. You're not calm
05:25You're not coming. You're not coming Kevin's
05:27I don't think is coming, but it wasn't like middle finger birds like I hate your organization. Don't call me ever again
05:34It wasn't like that a soft
05:37But it was a soft no and the Warriors didn't want to take it any further
05:39So the Suns who were the central figure of the trade deadline did nothing because they ran into brick walls
05:46They couldn't do anything
05:48KD wouldn't go to Golden State at least now and Bradley Beal wouldn't go anywhere and you're not trading a
05:54Booker so if you're Phoenix your three pieces that you might think about moving one
05:59You don't want to move one refused to be moved and the other one gave the one team who might have wanted him a soft
06:06No, so Phoenix is out and so Golden State sees it and they go right back to Miami and say alright now
06:12Let's really roll up our sleeves and think about this Jimmy Butler thing and the beauty of all this is Andrew Wiggins because Miami
06:20Sees a player who is plug-and-play not yet 30 a couple weeks
06:25He will be but a guy who can fit in any style in any scheme and doesn't make a ton of money
06:30So Miami's like alright, let's make Wiggins the centerpiece. Let's talk that Celtics game that we just talked about is
06:37In Miami and Andrew will be making his heat debut. I love it. I can't wait to watch his heat debut tonight
06:44in a game that starts in
06:4745 minutes. Yep, 45 minutes Wiggins as a member of the heat actually happens
06:53so anyway, it leads us all to this and
06:56Two things I want to I want to get at number one
06:59Did you hear what Tim Kawakami said the tone of Steph's voice?
07:04I've not listened to the show yet
07:06I will but I'm gonna take from what Tim said that what he means by that is
07:12Steph loves the Warriors trust the Warriors respects the Warriors
07:16But there was a very
07:19serious tone to where we sit at the trade deadline and remember Tim said they had this conversation the night before the deal went
07:27down deal went down Wednesday evening, so they recorded this on Tuesday and
07:33I'm gonna take from that that Steph was like
07:37We're doing this
07:39We're in go for it mode
07:41so in
07:43hearing that I
07:44Am going to say a couple things about Jimmy Butler. First of all
07:49Because I had all kinds of skepticism about the deal last week. I still do you had skepticism at halftime on Saturday?
07:55Oh my god, I'm gonna pit my stomach. I'm like good lord. You guys suck even worse than you did before
08:00Then the second half happens. They look great and
08:04It was fun, right? Like it was fun
08:06There is a presence that Jimmy brings to the floor that Andrew does not I absolutely can acknowledge that
08:13But beyond that if you're telling me that Steph Curry is like look I
08:17Get it. There might be some risk here, but we've got to hit the go button
08:24I do think you got to run whatever our thoughts are about the deal the contract the trade whatever they they may be
08:33Run it through that prism
08:34Steph has that kind of say that kind of presence and if he's telling you look we can't get Kevin but like
08:41Yo, it's go time so I'm ready to take a risk and
08:46And this is it is it is a risk, but that makes sense to me
08:51it to me it colors it a little bit further that if Steph is feeling that urgent then
08:58Yeah, and that's not from like oh you own everything do whatever he says, but like yeah, that's Steph Curry and and if that's the urgency
09:06He's feeling then I get the big swing. I get it
09:10And honestly if Steph has two and a half more years and he does unless he gets an extension and Draymond's got the same and
09:17You look at this team and what you're going to try to do over the next two and a half years and we all have
09:22Talked forever about maximize the Steph Curry window if Steph comes to you and says yeah
09:28Jimmy Butler is a guy who would help me maximize the window
09:32So now you've got a real number two score
09:34you've got a real number one or number two defender alongside Draymond green and it you got a bunch of pups and
09:41if you can get pods to continue to improve if
09:45Kaminga comes back and takes that next step that it seemed like he was going to take and then you surround all the rest of
09:51Them with Moody and Quinton and Gee and buddy and all these other pieces
09:57you could probably be a
10:00Competitive team bottom end of the playoff picture and like you said just give Steph a swing in April
10:05I also, you know Tim just sort of like he says that the warrior organization is telling him that there's still plenty of flexibility
10:13Which I really don't I don't see I didn't see
10:17Unless they're willing to spend a hell of a lot more money than I thought they were willing to spend
10:21You know, they've reset the whole thing by by being under the second apron this year
10:27I don't really know exactly what that means for right dollar for dollar dollar for $12
10:33Whatever you're gonna do next
10:36But he struck a chord of the Warriors feel like they've still got a ton of flexibility whether that means
10:41trade chips like Jonathan Kaminga and a lot of first-round draft capital that they still have whether he means that or
10:48Whether he means that some of those expiring contracts
10:52Are gonna mean the Warriors are a bigger player on the free agent market than then maybe we thought
10:57To be honest with you if that's true
11:01It kind of changes how I view the deal because that's the part of the deal. I didn't like I
11:07Felt and I'm no cap expert right based on people. I've talked to I felt like that deal that you made
11:14It's like dude, you get bought one big swing and that's it
11:17And now you're now you're locked you got Butler you got Draymond you got Steph and you're gonna sign Jonathan
11:23Oh, there's your money. That's where and so
11:27It felt like you're kind of now you're you're in jail as far as maneuverability
11:32If I'm wrong on that
11:33Then I see the deal through a different set of eyes and a lot of it depends on what you sign coming before if in fact
11:40You end up keeping him GP two is making nine this year and Kavon's making eight
11:45Do both come back for less or do both not not come back at all
11:49Those are things and you know Moses Moody is on the hook for
11:55His contract actually starts next year and it's three and thirty nine
12:00So would a team maybe want Moses Moody at that price movable?
12:05He's moving coming as a sign and trade candidate and there's a lot of other things that you could do in terms of
12:12Maneuverability and honestly, but he yields only make it 9.2 and 9.7 the next two years
12:18So he's actually movable as well
12:21These are all smaller numbers
12:22but you do have the ability to go back up into the second apron one time and not incur a
12:29Dramatic penalty because this year you stayed out of that
12:32It allows you to next year kind of go hog-wild if you feel like, you know, you might be one player away
12:38I mean
12:40Listen, I'll give that Saturday night game this because a lot of people and I I saw you know
12:45I have game first half or second exactly. Well, that's the point like I get a lot of people
12:49Oh, how'd you like the Butler trade now? You big pile of junk? Well, okay, so you played two good quarters
12:55You played two disgusting quarters. Yeah, and then you played two good quarters and that's that's great. You won the game
13:02You're gonna get credit for that. I
13:04Here's what I would say
13:06Here's my number one Jimmy Butler takeaway
13:09You made me more excited to see these next three games
13:13That's it
13:15That's it at this moment
13:16All you did was you beat a bad Bulls team with a good half an epic half epic and and and now you've got three
13:24Games in four nights leading into the all-star break. I think they're very important games. You better win two of them
13:31They're all on the road against quality opponents who are hurting though. And so
13:36Okay, let's take a look
13:39You you take two of these hell if you take all three
13:43now you're starting to cook with gas a little bit, but that to me it's it's kind of like it's almost like a
13:52game of dominoes or whatever like now, okay like now we'll go to the next round and
13:57And see what they do tonight. Giannis is not there. You're favored go do it again. Go win again
14:02go be consistent Jimmy Butler every night and
14:06And then maybe you start to maybe start to win some of those skeptics over
14:10Yes stack wins, which is what I heard this morning those guys on the roast
14:14We're talking about it's time to go out there and stack wins
14:17Milwaukee is a little bit hampered go out there and get a game that you should
14:21Win and I'm always reluctant to talk about should wins and I'm thinking about your 10 game
14:27Look ahead prediction where you wound up five and five and you know you most of your predictions
14:32But they won a couple you didn't expect they lost a couple that you did expect and that's what this team has been all year
14:38Which is why they're 26 and 26
