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Mattel Masters Of The Universe Turtles Of Grayskull Mekaneck Figure


00:00When it comes to the fight, ask the guy with the height.
00:04Here's a look at the Mattel Turtles of Greyskull Mechanek Snake Hunting Spy.
00:23Nobody knows how truly dangerous the Snake Men are more than Mechanek,
00:27a snake hunting specialist able to spy on King His from a distance.
00:31Do you think if Florence Pugh was a master, she'd be called Lachanek?
00:35Maybe not.
00:36How about, though, before we look at Mechanek from the Turtles of Greyskull line,
00:39let's take first the tape measure and see how tall the figure stands.
00:41That was mean.
00:43The figure, though, is going to stand at almost 6 inches in height,
00:46translating, though, to a figure that's about 15 centimeters tall.
00:50It's funny that this is a Turtles of Greyskull line,
00:52and yet the turtles seem to be the figures that I'm picking up the least.
00:55In fact, bringing in Donatello right now, I think this is the first wave Donatello,
00:58and I've only picked up, I think, like two or three of these.
01:01Actually, there's two figures that are part of this wave, Donatello and Raphael.
01:05The likelihood of me even picking those up are probably quite slim.
01:08Here's also what he looks like, though, with man-at-arms.
01:11Here's also, as well, Splinter Skull.
01:13I did also want to bring in here Metal Botto,
01:15even though we've already taken the liberty of building this guy over, what, the three, four reviews.
01:19The one thing I actually forgot to mention, though, in that review
01:21was the fact that you could take off his chest piece plate,
01:24just detach it, basically sits inside that hole there,
01:26and like, though, Metal Botto, with Roboto, I suppose,
01:29as you're rotating it, you can also see, as well, it turns the gears inside.
01:33Even though I didn't mention that in the review,
01:35I did want to at least course-correct myself and mention it in this review.
01:39And seeing as, also, we're looking at Mecha Neck,
01:41it would probably make the most sense to bring in the original Mecha Neck.
01:43No, I shouldn't say the original Mecha Neck.
01:45The one from the Origins line that wasn't sold separately.
01:48It got included along with the Road Ripper.
01:50The Road Ripper.
01:52Moving, though, onto the accessories that come included with Mecha Neck,
01:54the first thing that will be discarded quickly is the paper pamphlet,
01:57just to tell you that, once again, you can detach the parts.
01:59Now, funny, though, enough that they actually included
02:01the additional neck extensions as part of the pamphlet,
02:04because those are things that actually are separate accessories.
02:07Still, though, you can detach any one of these.
02:09You can detach the arms, you can divorce his lower half of his body and his boots,
02:13and you can swap them around with other Master's figures,
02:15if you obviously did want to.
02:17Move it off to the side, that will go.
02:19The figure also does come included with the minicomic.
02:21First of all, I have to say, I really love this minicomic.
02:24It's Rucktile Wars Part 1, Snake in the Shadows.
02:28It does actually look like King Ghidorah,
02:31and you can see, though, on the front head there, there's Shredder.
02:33Down below, there's the turtles.
02:35It's a very stoic pose. It reminds me a little bit of Star Wars.
02:39There's Mecha Neck down below, front and center.
02:41There's also Clamp Champ. We will be getting him in an upcoming wave.
02:44On the back, the advertisements, I mentioned this already.
02:47Donatello and Raphael are getting two new releases,
02:50Snake Hunting Tech Head and Snake Hunter, with a short fuse.
02:53Again, I don't even know if I'm going to be picking up either one of those.
02:56I will, though, be picking up Rattlor, because he looks really neat.
02:59It's a mutated snakeman creature.
03:01We flip through quickly the pages here.
03:04The animation, or would you say the animation,
03:07the illustration style inside actually is really cool.
03:10Just to flip through this quickly, I won't kind of cover off the story.
03:13I don't want to spoil this for those that are actually interested to read through the story themselves.
03:17But there's Mecha Neck down below there.
03:19You can see there's his head.
03:21He doesn't really even so much look like Mecha Neck.
03:23He kind of looks like Mothra.
03:25I don't know why I was looking at that and thinking of Mothra.
03:27And there's also the snake pit with Shredder there on the top, Skeletor.
03:32Again, I'm basically just rhyming off the things I'm seeing in front of you.
03:35And there's a pretty cool Shredder.
03:37I think this is going to tie into the Super Shredder
03:39that we will be getting also in an upcoming wave.
03:42I'll be carefully, carefully with white gloves.
03:45Put it off to the side.
03:47I'm sure even though we will be looking at a couple other figures from this wave,
03:49the Rattler, at least, we'll be getting at comic again.
03:52So let's run through the accessories that come included with Mecha Neck.
03:55First things first, a very kind of techno-organic bug-like shield
04:00is one thing that can actually be held in the figure's hands.
04:03He benefits, though, at least by having two gripping hands.
04:05So you don't have to debate which hand.
04:07You don't have to obviously be settling on only just the one hand.
04:10You can debate for yourself which hand you want to have this in his hands.
04:14I did, I think, start at the beginning of this review having it in this hand.
04:17Not that it really matters. You can do whatever you want.
04:20It fits very nicely, though, into his hand.
04:22The only thing about this, though, is that the figure does sort of have the same issues
04:25as Master Universe Man...
04:28I'm drawing a blank here.
04:30Man-at-Arms. Man-at-Arms.
04:32In the fact that he's got this armor.
04:34Now, the one thing, though, I noticed with the Turtles of Grayskull figures,
04:36Donatello, I think also even Leonardo had this, too.
04:39The armor always is sliding up and down their forearms.
04:42And this whole time I'm just trying to get the blasted shield into his hands.
04:45There you go. There you go.
04:47So he can hold the shield in one hand.
04:49He's also got himself the clubbing mace that's in the other hand
04:51that also serves as well as his binoculars.
04:53Did you know that? There you go.
04:55Just put that in his... I guess it wouldn't be binoculars.
04:57That would be his telescope.
04:59But that can also fit quite nicely into his other hand.
05:01Unlike, though, the telescope,
05:03the one other thing you can also do with his shield, too...
05:05Just sliding the armor back up his arm.
05:08Located on the back of his body.
05:10It does actually kind of look like bug eyes here.
05:12But you're going to take the pegs provided on the back.
05:14That also kind of looks a little like a face.
05:16I'm seeing faces throughout this review.
05:18Take the pegs, line them up to the peg holes.
05:21Simple shapes, everybody.
05:23Plug that in place. You can have the shield like that.
05:25The one thing, though, about the shield is that you'll see
05:27the handle is pretty close.
05:29So I always kind of feel like as I'm putting this into the holes,
05:32the handle of the shield I feel like gets in the way.
05:34Now, granted, you could also turn the shield around this way.
05:37And with this being an open area,
05:39there seems to be a better place
05:41that the handle doesn't get in the way of things.
05:43Again, you kind of just plug it in place.
05:45Again, why are we having such a hard time?
05:47There we go.
05:49It does also obviously stick up a little bit more from the back.
05:51But there's a place, at least a convenient place,
05:53to store the shield if you don't want to have it in his hands.
05:56And, of course, the telescoping mallet or bat.
05:59You can also use it as a telescope
06:01so you can see exactly what he's doing.
06:03Or, again, you can also put that in his hand as well.
06:05I think this is the exact same club that came included
06:07in the figure Mechaneck, if I remember correctly.
06:09I think it's colored just a little bit differently,
06:11a little bit more of a goldish color.
06:13Other than that, it looks to be exactly the same mold.
06:15What's also carried over here to Mechaneck,
06:17let's remove the shield for right now,
06:19is the figure does also come included
06:21with these neck extensions.
06:23Now, we got these neck extensions also
06:25with the New Eternia Mechaneck.
06:27And the beauty of these was that they were universal.
06:29So if you happen to borrow the ones over
06:31from the New Eternia Mechaneck,
06:33you could so easily then use these with the Origins line.
06:35You can also, obviously, here use these
06:37with the Turtles of Greyskull Mechaneck.
06:39They seem to be, sculpt-wise, the exact same.
06:41Even though, like,
06:43really, it'd be nice if they had one
06:45that was just a consistent pole
06:47because, obviously, if you're attaching one
06:49on top of the other, it's this weird
06:51sort of sectional piece that's in between both.
06:53Doesn't matter if you have it that way.
06:55It doesn't matter if you have it this way.
06:57It works the same way.
06:59Simply just take and detach the head.
07:01And if you've picked up enough of these,
07:03you could just have, like,
07:05you could be the guy that's bragging online.
07:07Hey, look at my Mechaneck. It reaches to the sky.
07:09Everybody's kind of looking around at each other,
07:11like, look at this loser who's just bought, like, what?
07:13You buy, like, 20 of these things
07:15just so he can have the longest neck?
07:17It's a big L.
07:19Anyways, though, not be the big L.
07:21You go ahead and just take the head,
07:23attach the two neck pieces,
07:25and then you just attach Mechaneck's head to the top of that.
07:27Now, you don't have to go this high if you don't want to.
07:29You could separate this by half
07:31and have a single neck piece if you want instead.
07:33If you want to see what that looks like,
07:35more than happy to oblige.
07:37We'll just move that one off to the side,
07:39pop this in place,
07:41and now you can have a single neck instead.
07:43For me, when I tend to display, like,
07:45the Mechanecks, even like this one,
07:47this guy actually was on my shelf for a while.
07:49I didn't even have any extra neck extensions
07:51on to him, but I think, if anything,
07:53I probably would end up just doing one.
07:55I'm not going to be the guy that's bragging online
07:57that my Mechaneck reaches to the top of my ceiling
07:59That's a big L.
08:01I don't want to say that. It's not a big L.
08:03But let's go right now, at least.
08:05Remove the neck pieces, put that over here.
08:07I actually did want to show you guys what the head sculpt
08:09looked like before we actually put it back onto the ball joint.
08:11Just once you do do that, though,
08:13it kind of hides a little bit
08:15because he's got this front mouthpiece.
08:17It's actually not that much different, really,
08:19than the Origins version of Mechaneck.
08:21Although you can see there's a lot more armor going on here.
08:23But it does have very similar
08:25style of details,
08:27except for the fact that he has this extra little piece
08:29that goes on the front of his face.
08:31This was the same torso piece that got lent over to Stinkor.
08:33Stinkor also had this as well.
08:35I don't know if this is going to get borrowed over
08:37to any other figure.
08:39What's neat, though, is he's got these little fans on the side.
08:41Even though, if they down the road,
08:43if they want to borrow the same mold
08:45in the same way that the Origins did,
08:47maybe, maybe, maybe
08:49they might even, in fact, use this torso piece
08:51for Turtles of Grayscale's Stinkor.
08:53Because that would make sense
08:55because they've got little fans on the side.
08:57It just helps kind of vent out the stench.
08:59So everybody's wondering what that jank smell is.
09:01Oh, it's Stinkor.
09:03I would be interested to see if they could do
09:05a Turtles of Grayscale's Stinkor using this same torso piece.
09:07It's not that hard to believe that,
09:09considering, of course, that, again,
09:11Mechaneck used this before.
09:13He's got some nice, cool shoulder pieces as well.
09:15Now, the things about the shoulders, though,
09:17is that they're actually attached here to the top of his bicep.
09:19It's going to cause limitations
09:21when it comes to bringing his arms out,
09:23even though we're not going to quite look at the articulation yet.
09:25It is going to be limiting some of that.
09:27I suppose you could,
09:29even though this one blasted forearm piece
09:31keeps sliding down his arm.
09:33You could probably, I suppose, detach the arms.
09:35Let's just do that right now.
09:37And yeah, you probably could just slide that off completely
09:39if you want to.
09:41I do like the look of it,
09:43so I think I'm just going to leave it on myself.
09:45But there's the option available if you want.
09:47The thing I do really also like about Mechaneck
09:49is the colors that they chose for him.
09:51He's got these really neat metallic blues,
09:53the metallic teal color that makes up
09:55the top of his loincloth belt,
09:57in his hands also as well,
09:59and down below he's got it in his boots.
10:01He's got a lot of cool packed colors going on here,
10:03so he's not simply just obviously...
10:05I mean, clearly, I don't think they've used anything
10:07at all from the original origins.
10:09Everything is new from top to bottom.
10:11Maybe the loincloth is about the only other thing I would say.
10:13Now, for the figure's articulation, though,
10:15going back to Mechaneck,
10:17the head's going to rotate somewhat all the way around.
10:19He's going to get a little hung up by the fact
10:21he's got these side collar pieces sculpted there and sculpted there.
10:23And, of course, he's got the front piece
10:25that's going to limit a little bit of poseability
10:27moving his head forward.
10:29The waist is only going to swivel back and forth.
10:31But, again, here's where the limitations kind of come into play.
10:33I mean, you can rotate his arms,
10:35but it really gets kind of rubbed up
10:37and kind of in place here,
10:39where you can feel like everything is wanting to fight with one another.
10:41The shoulders want to fight with the torso.
10:43The torso wants to fight with these side fans
10:45that I'm sure will be used for Stinker at some point.
10:47But, yeah, you're not going to be able to move as much.
10:49Maybe a bit of a T-pose,
10:51rotating his arm, though.
10:53It does it, but when it does do it,
10:55it ends up popping the arm off in the process.
10:57He's got no bicep swivel.
10:59He certainly, though, does have a swivel in his forearm.
11:01He's got a single hinge in his elbow.
11:03The hands, again, rotate all the way around.
11:05Pretty much Origin's body,
11:07just, again, tooled a little bit differently.
11:09Waist swivel, ball joint, legs.
11:11He can take the legs and move them forward,
11:13move them back, single bend at the knee.
11:15Couldn't help but, though, notice,
11:17again, this guy in the packaging,
11:19that this one knee is a little loose.
11:21I don't know why it's loose.
11:23This tool hasn't been used before,
11:25but it's a little loose.
11:27This side's not so bad.
11:29This side makes me cry,
11:31at least on this side of my face.
11:33Not on both sides, just alone, kind of clowned here.
11:35He does have a swivel there in his boots.
11:37He has the ankle pivot back and forth
11:39and an ankle rocker.
11:41Being that they're also using this type of plastic,
11:43as you can see there in the plastic itself.
11:45But being that it's metallic,
11:47I can get behind at least the fact
11:49that there's a little bit of marbling
11:51and it doesn't bother me too much.
11:53All in all, though, Mecha-Neck's a fine-looking figure.
11:55Mecha-Neck, though, I sort of have an attachment to anyways.
11:57Even though I was collecting quite a lot
11:59of Master Universe figures as a kid.
12:01I get this guy just to stand.
12:03Mecha-Neck, I think, was, in fact,
12:05the last Master's figure I had in my collection.
12:07Again, also, you can use the same neck extensions
12:09that came included with the Turtles of Grayskull variety
12:11but I do really, again, like the look of him.
12:13There's enough there that I still feel
12:15he looks like Mecha-Neck while still improving
12:17the mold vastly.
12:19Of course, with the accessories,
12:21the figure does come also included with the shield.
12:23If you don't want to choose to use this shield,
12:25you can also easily attach it onto the back of his body.
12:27The thing about it, though, again,
12:29the handle is going to get a little in the way.
12:31It does kind of look a little bit like a face, doesn't it?
12:33But yeah, you can plug that onto the back of his body.
12:35The figure, again, still comes included
12:37with his telescoping bat.
12:39All in all, though, it's a nice-looking figure.
12:41Still, though, I'm on the fence of whether
12:43I want to be collecting still the Turtles of Grayskull
12:45from the Turtles of Grayskull line.
12:47Certainly, all the other side characters
12:49are still strong contenders for
12:51some of the best figures we're getting from Masters
12:53even though they're not really by origin sense.
12:55They're not true characters.
12:57They're kind of redesigns, reimaginings
12:59and Mecha-Neck is definitely one of the better ones we've gotten.
13:01Leaving no accessories behind,
13:03Mecha-Neck, as he's rotating on the rotisserie,
13:05is being displayed with everything
13:07that comes included in the packaging
13:09short of maybe the paper pamphlet
13:11that's already right now sitting inside my recycling bin
13:13and, of course, the mini-comic.
13:15I couldn't help but, though, notice,
13:17looking at the way they've sculpted Mecha-Neck's face
13:19and the way they've colored it red,
13:21that bears a little bit of a resemblance to Orko.
13:23I don't know. I'm sure I'm probably the only one
13:25that looks at that and sees Orko.
13:27But the figure is nicely detailed.
13:29One thing I do really like is that they incorporate
13:31a lot of cool metallic colors,
13:33whether it be the blue, whether it be that aqua teal
13:35that he has in his body.
13:37There's a little bit of marbling, but the marbling doesn't bother me all that much.
13:39I couldn't help but, though, notice,
13:41on the back of the packaging,
13:43not only was the advertisements of the two turtles,
13:45both Raphael and Donatello,
13:47represented in the artwork,
13:49but it could also help but notice
13:51a few foot soldiers lingering around in the waters as well.
13:53I hope that that might be a tease
13:55for a future figure release,
13:57because I could go really stupid.
13:59You want to talk about buying multiples of Stilt-Man?
14:01I could go really stupid when it comes to
14:03buying foot soldiers.
14:05If it has any indication of what these foot soldiers are going to look like,
14:07based at least on this artwork,
14:09those are going to be pretty nice-looking accompanying pieces
14:11to the current Turtles display
14:13that I have on my shelf right now.
14:15What do you guys, though, think of Mechanac?
14:17Let me know down below in the comments section.
14:19Have you guys had the chance to pick this one up?
14:21Do you also feel like maybe his torso is going to get
14:23borrowed over, like with the Origins,
14:25to perhaps a Turtles of Greyskull Stinkor?
14:27Oh, let that be the case.
14:29If you guys did also enjoy this video,
14:31you can do it us all and throw it a like.
14:33You guys want to stick around for more, so I hope so.
14:35Hit that subscribe, turn on that bell, come back.
14:37As always, thanks for watching.
14:39See you guys next time.
