• 2 months ago
Mattel Masters Of The Universe Masterverse New Eternia Evil-Lyn Figure


00:00New or not, that lady is still evil. Here's a look at the brand-new Mattel
00:04Master Universe Masterverse, the new Eternia Evil Lynn.
00:21It's a thrilling time to be a Master Universe fan. For longtime fans and for
00:25new generation of kids who love the action-adventure, it's time to discover
00:29the thrilling action and adventure of He-Man, Skeletor, the secrets of Castle
00:32Grayskull and so much more. By Oxford's definition of a sorceress, it's a female
00:37sorcerer or witch. So I guess that means that Castle Grayskull has a sorceress
00:42and Snake Mountain has one too. Let's grab the tape measure and see how tall
00:45the newest offering of new Eternia is with Evil Lynn. The answer to that
00:49question according to the tape measure is seven inches in height, of course
00:51including the headdress on top of her head. A bit of an issue with that. That
00:55though translates though to figure that's about 18 centimeters tall. Granted
00:58the sorceress from Castle Grayskull doesn't have a boss. Evil Lynn certainly
01:02does. Here's what the figure looks like with the battle armor version of Skeletor.
01:05Just love that figure. Let's bring in some other examples. Here's what she also
01:09looks like with Trap Jaw. Here's also Merman. Love that look of Merman also. If
01:13you haven't seen reviews of all of these by the way, go feel free and check those
01:16out. And here's also what the figure looks like with Triclops. I did also want to
01:20bring in here Fisto, not for the fact these changed sides but also because he
01:24was also advertised on the back of the packaging. This also gives me as well a
01:27segue idea to talk a little bit about his hammer. Even though I did mention in
01:30his review that you could remove either side of the hammer, one thing I didn't
01:33talk about though is that also you can detach the handle portion of the hammer
01:37and in fact there's a hidden spike inside. I don't know really what exactly
01:41it's done once you've removed it from the rest of the head of the hammer but
01:44at least it's one a concealed feature I never mentioned in the review. As for
01:48the reviews, Evil Lynn's for the most part will be generally quite positive. In
01:51fact the only thing I really have issue wise with the figure is one nagging
01:55I have with her headdress. Before we talk about that little nagging issue, let's
01:59talk about the not so nagging little parts that were contained inside.
02:01Surprisingly a very different type of bag in a Masterverse figure. Generally
02:06though if you look at the side compartment, make sure you check that
02:07before you start throwing away any packaging and don't blame me if you do
02:10miss something inside of that. But normally though these little baggies
02:14would be silver. This time around though for Evil Lynn, I know again what's so
02:17special about her, hers was a red bag that said Master Universe on the front.
02:21Maybe this might be a sign of things to come even though Fisto really was
02:25part of this wave and he never had a very cool-looking bag like this. All that
02:28talk anyways, I'm only just gonna discard it anyways. Yes inside that bag you get
02:32herself the bottom end of the scepter that's just gonna attach the one that
02:36she comes with in the tray. The figure also comes include some swappable hands.
02:39So like right now the figure does have gripping hands. You can so easily though
02:42swap them out to close fists. Or if you'd rather something a little bit more
02:46spell-inducing, she also comes included with these hands. Now I'm gonna show you
02:50right now, I mean I'm sure everybody knows already how to change hands, but
02:53let's just say for this you're new to this whole collecting action figures.
02:56What? I change hands? How does this work? Show me more, fortune teller. Well
03:01anyways though we're gonna go ahead, I'm not a fortune teller, just go ahead and
03:03remove the hands and find the hand that of course you want to use. Thumbs will
03:07always go in. It's another little tip of the trade. Of course we just go ahead
03:11plug that in place and now you got yourself a spell hand or gestured hand
03:15or whatever else you'd like to call that. Of course the other hand I'm leaving
03:18free. You get yourself the scepter inside the tray. Then you also get yourself the
03:22main neck of that that's actually inside that little red bag which is over
03:25there somewhere. Take the peg, take the hole. Simple shapes. Attach the two. Now I
03:31mean realistically they could have probably just made the scepter as all
03:34one piece but I guess they did it that way so if you wanted to have the scepter
03:37as a smaller piece you could do that or you can just add the extension if you
03:40want. The actual ball to it is actually done in a translucent. Kind of
03:45looks like a pearl. I guess pearls would be a little bit more opaque or cream in
03:49color but it's a nice little translucent blue. You can't really see my hand or
03:52anything behind it. I do actually like the look and choice of blue that they
03:55went with for the scepter whether you go with a longer variety of that or not.
03:58Again we'll just plug that in place. Go ahead and just grab her hand.
04:02Now you can either have it just be right here or you can also obviously have it
04:06a little bit further down. Because the length of it is now changed I'm gonna
04:10have it just a little bit further down on her hand and that looks pretty good
04:13on the figure. Of course we can have the hand extended out like this. We just turn
04:18her head a little bit. Already it looks considerably better how it did than
04:22at the beginning of this review. One little problem, I guess two little
04:26problems we'll discuss when it comes to release of Evil Lynn. First and more I
04:29guess the first thing I noticed right away when I took this figure out of the
04:32packaging was that they used tape to adhere the cape to the inside of the
04:35tray just so that the cape wasn't flopping around like this. Once I freed
04:40though the tape I did notice though it left behind, just extend the cape out
04:44here, it left behind this gross residue and so much so actually that it's still
04:51sticky on this side. See how it's got all this little glue excess on the end of
04:55the of the cape. I'm gonna see if I can actually take some of this off but as
04:58you can see it's sticking to my finger right now. Why did we feel the need to
05:02tape this down inside the tray when I feel like just a flopping cape is more
05:06than enough? I mean how many figures have been released by other figure companies
05:09where the cape is free and able to go anywhere? Why did we have to tape this
05:13down? Because on one side it's adhesive, on the other side I'm having such an
05:18issue with this. On the other side I don't know if you guys can see it's a
05:21it's all like worn out now. The end of it looks all coarse now. Mattel, why
05:27did you have to even tape this down? Okay that's one issue. You'd never really
05:31gonna be able to see it from the front anyways. I guess the bigger issue really
05:34is the one other problem I have with this figure. I've looked online and I've
05:37tried to compare mine with the ones that I've seen online and from what I least I
05:41can tell her headdress is higher than it should be. Most of the images that I've
05:46seen for Evil Lynn have the headdress a little bit lower down. So my first
05:50immediate thought was oh I'm sure I can just pry the helmet off and just move it
05:55around. You can't do that. You can't take this off. I'm gonna see if I can maybe
06:00find a way to pry this off because it clearly seems to be a separate piece
06:03from the rest of the head. And then once I take it off I'm gonna see if I can
06:06lower this down. Bring it down. Because like right now it's clearly
06:10something is there. Either it's glued in place. I'm sure it probably is glue. I
06:14just can't move the headdress any further than it than is right now.
06:17Because again like most of the images that I've seen has it right around here.
06:21It's only just by a little bit but it's enough unfortunately now that it makes
06:25the figure look like she's got herself a forehead or a five head. If not for that
06:29I would say like the head sculpt is quite pretty for Evil Lynn. It's painted
06:33really well as well. Just again it really is driving me bananas the fact that her
06:37headdress is so far back like this. It really should have been a little bit
06:41further forward. It's nicely decoratively detailed. You can see the
06:44skull is on the top there. It's painted well in some silver. It's got some silver
06:48orbs there on the top of it as well. I mean the head sculpt is pretty. Just it's
06:52bothering me so much the fact that it looks like it clearly was put on wrong
06:56or was put on too high. If you happen to have this figure for yourself let me know
07:00down below in the comment section if yours is also too high in the figure.
07:03Again only solely basing it from what I'm seeing online. The rest of the body
07:06is generally I mean for the most part it reads very much like Evil Lynn. I should
07:10have really brought in Evil Lynn from the Origins line just so I could show
07:13you guys as well for comparisons but I mean like the colors are done nicely.
07:17The main base of the body at least for a costume kind of is more of like a dark
07:20blue. I do like that they've also panel lined outside of it so it stands out a
07:24little bit more and of course the armory is the decorative artwork here featured
07:29on the front of her bodice. That's nicely done here in that metallic blue
07:32finish as well. The metallic blue also finds its way over to the gauntlet
07:35although I think the bracelet on her bicep is it the same color. I almost feel
07:39like it's a little bit of a darker shade but still pretty close. Gauntlets
07:43on her hand look also good as well. I mean it's a nice-looking figure just
07:46other than really the one issue that's plaguing me right now it's just the way
07:49that they've placed the headdress. Of course you've got the fur that also
07:53carries down below here on her boots. Some additional blues also added in
07:56there as well. All these figures still continue to have peggles in the bombs of
08:00her feet. Their feet. Evil Lynn is no exception. Now for the figures articulation
08:04Evil Lynn still pulls off a full ball joint despite having a little bit of a
08:08collar on both sides. She easily can still easily rotate her head all the way
08:12around. The head can look down only that far and can look up. You can also move
08:16the head back and forth as well. As for the arms they rotate all the way around.
08:20You can so easily bring them out at 90 degrees and while she doesn't have a
08:24swivel here this is all one piece. She still though manages to pull off a
08:27swivel in her arm. There's also a single hinge there too. The hinge though won't
08:31give you a full 90 degree angle bend. That's as far as it's gonna go. However
08:35though the hand is gonna rotate all the way around and hinge back and forth.
08:38Whether you still use the stock hands or you change them out with more glitzier
08:41looking hands they work the exact same way. As for the waist or the upper torso
08:47I should say is on a ball joint. The waist is also on a swivel. The legs split
08:50out on ball joints. You can of course bring the legs forward and back even
08:54though she does have I wouldn't say a loincloth but the top of her trunks
08:58doesn't interfere at all with movements on her legs. I mean they they are a
09:02little hung up but I mean like that's as far forward as you can get. I mean I
09:05know you're not expecting necessarily I would hope you're not expecting to get
09:08this figure in high kicks but if you did want to give her the splits you can
09:11certainly do that as well. Three quarters of the way again up the thigh you got
09:14that swivel cut double hinge on the knee. You got your articulation there at the
09:18top of the boots and ankle pivots as well as an ankle rocker. Other than just
09:23really the one issue that I have with the way that her helmet is I still feel
09:27like it's way too high. I still keep again looking online now I did order
09:31this figure from Entertainment Earth and from at least what I've seen on the
09:34images it does seem to me like the helmet should be a little bit lower down
09:38on her forehead. Again if you have picked up this figure for yourself let me know
09:42down below in the comment section if yours is the same as mine or if yours is
09:45a little bit lower. Bringing again the other figures so I can now at least have
09:49Eveline displayed with the rest of my new Eternia figures. Triclops, Merman,
09:53Trap Jaw over on the side here. We won't bring in Fisto of course this time around
09:57and also Battle Armor Skeletor. Long overdue it has been that we finally got
10:01ourselves an Eveline. Eveline fits the part nicely. I mean she's updated at
10:06least in the sense that she's got a little bit more of an interpretation
10:09that Mattel has given the figure but there's still
10:12enough of the old look of Eveline that I recognize right away whether it
10:17be the original vintage figure from the 80s the stuff that we're getting from
10:20the origins you know whether you like the the new Eternia with some of the
10:24interpretations that they've done. I mean clearly when you get a case like Merman
10:26Merman even though he has a lot of Merman aspects to him there's a lot of
10:30different color changes that they did to the body. Eveline is probably one of
10:33the more closest to resembling her original costume and I really like the
10:37look of this figure. I don't really like how high it is on her forehead or
10:41fivehead in this case but in that yeah Eveline's a nice-looking figure. I don't
10:45really know what it is about me and figures having too high of a hairline.
10:48While it may not though be affecting Eveline from a hairline standpoint more
10:52of a helmet it certainly though was the case when we looked at the new Eternia
10:55Faker. Plagued that figure was by having too high of a bang line and then they
11:00unfortunately grossly painted all a dark color around his forehead. Now Eveline
11:05though like I said doesn't have a problem with a hairline but it certainly
11:08seems to be the case with helmets. I've checked not only the listing of
11:11Entertainment Earth where I actually ordered this figure from but then
11:14checking around other online sites not only the sites that sell it but just
11:17images of new Eternia Eveline. Clearly mine seems a little out of place. Now
11:22I've tried to pry the helmet off. I can get it from the sides of her face off
11:26easy enough but there seems to be again just too much glue. It is a separate
11:30piece from the rest of her face but the hope of trying to pry that off without
11:34damaging the helmet I don't even know if I want to take that chance. I would
11:40normally have said this is a figure you could easily have ordered online. I don't
11:43know to the extent of how much this is affecting other Evelines. This though
11:48might be a figure you may want to check in local stores so you can check to see
11:51where the helmets are placed on the ones you see physically. Like I did say though
11:55I did order this one from Entertainment Earth. I'm not sure if I'm
11:58gonna reach out to them and just explain the situation to them but if you guys
12:01are interested and have no luck whatsoever finding anything Masters in
12:05stores like I do by all means you can go to Entertainment Earth by the
12:09link provided down below and let's just say if Master Universe isn't your thing
12:12even though it's kind of surprising that you'll be watching Master Universe
12:15review that link though you can also use the 10% off on anything that's currently
12:21in stock. So you'd rather use the 10% for something else other than Masters feel
12:25free to use the link it will like I said take 10% on anything that's in stock. If
12:30you guys have picked up the Eveline here from New Eternia let me know down
12:33below in the comment section if you've had any issues at all with the helmet or
12:36if yours is perfectly fine. I'm sure I'm the exception. Not be the exception.
12:42Hopefully if you guys did enjoy this review do it as well and throw it a like.
12:44Don't be the exception. Be the person that's coming back here regularly hitting
12:48that subscribe, turning on the bell but the most important thing yeah is that
12:51you're coming back. As always thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
