Mattel Masters Of The Universe Turtles Of Grayskull Sla'kor Figure
00:00careful turtles the body is steel and the threat is real here's a look the
00:04Mattel turtles of greyskull slacker evil cybernetic snapping turtle
00:11When Crank's scheme to mutate He-Man required a test subject, Skeletor knew
00:31just who to use. He-Man's robotic doppelganger Faker. Covered in the same
00:35mutagen that created the evil turtle Slash, the diabolical duplicate rose from
00:39the ooze is the deadly robot turtle Slacker. I guess when it comes to evil
00:44science experiments you got to fake it to make it. Just before we get a closer
00:48look the turtles of greyskull slacker the tape measure is gonna tell us that
00:51he's a pretty tall figure. I probably didn't even need a tape measure to tell
00:54you guys that. The figure in fact is gonna stand almost close to seven
00:57inches in height or slacker is gonna be 17 centimeters tall. I almost feel that's
01:02one of my criticisms with slacker is the fact that the figure is way too big. If
01:05you were to say compare them along with another turtles of greyskull character
01:09yes he's mutated yes which is strange he's also mutated Faker so you would
01:14think though like why would he turn into a turtle if he's a mutated robotic He-Man
01:18but that's besides the point if you go to compare him say with Leonardo I feel
01:22like if anything he probably should have just been a little bit taller not to the
01:25size that he is right now comparing also as well as well as well with He-Man now
01:30this is also the mutated He-Man he's gonna still be the same size so He-Man
01:34apparently can be muted mutated by the mutagen and still stay around the same
01:38size as a regular motu figure slacker on the other hand goes to proportions
01:42way beyond the size of a normal scale he if you were to compare even with like
01:47Ram Man for example now Ram Man again was a mutated motu figure he's a still
01:51a pretty big figure but he's not nearly the size though of slacker here's also
01:55as well what the figure looks like with the evil shredder not only is slacker a
01:58large figure but he also comes with component pieces to start building metal
02:02Botto metal Botto is I guess the equivalent of metal head in the in the
02:06world of Turtles of Greyskull you get two parts already you get the lower
02:10half trunks which basically involves also as well the legs and you get as
02:13well the face or the head what seems interesting though is at the bottom of
02:16the head there's a little button when you press the button it oh it moves up
02:20and down his mouth Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram the only thing that's really
02:23disappointing about this though is you know the whole time that they always
02:26continue to sell the idea that you can mix and match the parts in fact there's
02:30a paper right here that tells you that opening up the paper quickly yeah you
02:34can remove obviously the parts for slacker you can mix and match them
02:36around with other component pieces and yet though ironically enough metal Botto
02:40if looking at this you would think hey that that'd be kind of a cool head to
02:43use with other figures you can't it's a different size the ball joint the one
02:48time ironically enough that you did want to maybe build this and maybe even if I
02:52had any ideas of swapping the head out for slacker in favor of maybe metal
02:56Botto I can't do that because it's a completely different ball joint system
02:59on the bottom of it you could though use the trunks as an example here we're
03:03gonna do a little dissecting here of Skeletor or nice Skeletor here of
03:06shredder let's just grab the figure I've just got him off to the side I'm
03:09knocking everything off in the process shredder here I'm gonna just remove the
03:12lower half of his body because of course you can mix and match these parts if you
03:16didn't want to you could take the part from metal Botto and it just snaps on
03:19it's just a regular Massey universe lower half body so it's nothing really
03:23different there you can also as well change out the boots you can do a whole
03:25lot of other things as well but let's just I did that only just more just to
03:28show you let's put his best back of his body back together here I just want to
03:32show you that guys that's that if you wanted to you could use this body
03:35technically for something other than metal Botto it looks good though I am
03:38looking forward to building although funny enough though nothing is
03:41advertised on the packaging as to what characters you would also need to build
03:44the remaining pieces this is also one of four a two of four of in fact because
03:49you're getting of the head and you're also getting the lower half of the body
03:51so I guess you only really need what another two figures in order to
03:54completely build the figure anyways we're gonna move those off to the side
03:57because not really much more we can do with it I'm also a little disappointed
04:00by the fact that this figure doesn't come in clear with a mini comic you
04:03would look at this and assume right away that this is a mini comic
04:05unfortunately though what it is is just a piece of cardboard on the back of it
04:09sure yes it tells you all about slacker the fact he's a mutagen master and all
04:13his powers near-perfect key man replica superhuman strength robotic endoskeleton
04:18slash evil mutated snapping turtles psycho with a spiked shell and ooze for
04:23brains I love that they said ooze for brains but all this is just a cardboard
04:28piece it's fine I mean it's got good-looking artwork and I'm glad that
04:32they gave you somewhat of a statistical stats on the back I would have rather
04:36though a mini comic you know we always tend to get these many comics with
04:40whether it be these figures or be the regular Massey inverse origins figures
04:43but this unfortunately for slacker he gets slacked unfortunately when it comes
04:47to a mini comic so I'm just gonna hold on to this for right now I don't really
04:50know what I'm gonna do with it exactly the figure also comes includes some
04:53additional accessories as well like first of all his spiked shell the spiked
04:57shell serves as two purposes first of all you've got a little handle on the
05:00bottom of it this so if you wanted to the figure could also use it really as a
05:03shield the shield works best really if you have them first of all if you want
05:07to I'm gonna use this hand over here I find this is the better hand to hold the
05:10shield it clips into his hand although unfortunately if you look at the way
05:13that the fingers these tiny little piggies that went to the market they're
05:17very close to the palm so you have to kind of wedge that in there and even
05:21then it's a struggle to get everything in place a lot of times what just end up
05:25happening it seems to be the thing that always ends up happening I lose his
05:28lower half of his body there we go but this basically would though fit in his
05:32hands it's just a little harder because the hands hands are also a very hard
05:36plastic suit so it's very difficult to pry them away from the palm but for all
05:40the intensive purposes you'd be able to have them holding the shield the better
05:43idea in mind though is if you look on the back of the figure there's holes on
05:46the backs now when we have looked at the rest of the Turtles of Greyskull figures
05:50they all have sort of worked the exact same way so there's holes and then
05:53there's pegs on the back of the shield or the back of the shell and that just
05:56plugs on to the back of the figures body now I suppose you could do it this way
06:00you could also flip this around as well like having it flipped around it does
06:03also have that top spike sticking up so that might be the better option to go
06:06with and that just plugs on to the back of the figures body just make sure it's
06:09all the way on there there's also a storage space here as well for the next
06:13included accessories the figure comes with these gnarly looking blades not
06:17only the dangers for the blades but they're also dangerous as he has these
06:20protruding spikes at the back they're cast here in a very nice orange plastic
06:24it can either they'll be fit into his hands and you're obviously gonna have
06:28still the same struggle getting these into his blasted hands there we go
06:32there's one and if you want to do you can obviously have them holding both of
06:35them but there's also again that storage space on the back you just take the
06:39blade and slide it down the slot and now he's got some storage space there as
06:42well ideally it would have been fun if they could have actually had two slots
06:46instead of just the one so if you want to have storage space for both blades
06:49you could do that unfortunately though he only has one spot so we're just gonna
06:53move that off for right now we're also gonna take the blade off on his hand and
06:56we're also gonna just get let go let go there we go put it off to the side there
07:00as well being the fact this figure is also based on Faker he also has the
07:05revealed well obviously he has the revealed little wheels little spinning
07:10things that Faker would have had originally on his body to get it though
07:12a better idea of what that looks like you can also take the shell off you can
07:16also pop the head off as well there we go and you can take this entire back
07:21section off this just attaches here and just pry it away from itself there we go
07:26and you just flip this around now I could obviously gonna have to take this
07:31all off to as well the one time there we go the one time it struggles with me
07:35this basically just comes off completely and you get a very similar sort of deco
07:38the thing that's rather interesting though about it instead of actually
07:41having little wheels spinning they're actually pizzas oh it looks like
07:45somebody's already had a slice there and a slice there so a nice little little
07:48nod to the Turtles of course let's get this back onto his body so we'll just
07:52drape this back on the bottom we'll flip it around to the front and then we'll
07:56meet this down at the bottom before we start snapping everything back in place
07:58the thing always about these is that you can only do it on a few times before
08:02this starts to stretch the plastic way too much luckily it hasn't happened yet
08:06for me let's go ahead and pop the head back in place there we go and you can
08:10also as well take the lower half of his body now if you're also asking as well
08:14with the way that they've designed the body can you also use it for another
08:17figure well hey that's we've already had Shredder being dissected just pop the
08:21again the lower half of his body we'll pop this back off as well even though it
08:25is really technically a larger torso you could still funny enough use the lower
08:29half of slackers body with a regular Massey universe origins figure and
08:32hilarity I'm sure will ensue let's pop this back into his body there we go and
08:39we'll put obviously the shell back in place as well other than really the
08:43already mentioned I feel like the figure is way too big conversation that
08:45we were having earlier was that a conversation I felt it was a
08:48conversation all in all though I like the look of the character I've always
08:51been a big fan of slash it was one of my earliest figure pickups when the
08:54Playmates days first were around within the original Teenage Mutant Ninja
08:57Turtles slash was one of the earlier figures I picked up I like the look of
09:01them how they've crossed both slash and of course faker together so you've got a
09:05blue skin version of slash this time around with this really large gnarly
09:09looking gold I looking at the face one thing I couldn't help but notice is
09:14there's a little line right here almost for a second believing that perhaps the
09:18mouth would be able to open and close it isn't and I'm not sure why that was
09:21sculpted separately almost as if they tooled one piece of it decided like
09:26maybe the lower half of the mouth wasn't working for them and they decided to
09:29sculpt and mold a separate piece but there's a clearly a line right there
09:33where it looks like it's obviously separate from the rest of his face it's
09:36a little off-putting but if you're obviously looking at from the front you
09:38never really gonna be noticing it some things though he picks up from slash is
09:42the fact he has have like little spikes I think the original slash had shoulder
09:45spikes these are done nicely though in pink he's got pink down below here as
09:48well the backwards s this time around and he's also got of course any master
09:53the universe origins figure will have themselves a loincloth even though
09:56whether he's a robotic turtle or not he's also gonna have one as well the
09:59colors are really working quite well for this guy even though I feel it's still
10:02he's a little too big on the size he does really kind of work well and he for
10:06the most part I'm really liking the look of this guy there are a few little
10:09problems like generally his hands I don't find hold the things all that well
10:12especially when it comes to a shield but to be all honest though the shield is
10:14always really gonna be on the back of the figures body anyways I have real no
10:17plans at all to have her that have the figure displayed with the shield in his
10:20hands the articulation on this guy is gonna be exactly the same as regular
10:24motif figures other than just the fact that everything's gonna be scaled up the
10:27heads gonna be on a ball joint so it rotates all the way around obviously you
10:30can see that the bandana on the back while not having any additional
10:33articulation it is one thing that's gonna be getting a little more in the
10:36way when you try to rotate the figures head the head looks up and down and also
10:40you can move it back and forth shoulder hinging isn't so much a difficult thing
10:44you would think that with the shoulders being like this with the shoulder pads
10:46that arm bending like this even at 90 degrees would be a little bit more
10:50difficult it's not the case at all in fact you can also rotate the arms
10:53forward and back this way the figure does have a swivel in his elbow which
10:56also serves as the hinge and the hands also rotate all the way around the
11:01figure has just a straight swivel even though he does have the big bulky shell
11:04on the back of his body it doesn't impede at all any bit of swiveling that
11:07you want to do for the waist legs split out you can take the figures legs and
11:11move forward move them back as a bend at the knee you can also rotate the lower
11:14leg you can also rotate the boot and he also has the monster sized feet that
11:19also have a hinge there too so you can move that back and forth and yes you can
11:22rock it although the rocking isn't as much successful as normal motif figures
11:26he still manages to rock just a little bit all in all though I like the figure
11:30quite a bit the guy was a little harder to come by and I end up getting this guy
11:34over on Facebook groups Facebook groups seems to be a good place lately to be
11:37getting a lot of the Motu stuff Daryl had hooked me up before if you are
11:41familiar with this channel you know that Daryl's picked me up a couple of things
11:44he was also nice nice enough to also grab me a slash so that's why we're
11:47having a look at him right now funny though enough is when it comes to really
11:50the master universe our turtles of greyskull figures I've actually generally
11:54been more interested in the stuff that we're beginning from the mutated line
11:57than the actual turtles themselves Leonardo has a good example here was a
12:01fine-looking turtle and even in the review I said like the head sculpt on
12:04him was really really good but I feel like I'm almost even more leaning more
12:07to the mutated side of things I like the look of really slacker slacker turned
12:11out be a great-looking figure yes a combination though of faker and slash
12:14and a good really way of taking you know slash faker slacker I think it works
12:19quite well the character looks good I feel again he might be a little bit too
12:22big because the original slash and again I'm only basing it from the original
12:25playmates days slash would only have been really really the same size as a
12:29regular turtle he just would have been mutated I don't feel he necessarily
12:32needed to be this big I'm glad that he's the size that he is but maybe just a
12:35little bit shorter just a little bit shorter the figure does have some decent
12:38levels of articulation of course he also has the starting points of what would
12:42eventually be metal Bato which again we only have really the lower legs and
12:45again a head which I probably will talk more about when we eventually do build
12:49metal Bato really disappointed really disappointed that this couldn't have
12:52found a way to be a regular ball joint I know it probably would have dismissed
12:56the whole idea that you would have had a mouth that open and closed I'm sure many
12:59people will probably more favor the idea they would do this over the fact it
13:02would be able to be customized with those figures but it's ironic enough the
13:05one time we are looking at these master universe figures and you actually don't
13:09have a mix and matchable part that can be changed around with other figures
13:12slacker is a welcomed addition to my current master universe figures whether
13:16it be the turtles of great skull or just the master universe origins figures
13:20slacker would fit in fine with either one of them he does have of course those
13:23components swapped out pieces if you wanted to have a little fun you could
13:26take off the arms you could take off the legs and easily just mix and match them
13:30as I did do with the shredder in this review slacker looks both the combination
13:34of faker which one is one of my favorite master universe figures and of slash one
13:38of my all-time favorite playmates turtles so for me at least it's the best
13:41of both worlds the colors on this guy look really good I don't think there's
13:44really a lot of paint it seems to be like they were really relied on more the
13:47molding of the plastic and that works fine for me the colors though that they
13:51pulled from faker the colors that they've pulled also from slash or just a
13:54happy marriage molded together to give us this cybernetic snapping turtle his
13:59accessories are also pretty slight a pretty small I mean he only has just the
14:03two blades the blades are pretty big on their own he has at least a storage
14:06space in the back of his shell which the shell also serves as its own accessory
14:10either being housed on the back of his body or you can also use it as well for
14:13a shield the shield is a little harder though to get into his hands his hands
14:16as a whole or just very hard plastic to try to negotiate with you could easily
14:21get the blades in there I had a harder struggle as you saw in this review to
14:24get him to hold that blasted shield nice-looking figure though he could again
14:28probably have been a little bit shorter but all in all though really a nice
14:31looking addition to my collection if have you guys had the chance to pick up
14:34slacker let me know down below in the comment section and if you have been
14:37collecting the turtles of greyskull I know it's sort of a divisive divisive a
14:41divisive line in the sense that massive universe figure collectors probably
14:45aren't gonna be as interested getting turtles of greyskull on the other end of
14:48its turtle fans turtle collectors may not be they'll be as interested in mass
14:52the universe but if you are a fan of both it's certainly a good line to be
14:55picking up if you guys did enjoy this video want to hit with like if you guys
14:59are loving the content you guys are seeing I want to certainly stick around
15:01for more we are gonna be having a whole bunch of other videos coming your way
15:05this coming week so making sure you're coming back on a regular basis as always
15:08guys thanks for watching see you guys next time