• 2 months ago
00:00Should the Pistons embrace what Isaiah Stewart does because he's more than just an enforcer, right? He does other things
00:07He's a pretty damn good rim protector
00:11he's a problem on the defensive end and
00:15You know, we brought up earlier in the week the trade deadline and I mentioned Draymond green I said I'm against it
00:21But getting Draymond green would be a bad boys move
00:25It would be a embracing the physicality of the game and it would be
00:32Going back to a formula that has worked here in Detroit and that is a
00:38a gritty hard-nosed
00:40defensive physical style
00:43That wasn't without other talents
00:46But they became known as that the going-to-work Pistons became known as it
00:51The going-to-work Pistons became known as it. I mean, I always laugh because we'll go back and I'll do it again
00:58The Tayshawn block right the Tayshawn Prince block that gets referenced all the time
01:05I'm doing it right now to go find the video because every time you see that video
01:10It's coming at the end of an Eastern Conference playoff game. I believe I believe is the Eastern Conference championship game
01:17Yeah, here it is
01:21Indiana leads the series one to nothing. It's the fourth quarter in Detroit leads the game
01:2669 to 67 with 30 seconds left
01:31That was an old-school old-school style of game not old-school. Well, not old-school, though
01:38I guess it kind of applies. It was an old-school
01:42Basketball game and and the Pistons wrote that to a championship now look they might have their superstar in
01:49In Cade Cunningham and
01:52They might have an enforcer and a player that is, you know a defensive
01:57You know standout and Isaiah Stewart and others
02:02But I guess you know, we asked the question earlier and I ask it again
02:06Can you win this way in the NBA with the NBA lets you win this way?
02:11If they embrace this stuff because right now they're getting pushed around a little bit
02:16They're getting picked on and they can't do anything about it. But as their players get better, oh, they'll be able to do something about it
02:23Well, every time the Pistons have crashed the party it's been with a different style
02:27See, I mean clearly the league isn't the same as it was 20 years ago
02:31It wasn't the same as it was 30 years ago
02:33But that doesn't mean the Pistons can't do it a different way as well
02:37And they may not be the same way as the goal in the work pistons with bad boy Pistons
02:40But when like I said when they crash the party, yep, they crash it their way. And so
02:45Yeah, I think what if the Pistons are able to do it they're gonna be there's gonna be some physicality to it
02:49It's not gonna be the same but you talk about what dream on green
02:52He's old and busted right now
02:53but beefs do
02:54He could be the new version of their dream on green and you're gonna need a guy like that or two and then you want
02:59To mention the skill and the flash and the scoring
03:02Well, that's where Kate Cunningham comes in and whoever Trajan Langdon brings in to work alongside him
03:06Maybe it's a Jaden Ivy right when he gets healthy. Maybe it's someone at the trade deadline this year
03:11But the thing or a sore Thompson someone they already have on the team, but yes, they can do it their way again
03:18You won't just be able to be as physical, but I think there's an element of that game that still can exist
03:24What happened last night? You don't want your players getting technical files and ejected from games frequently, you know
03:29You don't want the other team to see that they can get under your skin
03:31But at the point at point in the game it was over and I think beef had had enough and he was like listen
03:37You guys can't talk this crazy talk the entire game without us doing something about it
03:41I think there's a bigger staff and kind of said after the game
03:43Well, let's get to that because I promised we get to it
03:45it was Jamie Bickerstaff after the game Isaiah Stewart gets ejected in the second quarter and
03:51I mean he was he was pissed
03:53he pointed back at the the Pacers bench and
03:56I think is a way of saying I'm putting a pin in this moment and I will remember this moment and I
04:01Absolutely loved as he was getting booed. He just held out his jersey. It said Detroit on the front
04:06Because that's wearing your heart on your sleeve, but JB Becker staff head coach after the game said this
04:45Okay, I mean he is basically asking the media to go find out what was said in public make it public
04:53What the hell was said
04:56What the hell was said and was it said by you know
04:59The usual suspects Myles Turner or Pascal see Akim or was it said by the guy that beef stew went after?
05:07Thomas Bryant
05:09Now there's an argument to be made that no matter what is said to you
05:12You have to keep your emotions in check without question. I get that to a to a point
05:16Um, but also I think the refs I think that bigger staff is also talking to the refs Doug saying hey, man
05:22It's kind of your guys's job as well to keep things under control
05:25Like otherwise stuff like that's gonna happen, you know
05:29And you know how like they throw out those technicals or the warnings the refs try to hey this games getting chippy
05:33Control I think maybe he's like listen
05:34You can't let them talk crazy like that because we're not gonna stand for it as a team
05:39I think Bryant flopped a little bit. Was it a flag?
05:43I'm sure my man, but my man went flying and all sudden
05:46He felt a lot better and ready to fight when beef stew is already at the end of the court, dude
05:51That's that was a I mean this has nothing to do with really anything. I just found it highly irritating
05:57Here's a guy who's on his back
06:00Sprawled out, but the moment he gets surrounded
06:04He wants to fight hold me back. Yeah, hold me back
06:07You waited till you could get held back to tell people to hold you back
06:14Okay there tough guy. I mean if I
06:17Was just it was a total eye roll at that point
06:21so what beef stew has to do is control his emotions and use it for a positive and
06:26Yeah, whatever they said if they say it again, he can't react like that he can't but I think at this moment
06:32I think where the business are right now is
06:34They're still growing and still developing and this is part of that process, you know, and
06:39This is I think the process right now
06:41We're not gonna get pushed around and eventually the next process is we're gonna start beating you on the court
06:44Yeah, and they they have put up together more wins this year than they have ever before
06:49So I think we're seeing progression
06:51It's not all gonna happen in one season and the way they the way other players
06:56Play beef stew because he's a big strong guy. They box out kind of like the way he does except that he doesn't flop
07:03He kind of takes it he takes on the contact and they fight for position, you know
07:07Like they used to do in basketball, but nowadays it's a foul hunting league. Everyone's looking for the foul shots
07:13Everyone's looking to flop. Everyone's looking. Oh you heard me, you know, so I you know, that's a different topic
07:18Maybe in itself about ratings and viewership, but I think beef does have to change the style of play
07:23But I think it can be used to their advantage
07:25two four eight five three nine ninety seven ninety seven piston fans
07:29Do you want to see him go down this road again and develop this persona this tough guy?
07:35physical persona that is really beef stew at the at the
07:39At the point of that attack or is it is it old and busted? They shouldn't do it
