• 2 weeks ago


00:00Carson Anderson outside Comerica Park Tiger baseball this afternoon but of
00:07course we'll have Lions football on Sunday. Lions at Dallas time for our
00:10weekly conversation with Jared Goff. Chance to get caught up. First of all
00:14happy birthday Jared.
00:18Did we lose Jared? Yeah you got me? Yeah sorry happy birthday. Oh thank you yeah
00:25it's coming up it's in day after the game so it's in like five days thank you
00:30but yeah and you guys said talking football we can talk baseball if you
00:32guys want with the big game today. Well I do I actually I actually do I want to
00:37start with this I went back and found your high school stats. Here we go. Oh boy.
00:41Yeah do you remember your batting average in high school? You know so I
00:48played two years of varsity baseball my first year was a sophomore and we had
00:53changed to a wood bat league that year so that year my average is going to be
00:58low. My junior year was probably at least 300. I think my junior year I
01:03played a lot better but my sophomore year I was hitting a wood bat I was 170
01:07pounds and probably wasn't that high. Well your your I will say your junior
01:12year you hit 295. Just short just shy. Yeah yeah you had four doubles and you
01:18had one home run do you remember the home run? Oh I had to be inside the park
01:23I don't think I I don't think I hit one out anywhere I might have had into the
01:28park at some point. Well I have your fielding stats as well and I saw you
01:33listed as a shortstop are you a shortstop? Yeah I played short my whole
01:37life and I was a much better fielder than I was a hitter you know I could
01:42have played in the field kind of you know anywhere in high school but I was a
01:46good shortstop and got a lot better as I got older. Okay I've got your base
01:51running you stole three bases and it doesn't look like you were thrown out at
01:54all so that's right pretty good and what you had one pitching appearance do you
02:00remember pitching? No I didn't pitch see you know these stats may be wrong you
02:05know I don't know who was keeping stats and I don't remember hitting a home run
02:08I definitely didn't pitch so we could have a you know I could have hit like
02:12330 we don't know you know you probably did right in fact it was 330 I have this
02:18wrong I definitely did I shoot it might be 395 that could be wrong okay that's
02:23that's what's right but the three stolen bases I mean that that's that's what you
02:28should be bragging about right? That's right I mean they might have been
02:30fastballs they might have been stolen bases who knows but they count the same.
02:34Well I've heard you speak about this and what I think is so cool is that they're
02:39calling themselves the gritty Tigers it's almost like this team has adopted
02:43your team's philosophy and it feels like it's a real symbiotic relationship
02:48between the Tigers and Lions right now. Sure yeah I don't I don't think the word
02:53grit or gritty is exclusive to us in it by any means the way they did it this
02:58year and the way they've done it the last couple years and kind of built
03:00themselves to this moment was very similar to the way we kind of did it and
03:04I think you know the last month or so for them that's proven that and how
03:08gritty truly they are and it's been fun to watch them now getting the playoffs
03:12beat the Astros and now get the the reward of these two home games in front
03:15of these fans they're gonna get to experience it and I can't wait to watch.
03:18AJ Hinch mentioned the other day that that you guys have become kind of
03:22friendly over the last few years and can you talk about that relationship with AJ
03:27and and do you guys communicate while this has been going on with the Tigers
03:31in the playoffs? Yeah you know I got to meet him shoot
03:34whenever I ended up here for the first time in the spring when I was traded
03:39here and yeah we stayed in touch and remained supportive of each other and
03:42I'm such a huge fan of his he's been great to me and our success and
03:46supportive and try to reciprocate for him when they're playing well and even
03:50show him support when they're not so I think it's been great he's a great coach
03:53and it's been fun to watch them have success now and be able to sit here and
03:57watch a home playoff game. One follow-up on that then we'll get to
04:01football you're a Cal guy he's a Stanford guy does that come up? I know
04:06maybe right at the beginning yeah you know I know it was a
04:11hurdle to leave and it usually is for me and a lot of Stanford guys but you know a
04:15lot of times those guys aren't half bad themselves and you can get over that
04:19pretty quickly. Good to know. All right let's talk some football you got Dallas
04:25coming up you know for fans and for us in the media there's been trips to
04:29Dallas that feel like things were not just and last year again it felt like a
04:34an opportunity was taken away from you does that put a chip on your shoulder is
04:39that something you guys take into preparation for this game or is all that
04:42stuff overblown? You know I think I talked about this yesterday with the
04:46media as well like it yeah sure you're upset about it but you know I
04:50don't think it we were like I don't think we were intentionally screwed I
04:54think they just they just made a mistake and those things happen it was
04:57unfortunate but I think more than anything similar to last week we had
05:01lost to Seattle three years in a row and we're kind of tired of it and I said
05:04the same thing about Dallas we'd gone there now two years in a row before this
05:07and I've lost and now this will be our third trip down there and it's like
05:10alright we're kind of tired of that same old go down there and lose so you know
05:14we want to change that change that script and find a way to win. When you
05:17come off a game like you did against Seattle and I know now it's it feels
05:22like it's been forever ago and yet 18 out of 18 in that game a couple of
05:25touchdown passes you caught the touchdown pass from Amon Ross St. Brown
05:29who threw a beautiful pass to you but what do you improve on offensively after
05:34going nearly perfect as an offense on Monday night? You know there's a ton I
05:40know the stat sheet looks perfect but the stats don't always tell the story
05:43and in a lot of instances it's luck on both sides when the stats don't look
05:48great and you still feel like you played well and you win the game you know you're
05:51like all right I got unlucky on some things and there was a little bit of
05:54luck involved when you don't have a ball at the ground you know and sure
05:58there's many things to work on though and many things to get better at and you
06:02know I'm excited to go out there again and try to try to surmount that and play
06:06even better. Is there a play that you'd like to have back I got to imagine it's
06:10it's the safety but I know you kind of mentioned something about somebody being
06:13open on that play too. Yeah sure that'd be the one I mean if I can just avoid
06:18that rush just a little bit better and maybe take one last hit you get the ball
06:22out it'd be a nice big game to Tim Patrick and game would be over right
06:26there and wouldn't have to put our defense back on the field wouldn't have
06:28to kick it to him and put all that at risk so would it would like to
06:33have that one back and again yeah sure I mean there's there's more than just that
06:35one but that's a good example. You just mentioned Tim Patrick and Dan
06:39Campbell spoke of him this morning and talked about how nicely he is fitting in
06:44in every way and I mean I know how much you rely on trust with your receivers
06:49how quickly is that being built with Tim Patrick? Yeah it really is it really
06:53is he has been a perfect fit and he's unselfish he blocks he cares he's a
06:58great teammate and then he's competitive he's got great hands and he's
07:02trustworthy on his routes and as a quarterback that's kind of all you can
07:05ask for and has been tremendous I think getting him on that dagger late in the
07:10game last week was kind of good for him and I to kind of get back in the rhythm
07:13I mean you think about a guy who hasn't really played real football for a couple
07:17years to get him back feeling good getting in the rhythm and I think it's
07:20just the beginning and the sky's the limit for him and I and I can't wait to
07:24keep growing with him. I mentioned the St. Brown touchdown pass to you
07:28now that you've seen it on film are you even more impressed with with how
07:32that play worked out? Yeah it was awesome it really was you know it was the perfect
07:37look and he made a great throw and you know maybe a little bit under thrown but
07:40I'm not gonna complain about that you know I'll make it right for him on the
07:43other end he helps me out of time on the other end plenty of times so I'd help
07:46him out this time but yeah it was it was a fun play and I'm happy we were able to
07:50score. Are you saying you went up you went up and got a contested ball is that
07:54what you did? Yeah well you know I'm not gonna say that but you guys could say
07:57that yeah you know he could he could have led me a little bit but I slowed
08:01down and made it right for him you know he returns the favor for me plenty of
08:05time so I'm happy to return one for him. Frank right now it sounds like he's
08:09gonna be back we hear Torn Peck and I guess we've heard this before but it
08:14just sounds like he's a madman he's gonna miss it as little bit of time as
08:18possible kind of in awe of him you know selling Dan Campbell I'm healthy he
08:23wants to be out there even with a Torn Peck. Yeah he's a super healer you know
08:28he really is he's a freak of nature he's a he really it's really impressive to
08:33watch him you know put himself through stuff like that and then they come back
08:36so quickly and he feels good he feels ready to go I know he's excited about it
08:41to be back with us and I'm excited to have him back out there. Look you've
08:45probably been playing football like 20 years in your life at this point you've
08:49seen a lot of strange things have been tough is there anybody tougher than
08:52Frank Ragno? Oh I don't know if I've played with anybody who's played through
09:01more pain or injuries than him sure so yeah if that if that's toughness then
09:06damn right yeah he is the toughest guy I've played with and plays through
09:10anything wants to be out there with his teammates doesn't care about the pain
09:13doesn't care about anything he knew I mean during that Arizona game I remember
09:17him saying in the huddle at the first or second quarter he's like I think I
09:20told my Peck and I'm like well are you are you gonna take yourself out he's
09:23like no I'm good all right well let's go let's finish the game and you know
09:28ultimately it was a Torn Peck in some sort of way and yeah but he'll be back I
09:33can't wait. Final thing for me Cal hosted College Game Day and then played an epic
09:38game with Miami I don't know you were on the bye week did you take it all in
09:42from beginning to end? I did. Well how did they do with game day and then your
09:52thoughts on the game? The game day was great I thought it was awesome I think
09:55that whole crew and I don't get to watch that very often because I am you know
09:59Saturday getting ready for a game but on a bye week getting able to watch that
10:03and seeing that that whole crew does such a great job and then where they did
10:07in Berkeley with the fans there I mean it was so fun I thought our school
10:10showed out so great and Marshawn was great the kid made the field goal it was
10:14a lot of fun to watch and and then the game you know the game was great it
10:18really was they played really well up until the very end and unfortunately
10:21couldn't pull it out. Each NFL season is kind of strange how things begin and you
10:26see things you wouldn't expect. Kirk Cousins has thrown over 500 yards in a
10:29game like we did last week. Jaden Daniels the commanders are 4-1. The
10:33entire NFC North division is above 500. The Bengals and Niners are in early
10:38trouble. What's been the most interesting thing for you outside of the Lions to
10:42notice about the NFL so far through five weeks? Wow that's a hard question shoot
10:52you know probably that you know I'm not surprised that the Jaden Daniels
10:56having the success with his assistant quarterback coach being David Blau you
11:00know it's a good friend of mine and making sure that kid's ready to play
11:04he's been playing great. That's great. Jared we appreciate your time best of
11:09luck in Dallas and we will talk next week. All right thank you guys. There he
11:14is the quarterback of the Detroit Lions Jared Goff joins us every week what are
11:19you laughing at? His guy David Blau.
