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Bootsie & Snudge - Series 2 - Episode 4 ( Goodbye World ) 17th November 1961

"Bootsie & Snudge" is a classic British sitcom that aired from 1960 to 1974. The show followed the misadventures of two former Army buddies, Bootsie and Snudge, who work at an old men's club in London. The series is known for its humor, which often revolved around the social class system and the characters' attempts to climb the social ladder.

The fourth episode of the second series, titled "Goodbye World," originally aired on the 17th of November, 1961. This episode, like many others in the series, showcased the comedic talents of its stars, Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser, and featured the writing of Peter Lambda. Directed by Milo Lewis, this particular episode is a fine example of the series' ability to blend humor with commentary on British society at the time.

For fans of classic British comedy, "Bootsie & Snudge" offers a nostalgic look back at a show that captured the essence of its era. The series is a reminder of the timeless nature of good humor and the enduring appeal of characters who resonate with audiences. Whether you're discovering it for the first time or revisiting old favorites, "Bootsie & Snudge" remains a significant part of British television history.

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