Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1952) WHERE THERES A WILL

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Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1952) WHERE THERE'S A WILL

"Mr. and Mrs. North" was a classic American television series that aired in the early 1950s, bringing to life the adventures of a married couple who find themselves embroiled in various mysteries. The episode "Where There's a Will," which aired on December 12, 1952, is a prime example of the show's blend of comedy, drama, mystery, and romance.

In this episode, the Norths meet their new neighbor, Tommy Clarkson, after he takes a tumble down the stairs and lands at their feet. Tommy claims that someone has been trying to kill him, and the plot thickens when Pam's purse gets switched with that of his Aunt Laura. This leads to a series of events that involve near-death experiences and a race against time to uncover the truth before Tommy's 21st birthday.

The charm of "Mr. and Mrs. North" lies in its witty writing and the chemistry between the lead actors, Barbara Britton and Richard Denning. The show is a delightful snapshot of the era's television entertainment, offering a mix of suspense and humor that still resonates with audiences today.

For those interested in revisiting this classic series, episodes are available to watch online, including "Where There's a Will." It's a wonderful opportunity to step back in time and enjoy a piece of television history.

The series not only provided entertainment but also showcased the evolving nature of TV dramas in the 1950s. It's fascinating to see how the show balanced the elements of mystery and domestic comedy, setting a precedent for many future series in the genre.

"Mr. and Mrs. North" remains a testament to the golden age of television, and its episodes, like "Where There's a Will," continue to be a source of enjoyment and nostalgia for classic TV enthusiasts around the world. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the series, the adventures of the Norths are sure to captivate and entertain.


00:00Some people have their groceries delivered.
00:28Some people can afford it.
00:29Especially when the elevator's out of order.
00:31Oh, that, of course, I arranged on purpose.
00:34I'll get my keys.
00:35Oh, no, no, let me get mine.
00:37Oh, here.
00:48Oh, here it is.
00:49Practically no trouble at all.
00:59Oh, he must have tripped.
01:03Knocked him out cold.
01:05We better get him into our apartment.
01:06Here, grab his feet.
01:15I'm all right now.
01:17You better take it easy.
01:18That was a pretty nasty fall you had.
01:20I hope you don't have accidents like that very often.
01:23This wasn't an accident.
01:24What do you mean?
01:26Somebody hit me from behind at the top of the stairs.
01:29Are you sure?
01:33Things like this have been happening lately.
01:35Somebody's trying to kill me.
01:38Have you any idea who?
01:42You think I'm crazy, don't you?
01:43But it's true.
01:45Have you been to the police?
01:46That wouldn't do any good.
01:48They'd only laugh at me because I haven't any proof.
01:50We have a friend at police headquarters, Lieutenant Wigan.
01:53Maybe if you talk to him...
01:54That wouldn't do any good.
01:55There isn't any proof.
02:00What is it?
02:01What happened?
02:02I fell downstairs, Aunt Laura.
02:04Are you all right?
02:06Mr. and Mrs. North brought me in.
02:08Oh, thank you very much.
02:10He was unconscious.
02:11He thinks somebody pushed him.
02:13How frightful.
02:14Oh, you poor boy.
02:16We just moved in yesterday.
02:18Yes, Tommy told us.
02:19Well, if you're all right, we'd better get upstairs to the apartment...
02:23with your Uncle Paul.
02:24My brother is expecting Tommy to meet him for dinner.
02:27You can call from here if you like.
02:29Well, thank you very much, but I think I'd better get him upstairs.
02:33Oh, I'm terribly grateful to you both.
02:36Yes, thanks very much.
02:37Oh, not at all.
02:38Now, don't hesitate to call us if there's anything we can do.
02:41Thank you very much.
02:42Oh, I forgot my bag.
02:45Good night.
02:46Good night.
02:48Well, what do you make of that?
02:50Of what?
02:51Now, Jerry, you heard him say himself that...
02:53That somebody wanted to kill him?
02:54Oh, look, darling.
02:56Mental institutions are crowded with people who think that somebody's trying to kill him.
03:00And you don't believe him, huh?
03:01Well, how should I know?
03:02Never saw him before in my life.
03:04That aunt of his, did you notice her clothes?
03:06No, not particularly.
03:08What was wrong with them?
03:10They were all right.
03:11They must have cost a fortune.
03:13Clothes is what's in them.
03:15Just the same, it doesn't hurt to have something nice on outside.
03:18Okay, get yourself a new dress tomorrow.
03:20Anything up to 10 bucks.
03:22Oh, thank you, Mr. North.
03:24Oh, don't mention it.
03:26Hey, what's for dinner?
03:27It's in the bag.
03:28Oh, that reminds me.
03:29I want to show you something I bought today.
03:31It's the newest thing.
03:34Oh, my goodness.
03:36What's the matter?
03:37Well, she must have picked up my bag by mistake.
03:41Miss Clarkson.
03:42Oh, she'll bring it back.
03:44Jerry, it's exactly like mine.
03:47One of those exclusive models, huh?
03:49Well, that's what the man said.
04:09Anybody home?
04:39Wigan speaking.
04:41Oh, hello, Pam.
04:42How's the North family?
04:45Say, give me that again.
04:47He's lying back of the couch.
04:49I think he's still alive and I don't want to leave him.
04:52We've already helped him once today.
04:55Somebody pushed him down the stairs.
05:03Pam, are you still there?
05:06Bill, a man just went out of this apartment.
05:09Did you see his face?
05:11Not only his back.
05:13What's the number of the apartment?
05:19Yeah, I got it.
05:20I'll be right over and don't touch anything.
05:31Is he still breathing?
05:32Yes, but I don't know for how long.
05:34Oh, I wish Bill would get here.
05:36Maybe I ought to loosen his collar.
05:38Don't touch him.
05:39Bill said not to.
05:53Nobody there.
05:56Oh, there's Bill.
05:58Hello, Pam, Jerry.
05:59Where is he?
06:00Back of the couch, Bill.
06:15Jerry, maybe he was right after all.
06:17Who? About what?
06:19That somebody was trying to kill him.
06:21Yeah, they sure came close.
06:23How is he?
06:25Say, what do you two know about him?
06:26Nothing except what I told you on the phone.
06:28Can't you introduce her to some nice, quiet people that nothing ever happens to?
06:32I'm afraid to.
06:33Yeah, I see what you mean.
06:34We'd better get him to the hospital in a hurry.
06:36Get him down to emergency fast, boys, and I'll check there later.
06:42What's going on here?
06:43Oh, Miss Clarkson.
06:46Tommy's aunt.
06:47They're taking him to the hospital.
06:48Oh, I must go with him.
06:49There's nothing you can do right now.
06:51Who are you?
06:53Lieutenant Wigan.
06:54You're Tommy's aunt?
06:56Oh, Tommy.
06:58OK, boys.
07:04Who are you?
07:05I'm Myron Sedgwick.
07:06I'm attorney for Miss Clarkson.
07:08I'm terribly sorry, Myron, but he'll be all right.
07:11Oh, Tommy.
07:12Any idea how this could have happened?
07:16What did happen?
07:18Looks like somebody tried to kill him.
07:20That's what he told us.
07:21He was afraid.
07:22But that's impossible.
07:23Nothing's impossible, Miss Clarkson.
07:25Well, everybody sit down while I give this place the once-over.
07:31Oh, fine, dear.
07:33And we just might break down and have some cake with our coffee.
07:36Bill might have cake with his coffee.
07:38You're having milk.
07:40Now, Jerry, you've been complaining about not sleeping at night,
07:43and so I got something special today that you put in milk.
07:46Not arsenic, I hope.
07:47No, this is something new.
07:49One tablespoon, and you sleep like a baby, it says here.
07:53That should do it.
07:54Oh, and so you won't feel that you're taking something from a drugstore.
07:57They give you this cute little container to put it in.
07:59You use the powder just as though it were sugar.
08:04The man who invented that name must have been full of it.
08:07How about the cake, Bill?
08:08No thanks, Pam, just the coffee.
08:10Say, Pam, tell me, did Miss Clarkson mention her brother Tommy's uncle?
08:14Well, only that Tommy was going to have dinner with him tonight.
08:17She said they were going to call him.
08:19Then she'll know where Clarkson is.
08:21Do you think he had anything to do with it?
08:23His own uncle?
08:24Well, we had the case of an uncle once who killed his whole family,
08:27including two cats and a pet canary.
08:29Oh, Bill.
08:30No, that's a fact.
08:31You know, it's too bad, Pam, you didn't see that man's face,
08:34the one that sneaked out of the apartment.
08:35He must have been the killer.
08:37Yeah, probably.
08:38Say, which reminds me, I'd better call the hospital
08:40and find out if this has developed into a murder charge yet.
08:42What do you mean?
08:43Well, he may be dead by this time.
08:45Oh, Jerry, don't say that.
08:49Well, this is Lieutenant Wigan of Homicide.
08:51Yes, give me emergency, please.
08:54What's the report on the Clarkson case?
08:59Yeah, I got it.
09:03He's still alive.
09:04Oh, I'm so glad.
09:05Yeah, but they don't give him much hope.
09:06He's in an oxygen tent now.
09:11Well, thanks for the coffee.
09:13I'll be seeing you.
09:14Night, Bill.
09:15Let us know what happens.
09:17Blow by blow.
09:18Good night, Norris.
09:19Good night, Bill.
09:23Well, he certainly doesn't have much to go on.
09:26Oh, he'll figure it out.
09:27Yeah, I'm heading for bed.
09:29See what I mean?
09:30Tell me.
09:31Yes, darling.
09:33Oh, no.
09:36What's the matter?
09:37In all the excitement, I forgot my bag.
09:39Oh, great.
09:40Well, we'll get it tomorrow.
09:42No, there's something I want to show you, William.
09:43I'll run up and get it right now.
09:45Oh, no, you don't.
09:46If anybody gets it, I will.
09:47Seems I'm the only person around here who can go out in the world and come back all in one piece.
09:51I will get the bag.
09:52Thanks, darling.
09:53You're sweet.
09:54And careful.
10:06What do you want?
10:07I'm sorry to bother you, but my wife forgot her bag.
10:10It's black and sort of...
10:12Just a minute.
10:21Thanks very much.
10:22Sorry to disturb you.
10:44Bam, I got it.
10:46Oh, thank goodness!
10:49Boy, that lawyer certainly acted strange.
10:51Lawyers always do.
10:52Your pajamas are all laid out.
10:54You better have your initials put on it.
10:56It's a good idea.
11:02Where did you get that?
11:03You got the wrong bag.
11:05Oh, fine.
11:07Why would she be carrying a gun in her bag?
11:09The wagon will want to know that, too.
11:11We better call him right away.
11:13I'm so sleepy I couldn't even dial a phone.
11:15Morning won't be time enough.
11:17I don't know about you, but I'm going to bed.
11:20Jerry, I have a theory.
11:24Tell her to me in bed.
11:26Yes, sir.
11:27Even if I can't hear it.
11:33Mr. Clarkson, anything else?
11:36I don't know what more I can tell you, Mr. Tennant.
11:41You were supposed to have dinner with your nephew tonight, weren't you?
11:44Yes, but Laura called me and told me about his fall.
11:48Then what did you do?
11:50I had dinner with a client.
11:52I'm an insurance broker.
11:54Then went to see him off at the airport.
11:56So then you didn't hear about your nephew until later?
11:59That's right.
12:00As soon as I heard, I went right down to the hospital.
12:04Bond with your nephew?
12:07Of course.
12:08And your sister?
12:10I don't think that's any of my business.
12:13Maybe not.
12:15When there's an attempt made on a man's life, Mr. Clarkson,
12:18the police become quite curious about a lot of things.
12:21I suppose so.
12:23But there isn't anything more I can tell you.
12:26I see.
12:27That's all for now.
12:31I've got to get right over to the hospital right away.
12:41Clarkson's on his way out. Put a tail on him.
12:43Okay, Lieutenant.
13:10Did that say one tablespoon or one teaspoon?
13:16I don't care. I'm going to call Bill.
14:12Will you bring me a glass of water, please?
14:22Good old Roswell.
14:51Jerry, for heaven's sake.
15:03The bag is gone!
15:10How you can make a pig of yourself on a simple glass of milk is more than I can understand.
15:30Hello, police headquarters?
15:32Lieutenant Wigan, please. Lieutenant Bill Wigan, homicide.
15:37Oh, he's not there?
15:39Well, have you any idea when he'll be back?
15:42You haven't.
15:44Has he gone home for the night?
15:47Nobody ever goes home for the night in homicide.
15:50Well, I see. Thank you.
15:52Please leave word that Mrs. North called.
15:55Mrs. Gerald North.
15:58Yes, this is Pam.
16:01Oh, you do?
16:03Well, just please give Lieutenant Wigan the message.
16:07We all know you, Pam.
17:58October 19th?
18:18Oh, Pam.
18:20Why don't you ever answer anything?
18:27Can't answer the front door.
18:30Back door on the phone.
18:39I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't break the door down.
18:45Hey, what's the matter with you people?
18:46I telephoned you five times and nearly kicked down the door.
18:48I thought you said you couldn't sleep at night.
18:50Pam, Bill's here.
18:52Oh, she sleeps sounder than I do.
18:58Bill, she's gone.
19:01And I have a hunch where she is.
19:03At the hospital with Miss Clarkson and the boy.
19:22Doctor, what...
19:24He's had a little relapse.
19:26I don't know what we'd do without oxygen at a time like this.
19:29He'll be all right as long as he gets the oxygen.
19:41I'd like to see Tommy Clarkson.
19:45Oh, yes. 2034.
19:47I'm sorry, but that's a critical case. No visitors allowed.
19:50Oh, but I must see him. It's very important.
19:53But it's a matter of life and death.
19:55I'm sure it is.
19:57Is he alone?
19:59As far as I know, I just came on duty.
20:01Oh, but that's dangerous, him being alone.
20:03You see, he's afraid that somebody's trying to kill him.
20:06Well, from this report, somebody almost succeeded.
20:10Could I go in for just a minute to see if he's all right?
20:12Look, lady, it says no visitors.
20:15Those are orders.
20:18Emergency hospital.
20:22Myron, what are you doing?
20:24It's almost midnight. We've got to work fast.
20:26No, Myron, you can't.
20:27Have I got to remind you what's going to happen if he lives to see us?
20:30Yes, Myron, I won't let you. I don't care.
20:32Well, I do.
20:33The minute they turn the estate over to him,
20:35he'll find out that you've been embezzling his money with my help.
20:38You're in too deep, Laura, and so am I.
20:41This is the only way out.
20:43You're in too deep, Laura, and so am I.
20:46This is the only way for both of us.
20:55Yes, doctor.
20:58Yes, once every hour.
21:09Yes, I understand, doctor.
21:12Very well, doctor.
21:28Mrs. Knowles!
21:30They told me no one was in here.
21:32We gave orders to that effect.
21:33How is he?
21:34Well, we're not sure yet.
21:36I'm surprised they let you in.
21:38Oh, I just had to see him.
21:39I sneaked in without anyone seeing me.
21:41I hope you don't mind.
21:42No, but there's nothing you can do, Mrs. Knowles.
21:44Is the oxygen helping him?
21:54Mr. Sedgwick, you're standing on the hose.
21:57Oh, I hadn't realized it.
22:00There, there, I'm sure you'll be all right.
22:05He isn't getting any oxygen.
22:07You're deliberately standing on the hose.
22:10I wouldn't try to get out, Mrs. Knowles.
22:12He was right.
22:13You're trying to kill him.
22:14It's too bad you found that out.
22:16Because now I'm afraid we'll have to do the same to you.
22:19You wouldn't.
22:20Why not, Mrs. Knowles?
22:21You told me yourself no one saw you come in.
22:25Oh, no, no, Myron, you don't know what you're doing.
22:27Myron, stop.
22:28In a few minutes, you and Tommy will be back.
22:43All right, counselor.
22:44Anytime you're ready.
22:51Well, who was the man I saw in Laura's apartment?
22:53Oh, that was Clarkson.
22:54He admitted that to us when we picked him up at the airport tonight.
22:57The airport?
22:58You mean he was trying to make a getaway?
23:00Well, we figured he would.
23:01That's why we had him pretty well covered.
23:02You mean he tried to kill Tommy?
23:04Oh, no, no, no.
23:05He came in after Sedgwick had already made the attempt.
23:08And then when he saw Tommy lying there,
23:10he was afraid he'd be accused,
23:11so he got out as fast as he could.
23:14He was innocent.
23:15He found out that his sister
23:17was dipping her fingers into the million and a half
23:19with the aid of Sedgwick.
23:21Didn't you think he'd try and protect his nephew?
23:24Well, he confessed to me tonight
23:25that he was suspicious of the two
23:26and was afraid that he'd get the same treatment.
23:31I wish that phone call would come through from headquarters.
23:33I want to go home and get some shut-eye.
23:35I guess we could all use a little sleep.
23:38Except Jerry.
23:39He's had enough for a week.
23:45Must have been last week.
23:47Yeah, I wish it would come through from headquarters.
23:52Oh, uh, you'd be happy to know
23:53that young Clarkson's going to pull through okay.
24:07Oh, well.
24:37Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Ralph Francis Murphy.
24:41A John W. Loveden production.
24:44Produced by Federal Telefilms.
24:47Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning,
24:49featuring Francis DeSales.
24:52This has been a film presentation.
