Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1952) NOSED OUT

  • 2 days ago
Exploring the Charm of "Mr. & Mrs. North": A Look Back at "Nosed Out"

The 1950s were a golden era for television, with many shows that are still remembered fondly today. Among them was "Mr. & Mrs. North," a series that combined mystery, comedy, and drama in a format that captivated audiences of the time. The show starred Richard Denning and Barbara Britton as a married couple who found themselves embroiled in various crimes, often solving them before the police could.

One notable episode from this series is "Nosed Out," which originally aired on November 7, 1952. The plot is as intriguing as it is humorous: after a day at the racetrack, the Norths discover the body of jockey Eddie Mears in their car trunk. It's a bizarre coincidence that Mears owned the same make and model car as the Norths and parked it in the same city garage. The prime suspect is Eddie's wife, Zelma, who had just asked him for a divorce the night before. However, the Norths' investigation takes them on a twist-filled journey that keeps the viewers guessing until the end.

The episode is a perfect example of the show's formula: a blend of light-hearted banter between the leads, a dash of suspense, and a resolution that often comes with a twist. The chemistry between Denning and Britton is palpable, making their on-screen marriage one of the highlights of the show. Their dynamic, along with the show's clever writing, makes "Nosed Out" a standout episode and a testament to the enduring appeal of "Mr. & Mrs. North."

For those interested in revisiting this classic, "Nosed Out" is available to watch online, allowing a new generation to experience the charm and wit of this sophisticated series. Whether you're a fan of vintage television or just love a good mystery, "Mr. & Mrs. North" is a delightful journey back to a simpler time in TV history.


00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Oh, hello. There's been a change in the jockey list. Perino's riding number six.
00:57Well, that's our horse, Never Say Die. I wonder why Eddie isn't riding it. Isn't that weird?
01:03Probably afraid to risk it with that pedigree. What are the odds? Eight to five?
01:07Is that good or bad? Well, that depends on whether you win or lose.
01:10Well, I mean, I never can understand those stupid fractions. Does it mean I have to put up eight dollars to win five or five dollars to win eight?
01:16Yes. What do you mean, yes?
01:19Five to win eight. But I only want to put up two.
01:23Well, you can. You can. Well, I wish they'd say so.
01:26For heaven's sakes, Pam, don't dither about higher mathematics.
01:30And they're off.
02:01Oh, for Pete's sake, Pam, why risk losing your voice on number two? Never Say Die was number six. He was last and won the booby prize.
02:08Oh, I didn't bet on Never Say Die. You didn't? Well, we didn't. You said you would, too.
02:14Well, I had my mind changed for me. I went up to the window and said two, please, meaning two dollars.
02:19Well, the man gave me a ticket on number two. He just shot up like a little jack in the box before I had a chance to stop him.
02:25So I said to myself, wouldn't it be awful if number two should win and I handed it back.
02:29So I went to the five dollar window and bought a five dollar ticket on number two as well. I thought it was kind of a sign.
02:34You mean to say you had seven dollars riding on that horse?
02:38I'll pay you about thirty to one.
02:41Oh, I give up. Positively emotional.
02:44For the owner of the car with a New York license number NN11-39, please go to the car park immediately.
02:50Smoke is pouring from the inside of your car.
02:53Gee, I hope it's official, Pam. That would be terrible if anything.
02:57Pam, that's our car.
02:59Holy smoke.
03:00Blood pulling anything but holy. We better hurry up and get down there.
03:03This is a tragedy. I've got a chicken in the back seat. It'll be roasted.
03:06Oh, excuse me.
03:07I'm the owner. I'm afraid we had to spring this to get the door open.
03:10Oh, thank goodness you did. Is there much damage?
03:12No, sir. The car was full of smoke, but the upholstery has been burned.
03:15It was these rags that were smoldering. There was a cigar on top of them.
03:18Well, that's strange. I don't smoke cigars.
03:20And there certainly were no rags in there.
03:22What's happened to my groceries?
03:24Oh, for heaven's sakes, Pam. Have a sense of proportion.
03:26Did you leave the window open?
03:28Yes, so the butter wouldn't melt.
03:30Well, it sounds like some psycho firebug wanted to set the thing on fire for the fun of it.
03:33It happens often.
03:34Oh, but why did they have to pick my brand new car? I just got it the day before yesterday.
03:38Oh, the seat's filthy. Look at all those bits of burnt rag.
03:41Oh, there's a brush in the trunk. I'll get it.
03:54Come here.
03:55What is it, darling?
03:56Don't look, Pam.
04:01I'm Lieutenant Wigan. Homicide. I'll take charge.
04:03Yes, sir.
04:08He was dead before he was put in your car.
04:10Literally bludgeoned to death.
04:13No wonder someone tried a little cremation.
04:15Excuse me, Lieutenant, but I think I know who that corpse is.
04:19Eddie Mears, the jockey.
04:21Eddie Mears?
04:22Yes, they died.
04:24It's no wonder he didn't ride in just now.
04:26Is he married?
04:27Yes, sir, to a trapeze artist, Zelma Svensson, she used to call herself.
04:31Bill, is there anything I can do to help?
04:33Would you like me to break the news to the poor man's widow?
04:38This is one case, Mrs. North, that I'm going to solve without your help.
04:41With your permission, I'll call on Zelma Svensson myself.
04:47Mrs. Mears?
04:48Who are you?
04:50Lieutenant Wigan. Homicide. I'd like to have a talk with you.
04:53Oh. Well, then you'd better come in.
05:00Good evening. I'm Hiram K. Jones.
05:03Of the Circle Y Ranch, Aransas, Texas.
05:06Yes, I've heard of you. Eddie's ridden some of your horses, hasn't he?
05:09And you're a friend of Mrs. Mears?
05:11Well, obviously, he wouldn't be here if he wasn't.
05:13Did Eddie send you here to spy on us, Lieutenant?
05:15Was there any reason he should have?
05:18However, he didn't.
05:19Eddie won't be sending anybody anywhere, Mr. Jones,
05:22and I'm afraid he won't be riding for you again.
05:24I don't get you.
05:25Something's happened to Eddie.
05:27Lieutenant, Eddie's dead.
05:29Is that what you're telling us?
05:31I'm afraid so.
05:42I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, Mrs. Mears.
05:47What happened? An accident on the track?
05:49No, he was murdered.
05:52He was found in the back of the car of some friends of mine.
05:54He was hit on the head with a heavy object.
05:56Who did it?
05:57That's what I'm trying to find out, and I hope Mrs. Mears will be able to help me.
06:01Are you able to answer a few questions, Mrs. Mears?
06:04What do you want to know?
06:05Well, certain things are merely routine.
06:07Now, when did you last see Eddie?
06:10At dinner here last night.
06:12What did you talk about?
06:15Why do you hesitate?
06:16Tell him the truth, Sarah. We'll find out anyway.
06:19Well, I asked him for a divorce.
06:21Hiram and I wanted to get married.
06:23What was his reaction?
06:25He said he'd think about it.
06:27What happened after dinner? Did he go out?
06:31I did.
06:32He said he had a business appointment and he wanted the apartment for himself.
06:36Did he say who the appointment was with?
06:40Where'd you go?
06:42To a movie.
06:43Meet any friends?
06:50I gather you didn't see Eddie then when you got home from the movies.
06:54He wasn't here.
06:55He didn't sleep here last night.
06:57Oh, didn't you think that's strange?
06:59When he had an early morning gallop, a trial, he often stayed at the athletic club.
07:03So as not to wake me when he got up.
07:05I presume that's where he was.
07:07Mrs. Mears, the medical reports say that your husband was killed between 8 and 9 last night.
07:14Now, apparently since you haven't got an alibi, I must warn you that you're in a pretty difficult spot.
07:19Are you accusing Mrs. Mears of murdering Eddie?
07:21I'm accusing no one at this stage of the proceedings.
07:23Now, Mrs. Mears, would you be kind enough to tell me where you keep your car?
07:27Right here in the village.
07:29St. Ann's Garage.
07:38Evening, Mrs. Norris.
07:39Hello, Peachy.
07:40Mr. Norris.
07:41Hello, Mr. Peachy.
07:42Will you be using the car again tonight, sir?
07:45I shall. I'll put her upstairs.
07:46No, just leave her here.
07:47This window's been sprung.
07:48I'll have to take it down in the morning and get it fixed.
07:50Have an accident?
07:51You could call it that.
07:53I've never seen it filled.
07:54You christen a new car the first week you get it.
07:57Whose car is that, Peachy?
07:58It looks exactly like ours.
07:59Eddie Mears, the jockey.
08:01I wouldn't have to give you that tip.
08:03Oh, never mind.
08:04Eddie Mears, the jockey.
08:05I wouldn't have to give you that tip.
08:07Oh, never say die if I knew Eddie wasn't going to ride.
08:10Because a jockey makes a mighty big difference.
08:12Wonder why he didn't ride.
08:14I wish I knew.
08:15It cost me a plenty.
08:16Is Mr. Potter still here?
08:18Right in the office, sir.
08:21Didn't seem to know anything about it.
08:23Evidently, the evening papers haven't got the news yet.
08:25Well, Belk said they were keeping it out until the morning edition.
08:29This is Eddie Mears, isn't it?
08:32Yes, to my pal, Len Potter.
08:34Your pal, Eddie Mears.
08:40Oh, don't tell me Eddie was bumped off.
08:44Poor Eddie.
08:45It's a wicked shame, the Black Odds.
08:48We think it was done here in your garage, Mr. Potter.
08:51Probably sometime during the night.
08:53Listen here, Mr. Nott.
08:54There's been no might as committed on my premises.
08:58What time do they say the poor boy was killed?
09:01Between 8 and 9 p.m.
09:03What'd I tell you?
09:04I was here doing my accounts.
09:05I let the night man go out for a snack at that time.
09:08You think I wouldn't have heard something
09:10if Eddie was getting himself beaten up and bumped off?
09:15Yes, I suppose you would.
09:17But you can't get away from the fact
09:18that somebody did put Eddie's body in our car,
09:20on your premises, probably by mistake.
09:23Oh, you're crazy.
09:25Why should anyone make such a mistake?
09:28We can't imagine,
09:29except that we just noticed our new car
09:31is the same model as Eddie's.
09:32You remember we told you last week
09:34we were turning in our car for a new one.
09:36Oh, yeah.
09:37I guess you did.
09:38I haven't had time to look at the car yet.
09:41I've been busy with my second-hand car business.
09:44A sideline I run, you know.
09:49Mr. North, you may have a point
09:51when you say it was a mistake.
09:54There is one person I know
09:57who wouldn't mind seeing Eddie out of the way.
09:59Oh, who's that?
10:01That Swedish Amazon he's married to.
10:03She's no good.
10:04I often see her come in for a car
10:06with her latest boyfriend.
10:08She's found herself a sucker her own size.
10:14Maybe the three of them had a showdown.
10:17Maybe she rubbed Eddie out.
10:19And then put the body in our car,
10:21mistaking it for her own.
10:22Yeah, that's what I mean.
10:24Plan to get rid of the corpse later.
10:26Mr. Potter, that doesn't make sense.
10:28She, of all people, would know her own car.
10:31Yeah, but supposing it happened in her apartment.
10:36Supposing she gave the boyfriend the dirty work
10:39of bringing the body down here
10:41and hiding it away in Eddie's car.
10:43Suppose he got flustered and mixed up the cars.
10:47It's a very ingenious theory, Mr. Potter.
10:51Len speaking.
10:54Listen, you bungling punk.
10:56How did that stiff get in the back end of the car?
10:59Who do you think you are, Houdini?
11:01Shut up, will you, hunch?
11:03I tell you, I can't discuss it with you now.
11:06I got a couple of customers in the office.
11:08Listen, you.
11:09You keep your mouth shut about what you know about me.
11:12I got an alibi for last night.
11:14Have you?
11:16Sorry for the interruption.
11:17Some customers have frozen limits.
11:19What's about this and that?
11:21Oh, about my car, Mr. Potter.
11:23I'd like to have it thoroughly cleaned inside and out.
11:25The police really messed it up this afternoon
11:27going over it for fingerprints.
11:29Yeah, they got no respect for other people's property.
11:31We'll want a new mat.
11:32The present one has a cigar roll the size of a dinner plate.
11:35Yeah, I'll take it.
11:36I'll take it.
11:37I'll take it.
11:38I'll take it.
11:39I'll take it.
11:40I'll take it.
11:41I'll take it.
11:42I'll take it.
11:43I'll take it.
11:44Yeah, I'll take care of it.
11:45And I'm sorry about all this.
11:47And mark my words.
11:49The question is, find the lady.
11:51And when you do, I'll bet my last dollar
11:53it turns out to be that double-crossing wife of Eddie's.
11:56Do you bet, Mr. Potter?
11:57On the horses, I mean.
12:00Yeah, I take an occasional flutter.
12:03In a small way.
12:05I expect Eddie Mears used to give you a lot of good tips.
12:08You know, today, when I went up to the tote window...
12:10Oh, come on, Pam.
12:11Mr. Potter doesn't want to hear the history of your gambling mistakes.
12:14He probably has plenty of his own.
12:16Good night.
12:27Tell me, Mrs. Mears.
12:28Did Eddie do any gambling on the side?
12:31He said he was paid to ride the horses, not play them.
12:33Did you approve of that?
12:34Well, I thought when he had a sure thing,
12:36he might have tipped me off, but he wouldn't.
12:38He gave them to acquaintances, never to me.
12:40It wasn't ethical.
12:41I gather from your tone you thought that narrow-minded.
12:45Hey, that's a pretty good-looking ornament.
12:47One of Eddie's prizes?
12:49It was a tribute from his fellow jockeys
12:51when he rode his 500th winner.
12:53What's this, this broken piece here?
12:55That must be the whip, I suppose.
12:58When did this happen?
12:59The break, I mean.
13:00As a matter of fact, last night.
13:02I'd forgotten all about it.
13:04Last night?
13:05Tell me.
13:06When I came home from the movies, it was lying on the floor.
13:08In what position?
13:09Show me, please.
13:17Just like that, huh?
13:19Well, didn't you think it strange?
13:22Frankly, Lieutenant, I had other things on my mind last night.
13:25Such as?
13:26What I told you, my divorce.
13:28All right, you can pick it up now.
13:36I see you had no difficulty lifting it.
13:38Well, that's pretty heavy for a woman.
13:40Those circus muscles evidently haven't grown flabby.
13:43If you're trying to infer that I hit Eddie with that,
13:45I tell you I didn't, I didn't, I didn't!
13:47Lieutenant, you're exceeding your duty.
13:50Don't you say another word, honey, until you see my lawyer.
13:53I'll get that, Mrs. Mears.
13:59Oh, Jerry, you just caught me in time.
14:01I was going to take a stroll down to your garage.
14:03Oh, well, I'm glad I caught you
14:04because there's something you ought to know.
14:06We think the garage owner, Potter, behaved very strangely.
14:09We got the impression that he knew all the time
14:11that Eddie had been killed,
14:12though he pretended to be shocked.
14:14What gave you that idea?
14:15Well, he said he was in the garage last night
14:17between eight and nine,
14:18and that if Eddie had been beaten up and bumped off,
14:21he'd have heard the row.
14:22Well, we never told him how Eddie had been killed,
14:24so how did he happen to mention the right method?
14:26Why didn't he say shot or stabbed?
14:29Well, just probably a figure of speech.
14:31Anything else?
14:33While we were there, somebody telephoned him.
14:35Now, Pam has the idea it was probably a bookmaker
14:37because he said,
14:38shut up, hunch, I can't talk to you now.
14:41Well, Pam says anybody with a nickname like that
14:43is obviously a bookmaker,
14:44you know, because they have hunches on the horses.
14:47Pam's hunch about hunch is right.
14:49One of the biggest bookmaking operations in the East
14:51is controlled by a character named Hunch Connolly.
14:55I'll see you later, Jerry.
15:01One more thing, Mrs. Mears.
15:03How is Eddie mixed up with Hunch Connolly?
15:05He wasn't.
15:06He told me Connolly tried several times
15:08to get him to pull horses,
15:09but Eddie positively refused.
15:11Was he Eddie's mysterious visitor last night?
15:13If he was, Eddie didn't tell me.
15:16All right, Mrs. Mears.
15:22Just don't try to leave town until you hear from me.
15:29I thought you said everything was all set with Eddie,
15:31that he was going to accept the situation
15:32like a reasonable human being.
15:35You don't know Eddie.
15:36He said if there was any divorcing to be done,
15:38he'd do it.
15:39Said he'd name you, too.
15:41That ain't so good.
15:43Some of the boys are figuring
15:44I ought to run for Congress next year.
15:47I can't afford to get mixed up in any scandal right now.
15:50Why don't we fly to Mexico and get married right away?
15:53You heard what the man said about leaving town.
15:55Look here, Zelma.
15:57You sure you didn't have anything to do
15:58with getting rid of Eddie?
16:00Suppose I did.
16:02Would you stick by me or just run for Congress?
16:07Get busy with that smoked chicken.
16:10Hope it hasn't spoiled sitting in the car most of the day.
16:15You know, what the hell did I do with the groceries?
16:19My stars, I don't remember bringing them home.
16:22I didn't, I left them in the car.
16:24Oh, Pam, you're the darnedest.
16:26Yes, Jerry.
16:29Delicious, delectable, darling.
16:33Thanks, dear, for the alliteration.
16:35Run on down to the garage and get them for me, will you?
16:38Oh, no.
16:40You just trot down on your little high heels
16:42and get them yourself.
16:43I'm gonna read my evening paper.
16:45Well, skip the racing, dear.
16:46You already know what it cost you.
16:58Come on.
17:28Dear Eddie, I'll be at your apartment at 8 tonight, alone.
17:57I want to ask you a little favor.
17:59A hunch.
18:11What are you doing in that car, lady?
18:14I made a mistake.
18:17The mistake this car is just like mine.
18:19You better come and tell that fairy tale to the boss, lady.
18:22Get going.
18:28But the two cars were exactly alike.
18:31But they have different numbers, don't they?
18:33Now, get this.
18:34This is a story you're gonna tell the cops
18:35in case they start asking a lot of questions.
18:37You don't know my horse room.
18:39You don't know my other office.
18:40You don't even know me.
18:41You never laid a bet on a horse in your life.
18:45Come in.
18:49Well, what now?
18:51This is Mrs. North.
18:53She's the owner of the other car.
18:54I caught her nosing around inside Eddie's car.
18:56What were you looking for, Mrs. North?
18:58I don't know what right you have to question me.
18:59Who are you?
19:00We'll cut out the formal introductions.
19:01Just answer the question.
19:04Mr. Potter, I'm very, very cross.
19:06Your friends have very bad manners.
19:08Will you please tell this rude, ugly man
19:10to stop pointing his silly revolver at me?
19:12Listen, you bailer head...
19:13Yes, shut up, Torpedo.
19:15The lady has a right to her opinion of your map.
19:18And put the toy away.
19:19I don't think she's going to be difficult.
19:21Now, Mrs. North, just answer the question.
19:24What were you doing in Eddie's car?
19:26You better tell him, Mrs. North.
19:28Well, I don't mind telling you.
19:29I know you.
19:31This is just a lot of nonsense.
19:33I left my groceries in the car.
19:35I came back to get them.
19:36I just got in the wrong car, that's all.
19:38The wren's lying.
19:40She got into her own car before she got into Eddie's.
19:44You go outside and keep watching.
19:50Now, what were you looking for, Mrs. North?
19:54I just wanted to see if Eddie's car had the same upholstery as ours.
19:58I don't believe you, Mrs. North.
20:01Why are you so interested in what I did?
20:06How do you know my name?
20:08I'm psychic.
20:10I read tea leaves and things.
20:11But I don't drink tea.
20:12So there are no tea leaves here.
20:14Oh, but you're wrong again, Mr. Hunch.
20:16I have some in this bag of groceries.
20:20Well, what else do they tell you about me besides my name?
20:24The future and past of you two men.
20:29Yes, I see your future as clear as glass.
20:34Well, tell us.
20:35The two of you killed Eddie Mears.
20:38And you go to the chair for it.
20:40I didn't kill him, Mrs. North.
20:41I didn't have anything to do with the murder.
20:43It was Hunch.
20:44Oh, sit down.
20:45You don't have to tell me, Mr. Potter.
20:47It's all in my crystal ball.
20:50Hunch paid Eddie a call last night.
20:538 o'clock, wasn't it?
20:57He wanted him to pull a horse.
21:00He refused.
21:02They had an argument.
21:04And Eddie threatened to tell about the fix.
21:07Isn't that what it's called?
21:09Go on.
21:10You've got quite an imagination.
21:12What is in my imagination?
21:14There's a voice whispering in my ear.
21:19It tells me you were faced with every murderer's problem.
21:24And what was that?
21:26What to do with the body.
21:32Well, then, what do we do about voices talking to ladies like that?
21:37We give them a case of laryngitis.
21:39Bad laryngitis.
21:41You sound as though you're threatening me, Mr. Hunch.
21:43You're right again.
21:44Not that I believe in them, but you've got a hold of something.
21:47Something you're not going to broadcast.
21:49Because it's the truth?
21:51If you're considering shoving me in the trunk of some car to silence me,
21:54you'll never get away with it.
21:55My husband knows that I came down here to get the groceries.
21:58If anything happens to me, they'd arrest Mr. Potter, at least.
22:01He's so green and scared, he'd give the whole thing away.
22:04They'd beat the truth out of him.
22:05She's right, Hunch.
22:06You're not going to involve me in a second murder.
22:08It was bad enough trying to make me frame Zelma Mears
22:11for bringing the body here and putting it in Eddie's car.
22:14I knew it was a crazy scheme.
22:17My, my, what talkative people.
22:20I think you belong to each other.
22:22I'll see what I can do about it.
22:24Torpedo, come in here.
22:27Start the car.
22:28We're taking these two characters for a little holiday
22:30on my farm in the Catskills.
22:32Give me your gun.
22:34Mrs. Norris, ladies first.
22:37You too, Potter.
22:39Hunch, what are you going to do to us?
22:40You'll surprise me.
22:41Now, shut up.
22:42Come on.
23:03Well, this is a fine welcome.
23:05What's going on here?
23:07Oh, I'm sorry about the wild pitch.
23:09But don't worry about it.
23:10I've got everything in the bag.
23:13Hunch tried to get Eddie to throw a horse.
23:15And he almost told the authorities.
23:17And Hunch, Hunch almost admitted it.
23:19It's my true love.
23:20I got the proof right here.
23:21He was in his apartment last night.
23:22I found it in Eddie's car.
23:24I know the whole story.
23:26Mr. Potter isn't to blame.
23:27He didn't do the murder.
23:28Well, look, look, look, Pam.
23:29Pam, Pam, now wait a minute, please.
23:31I can't follow a word.
23:32Now, look, we'll get the whole thing down at the right time
23:34in the right place.
23:35Hunch, did you knock over Eddie's racing trophy last night
23:38by accident or on purpose?
23:40You read tea leaves, too?
23:42Take him, boys.
23:43You see, I thought I was right.
23:45I could tell your future.
23:47I'm sorry, lady.
23:48I just didn't recognize your turban.
23:50Oh, Pam!
23:53Oh, there you are, darling.
23:55I got worried you were taking so long.
23:57Well, Bill arrived nearly late as usual.
23:59Hi, Bill.
24:00I was going for a long holiday in the Catskills.
24:04I don't know.
24:05Because I'm a run, I guess.
24:07Oh, darling, what have they done to you?
24:09Pam, you're delirious.
24:11Sometimes it pays to be a little delirious.
24:14Well, what's the matter with you?
24:16You're all covered with blood.
24:18Not blood, it's tomatoes.
24:19I don't get it.
24:20I'm lost.
24:21Can't somebody please tell me what's been happening?
24:23No, but I'm going to tell you what's going to happen
24:25when I'm taking Pam down to the station and booking her.
24:28On what charges?
24:29Hitting an officer with a spoiled vegetable
24:31in the act of him carrying out his duty.
24:34Now, will you come quietly, Mrs. North?
24:58Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Ralph Francis Murphy.
25:02A John W. Loveden production.
25:05Produced by Federal Telefilms.
25:08Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
25:10Featuring Francis DeSales.
25:25This has been a film presentation.
