Mr. and Mrs. North (TV-1952) A GOOD BUY

  • 2 days ago
Exploring the Charm of "Mr. and Mrs. North": A Vintage TV Gem

"Mr. and Mrs. North" was a delightful television series that aired in the early 1950s, bringing a mix of comedy, drama, mystery, and romance to the black-and-white screens of the era. The show featured the adventures of a married couple, Jerry and Pamela North, played by Richard Denning and Barbara Britton, respectively. Living in Greenwich Village, New York City, Jerry, a mystery magazine publisher, and his wife Pamela, found themselves embroiled in various crime-solving escapades, often outwitting the police with their amateur detective skills.

One particular episode that stands out is "A Good Buy," which first aired on October 17, 1952. The plot revolves around Pamela's purchase of an old trunk at an auction, only to be approached by a woman offering a large sum of money for it. Refusing to sell, the Norths are later shocked to discover the body of that very woman inside the trunk when it's delivered to their home. This episode is a perfect example of the show's ability to blend suspense with light-hearted moments, as the Norths navigate through the mystery, uncovering a hidden compartment within the trunk that contained smuggled diamonds.

The series was well-received for its time, praised for its witty writing and the charming chemistry between the leads. Barbara Britton's portrayal of Pamela North was particularly noted for her vivacious and endearing performance, which brought a spark of life to the screen. The show's ability to combine different genres made it a unique viewing experience, and it remains a nostalgic piece of television history.

For those interested in revisiting this classic, episodes of "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be found on various online platforms, allowing new generations to enjoy the clever storytelling and the captivating performances of its leading duo. Whether you're a fan of vintage TV shows or just love a good mystery, "Mr. and Mrs. North" is indeed a good buy for your watchlist.


00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm offered $40 for this urn.
00:51Do I hear $50?
00:52Going at $40.
00:56The lady in the gray hat.
00:57Take it away, boys.
00:58About $4.39.
00:59Oil painting after B.G.
01:01Quarantine frame.
01:02Now, what do we say?
01:10Any advance on $12?
01:11Come, come, ladies and gentlemen.
01:12The frame alone is worth more than that.
01:15Well, I should say so.
01:18Any advance on $14?
01:19Last call, $14.
01:24Mendoza Gallery.
01:28Mendoza Gallery.
01:29Take it away, boys.
01:30Lot 400.
01:31Carved Cassone dowry chest.
01:32Italian 17th century.
01:33Now, there, ladies and gentlemen, one of the finest and the most beautiful items in this
01:40Is it moth-proof?
01:41Moth-proof, rain-proof, worm-proof, and bullet-proof, madam.
01:43You see, I want to throw my blankets in it.
01:44And my winter eider down.
01:45Then perhaps you wouldn't mind opening the bidding, madam, starting at $150.
02:03I don't mind going down to $50.
02:04Very well, then, $50 it is.
02:14Are you bidding, madam, or are you waving at me?
02:15I bid $100.
02:16Well, we're right back where we should have started from.
02:21Any advance on $120?
02:22$120 for the last time.
02:25for the last time. One hundred and thirty. It's yours. Congratulations that's
02:31the best buy of the afternoon. We'll get the lady's name and the deposit take it
02:36away boys. I feel as though I've done a week's laundry. Your name please.
02:41Mrs. Gerald North. Twenty four St. Anthony's New York. Lot 401 sterling silver
02:46candlestick Georgian style.
02:49You'll step this way please. I want to pay the whole amount and I'd like it to
02:53never denied if possible if we're going away for the weekend. I think that can be
02:56arranged. I beg your pardon. What number is the auctioning off now? 401. Oh I wanted
03:01to bid on number 400. I got caught in a traffic jam. I'm sorry madam that's been
03:04sold. This lady bought it. How much did you pay for it? A hundred and thirty
03:08dollars. I'll give you a hundred and fifty. Quiet ladies quiet. This isn't a bargain
03:12basement. Sorry madam. Will you sit down Mrs. North? I'll start the bidding on
03:17these beautiful sterling silver candlesticks. Well how about it? No. Look I must have
03:23that check. What will you take for it? I'll sell it for a million dollars. That's
03:28exactly what I've been looking for. But I'll pay you anything within reason. Listen
03:33Mr. whoever you are. There aren't any words in English language that could persuade
03:39me to change my mind. You'll regret this.
03:49Wow what a persistent creature. She did seem a little upset. After all it is a good
03:53chess but only a reproduction. She must be very spoiled and very rich. Her clothes
03:59weren't very smart were they? That may be just bad taste. Did you notice the emerald
04:03bracelet she was wearing? Looked like a four leaf clover. Well it didn't bring her
04:07very much luck this time. Who is it? It's me Lex open up. What took you so long
04:15Grace? Lousy parade on Fifth Avenue. All right all right. The point is did you get
04:20it? Now don't fly off the handle ladies. I did the best I could. You mean you didn't
04:24get it? Some dizzy dame bought it before I got there. I couldn't help it. I ought to
04:28hang one on you. Don't miss. Look I can't help it if there's a parade. I couldn't get
04:33across the street. Why didn't you buy the dame off? Oh I tried to. She stuck her heels
04:38in said she wouldn't take a million for it. Now listen to me Grace I got my heart set
04:42on that piece of furniture. Now you go back and get it before they ship it out of that
04:46drying joint. I don't care who you have to pay off or how much. Do I make myself clear?
04:50I wouldn't wear that lousy brunette wig again to go out and buy a mink coat. Don't you
04:54tell me what you won't do. Put it on.
05:06This time you better come back with a goods kit or there'll be a second parade. Only you
05:10will be at the head of it. In a different kind of chest.
05:25Jerry how long do you propose to keep up this sulking?
05:29Permanent. You're acting like a silly little boy.
05:33If I'm a silly little boy you're an A1 infant in arms. First you pay a hundred and thirty
05:39dollars more than we can afford for a chest we don't need. Then when you have a chance
05:43of more than doubling your money you turn it down. It's pathological.
05:48Oh you men always thinking of the profits. The beautiful things in life pass you by.
05:53Well I think those five hundred smackers you might have made are beautiful things.
05:57A hundred and thirty dollars in the publishing business the way it is today.
06:02Look at those cards Cupid. Aren't they beautifully executed?
06:06No but I'm in favor of it. I think that thing's a monstrosity. You could have got a perfectly
06:12nice modern cedar chest for seventy dollars at any department store in New York.
06:16Yes but that wouldn't be monstrous, wonderful, waterproof and bulletproof.
06:23The auctioneer. He claimed it was all those things.
06:27I'll bet that's the delivery man with the key.
06:35Thank you very much.
06:38See I was right. I didn't have a chance to open it before the auction.
06:42I hope it isn't mildewy.
06:51The bargain is obviously not body proof.
06:55Is she dead? Jerry look I think it's her.
07:01The girl at the shop who made me the offer.
07:03It is?
07:05Yes I recognize her bracelet. The four leaf clover.
07:13Poor creature. She must have wanted this chest pretty badly to pay for it with her life.
07:21Well I hope you can catch the second act anyway.
07:31What's he say Bill? Grace Wilson was killed around 6.30.
07:35Someone gave her one blow on the back of the head with a heavy object.
07:38Probably one of those silver candlesticks sold at the auction.
07:41Come on have this coffee Bill.
07:42Well whatever it was she never knew what hit her.
07:44It was 6.30. It was after the auction was over.
07:48I wonder why she disguised herself with that black wig.
07:51Well that's obvious. She was afraid someone at the sale might recognize her.
07:54You see she was a well known show girl.
07:57Yes but what bothers me is why would Legs Sherman's girlfriend take a sudden interest in old furniture.
08:02That sort of girl is only interested in antiques with bald heads and bankrolls.
08:06That money couldn't have been the motive or she wouldn't still have been wearing that bracelet.
08:09And that emerald bracelet was worth at least five grand.
08:13Now Legs must have been playing the right horses lately to be able to give her that.
08:16Seems to me you've got a lot of questions to ask him Bill.
08:18Correct Pam. He's my first official port of call.
08:22Oh Bill.
08:24Would you mind helping Terry move that chest back before you leave?
08:30Oh for Pete's sake Pam you can't keep this gruesome bit of lumber.
08:33Look it's got a blood stain in the corner.
08:35Oh dear I'll have to scrub it out with ink eradicator.
08:39That's funny. There's a vitamin capsule in the corner.
08:42I didn't know they used vitamins to restore old furniture.
08:45Now wait a minute this isn't a pill it's a plastic container.
08:48What for?
08:49Here look.
08:51Ten to one they're smuggled.
08:53Jerry give me that cake knife.
09:08Just as I thought it's got a trick bottom.
09:11So that's why Grace Wilson wanted the chest.
09:14Whoever murdered her dropped this on his way out.
09:17No wonder legs can afford emeralds if he's gone into the diamond smuggling racket.
09:21Jerry I've got an idea.
09:22I don't want to hear it.
09:24Alright what is it?
09:25Well if we made an unofficial call to the antique shop we might save Bill some time.
09:29Oh honey haven't you had enough excitement for one evening?
09:31Besides it's none of our business.
09:33Well it certainly is my business when a chest I pick up at a sale is delivered with a body I didn't buy.
09:37Jerry the little girl has a legitimate complaint.
09:40But you better go with her.
09:41The place will be closed.
09:42Well you don't know your wife if you think a trivial thing like a locked door is going to keep her out.
09:46Yeah she was born with a skeleton key in her mouth.
09:49Now listen you two.
09:50Whatever happens don't mention anything about the jewels.
09:53One person's already in the freezer because of them.
09:55So long.
10:02Mr. Stierlich it was a natural mistake?
10:04What's natural about it?
10:05Now look.
10:06One Cassoni chest from Casa Italia Torino.
10:09To Henry Latimer 5602 Park Avenue New York City.
10:14But if you remember sir before you were away you told me there were no special shipments expected until next week.
10:19This arrived on the Vulcania four days ago.
10:22After I'd signed for it I put it in with the regular stuff for our monthly sale as a matter of course.
10:32Oh can't it be at this time of night?
10:35Did you leave the light on in the front of the shop?
10:37No sir.
10:39Oh well then get rid of whoever it is.
10:46I'll call Latimer and see if I can make my peace.
10:50Can't lose my best customer.
11:05Good evening Mr. Latimer.
11:07It's Stierlich about the Cassoni chest.
11:11I would like to see you as soon as possible.
11:13Will you be in tonight?
11:16Very well.
11:18I'll be there.
11:19Mr. Stierlich it's the lady who bought the chest.
11:22And her husband.
11:24What a strange coincidence.
11:26Mr. Wilkie and I were just discussing your purchase.
11:29What a strange coincidence.
11:31Mr. Wilkie and I were just discussing your purchase.
11:34I'm Audrey Stierlich owner of this shop.
11:37Will you please sit down?
11:38Chairs please.
11:44The fact is Mrs. North there was a mistake about that chest.
11:48It was imported for the private buyer.
11:51It shouldn't have been put on sale at all.
11:54I would be happy to buy it back.
11:57Including the body inside it?
11:59I beg your pardon.
12:01Did you say body?
12:03She did.
12:05A dead body?
12:07A girl.
12:10Oh I confess myself stunned.
12:14This is the most astounding thing I ever heard.
12:18Do you know anything about this Mr. Wilkie?
12:20No absolutely not.
12:22Did you open the chest before you put it onto the sale Mr. Wilkie?
12:26I'm afraid I didn't.
12:29It must have been done between the docks and delivery here.
12:33Oh but that's quite impossible.
12:35You see the corpse was alive this afternoon.
12:37You talked to her Mr. Wilkie.
12:39I did?
12:40We both did.
12:41It was the lady who wanted to buy it from me.
12:43She's a gangster's moth.
12:45Lake Sherman's girl.
12:47Do you mind if I have one of your cigarettes?
12:49Why of course.
12:50My nerves are a little wobbly.
12:53I don't wonder.
12:59What lovely cigarettes.
13:01They're French aren't they?
13:04Galois Bleu.
13:05They always make me think of our honeymoon in Paris.
13:08Montmartre with it's open air cafes and funny little studios.
13:12The Rue de Rivoli and the Bois.
13:14Oh for Pete's sake Pam stop talking like a travel folder.
13:18The point is Mr. Stulick we really came here to ask what compensation you're prepared to offer.
13:24For what?
13:25Involving us in this murder.
13:28My dear sir.
13:29I'm not involved.
13:31I've been attending a series of furniture sales in Boston.
13:35I returned here tonight.
13:37Arriving at Grand Central at 5 past 7.
13:41By the time I got here your chest had already left the premises.
13:45That is true.
13:46As far as I'm concerned Mr. Knoth.
13:48After the sale I gave orders to the delivery man.
13:50And then I slipped out for a sandwich.
13:52When I returned the chest was already on it's way to you.
13:55Well then I can see only one explanation.
13:57While Mr. Wilkie was having his sandwich.
13:59Grace Wilson must have sneaked in here to the back window.
14:02Knocked herself on the head.
14:04And locked her own dead body in the chest.
14:07I don't think that rings quite true dear do you?
14:10Come along darling the police will probably be here any minute now.
14:15Oh dear.
14:16Oh what a lovely piece of airplane luggage.
14:20Much too light to carry on a train.
14:23Au revoir Mr. Stoolick you'll be hearing from our lawyer.
14:26Good night.
14:34You did have?
14:36Thank you, thank you very much.
14:38I'm sorry to have bothered you.
14:40You're welcome.
14:42Darling my hunch was right.
14:44I knew it the moment I spotted that sticker.
14:46A Mr. Stoolick was a passenger on the 4 o'clock plane from Boston.
14:50He arrived at LaGuardia at 5 past 15.
14:52I gave him plenty of time to get to the shop around 6 when Mr. Wilkie was out to dinner.
14:56Well that still doesn't make him the killer.
14:58Well maybe not but he might be involved with the smuggling.
15:01Maybe he and Meg Sherman were working together.
15:03Don't get so excited darling.
15:05Come on sit down and relax and have your drink.
15:07Nope we're going out again.
15:09Oh no where now?
15:11Oh while I was talking like a travel folder.
15:13I was really distracting Mr. Stoolick and reading his autoblank.
15:17There was an item there that said the Cassoni chest was for a Mr. Henry Latimer.
15:215602 Park Avenue.
15:23I think we should go slumming there.
15:25Well I think we should do nothing more to bill telephones.
15:28Don't be so kind darling.
15:29Time and crime waits for no man.
15:32Yes dear.
15:36You're breaking my heart.
15:38You'd rub out your own mother if there was 50 grand at stake.
15:41And the rocks in that chest were worth every bit of that.
15:44I don't know anything about any rocks.
15:46My line is horses.
15:47Yeah but horses don't always run true to form.
15:49Well maybe you needed a little extra money to pay for Grace's jewels.
15:54How's this Blake?
15:56You knew there were diamonds in that chest.
15:58You sent Grace Wilson down to get them.
16:00And then somehow you found out that she planned to crush you up.
16:03So you followed her.
16:05Grabbed the sparks and then killed her.
16:07Have you searched this place high and low?
16:09You haven't found any have you?
16:10Where were you around 630?
16:12I was walking Grace's poodle in the park.
16:14Who can prove that?
16:15The poodle?
16:30Good evening.
16:31Are you Mr. Latimer?
16:32I am.
16:33Our name is North.
16:35By mistake we bought a Cassoni chest that was ordered for you.
16:38Oh yes. Mr. Stulick told me about it.
16:40Do come in.
16:45My what an enchanting room.
16:47And what lovely things you have.
16:50Well that's a genuine can of leather isn't it?
16:52You must be quite a connoisseur Mrs. North.
16:54Yes that came from the Duke of Abruzzi's collection.
16:59But what staggers me Mr. Latimer is why you should want the Cassoni.
17:02The Cassoni is only a reproduction.
17:04I have a wicked sense of humor.
17:06And sometimes it amuses me to pass up a reproduction as genuine.
17:10Now you are prepared to sell me the chest aren't you?
17:12Well if you don't mind it being little soil.
17:14You see since my wife bought it it's acquired a little stain.
17:17On the inside.
17:18Yes somebody carelessly parts a dead body in it.
17:21Indeed. How fabulous.
17:23That makes me all the more anxious to buy it.
17:26Oh? Why?
17:28Well I have a penchant for the macabre.
17:31Most of my treasures have sinister associations.
17:34In fact my friends call this room my black museum.
17:39This garblet for instance.
17:41Once belonged to the Borgias.
17:43The poison went into a hollow stem.
17:45And was released through a secret spring.
17:50The timepiece on the mantle is one of the most unique things in my collection.
17:54It formally decorated the bedroom of that notorious murderess.
17:56The Marquis de Brambillier.
17:58I know the poisoner.
18:00Oh Jerry isn't it horrible to think that Fiskok was actually kicking away
18:04while the Marquis writhed in agony from the brew she gave him.
18:08I don't know where you acquire so much useless information darling.
18:11Will this still go Mr. Latimer?
18:13Don't touch it.
18:14The mechanism is in perfect condition but it is very delicate and
18:17I allow no one to touch it but myself.
18:19Oh yes timepieces are very temperamental.
18:21I think watchers are allergic to me.
18:23They always stop dead when I want to know the time.
18:26Now let's talk about your Italian chest.
18:28What are you prepared to take with Mr. North?
18:30Well that's just the point.
18:32We don't know quite what to do.
18:34You see after the police removed the body
18:36Mrs. North quite by accident discovered that the chest
18:39like your Borgia goblet had a secret compartment.
18:44Yes we found a pill full of diamonds in it.
18:47I think the customs office will be very interested Mr. Latimer
18:50that a chest you ordered contained smuggled stones.
18:53You'll have to do something about it.
18:55That's just what we intend to do Mrs. North.
18:58Sit down.
19:00You're doing it for an artist.
19:04You made a tragic mistake when you learned how to talk ma'am.
19:11You interfering fool.
19:12I told you to stay out of sight.
19:14But they know about this stuff.
19:16Put that gun away.
19:17There's one corpse too many as it is.
19:19Please do tell me.
19:20Which one of you is the murderer?
19:22I don't know Mr. Latimer.
19:23I don't know Mr. North.
19:24I don't know Mr. North.
19:25I don't know Mr. North.
19:26I don't know Mr. North.
19:27Please do tell me.
19:28Which one of you is the murderer?
19:29Shut up.
19:30I echo that Mr. Stulick.
19:32But I really am interested academically.
19:35Of course you're the brains behind this syndicate Mr. Latimer.
19:38Isn't it an awful strain on a man your age to be outwitting the law?
19:42You should retire and spend the rest of your life in a nice quiet jail.
19:47I had no intention of going to jail Mrs. North.
19:49It's not my fault that jewels were concealed in a chest meant for me.
19:53I had nothing to do with it.
19:55Mr. Stulick and his European associates were responsible.
19:57You're not going to hide behind me Latimer.
19:59Why not?
20:00That's what sons are for aren't they?
20:02This girl's woman is not as dumb as she pretends to be.
20:06These two know too much.
20:08We've got to shut them up for good.
20:11And what do you plan to do with our body?
20:13Buy two more chests?
20:15You're quite right Mr. North.
20:18Mr. Stulick is much too hasty.
20:20Now I suggest we take you for a little trip on my yacht
20:23to discuss ways and means.
20:25Now we've got no time for ocean voyages.
20:28Oh thank goodness.
20:30I could never go yachting dressed like this.
20:32Some other time Mr. Latimer.
20:34Really if you'll excuse us we must be going now.
20:36Stay where you are.
20:38We've got to do something this minute.
20:40The police are probably at my shop now.
20:42That idiot Wilkie will tell them the chest was ordered for you.
20:44Then they'll drive on here.
20:46Well that clears up one point Pam.
20:48Wilkie is innocent of this murder.
20:50Yes Mr. Stulick that's where you made your fatal error.
20:52You were too greedy.
20:53You should have cut Wilkie in on your racket.
20:56I think you've stalled quite long enough for time Mrs. North.
20:59You will go with Mr. Stulick to the service elevator.
21:02And this time Andre you have my permission to shoot if they try any tricks.
21:07Come on.
21:12Give me that gun Stulick.
21:14Put up your hands and get over there.
21:17The rest of you up with them too.
21:23Listen Latimer you killed Grace.
21:25I had nothing to do with it Legs.
21:27You caught her going after the stuff and you rubbed her out.
21:29Don't be a fool I was nowhere near that shop.
21:31I was dining at the connoisseurs club and I can prove it.
21:33I don't believe you.
21:34I think he's telling the truth.
21:35I don't know where you come in lady but keep out.
21:37Well I know where you come in though Legs Sherman.
21:39I don't want to see you kill the wrong man.
21:41That gentleman is much more likely to have done it.
21:44You see he has a false alibi for the time of the crime.
21:47My wife's quite right.
21:48He said he returned from Boston by train.
21:50He didn't.
21:51He arrived by plane and plenty of time to commit the murder.
21:57Don't shoot.
21:58Don't shoot.
21:59Good advice.
22:00We'll take care of your revenge for you by proxy.
22:02Thank goodness you're here Bill.
22:04How did you happen to find us?
22:06We tailed late.
22:07Bill it was quite an interesting conversation we overheard in the hallway.
22:11Very smart of your pan to egg them on to fight amongst themselves.
22:16I gather you own the antique shop where the girl was killed.
22:20Take him away boys.
22:26My only regret that I didn't finish you off too.
22:29Au revoir.
22:33You can go Legs but I want you for questioning.
22:35What about?
22:36Who tipped you off that there was a consignment in that shed?
22:39The Amsterdam bunch?
22:40You got a nerve.
22:41And apparently you're losing yours.
22:43You send your own girl to do your hijacking these days.
22:45You can't tie me in with that mob and you know it.
22:49You've got nothing on me.
22:51Just a matter of time.
22:56Now all we need to cage this bird is to find the eggs in this basket.
22:59Can I help you Jerry?
23:01You can search your doomsday you'll find nothing.
23:04Oh yes we will.
23:06I know exactly where they are.
23:09Mr. Latimer seems terribly concerned about this clock.
23:13I'll bet this envelope is full of pills.
23:18Oh you little ferret you.
23:19Now how in blazes did you know that Pam?
23:21Are you psychic?
23:22Mr. Latimer isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
23:24In the first place he was scared to death I touched the clock.
23:27And then when he said it was in perfect working order
23:29I noticed it had stopped a half hour before.
23:32That's right the hands are still at 10.15.
23:34That would be just about the time Stulig got here ahead of us.
23:37All right Latimer that's the end of your importing business.
23:39Come along with me you'll be formally charged.
23:41Wait a minute Bill.
23:43Mr. Latimer.
23:44You won't need to tell the time hog you're doing time.
23:47So would you sell me the clock it'll just match my test.
23:51I'm afraid I don't deal with amateurs Mrs. North.
24:02Well Jerry I still think it was a good buy.
24:04Don't you?
24:05Even though it has given us sort of a nerve wracking evening.
24:08Yeah I can do without it.
24:10Come on let's put it back in its place next to the wall.
24:18Jerry I'm sure I heard something move in there.
24:23But I did.
24:25It was sort of a scratching noise.
24:28Do you think it could be Grace Wilson's ghost?
24:30I think this evening has turned your mind.
24:36You open it.
24:38I can't bear to.
24:48I told you this chest was a washout.
24:50There's even cat food.
25:14Mr. and Mrs. North is presented by the Colgate Pormalipine Company.
25:17Makers of quality products since 1806.
25:21On behalf of Vito Spray Deodorant.
25:24One squeeze puts your mind at ease.
25:28Colgate Brushless Shaving Cream.
25:30Specially made for tender skin.
25:34Colgate Porophil Toothpaste.
25:36For the full benefit of porophil.
25:44© BF-WATCH TV 2021
