• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “In un panorama globale incerto e in rapida evoluzione, i Paesi del G7 hanno un ruolo fondamentale nel promuovere politiche efficaci di sviluppo sostenibile e di cooperazione internazionale. I Paesi sviluppati, superando alcune barriere, debbono accelerare nel rendere il commercio e gli investimenti i motori di una crescita sostenibile nei Paesi meno sviluppati, in particolare in Africa, dove potremmo attingere professionalità, formate o da formare, per le nostre e le loro industrie”. Così, a Pescara, Barbara Cimmino, vicepresidente di Confindustria con delega ad Export e Attrazione degli investimenti, a margine del G7 Industry Stakeholders Conference, dal titolo “Leaving no one behind: Industry for Development”, organizzata da Confindustria.


00:00How does international trade play an important role in this issue, as does cooperation?
00:12I would say that it is the main driver, because if developed countries accelerate the growth of the transition,
00:23I would say that, first of all, there is an economic transition, as well as green and digital,
00:29there is much more possibility for less developed countries to have access to international trade
00:36and therefore to enter the chains of global value.
00:39What are the obstacles that we have discussed today during these B7 works?
00:45They are, above all, the rise of trade barriers that are not properly regulated by the WTO.
00:53Therefore, the first objective of the discussions that we had internally between multiple stakeholders,
01:00which represent both the world of industry, the world of institutions,
01:04but also the world of international organizations of the third sector,
01:09the idea is precisely to work all together so that there is a reform within the WTO
01:18and therefore multilateralism can be maintained, albeit with new rules.
01:23And then, as regards countries on which there is particular attention at this time,
01:28in particular in Italy, if we think of the Mattei plan or the Global Gateway Strategy,
01:35which is an opportunity to improve trade with all of Latin America,
01:39these are frameworks that help, beyond the WTO, to put together the public-private partnership
01:47to work better all together for economic growth.
01:51You have reiterated that cooperation is fundamental.
01:55Cooperation is fundamental and we have given ourselves, and this has been a point of view
02:00highlighted by several speakers, the objective of looking more closely at the 2030 Agenda.
02:07Because, in fact, the 2030 Agenda is the only one that puts the commitment of all nations worldwide
02:14towards common goals, which should not only be seen as goals of sustainability,
02:20but are goals of economic growth, of social development,
02:24which concern the reduction of world poverty, the reduction of impacts at all levels,
02:30which will come in the coming years, because by 2030 we will be almost 9 billion people on this earth,
02:37so we have to worry about how we will be, with what kind of growth,
02:42and above all, collaborating together so that we feel good.
02:47A particular look has been given to Africa.
02:50Yes, a particular look has been given to Africa for two reasons.
02:54First of all, we have to start thinking about the African continent,
02:58which has created its own single market with 54 nations,
03:02as a possible, unique entity in international treaties,
03:09especially in our case, between the European Union and the organization of African countries.
03:17So, it is a recent constitution, but it has the great advantage of being a huge booster
03:23for the internal trade with the African states,
03:26and in some way of preparing possible high-level dialogues with the other nations.
03:33And then, as I have already said, the theme of the Mattei plan is a very important theme,
03:39because it is an initiative that, although still in the form of a framework,
03:44actually has important objectives,
03:47both regarding some absolutely strategic sectors for Italy,
03:52as well as the experimentation of opening new markets
03:57on which perhaps there is no attention at the moment of other nations,
04:01and for which, instead, Italy can do a lot.
04:05First of all, I would say, in addition to the well-known energy sector,
04:12which is widely discussed, also the possibility of having exchanges on the subject of human resources.
04:18So, to have people who come from Africa, trained,
04:23with indications that, in some way, reflect the know-how
04:29that we have launched for many years in this specific part of the industry.
04:34So, I am referring to the sectors of the ITS and, let's say, the more technical-specialist training.
04:41So, there are many ways in which we can collaborate.
04:44The important thing is to start doing it.
04:46The important thing is to have very well-defined frameworks
04:50and, above all, clarity of objectives.
04:52So, I personally really liked the fact that everyone reported
04:58in order, looking at both the 2030 Agenda and the WTO,
05:03as moments and places where there can be a discussion about reforms,
05:10but, above all, the important thing is to look at shared objectives
05:15that can generate collaboration between the public and the private sector.
