• 3 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - "Bisognava lavorare sul deficit comunicativo, per questo abbiamo istituito la settimana della ricerca, per fare attività di promulgazione, sensibilizzazione e comunicazione. Poi c'è il tema anche di gender gap, le donne scelgono meno le materie tecnico-scientifiche, forse per una questione di pregiudizio, di stereotipo. In molti ancora credono che le Stem siano appannaggio dei soli uomini” ha detto Marta Schifone, Membro XII commissione Affari sociali Camera dei Deputati durante la seconda edizione del Forum Incyte sulla Ricerca, svoltosi a Roma e promosso dall’azienda biofarmaceutica Incyte Italia, in collaborazione con Formiche e Healthcare Policy.


00:00The world of training is currently referring to a key word, which is competence.
00:13We are facing a transitional challenge, many transitional challenges,
00:18and the only tool we have to try to manage this process is to add and have skills.
00:26Skills that are very much in demand from the market,
00:29but very often do not meet, do not cross the famous mismatch between demand and supply.
00:36A lot affects the world of the implementation of these innovative sectors,
00:43and so we are talking about STEM precisely for this reason.
00:45Technical and scientific subjects that, on the one hand, have a very good chance
00:51from the point of view of employment and also income,
00:54but on the other hand are not chosen by our young people because they are not well known
01:00and because there is perhaps a media gap on this, there is a communication deficit on this,
01:07that is, the great potential that these subjects have is not told,
01:11especially in the field of employment.
01:13There is a theme in the theme, because there is also a gender gap,
01:16that is, women choose, girls choose less,
01:20perhaps for a matter of prejudice, of stereotype, these subjects,
01:24which are always assimilated, however, to the most suitable for the male gender,
01:30rather than for the female gender.
01:32But we find that then, when women choose these subjects,
01:36instead they succeed and also reach the apical levels.
01:39There are many women who have marked the history of science,
01:43and these must be a model for girls, to tell young women,
01:47that they must and can choose the technical and scientific subjects.
01:50We wondered what the legislator, the legislator, could do about this,
01:56and we also responded that it was necessary to work on the communication deficit,
02:01that is, on the narrative.
02:02And then we instituted this week, which is the first national week of STEM subjects,
02:07from 4 to 11 February, it was already celebrated last year,
02:10this year it will be the second edition, it was a very successful edition,
02:14precisely to carry out activities of promulgation, of sensitization, of communication.
02:19We have intercepted across all the rings of the industry,
02:23from schools, of course, to universities, to teachers, and to the whole society,
02:28therefore from start-ups, companies, up to cultural places,
02:32to allow what we call the agents of change to go and influence,
02:37to go and tell the beauty of science, but also the potential that science has.
