• last year
(Adnkronos) - Il tempo che passa, il concetto di bellezza oggi e il divismo. Ne hanno parlato all’Adnkronos le attrici Luisa Ranieri e Isabella Ferrari che nel nuovo film di Paolo Sorrentino, ‘Parthenope’ (dal 24 ottobre nelle sale con PiperFilm), interpretano due dive - Greta Cool e Flora Malva - aggrappate al loro passato e a quella fama che non c’è più. Il film racconta il lungo viaggio della vita di Parthenope, dal 1950, quando nasce, fino a oggi. Un’epica del femminile senza eroismi, ma abitata dalla passione inesorabile per la libertà, per Napoli e gli imprevedibili volti dell’amore. I veri, gli inutili e quelli indicibili, che ti condannano al dolore. E poi ti fanno ricominciare. La perfetta estate di Capri, da ragazzi, avvolta nella spensieratezza. E l’agguato della fine. Le giovinezze hanno questo in comune: la brevità. E poi tutti gli altri, i napoletani, vissuti, osservati, amati, uomini e donne, disillusi e vitali, le loro derive malinconiche, le ironie tragiche, gli occhi un po’ avviliti, le impazienze, la perdita della speranza di poter ridere ancora una volta per un uomo distinto che inciampa e cade in una via del centro. Sa essere lunghissima la vita, memorabile o ordinaria. Lo scorrere del tempo regala tutto il repertorio di sentimenti. E lì in fondo, vicina e lontana, questa città indefinibile, Napoli, che ammalia, incanta, urla, ride e poi sa farti male. (di Lucrezia Leombruni)


00:00You play two divas on the way of the sunset.
00:04What relationship do you have with the time that passes and with the body that changes?
00:10The relationship that all women have.
00:12The time that passes is a cross of many women,
00:20especially in a society like ours,
00:22which underlines that if you are young it is not good,
00:25if you are old it is not good,
00:27if you are thin it is not good,
00:29if you are fat it is not good,
00:31so as an actress I feel the responsibility and the weight of the time that passes.
00:39I try to get rid of it as much as I can,
00:44with great effort, as all women do.
00:47It is a topic that concerns us all,
00:50because it is not just about the blossoming of beauty,
00:54and beauty leaves the time that passes,
00:57it has to do with life,
01:00with the children who grow up and the life that changes.
01:03Somehow I don't like to look at myself in the mirror,
01:11even when I was very young,
01:16I never went to the monitor to look at myself on stage.
01:19I don't really like to look at myself,
01:22also because I always see only certain things,
01:27and I understood that this doesn't work very well.
01:32So in this film I have absolute freedom,
01:35because I finally have a mask,
01:37even if it is designed by Yves Saint Laurent,
01:41it is still a mask,
01:43and it was a challenge.
01:46The only thought that could come out was
01:50that they would understand that it was me,
01:53but questions like that, as an actress,
01:56small questions,
01:58for the rest, for me it is safety,
02:01not to look at myself.
02:04I am also quite serene,
02:07I don't really care about the time that passes,
02:11I am always very busy.
02:13What can I say, Luisa?
02:15Having children changes a lot in my opinion,
02:19you also see things,
02:22beauty is becoming something oppressive,
02:26through social media,
02:28so you only hope that your children are free from it.
02:33Speaking of beauty,
02:35the character of Gary Oldman says that beauty is like war,
02:39it breaks down doors.
02:41Is it still like that today,
02:43or is the trend changing?
02:45In my opinion it is hypocritical to say that beauty,
02:49just because we are attracted to beauty,
02:52the human being,
02:54is not something that attracts the other,
02:57that makes us curious,
02:59so that can certainly be a business card,
03:03but then we have to see if there is a professional,
03:07if there is a thoughtful person,
03:10with qualities, not only human.
03:13I don't think it is a limit,
03:19I think that if you live from it,
03:21it becomes a great limit,
03:23I strongly believe that.
03:25I didn't experience prejudice when I was young,
03:31when I started doing this job,
03:34being beautiful was a must,
03:39so the two things…
03:43I tried a lot to…
03:46it made me suffer,
03:48I must say that I had difficult times compared to this,
03:52but I tried in life to look for something else,
03:56to always be very curious,
03:58and to become at least a little bit interesting,
04:01to try to balance something that one sees,
04:06even if I think that it leads to a bit of a mess,
04:11but as Luisa said,
04:13you have to cultivate yourself somewhere.
04:17You play two divas,
04:19so I want to ask you,
04:21do you feel a bit like a diva?
04:24Well, a little bit, yes.
04:26A little bit, yes,
04:28but I don't really feel like a diva,
04:30I have a problem, I'm always a gobbler,
04:32I mean, with Paolo on the set,
04:34he was telling me,
04:36the first thing he said to me,
04:38he was very proud of himself,
04:41he said,
04:43I don't know, I'm not good at anything,
04:45so I had to do this work on myself,
04:47instead I'm shy,
04:49and basically I always tend to be a bit closed with the body,
04:52beyond the fact that if everyone feels it,
04:55the body is more powerful than anything else,
04:58so in situations of shyness,
05:02of embarrassment, of fear,
05:04the first thing the body does is,
05:06bam, right?
05:08No, but Greta Guller was like this,
05:10so I struggled to keep that posture,
05:14but then, yes,
05:16we're very lucky,
05:18we live a good life,
05:20we have fun,
05:22we have chances to live
05:26so many characters,
05:28so many different lives,
05:30to learn,
05:32and that gives you...
05:34But in short, if one has to think
05:36about how you go about your life,
05:40I really
05:42never think about it,
05:44I have too many things to do,
05:46I go to the market,
05:48I really look at the courgette,
05:50I mean, I've always been busy,
05:52compared to my private life,
05:54If you wanted to know
05:56if we go out with make-up and hair,
05:58I'd say zero,
06:00in this we're both the same.
