• 6 hours ago
00:00I told them if we dug any deeper this would happen, but they believed me.
00:09The whole damn building is out.
00:10Look, I'm getting overtime on this.
00:12Now screw Charlie.
00:13Union rules.
00:14Hey, where's your tech room?
00:16Excuse me?
00:17Your room?
00:19I'm not sure how else to say it.
00:20You can't come in here without a pass.
00:22Well, I can't fix it from out here unless you have some workaround for basic physics.
00:27Do you?
00:30Just sign this damned denial of service and let me get on with my night.
00:40Right here.
00:44Wait for it.
00:45And there.
00:46And there.
00:58Lee Grayson?
01:00Are you real?
01:02It's okay, you're not hallucinating.
01:04Why are you in my room?
01:09I think the doctor who messed you up did the same thing to me.
01:13Do you remember where she treated you?
01:20That bitch is the one thing that I can't forget.
01:23How do we find her?
01:25I'll take you right to her, as long as you take me with you.
01:31Johnny, we go for plan B.
01:32Part two.
01:34Appreciate the initiative, Johnny, but what the hell are we supposed to do with this?
01:37Give it to Potter, see what she says.
01:39Yeah, she probably doesn't want to talk to me right now.
01:41Johnny, you ask her.
01:42Everybody likes you.
01:43It's not my fault I'm charming.
01:44U3, ID.
01:47Rack agent.
01:49You problem!
01:50Drop your weapons, on the ground, now!
01:52Do it!
01:53Boys, stand down.
01:57What's the charge?
01:58Kidnapping a patient from a company facility.
02:01That's bullshit.
02:02We're on an official mission.
02:04Show me your warrant, smart guy.
02:08We've got the team leader.
02:09Bring her in.
02:17Rack agent.
02:37How do you know that name?
02:40Oh, I know a lot of interesting things about you now.
02:42I'm a curious woman.
02:46And a bit of a stalker.
02:48Or am I supposed to believe you being here is a coincidence?
02:51You may have possibly put a little alert on your name in the company system.
02:55That's why you wouldn't miss an opportunity like this.
02:57I do so love rescuing a damsel in distress.
03:01What do you want, Sarah?
03:02A little trade.
03:03Just between us girls.
03:05The company will drop all charges against you and your team in exchange for a future favor of my choosing.
03:11You can just hire me.
03:13Strictly off the books.
03:14No questions, no hesitations.
03:17No warrant on record.
03:18I snap, and you come.
03:22You must be one hell of a snapper.
03:25Okay, I'll play.
03:27But it's gonna cost you a bit more.
03:29I'm looking for a doctor who works for the company.
03:31I want 24 hours alone with her.
03:34No security, no repercussions, or no deal.
03:38How bad do you want me?
03:41You can't just make a deal like that without talking to us.
03:43It got us here, didn't it?
03:45I can't believe she's been on Westerly this whole time.
03:47Well, it's a big move.
03:48You ready? For real this time?
03:51What do you mean security left their stations? Who pulled them?
03:53I'm trying to find out.
03:54That would be us.
03:56A favor from a friend so we could talk uninterrupted.
03:59Is that her?
04:05That's her.
04:07That's her.
04:10Do you remember me?
04:12I do.
04:14You're a long way from home, soldier.
04:16I've been looking for you up and down the J.
04:19Well, you found me.
04:20Sit, sit. How was the treatment?
04:22I know I butchered my people.
04:24And I know the army went in and took back the memories before I was discharged.
04:28That was you.
04:30You shouldn't have any memory of that at all.
04:33What else?
04:34What else did you people do to me?
04:38But you asked us to take the memories after what you did to your squad.
04:43But why did I kill them?
04:46That's the part I can't remember. Was it an experiment, a test? Was I on something?
04:50I can't rewrite history for you, son. I'm sorry.
04:55You killed them because you had a psychotic break in the line of duty.
04:59And the army did what it always does.
05:01Covered it up.
05:03There has to be a reason. There has to be more of a reason.
05:05Okay, okay, enough.
05:06Can you at least finish the job? Get rid of the residual memories? They're torturing them.
05:11But the technique has come a long way. You can get back in the machine any time you want.
05:15Yeah, I didn't know about that.
05:16Can you give me back my memories?
05:19Can you reverse the treatment?
05:23Theoretically, but why would you do that to yourself?
05:25Can we do it now?
05:26Oh, slow down.
05:27Doctor, I'm sorry.
05:28I'm sorry.
05:29Doctor, it's the only way I'll ever understand.
05:31You need to think about this, and that's an order.
05:36Dad, she's not wrong. We at least need to talk about this.
05:38Look, I appreciate your concern, but it's none of your business.
05:40Bullshit. We're a team. It's very much our business whether you let someone go digging in your damn brain.
05:46When it gets like this, you just gotta give him some space. He'll come around.
05:50I gotta go take care of something.
05:52We'll try again when I get back, okay?
05:55Carlene, I'm on my way.
05:57Hurry it up.
05:58I can't find the files.
06:01I know what you're doing.
06:03Getting those memories back isn't about moving on, it's about punishing yourself for what you did.
06:08But try seeing the one positive in this amnesia.
06:10I mean, do you have any idea what I'd give to have that memory back?
06:13I don't.
06:14I don't.
06:15I don't.
06:16I don't.
06:17I don't.
06:18I don't.
06:19I don't.
06:20I don't.
06:21I don't.
06:22I don't.
06:23I don't.
06:24I don't.
06:25I don't.
06:26I don't.
06:27I don't.
06:28I don't.
06:29Do you have any idea what I'd give to forget some of the things I've done?
06:31Yeah, that's not the same thing, Dutch.
06:34You killed in the line of duty. I murdered my men.
06:37That's not compared. Sin's here, okay?
06:41I'll win.
06:42You don't understand.
06:43Neither do you.
06:46The first time I killed someone I was eight years old.
06:55Poisoned tea.
06:56No, I mean...
06:58How does that even happen?
07:00Doesn't matter.
07:02Dutch, it matters.
07:11You said he was your tutor.
07:12Yeah, that's what he told me.
07:19I'm not judging you right now because I don't have any right to.
07:25So whatever you've done, I promise you I have done worse.
07:31And if you can't be forgiven, then what chance is there for me?
07:46I'm sorry.
07:55My eyes are set on you
08:01I'm coming for the kill
08:08No one could ever touch me like you will
08:15I'm coming for the kill
08:19Okay, I know it's been a rough couple of days, but I finally got some good news.
08:23I fixed Klein's device so I splurged on a bottle of 10 Joyhawk to celebrate, so come get some!
08:39Guess you're already getting some.
08:49Are you sure you want to do this?
08:58Don't bother getting dressed.
09:00I'm already busted.
09:04Devon! What are you doing?
09:07Devon, stop!
09:23John, come in!
09:25Devon, what are you doing?
09:32John is disengaged. He's calm. I will keep trying him.
09:36Devon, wait!
09:57I may have hypothetically walked in on Dutch and my brother, how they say, in flagrant dictation.
10:05In flagrante delecto.
10:09You're jealous.
10:13Excuse me?
10:15Don't blame Devon for climbing the tree when all you were going to do was sit by it.
10:18Whoa, whoa, you were way off. This is not... Dutch is family. This is not jealousy. It's like, um...
10:25It's like my brother is banging my sister.
10:30Yeah, okay, okay, okay. I see your point.
10:38Still, we all knew they were heading there. Might as well get it over with.
10:43And then what? It's kinda hard to have casual sex with someone you live with.
10:47They're both... I mean, they're both terrible at relationships. I mean, epically incompetent.
10:53So, whatever this is, it can't last. And they know that it can't last.
11:00And then I have to pick a side.
11:05You'll pick hers.
11:07I will.
11:09Does that make me a bad brother?
11:11It makes you an excellent friend. I'm guessing she's earned that from you.
11:14It's just that Dutch is drawing a bunch of short straws when it comes to guys, and I just...
11:19I don't want my brother being on that list.
11:22Sweetie, I wouldn't worry. This is Dutch we're talking about.
11:26Not a lot he can do to hurt our girl.
11:29Lucy, cut the lights. He can't go back.
11:32Shutting down now.
11:45I know you're down here.
11:48I don't want to hurt you.
11:51Well, I need to hurt you.
11:56I have my mission.
11:58I'm a good soldier.
12:00Well, I'm a better one.
12:45What happened?
12:47Your brother...
12:50What about him? What's wrong?
12:53He just...
12:56He just changed.
12:58He went off on me like...
13:00Like someone pulled a switch.
13:04Johnny, he tried to kill me.
13:07They haven't come around.
13:18No, no, no, no, no. He wouldn't do that.
13:21He turned on me like...
13:23Like he turned on my squad hours after finding Jaeger.
13:26You think that's a coincidence?
13:28She did this.
13:30I know she did. She's controlling him somehow.
13:34Okay, okay, okay.
13:36What do we need to do?
13:38I'm going back to Jaeger.
13:40She's going to fix this or I'm going to break her a piece at a time.
13:44Stay here.
13:46Watch your brother. He's...
13:49He's in the cargo hold.
13:53Be careful.
14:12Hi, Johnny.
14:19What the hell did you do to her?
14:23Just pack the essentials.
14:25Was this something we said?
14:27I'm guessing you didn't expect to see any of us alive again.
14:36But I prepared for it just in case.
14:40Johnny, I need help with the security field.
14:42Johnny, it's a black zone. No outside communication.
14:46Make yourself comfortable. We'll be gone soon.
14:57You need to shake this off, Dad. I know the real you is still in there.
14:59Go in there.
15:10You remember our last winter at Gibson?
15:13That fat kid, Randy?
15:17You want to know who stole our skates?
15:21Boy, we hated him.
15:24But you still risked your ass for his when he fell through the ice.
15:27You just went in right after him.
15:29That was the scariest five minutes of my life waiting for you to come back.
15:33That is who you are.
15:38You do the right thing better than anyone I know.
15:41And you always come back.
15:46Okay, so we're going to fix you.
15:48Dutch is with Jaeger right now. She's working on it.
16:00I'm a good soldier.
16:17So I think I've figured out what you really did to Devin.
16:20And what exactly is that?
16:22Turned him into some kind of human weapon you could target at whoever you want.
16:25It's a simplistic description, but you seem a simplistic woman.
16:30I'm not the one with the fluid technique.
16:32You're not as good as you think you are.
16:34Or else he never would have remembered.
16:36Perfection is a process.
16:38Our mandate was to turn soldiers against their own forces.
16:41And I assure you, we succeeded.
16:44If it makes you feel any better, it was only meant to be a proof of concept demonstration.
16:48No casualties.
16:50Yeah? What went wrong?
16:51We underestimated your friend's determination to kill.
16:54Cost me my job.
16:59Your soldier friend almost tracked me down once before on our homeworld.
17:03My deal with the company included placing a kill warrant on him in case he followed me to the Quad.
17:08That was you.
17:10And now they've let me hang out to dry.
17:12I have to say, you have some very impressive connections.
17:16I may not be a genius, Doc, but I can count to three.
17:20But I can count to three.
17:23One. Two.
17:37Lucy, get me a doctor.
17:40I need more specifics, John.
17:52I don't know what to do.
18:05You should know.
18:07My work is important.
18:09You have no idea what's coming to the Quad, what it could mean for all of us.
18:12Here's what I know.
18:14You hurt my friend.
18:16He hurt me, and now I'm gonna hurt you.
18:17So that you can't do this to him or anyone else again.
18:20He's here. Outside.
18:23Turn him off. Now.
18:25Why would I do that?
18:27He's programmed to kill his team. He's no threat to me.
18:30I am.
18:34Shut him down.
18:35Shut him down.
18:46You all right?
18:49What's happening?
18:54Show me your eyes.
19:02Just finishing something. Hang tight.
19:06What happens now?
19:08We both know I can't leave you like this.
19:11He'll never be safe again.
19:15You know how to run that thing?
19:18I'm gonna give you something you never gave Devin.
19:21A choice.
19:23The gun,
19:25or the memory wipe procedure.
19:32The gun.
19:33The gun.
19:35Procedure it is.
19:37Strap her in.
19:39Take her memories.
19:41All of them.
19:44Identify yourself.
19:46Potter, you called.
19:48You are required in cargo hold.
19:53Lucy, what's his blood type?
19:55John Andrash Jacobi is blood type O.
19:58Put me through to the nearest company med ship.
20:00This is med ship Avignon. Come in.
20:02Avignon, this is an all request emergency.
20:04Evac to my location.
20:06Medical authorization number 5-4-alpha-9.
20:09Priority code angel.
20:11That means get your asses here now.
20:13I'm sorry doctor, med ships aren't approved for your sector.
20:16This is Eleanor Saya Sims of Land Sims.
20:18And if you ignore my call, I will have you staked in the ring.
20:23We are en route Saya.
20:25I bet your ass you are.
20:29Hang in there Johnny.
21:00Don't you catch my drift
21:03You said to try for me
21:07Stare into the light
21:10Never leave my sight
21:14Going through hell for you
21:18Showing how I care for you
21:21Step into the light
21:23I wanna see you high
21:25Never leave my sight
21:26You gotta stop
21:28Going through hell for you
21:32Showing how I care for you
21:52Stare into the light
21:54I wanna see you high
21:56Never leave my sight
21:59How's Davon?
22:01Maybe for once just worry about yourself first.
22:04We're all fine.
22:06Dutch, you tell him that we know that it wasn't his fault.
22:12He needs to rest.
22:41He'll take a while to fully heal but
22:45he's gonna be okay.
22:49He was asking for you.
22:53You should probably let him rest.
22:56Maybe tomorrow.
23:01I destroyed all of Jaeger's research.
23:04I don't care about that right now.
23:12How are you even looking at me?
23:14How are you even looking at me?
23:21Do you remember much of it?
23:27Dutch, I remember everything.
23:38Please tell me you know I would never do anything to hurt you or John.
23:44Please tell me you know that that wasn't really me.
23:47I do, of course I do.
23:54But it was me.
23:58I can't be okay with that.
