• 4 days ago
00:03:00That's there
00:03:04Rose came that way
00:03:08And it must be
00:04:19Hey, mate, you all right? Oh, you haven't switched for ages. No, I know. I know. Well, you wouldn't guess where I am
00:04:24But have a look at this
00:04:34Just sent it to you is it yeah. Yeah, it's that mountain. Do you remember we climbed it like two years ago two or three years ago
00:04:44Sorry, yeah the sorry I just heard something really weird
00:04:52Yeah, do you know that mountain all the all the trees and stuff and well I'm moving around
00:05:02Yeah, it's really weird yeah, it's happening all the way down the valley
00:06:26I'm leaving without you
00:06:42Is everything all right, it's fine not that you would have jumped in anyway
00:06:48When are you getting the builders to get the stuff when I've you guys first got everything this month and erica
00:07:00Are you sure you can't come with us
00:07:04You know, I can't
00:07:06Won't be the same if you're not there
00:07:09I'm sorry, you know mom and Erica will just be fighting the whole time. There's not much I can do that
00:07:14Well, you could be there
00:07:17I can't and it's not because I don't want to be there
00:07:22I've got some unusual readings at work. I've got to do more tests and I need to go to the office this weekend
00:07:27Oh, you always have to work
00:07:30I'll make it up to you. I promise we'll go for a whole week rather than a weekend next time
00:07:39You shouldn't make promises you can't keep dad
00:07:58Found it
00:08:00Good. Come on girls time to get moving
00:08:03Bye girls. Have a great time. I'll see you when you get back and uh,
00:08:06I'll cook spaghetti meatballs or something or um takeaway my treat say goodbye to your dad
00:08:16Peter big win
00:08:18Take away or do spaghetti meatballs
00:08:20Everything will be back to normal
00:08:22Please don't do this peter
00:08:26Do what
00:08:30Act like everything's normal because it's not peter
00:08:37Look everything's in the kitchen counter read them if you want
00:08:42But all they really need is your signature
00:08:46Gwen i've been through this just sign them peter
00:08:50Well, we'll see when we get back
00:08:52We can talk then
00:10:45What the what's up peter your fancy printer went out of ink
00:10:53It's very funny you lost your colored pencils, yeah good one
00:10:58No, I bet one of his rocks has gone missing, uh, there's more outside if you need them pate courtesy some work
00:11:06Yeah must be really hard work staring at those maps
00:11:09Yeah, do you even need to go to school for that? Yes
00:11:13I have a doctorate the same as you
00:11:16These are not maps. These are seismographs and they measure earthquakes
00:11:20Does anyone actually listen to me not usually no
00:11:24You're wasting your time. Anyway, as if there's going to be any earthquakes around here. Well, actually
00:11:31Do you know what never mind, okay, let's do some work. Let's let him do some work
00:11:41Hang on
00:11:44What's that
00:11:47Oh, no, it's an earthquake
00:11:53Can I please just do some work? All right. All right. Someone can't take a joke. Come on jim
00:12:14Mom what is it? I don't know
00:12:27Mom what's that over there?
00:12:35Is it safe to be here
00:12:38It should be fine imagine there's been a lot of rain it's made the ground wet probably caused a sign we'll keep going
00:13:07Finally I thought that road was never gonna end. Oh, hi
00:13:15Oh, hi
00:13:20Well, you certainly chose a secluded spot didn't you well when I said it was a weekend retreat I meant it
00:13:28Plus I think we all need a bit of peace and quiet to me girls. Yes. Yes
00:13:37Are you doing fine, you know
00:13:42Well, hopefully this will help me take your mind off a few things do you want to come take a look inside yeah
00:13:58So, um the hot tub's just out back and i've already been shopping bought everything you're gonna need for food
00:14:03and drinks
00:14:05And drinks, of course, I mean we can't have a relaxed weekend without the pinot grigio
00:14:09Excellent. I shall be having several glasses of that this evening
00:14:13Is there any wi-fi here? Yeah, I can't seem to get signal at all
00:14:18Um, I think this card there's a password for it
00:14:25Well, that's the girls all sorted for the weekend then what do you think we should do first
00:14:29Actually, i've booked us in for caving this afternoon caving what was in like crawling through actual caves and stuff
00:14:38That sounds terrifying
00:14:39Well, that's why I only booked it for me and your mom
00:14:42What do you say fancy crawling through caves?
00:14:47Sure why not let's do it. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think I could do that way too claustrophobic
00:14:55Well, clearly your mum's the adventurous one in the family then
00:14:59Or the crazy one. Hey, watch it you
00:15:02So what are the three of you going to do? Well, amanda and I are out sitting on your bums all day
00:15:08You should have left them at home with their dad. Yeah, you should
00:15:12I don't know. I'm happy to be here. I think maybe we could go exploring maybe bring a pic
00:15:20Oh, that's a nice idea I think there's lakes nearby or something
00:15:24Oh, yeah, I think we passed one on our way up
00:15:27Oh, then we can go swimming i'll go get my stuff
00:15:39Yeah, we've gone a couple of hours are you sure you have everything you need yeah
00:15:44Here are the keys. You're probably going to be back before us. Thank you more time in the hot tub then
00:15:51As long as you don't drink all the wine that doesn't bother me
00:15:57Well, be good
00:16:01We will
00:16:05Bye let's go find this lake
00:16:23I'm going to the canteen you want a coffee gym?
00:16:38Oh gosh
00:16:40Sorry, we're late. I couldn't clean the table. Not to worry. You must be amanda. Oh, yeah, we spoke on the phone
00:16:45Hi there. My name's dan. Hi, and this is my daughter
00:16:49And uh, you must be gwen yes, hello nice to meet you
00:16:53Excellent. Well, the uh, four of us are going to be caving together today. I've chosen a nice easy route for us
00:16:57It's um, it's one of the easiest in the area. I understand. Uh, neither of you been caving before
00:17:05Not to worry don't worry I can guarantee you the cave is completely safe
00:17:08As I said, it's one of the most popular in the area and uh, the route is well worn
00:17:14I can't tell you the amount of times me and dad have been through there. So you'll be fine
00:17:17There's plenty of headroom and there's a few places along the way that we can stop and catch our breath
00:17:22Oh having said that although it is safe
00:17:25I will need you both to put these on for me
00:17:28They'll protect your clothes, but more importantly they'll protect your arms and legs
00:17:31Some of the rocks can be quite sharp as we're moving and sliding past them
00:17:36Give you these as well pretty self-exercise
00:17:40Right, should we get started then? Yeah, follow me, please ladies this way. Come on, follow me
00:18:27Girls look there's the lake can't be that far from here. Amazing. I'm starving
00:18:49I'm not certain but this
00:19:10No, no, no
00:19:21What was that
00:19:25I'm not certain
00:19:29Was that a bomb
00:19:32Is someone downstairs tampering something honestly, I don't think so
00:19:39I think that was a preliminary tremor
00:19:43An earthquake
00:19:47It was definitely a preliminary tremor
00:19:50An earthquake's coming
00:19:55This wasn't the breakthrough I wanted but
00:20:01It's in here in the data it's
00:20:08There's definitely been an increase in tremors
00:20:13What are you on about if my data's correct
00:20:20This could be the largest recorded earthquake in human history
00:20:26Oh my god
00:20:29This could decimate the city this could decimate the entire country
00:20:34We need to get out of here. We can't just leave here
00:20:39The electricity's cut off we have to go now
00:20:47Where's kevin he's gone to get me a coffee why
00:21:01Hello anybody there I think the lift is stuck
00:21:12Oh, no
00:21:17There's another tremor coming
00:21:31Hello hello, is anybody there something's wrong
00:21:37Anybody anybody help, please. I need some help
00:21:53Avoid tall buildings avoid forests. I have to go i've got to get to the girls
00:22:00Jim sophie you need to leave the building the earthquake is going to hit very very soon within five to six hours and
00:22:06Jim, just just get out of here. Okay, peter. What is this happening?
00:22:12When you leave
00:22:14Use the stairs, but what about kevin? I don't know i've got to go to my desk
00:22:37Okay, so what do you think shall we pick first
00:22:41Isn't there some kind of rule about swimming after eating
00:22:44It's not like we're gonna be doing laps. We'll be fine
00:23:08What was that
00:23:09I don't know
00:23:11It was something though, wasn't it something happened, you know, maybe it's the mine nearby it could be the aftershocks
00:23:16Are you sure?
00:23:18Yeah, yeah, I feel right. I don't think there's anything to worry about
00:23:21Come on, let's go. We're gonna be there. Yeah, it's just over the hill
00:23:39The person whom you're trying to reach is currently unavailable, please leave a message after the beep
00:23:47Gwen when you get this, can you call me back?
00:23:52I know you don't want to but it's urgent
00:23:55You and the girls need to get out of the forest
00:23:58We're right on top of the epicenter
00:24:03There's an earthquake coming it's gonna hit today
00:24:08You need to get out of the forest
00:24:13Shit when i'm coming to get you and the girls call me back. I'll try hannah's phone now
00:25:17He's crazy
00:25:21Okay, this is it ready
00:25:49That's something isn't it you'll notice that the formations are
00:25:58Well, that was exciting
00:26:04I thought you said these caves were safe
00:26:07They are it's just the rock resettling. It's fine. Does it from time to time? It's okay
00:26:11Honestly, there's nothing to worry about these caves have been standing for millennia
00:26:15Are you okay?
00:26:17Do you want to carry on?
00:26:18Yeah, i'm fine. You just caught me off guard
00:26:21Let's go
00:26:24Okay, if you're sure um this way please we'll head in a little deeper
00:26:30Let's pop these torches on girls
00:27:18Do you mean special services what do you require please
00:27:22Or government line, do you have a government line what's the nature of your emergency sir?
00:27:29Earthquake it's going to hit this afternoon. It's going to affect the whole country
00:27:36Are you calling it a bomb threat or do you know something that will happen?
00:27:40It's not a bomb threat. It's a it's an earthquake natural phenomena. It's
00:27:45Although it's probably our fault it's going to hit
00:27:51This is not a prank call this it's an earthquake it's going to hit this afternoon
00:27:58Goodbye sir
00:28:40So if you look up you'll see there's some beautiful stalactites and stalagmites and then this section here is particularly interesting
00:28:54What's happening, I don't know I think it might be
00:29:28I am so full me too. This is so nice. I just stay here all day
00:29:36What happens are going swimming, I still will just maybe later
00:29:55Don't usually smashing out mom was always good with that outdoors and stuff. Wasn't she was she
00:30:00Yeah, I actually don't remember. We used to go camping with mum and dad all the time
00:30:06Yes, you were little
00:30:07I remember we used to go on walks and make fires and stuff. Oh and dad used to constantly spout his
00:30:17How do we stop doing that
00:30:21I don't know
00:30:23Kind of just fizzled like we were busy with other things and dad was always busy
00:30:29He's still always busy
00:30:32At least mom can get away now
00:30:38You don't need to talk about that, this is too nice
00:30:49Maybe watch out for the leeches leeches
00:31:01Um, just to be sure that you can go in first what
00:31:14How is it nice, yeah nice very refreshing refreshing you look really refreshed
00:31:32Can I get all the lake come on
00:31:59Oh my god
00:32:05We have to go shoes quick, come on
00:32:37Hello i'm trying to reach meredith collins
00:32:41Dr. Collins, this is peter watson
00:32:43You've been financing my projects for the last few years. Dr. Watson. Yes the seismologist
00:32:49I've been keeping up with your papers interesting work. Thank you. I've uh, have you made a breakthrough?
00:32:57well, um
00:32:58Something's happened
00:32:59my equipment
00:33:01I've been studying the graphs. I believe there's a major event about to happen
00:33:09I believe it's the largest possible earthquake largest in recorded history
00:33:18I think you might be right
00:33:22the news
00:33:23There've been reports of landslides roads cracking sinkholes
00:33:27Do you think these could be related?
00:33:31Yes, yes, definitely. I believe it's just a start
00:33:38So what do you suggest dr. Watson, I mean how much time do we have
00:33:43There's going to be an increase in pulmonary tremors over the next few hours
00:33:47There's going to be destruction and potentially loss of human life
00:33:52The main earthquake I think is likely hidden around five to six hours six hours if we're lucky
00:34:00Not much time at all then
00:34:04Thank you for the phone call dr. Watson, I really appreciate it
00:34:11I need to make some calls. I need to make contact with the government and
00:34:16make them aware we need to sort out an evacuation of major cities and
00:34:20There's bound to be some civil unrest. I mean the public will panic
00:34:24What are your plans for evading the impact?
00:34:30I'm not sure yet. I'm just on route to get my family there. We're staying close to the epicenter
00:34:39Yes, that's right, how did you uh, dr. Watson, it's my business to know who i'm funding
00:34:49I've been preparing for a world altering event for some time now
00:34:53I wasn't sure exactly what it would be an earthquake a hurricane nuclear war or whatever, but
00:34:59I knew it was best to be prepared
00:35:03I have a secure bunker outside our city
00:35:07In the next five to six hours i'll be preparing it for the impact and whatever may happen afterwards
00:35:15The rest of my team are too far away to make it but
00:35:19Let's see if they can get a secure location elsewhere and we can monitor the earthquake from there
00:35:23I'd like to offer you and your family space within the bunker
00:35:27That's incredibly generous of you
00:35:30It's the least I can do. I mean if it wasn't for this phone call, dr. Watson, I wouldn't even know to get prepared
00:35:38The rest of my team are too far away to make it so
00:35:40I'll instruct them to go to another location and we'll monitor the earthquake from there
00:35:45So what do you say?
00:35:48Yeah, definitely. Yes
00:35:50Definitely. Yes, I'd love to take you up on the offer
00:35:57The doors will shut and be sealed 10 minutes before the earthquake hits
00:36:01If you're not inside by then i'm afraid I won't be able to reopen the doors for you
00:36:08We'll definitely be there i'll make sure of it
00:36:12Right. Well, I'll send you over the the details in the location of the bunker now
00:36:16Dr. Watson
00:36:19See you in a few hours
00:36:23Best of luck. Thank you
00:37:48What was that
00:37:50I don't know
00:37:51I came out of nowhere, but I think it might be an earthquake. It must have been just like dad always described all that shaking
00:37:57What do you think he felt it at work?
00:38:00What about mum?
00:38:04Do you think she's still in the caves?
00:38:05You know, look look we need to go back to the cabin
00:38:07All right, it's the only place that we've got signal we can we can call dad from there and hopefully mum will be back then by anyway
00:38:11Yeah, good idea, but we should go quick if there's another quake. We don't want to be stuck in these woods. Go on
00:38:39Hey get away from that
00:40:23Give us the keys
00:40:28Whoa, let's just let's just calm down I said give us the damn keys. I just want to get to my family. Shut up
00:40:36Shut up and give us the keys we're taking the car
00:40:40I'll give you the keys. I'll trade you
00:40:43Just give me the phone. I need to call my family
00:40:46And why should I do that I can shoot you right now
00:40:49Look, it's my daughter. She's stuck in the forest. There's an earthquake. We know about the earthquake. Well, then, you know, i'm not lying
00:40:59I'm gonna give you the keys. We're gonna go first. We're gonna put them down. Just put down the phone as well, please
00:41:11You just give me the phone just put it down just put it down
00:41:15No, don't fuck
00:43:18I don't know what to do any better than you do. Oh, wait, it's dad. It's dad
00:43:23Dad dad, can you hear me alice? It's me
00:43:30Can you hear me yeah, I can hear you I can hear you. Oh, thank god you're okay
00:43:33I've been trying to call you all morning
00:43:37Where's your sisters erica and hannah? They're here with me. We're in the cabin, but mom
00:43:42She's not back. She went caving with amanda
00:43:45caving yeah
00:43:48Dad what's going on?
00:43:49Look, we were down by the lake and it felt like an earthquake
00:43:53The ground started shaking and the the trees were falling. We had to run through the forest
00:44:02I knew it knew what what is going on? I need you to listen to me alice
00:44:11These are warning tremors there's an earthquake coming
00:44:15It's gonna hit really soon what but
00:44:20What do you need us to do
00:44:22I'm coming to get you all of you
00:44:26Just stay where you are, okay
00:44:29Dad, what about mom?
00:44:31She's not back. I try I try to phone her but her phone is dead. What what if she's
00:44:38She'll be okay your mum's tough she's probably on on the way to you right now
00:44:43Just just gather up your things get food water
00:44:49And get under a table
00:44:51There's going to be more tremors. Can you do that for me?
00:44:57Yeah, yeah, yeah under the table got it
00:45:02Just take care of each other just
00:45:05All three of you
00:45:07Just stay together and take care of each other, okay?
00:45:13Here we will
00:45:16Dad how long have we got?
00:45:21I'll get to you before I promise just stay where you are
00:45:30I love you. Alice. I love you too dad. See you soon. See you soon
00:45:49It's fine
00:46:07Well, what did he say
00:46:10He said there's going to be an earthquake
00:46:14That what we felt by the lake and in the forest they were just warning tremors
00:46:20That the real thing
00:46:22It's coming
00:46:24Then we need to find mom and amanda. No, no dad said that we need to wait here
00:46:31What he said that we need to gather supplies and we need to wait here
00:46:37Wait for dad
00:46:39Mom is out there somewhere and her and amanda could be stuck under something or worse. Don't say that
00:46:46But he said he's gonna come okay, and he will be here. No, we need to find them ourselves
00:46:51How are we gonna do that erica?
00:46:53We don't have a car. We don't know where they've gone. Yeah, okay
00:46:57But what makes you think that dad will be any better at finding them than us? We have to trust him
00:47:02He said that he's gonna be here so we're gonna wait and when his dad ever kept his promises
00:47:09No, do not pretend that you don't know what i'm thinking erica no
00:47:13mom and dad
00:47:15mom and dad are getting a divorce because
00:47:18Because she sees it too. Stop it
00:47:24Hannah are you serious? Yeah, you're wrong. Okay
00:47:32Yeah, mom and dad they have had their issues. I know
00:47:37And maybe they'll sort it out and they'll get back together or maybe they won't
00:47:43Okay, but he's our dad
00:47:46And he told us to stay here and wait for him so that is what i'm gonna do
00:47:52I know I know you're angry
00:47:56We all are
00:47:57But we can't hold grudges now
00:48:01He'll be here
00:48:07We will be now, come on we need to get supplies go
00:48:40Hang on
00:48:47This is the way out
00:48:54We're trapped
00:51:28Hey, hey
00:51:50Hey, please stop
00:52:05Is everything all right love
00:52:07No, not exactly. Uh, my car's just been stolen. I'm i'm trying to get to my family up in the cabin up on the hill
00:52:15Oh, yes, I know it by the lake it's very pretty yes, my uh, my wife and three girls are up there lovely
00:52:24What's happening
00:52:26Not exactly this
00:52:28There's an earthquake coming
00:52:30I'm an earthquake. Did you say is that what all this shaking's been about?
00:52:34I thought that was my driving
00:52:37They're preliminary tremors
00:52:40There's an earthquake expected sometime soon
00:52:43Like I was saying is there any chance you could give me a lift up there
00:52:47Well, we shouldn't drive up there. There'll be landslides
00:52:52You have to understand
00:52:54My family's up there
00:52:56The cabin is right at the epicenter of the earthquake
00:52:59This earthquake is probably the largest we've ever seen probably the largest in recorded history
00:53:04I have to get up there. I have to get my family to safety and i'm running out of time
00:53:08I've lost my car. I was trying to walk up there
00:53:11So i'm begging you
00:53:19You know what
00:53:23Take my car
00:53:26I can't
00:53:28You can and you must it's the only way wait
00:53:33You don't understand I understand completely love
00:53:38It's more important for you to save your family than for me to save myself
00:53:43I've had a good life
00:53:44And who knows?
00:53:46I may find somewhere to wait out this earthquake of yours
00:53:49So go on
00:53:53Thank you
00:53:57That's so kind you have no idea what this means to me just make sure you get to them on time
00:54:05I will
00:54:07And make sure you get some cover get under a table a door frame or a clearing ideally just
00:54:13Just make sure you avoid anything that's going to dislodge
00:54:16I'll do my best now go
00:54:20Thank you
00:55:54There's still nothing from mom or dad
00:55:57Do you think something happened to them?
00:55:59It's already been two hours
00:56:02What if he's changed his mind?
00:56:06Or what if he's just dead don't say that
00:56:12What are we gonna do
00:56:16But we need to be smart about this
00:56:19Wait another 30 minutes, um
00:56:22And if they're still not here
00:56:25We have to go he said to stay here
00:56:32Erica's right
00:56:34No, erica erica's right. Hang on look at this place. We have to make a choice eventually
00:56:45Dad thank god, you're okay
00:56:49I don't know what I would have done
00:56:51If anything happened to you
00:56:59I'm sorry, I was so worried
00:57:13We thought something might have happened i'm, okay, we're all okay
00:57:24Where's your mum
00:57:26Um, she's still not back yet
00:57:29Dad there's been so many tremors. Yeah, I felt the tremors
00:57:39We're gonna go to the cave
00:57:42I'm gonna get mom and amanda i'm gonna get out of here. Okay
00:57:46Alice I need you to get me a phone
00:57:48I need you to find me that yeah, um, you know, the nearest cave from here is 15 minutes. We have to run
00:57:53I'm gonna go there first
00:57:56The car out front your mum's where are the keys yeah, they're upstairs with her stuff. Okay, good
00:58:04I'm gonna go get the keys and you're gonna put your things in the car
00:58:17Come on
00:58:59Mom mom mom, can you hear us mom? Are you there mom?
00:59:04Mom girls, is that you?
00:59:11Don't worry we're gonna get you out
00:59:15No, we'll we'll find a way to shift the rock careful girls
00:59:21Gwen we're gonna get you out. Don't worry. How many people are in there?
00:59:29Stan the caving instructor and his daughter
00:59:38Amanda tried to run out
00:59:43Okay, okay gwen gwen let's just focus on trying to get you out of there
00:59:51I'm gonna try and move some of these rocks
01:00:04I've got something
01:00:08Wait, what's that? It's dynamite just just go back behind there quickly
01:00:19What's going on we're gonna move the rubble out the way with the dynamite
01:00:25Yeah, it'll be fine it'll be fine just just get get to the back of the cave and find some shelter
01:00:34We're going back into the cave now
01:00:36We won't be able to hear you good. Okay
01:00:42Trust me just trust me gwen
01:00:4630 seconds and and you'll be out of here
01:01:30You came back for us
01:01:49Help help my daughter's heart, please help get back to the car
01:01:56She's trapped under a boulder
01:02:11Help's on the way. Okay, it's okay. It's okay. Just give me two minutes. Okay, i'll be right back. No, don't leave me
01:02:17I'll be right back. Okay, help
01:02:34There's nothing we can do here you need to come with me no, no, I can't leave her
01:02:43You need to come with me there's an earthquake it's gonna hit come no, no, no, i'm not leaving her
01:02:53I have to get to my girls
01:03:00It's your call
01:03:08Dad help me, please help me dad
01:03:23It's okay i'm back i'm back i'm not leaving you don't worry don't worry
01:03:28Get me home
01:03:29Don't worry. I've got a plan. Okay
01:03:32I'm staying with you
01:03:37It's gonna be okay i'm not leaving you don't worry
01:03:44No, no, no get out of here
01:04:30So these are only the warning shakes the actual earthquake is going to be even bigger than this
01:04:37If my calculations are correct, yes
01:04:40I'm not usually wrong
01:04:43So what do we do
01:04:46My benefactor the
01:04:48person who finances my work
01:04:50She's offered us a place in her bunker. So it'd be the safest place to see out the earthquake
01:04:56Where is this bunker?
01:04:58She gave me the address
01:05:01Look it's there
01:05:03The problem is that the bridge is collapsed we'll take another route around the back past the monastery
01:05:47Oh look at that
01:05:54That's awful
01:05:56Mom watch out
01:05:58This is the end
01:06:00This is the end eternal damnation
01:06:03It's come for us all
01:06:05Our souls are unclean and we must be reborn
01:06:10We will stay here this is eternal damnation
01:06:14It has come for us all
01:06:16Sister is everything? Okay, only god can save us now
01:06:20Dad, what's going on?
01:06:22Stay in the car
01:06:23Only god can save us now
01:06:27You don't understand it's an earthquake
01:06:30Ground will shake and
01:07:34What do we do help her dad do we have time
01:07:4330 minutes till the earthquake hits we have to keep going. Yeah
01:08:03Come on, come on
01:08:21Come on quickly
01:09:00Come on keep moving
01:09:07Don't thank me yet. We still have to survive the earthquake
01:09:12We need to head down the tunnel to the inner bunker there's room for you and your family we can all shelter there
01:09:25There's people outside we have to help them we can't the doors are locked and sealed
01:09:33We have to do something there's nothing we can do
01:09:39Please we have to move now. I'm, sorry. I'm, sorry
01:09:46Come on
01:10:01Come on careful on the stairs everyone
01:10:06I've been putting this bunker together for some years now
01:10:10I've done the best to be safe
01:10:11But with everything that's been going on in the world and I was hoping not to have to use it
01:10:15Come on, did you get one?
01:10:19What happened it looks damaged
01:10:24It is there was a fire several years ago
01:10:33However, it's still the safest place to be
01:10:37Down the tunnel is the inner bunker. It's incredibly secure and it should be able to withstand almost anything
01:10:43Oh, that's the signal the earthquake is coming
01:11:16Come on quickly quickly everyone
01:11:20What's all this
01:11:25We have a satellite connection to several cameras outside
01:11:29So we should be able to see what's going on on the surface as the earthquake hits
01:11:35My team went to another location monitoring the earthquake from there
01:11:39Thank you so much for letting our family stay in your bunker it means so much
01:11:46You saved our family
01:11:48On the contrary mrs. Watson
01:11:52If it wasn't for your husband
01:11:54It'll be dead
01:11:59What do you mean
01:12:03It was because of his predictions
01:12:06And his smart decision to call and alert me that I was able to get the bunker prepared
01:12:12If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have anywhere to shelter I was just doing my job
01:12:19I was just doing my job
01:12:21You financed all of this
01:12:23I can't take any of the credit
01:12:26Well, clearly it was very important work
01:12:29And I was glad to be able to contribute
01:12:32Thank you
01:12:34You're a very fine man here mrs. Watson
01:12:38There aren't many that'll be able to deal with such a situation in such a calm way
01:12:49Have to be honest with you
01:12:52I almost didn't think you would make it
01:12:57I told you we would
01:13:00I'm, very glad I was wrong
01:13:10Okay, everyone, this is it just hold on okay, okay everyone
01:14:20We made it we did it
01:14:30It's not pretty is it
01:14:43Is it safe to go outside can we open the door
01:14:47I'd rather not
01:14:49It could be aftershocks
01:14:51No, I think it's finished that was what it was all leading up to
01:14:57Can we go outside
01:15:02Trust me it's over
01:15:10Come on girls
01:15:13If you're sure
01:15:16Girls let's go look
01:15:18Look look wait
01:15:24I'll walk you as far as the bunker's entrance
01:15:27But after that you're on your own
01:15:30I need to come back here. I need to make sure that my team made it at the other location
01:16:19Judging by the damage here
01:16:22What we see beyond those doors is likely to be larger than anything
01:16:26We've ever estimated
01:16:30Come on baroness come on god help everyone outside
01:16:49What's that
01:16:57It's just a generator
01:18:17There's a ridge up there we might be able to see the city from it
01:18:23Yeah, let's go
01:18:38What do we do now we live
01:19:15Do you reckon we'll find wi-fi
01:19:17I think my coat was over there
01:19:20I wish I was in a new child
