• 6 hours ago
00:00Stop touching it.
00:06Stop touching me.
00:07Have you seen how much we make on this warrant?
00:09I'm going to buy out the entire bazaar when we're done here.
00:12Watch him. I got this.
00:16Hi. Prisoner drop-off, reclamation warrant 230 beta.
00:24Verified. Dutch, level five.
00:28Verified. Johnny Jacobi, level three.
00:30Killjoys, huh?
00:31Reclamation agent.
00:33I thought about joining the rack,
00:34then I realized that the real work is done by us company guys on the ground.
00:39Thank you for your service.
00:40Warrant verified. Transactions on.
00:43Just so I'm clear, did you even take my ship?
00:47Nope. I just shot your mouth off.
00:49My boys until they brought you straight to me.
00:50Not so dumb after all.
00:52Your security system is top-notch, but your people? Shit.
00:55Well, you're ever looking for side work.
00:56Looks like I'm about to have some openings.
00:57Ooh, our agency isn't real big on moonlighting for prisoners.
01:02Your loss.
01:06Hey, you ready?
01:09Let's go. If we hurry, we can make it to leave before nightfall.
01:13Johnny? The bazaar? Your toys?
01:16Actually, I'm feeling wiped.
01:17I'm, uh, going to take a few days off and just get some... me... time.
01:21Good with that?
01:22Uh, okay.
01:45ID check. Now. Let me see your ID.
01:47Hey, hey, hey. Show me your papers.
01:53Six years of working together, he's never wanted some... me time.
01:59Ah, something's up.
02:01Dutch, you work together, live together, do everything but sleep together,
02:05and you're worried that he wants a little time apart.
02:08Bitch, how charming do you think you are?
02:10I know when Johnny's lying for you.
02:13IDs on the table.
02:14Why is the company in such a twist?
02:16They're doing road checks, too. What's up?
02:18Unit 5, report to checkpoints south-west, please.
02:21Let's go.
02:23Lions are talking about striking again. The company's up against presence.
02:27Why are you so worried about Johnny?
02:28If he is lying, maybe he's doing it for a good reason.
02:30Some kind of nice surprise.
02:34No. He's about to do something stupid.
02:45All right, listen up, bitch.
02:47Our circuit takes us up and down the J-Star Cluster.
02:49When you are done working off your fare,
02:52we can drop you off at any one of the colonies along our route.
02:55Until then, we own you.
02:58Every fight you win goes towards paying down your fare.
03:01The further you want to travel, the more you got to pay off.
03:04The more you got to pay off, the more you got to fight.
03:06Fan favorites get more matches.
03:09So let's try to look pretty out there.
03:12Now, watch and learn.
03:16This is the moment it cost me to pick my first opponent.
03:18Depends who you got in mind.
03:25Kobe Andrash.
03:27Oh, this one's on me.
03:49Make six warrants, you've cleared this cycle.
03:52Worried about your record?
03:54We both know I'll just shoot you if you get too close.
03:56Where's Johnny?
03:58I'm on my own this week.
04:00Got any low-level warrants I can knock out fast?
04:01Level twos or threes?
04:03Sure. Repos, transpos.
04:06Shouldn't you concentrate on finishing your active warrant?
04:08What active warrant?
04:10A level five warrant you signed on for 12 hours ago.
04:13One Kobe Andrash.
04:16Bellish, level five's a kill work. I don't do those.
04:18What I told your partner.
04:21Mm-hmm. Blue-Eyes said he was helping you prep it,
04:23so I gave him the info.
04:25He wasn't lying to me, was he?
04:27Using your name to chase a warrant above his rank, maybe?
04:31Course not. That'd be illegal.
04:35Lucy, do you have him?
04:37It's at General Conway King Range.
04:39Johnny to Kobe, whatever dumb-ass shit you're doing,
04:41stop. Warner's there.
04:42I can't really chat right now.
04:44Yeah, just listen. Putting my name on a level five?
04:46What the hell, John? We're hunters, not executioners.
04:49I had no choice. I'll explain later. Just...
04:51stay out of it.
04:53Comm link deactivated.
04:55Did he just pluck me?
04:57Oh, hell no.
04:58Lucy, override that. Let me know when you reconnect his comm.
05:00Tell him I'm coming to kick his ass.
05:02Understood. Pass kicking imminent.
05:04Try not to slip on the blood.
05:28Damn, I guess I didn't really think it was you until now.
05:31How you been, bro?
05:34Indentured fighter.
05:37What are you doing here?
05:38Look, I'm busting you out.
05:39You paid my debt?
05:40Oh, hell no. Do you know how much you owe?
05:42You're incredibly irresponsible.
05:44Fake an injury, get to the infirmary, and I'll handle the rest, okay?
05:47So you pick a hard dive in three...
05:53Are you kidding me?
05:57What the hell?
06:02Okay, let's go.
06:06Pull off the fight and let me have my part now.
06:08Yeah, just call it off.
06:10And have my tits handed to me by my boss? I don't think so.
06:13You can't keep him in there. The company have no authority over Killjoys.
06:16He wants out? All he's gonna do is ask.
06:18Until then, me and viewers love a bloodbath,
06:21and your boy looks like a bleeder.
06:25Okay, I didn't want to be a jerk in full rank,
06:27but I have a warrant for Andrash.
06:28Good for you.
06:29Ooh, is that a kill warrant?
06:31Never seen one of those.
06:32You can't stop me from taking Andrash.
06:34Yeah, I don't have to help you either.
06:36I know the law.
06:37Killjoys only have possession if they make physical contact.
06:40You gotta lay hands, baby girl.
06:42Good luck with that.
06:44Thanks for your help.
06:47Oh, you are kidding me.
07:03Not bad. Still dropping your right.
07:08You fool.
07:11You're still fighting dirty.
07:12What are you gonna do? Cry to mom about it?
07:14You would, asshole. Mom died three years ago.
07:20Mom died?
07:21I'm sorry, I didn't know. How?
07:23She'd quince you pretty bad the last couple years. Couldn't find you to tell you.
07:25That's exactly what you wanted, huh? To cut ties with everyone, even me?
07:29Huh? Why?
07:36Where have you been?
07:43Leave it alone.
07:50Who's your caller?
07:52In the cage with your boy. Level five warrant. You?
07:56Double booking a kill warrant? Damn. Someone must really want this poor bastard dead.
08:00Nah, who does that? Gotta be a Clara Clara, right?
08:03Could be.
08:04So we should just call this off? Go straighten it out with our brokers?
08:07And as soon as I leave, you double back and claim the kill yourself?
08:11I don't think so.
08:12You've got trust issues. You should see someone about that.
08:17I don't think we've ever gone head to head, have we?
08:20Should be fun.
08:21Comlink reactivated.
08:23Thanks for the trees. John, you hear me? Out of the pit. We've got another agent on your target. Playtime's over.
08:28I'm working on it.
08:29Stay down. Stay down.
08:32Do you bite now?
08:34Why won't you let me help you?
08:35I am helping you. This shit is rigged. They don't let good fighters go.
08:38They just invent more and more deaths until you can't get out.
08:41So remember, I'm doing this for your own good.
08:42Your own what?
08:43For your own good.
08:44I'm doing this for your own good.
08:45I'm doing this for your own good.
08:46I'm doing this for your own good.
08:47I'm doing this for your own good.
08:48I'm doing this for your own good.
08:49I'm doing this for your own good.
08:50You're doing what?
08:52Johnny, leave the mark.
08:55He's not a part. He's my brother.
08:58No! No!
09:18Open the gate now.
09:20Hey, what did I just say?
09:22Projectiles are physical contacts and physical contact means he is mine.
09:25Or do you want to explain to the wreck why you're obstructing their warrant?
09:30On the gate.
09:33Give me a hand. I hit him with a neuroblock.
09:35Can we at least tell him that I knocked him out?
09:45Hey buddy, give me that. You fix the fight.
09:56Johnny, what were you thinking?
09:58Look, I'll admit I didn't think everything through, but there was a level five ad on him.
10:01I had to claim it before someone else did.
10:02By using my name.
10:03Well, I couldn't use mine. I'm not licensed for kill work. You are.
10:05What was your endgame exactly? After you busted him out?
10:09Fake his death, I guess. Or say that he got the drop on me and escaped.
10:12That's not how this shit works, John.
10:14The rack doesn't just take your word on level fives.
10:16There's inquests. Proof of death.
10:19He's my brother.
10:22What was I supposed to do? Just stand by and watch him die?
10:24You should have come to me.
10:25I was trying to keep you out of it.
10:26How did that work out?
10:29Look, do you even know what he did to earn this warrant?
10:31No, but I know him. He's good people.
10:34Then why does someone want him dead so bad?
10:36People can change a lot in eight years, Johnny.
10:39He hasn't.
10:43Don't want to tell me where the hell I am?
10:51Are you familiar with a quad planetary system?
10:53Yeah, I've heard of it, obviously. Never been here.
10:55Crash and her three moons are controlled by the megacorp called the Company.
10:59So you live in here now?
11:01We dock on Westerly, but we work the whole quad.
11:03What, as bounty hunters?
11:04Reclamation agents.
11:06We're independent from the Company that controls the quad.
11:09So why are you here?
11:13On an indentured slave ship using an alias?
11:15Well, we can't all travel purse class.
11:17We're trying to help you here, Dad.
11:19Don't need any.
11:20I've got a kill warrant that says otherwise.
11:22Kill warrants are usually personal.
11:23Takes a lot of money and power to make one stick.
11:26Who do you know that hates you that much?
11:29No idea.
11:30Look, you don't want me here. I don't want to be here.
11:32So why don't you just drop me off at the next port and I'll be on my way.
11:38Once a kill warrant is written, it's guaranteed.
11:42If I don't terminate you by the warrants then,
11:43they'll send another agent and another until it's done.
11:49Take a sleaze. I need to talk to Bellish.
11:52Peak coordinates activated.
11:56Is this where I camp out or what?
12:01You really have nothing to say to me after eight years?
12:03Could I really say anything right after eight years?
12:06So let's just figure this shit out and go our separate ways again, okay?
12:10It's better for everyone.
12:12I missed you too.
12:15Where is he now?
12:17On my boat.
12:18With Johnny.
12:20And Fancy Lee saw you take him alive?
12:25You've been sitting on your brains, girl.
12:28Look, I've got twenty-one hours before my warrant expires and I'm in breach.
12:32Just tell me how I can fix this.
12:36There's still time to turn this around.
12:38I don't know what you're talking about.
12:39Tell me how I can fix this.
12:42There's still time to turn John into the rack for his fraud.
12:45Clear your name.
12:46What's the penalty?
12:47For Johnny?
12:48Loss of license and five years hard labor, minimum.
12:50Okay, wow.
12:52No way.
12:53Other options?
12:54You can put your big girl pants on and finish the damn warrant.
12:58It's not like you haven't killed on the job.
13:00Self-defense is different.
13:02Trust me.
13:03Anyway, target's Johnny's brother.
13:05That's why he got involved.
13:06I told you he was too soft for this line of work.
13:09Yeah, well, I'm the one who pulled him into it, remember?
13:12I need to know who put out that warrant, Belle.
13:15If I can figure out something they want more than Davin's death,
13:17maybe I can get them to null the warrant in trade.
13:20It's our only shot.
13:29Well, I can tell you who put out the warrant, but...
13:32I don't know.
13:33Well, I can tell you who put out the warrant, but...
13:36you weren't gonna like the answer.
13:41Westerly coordinates activated.
13:49Went that well, huh?
13:53Where's your brother?
13:54Couldn't sleep.
13:55Hit my bed.
13:58I'm turning myself in.
13:59I'm telling the rack you had nothing to do with this.
14:00No, you're not.
14:01Yes, I...
14:02Honey, it's too late.
14:03Fancy saw me.
14:05If falling on your sword right now would help,
14:06I'd shove you myself, okay?
14:18You were right, earlier.
14:21I don't know who my brother is anymore, Dutch.
14:22I can't be sure that he didn't earn that killing right.
14:23Doesn't matter.
14:25You have to protect him. He's family.
14:26So are you.
14:29Okay, look.
14:30Don't get excited yet, but I have a half-ass plan.
14:33I don't care if it's quarter-ass. What's the plan?
14:35Malish says the warrant was written by the company.
14:37How is that good news?
14:38Because. It's a starting place.
14:40Look, the company goons are in overdrive lately.
14:42Pre-said it's because miners are talking strikes again, but...
14:44I don't think so.
14:46I think they're looking for someone.
14:48I say we find them first.
14:50Offer them to the company in exchange for cancelling Dad's warrant.
14:53All before your warrant expires in 18 hours?
14:55Come on.
14:56Finding people is what we do.
14:57We'll figure it out. We always have.
15:01Where do we start?
15:03We need to go talk to God.
15:28Your redemption.
15:30Let us suffer for your sin.
15:32Our pain.
15:34Your redemption.
15:36Let us suffer for your sin.
15:38Our pain.
15:40Your redemption.
15:42Let us suffer.
15:50I can give you ten minutes.
15:52The company has been tearing up Old Town looking for someone.
15:55We need to know who.
15:57Well, I don't need to rely on a professional for this one.
16:00Guy's name's Raleigh Dash. He's one of mine.
16:02And which are yours? Church or resistance?
16:07Our wives, we had a, uh, spiritual falling out.
16:10Why does the company want him?
16:12Scarabbacks can move more freely in the Quad than most.
16:14Raleigh used that to steal something from the company.
16:16Whatever it is...
16:20Whatever it is...
16:22They want him back.
16:24And him dead.
16:25That's all I know.
16:27Your turn.
16:29What does this have to do with you?
16:31I'm in trouble, Al. I need something big. I can trade the company fast.
16:34He's a man, not a bargaining chip.
16:36And I realize that asking you to help me find him may be a non-starter.
16:39But I am asking.
16:41If I knew how to beg, I'd do that, too.
16:46What's your take on the state of things in the Quad these days?
16:49Westerlunds aren't happy.
16:51Westerlunds want war. More and more of them every day.
16:52To cut our ties to crushing the company for good.
16:54Isn't that what you want?
16:56War is what they call it when the big dogs win.
16:58I want a revolution.
17:00We're not ready.
17:02If agitators like Raleigh step too soon,
17:04the company will squash us all again.
17:09I'll help you find him.
17:11But this never leaves back to me or mine.
17:13You have my word.
17:15When you do choose a side in this fight, Dutch,
17:17I hope it's westerly.
17:19Your joys can't take sides.
17:20We gave up all citizenship to join the RAC.
17:22You know that.
17:24Yeah, I know. You both seem too much for that to be possible much longer.
17:26Thanks for your help.
17:28What do you want?
17:37Stand back! Stand down!
17:39What the hell are you doing?
17:45Stand back!
18:00You shouldn't sneak up on people.
18:02You shouldn't scream in your sleep.
18:04Fair point.
18:13Bit old for nightmares, aren't you?
18:15Battle brain.
18:17It happens.
18:20How long were you enlisted?
18:22Nine years.
18:24How long have you been a professional killer?
18:26Nice. I'm not.
18:28Oh, come on. Just because it's your job doesn't make them any less dead.
18:32I just came to say that we have a plan.
18:34Sit tight. If all goes well, we should be out of this mess by morning.
18:36And if the plan goes bad?
18:38What's the penalty for you?
18:40You ask Johnny if I'm worth risking your asses for?
18:42I'm not.
18:44I'm not arguing.
18:46Then let me help.
18:53Johnny, come on. I'm a decorated soldier.
18:55Oh, fancy. We got us a war hero here.
18:58You know how to shoot little people with big guns. Congratulations.
19:01Now, what we do takes a scooch more finesse.
19:04John, he's coming.
19:06You got me into this, I'm seeing how we get out.
19:08We don't have a warrant protecting us this time.
19:10We may need the backup.
19:12Just tell me what to do. I'll follow your lead. I swear.
19:14When have you ever followed my lead?
19:16You on him?
19:18You prep.
19:20On final approach to crash.
19:23So, what's the plan?
19:28Don't make me regret this.
19:31Lenses? What are these for?
19:33Your eyes.
19:35And you'll need an external comm link.
19:38Our target's supposed to be at a land blessing this afternoon.
19:42We see him, we bag him, and we're out.
19:46Blessing a damn garden?
19:48Man, rich people are annoying on every planet.
19:50It's not the garden, it's the new land underneath.
19:52Blink for me.
19:54Half a crash is underwater, that's why they expanded to their moons.
19:57Claiming every inch of ancestral land here is big business.
20:00What's so special about ancestral land?
20:02You gotta own some to be a citizen,
20:04and all crashed citizens get shares in the company.
20:06So, bigger your property, bigger your peace.
20:10Little brother, little gun.
20:12That's not a thing.
20:14It is now.
20:16Put down the weapon.
20:18Let's all stay calm.
20:20Why are you following me?
20:22You know you stole something from the company, Raleigh.
20:24We just want it back.
20:26You know that's not happening.
20:28Johnny, we gotta make this fast.
20:30We got company.
20:32Don't unlock.
20:34I'll bolt it.
20:36Won't buy much time.
20:38Drop the gun!
20:46Hello, little bird.
20:48That's not really you.
20:50Oh, no?
20:52I'm hallucinating.
20:54And you chose me? Well, that's flattering.
20:56You're hurt.
20:58Small breaths, slow the blood.
21:00What poison?
21:04How do you know?
21:05I like sweet grass.
21:07Your plan?
21:09Kitchen. Poultice, charcoal, and hellum leaves.
21:11Good. Glad you haven't let everything I've taught you atrophy.
21:19Let's not embarrass ourselves.
21:26Too late for a poultice.
21:28It's hitting your organs. Your pupils are blown.
21:32I'll help you.
21:33After all these years...
21:35I never let you go.
21:48Open it, Gala.
21:51Each time you receive a red box,
21:53you will have a duty to perform.
21:59A rumare splinter stick.
22:00Exquisite edge.
22:02I'll show you how to use this, shall I?
22:23Cut in through.
22:25Okay, look, I'm gonna put my weapon down.
22:27Johnny, what are you doing?
22:28Nice and slow, and then you put yours down.
22:30We'll have a good old conversation.
22:32Johnny, I know that you're fighting for a cause.
22:34Talk to me.
22:36I got nothing to say to you.
22:38I don't know you. I don't trust you.
22:40Now, here's what I know. You shot that guard,
22:42and his friends are coming through that door to return the favor.
22:44Now, I don't want to go out like this.
22:46Do you?
22:48Huh? Hey.
22:50Dammit, Johnny, pick up your gun.
22:52So let's not. Let's not die today.
22:54Johnny, are my lenses still recording?
22:56What? Yeah. Why?
22:58Because you shot. He had a lock on you.
23:00I was talking him down.
23:02No, you weren't. It was either him or Dutch.
23:04I made the right call.
23:09Which way?
23:11Down here.
23:13Dutch, you there? Do you copy?
23:15Dutch, it went this way!
23:19We found Raleigh, but the guards are swarming in.
23:21Crap down here!
23:25Can't hold out.
23:26There's too many of them.
23:42You have to switch to non-lethal.
23:44I can't kill him. We don't have a warrant.
23:46How the hell do you want to get out of here? You want to talk him to death?
23:56I feel so, I'm getting down now.
23:59Can't hold me now, I will soon.
24:01I'm got, got, got now.
24:03Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.
24:07Can't kill a man in two.
24:09Getting down.
24:10Getting down.
24:41Lucy's en route, let's go!
24:43Can't seem to get my fill, so I'm getting down.
24:58He's certainly dead.
25:00You got proof of that part.
25:02Am I supposed to believe Dutch took the shot?
25:04Yes. No.
25:10Why not?
25:12So, I ran your proposal by the company and they saluted the hells out of it.
25:16If they like what they find on here,
25:20consider your warrant cancelled.
25:24What about the rack?
25:27They're calling you in.
25:38First kill warrant, first failure.
25:41Warrant was technically cancelled.
25:43The warrant was technically sabotaged by an agent either too stupid or too arrogant to know her place.
25:47Here's the thing.
25:49I don't give two wet shits they cancelled the warrant.
25:51The company was the client.
25:53You work for us, means you play by rack rules.
25:55I'm the one who's playing by rack rules.
25:57You're not the one who's playing by rack rules.
25:59I'm the one who's playing by rack rules.
26:01I'm the one who's playing by rack rules.
26:03You're not the one who's playing by rack rules.
26:04The company was the client.
26:06You work for us, means you play by rack rules.
26:10We are a single body with no allegiance to anyone but ourselves.
26:12We offer one simple service to all of our clients.
26:16We will cross contested jurisdictions for you.
26:18Find who or what you're looking for and bring it back to you in the condition requested.
26:25No one knows who hires us, but everyone knows they can trust us to get the job done.
26:28And we can guarantee that because our agents are guided by one principle.
26:31One code.
26:32What is that code?
26:34The warrant is all.
26:38The warrant is all.
26:40You broke your oath.
26:42Sign it.
26:44Cleed, shouldn't I be...
26:50That was my vote.
26:52That was overruled.
26:56I intend to find out.
26:58Sign it!
27:02Sign it!
