• 6 hours ago
00:00I lost him.
00:03John, you got a beat on him?
00:05Go west.
00:06You're a west or a normal person's west?
00:10I miss just shooting people. They're so much easier to catch when they're dead.
00:13You're not a soldier anymore, remember? You're a killjoy.
00:15First official warrant down. How do you think a missile looked to the rack?
00:18Fail. The answer is fail.
00:21It's there!
00:24Welcome to plane C, bitch.
00:27No. No, I can't do another set in West Hall.
00:31Oh, I hear you, man, but you kind of, uh... how do I say this?
00:34Chopped up your foreman. People frown at that.
00:37Nowhere else to go.
00:39Except up.
00:40So long, shit sticks!
00:41No, don't do that.
00:42Screw it, I'm taking him out.
00:46That's a security wire. Move back.
00:49Why? What'd you do?
00:56Um... level four warrants are live or dead, right?
01:00Yep. Yep. Dead it is.
01:03Fellish again. What's that pass got today?
01:06We're bringing him in. Someone get a shovel.
01:10You tagged him, you bagged him.
01:14I need you to transport a young woman to crash.
01:17Provided you can keep your lovers in check.
01:20This girl rarely encounters men. It's critical she's kept unmolested.
01:23I think my lovers can handle that.
01:25All clear.
01:26Leave us.
01:31What I'm about to tell you is confidential.
01:34Two days ago, one of our nine clans, the Lahanis, unexpectedly lost the last of their line.
01:39As luck would have it, the family survived by one last hope.
01:43An heir. Implanted in a pristine surrogate.
01:46No Lethe and Vessel have heard of this practice.
01:49So, are you nine infertile?
01:52No more or less than any others.
01:54But we of the nine find birth gauche.
01:56An unnecessary risk for our wives and daughters.
01:58So you outsource it?
02:00Why not? Lethe and girls make excellent vessels.
02:02Raised in an entirely organic environment.
02:04And what's in it for the surrogates?
02:05The distinction of incubating us future leaders of the Quad.
02:08Of course.
02:09I'm guessing it's not all rosy if you came all the way here.
02:13If the Lahani line were to die out, their lands and company seat could be annexed by any of the other nine.
02:18The last time such a thing happened, the resulting war of the nines shook the entire Quad.
02:22So you want my team to escort the surrogate to crash so the heir can inherit the child's lands and title?
02:27My ancestors began the Vessel program.
02:30And our line continued to be its patrons.
02:33Some want the Lahani heir protected.
02:35Some want him dead.
02:38I must appear to be non-partisan.
02:40So, I need this done cleanly, quietly.
02:44And no one can know I was ever involved.
02:46Discretion is my team's specialty.
02:52A less discreet person might ask why a lowborn killjoy possesses an instrument reserved for female royalty in other parts of the jay.
03:00Came with the ship.
03:02And one question, my lady.
03:05To come all this way personally, why the sudden urgency?
03:09Where is the baby?
03:13We have no idea.
03:16Approaching westerly. Initiating descent.
03:22Congratulations on receiving your Reclamation Agent Certificate.
03:25Level 4.
03:27Davin Jacobi.
03:28Well, thank you.
03:31Now I need to find someone.
03:33Name input.
03:34Dr. Pym Jagger.
03:40Yeah, it's pretty annoying.
03:42Damajohn, what did you do?
03:43Changed the mainframe search parameters to alert me in case of a breach.
03:47You're the breach.
03:48You set a trap for me.
03:49You say tomato, I say that's what you get for not confiding in your brother.
03:57That's true.
04:00Who is she?
04:01An army doc. All I know is she's in the quad.
04:04She's why you're here?
04:06Look, Dav, whatever.
04:07The point is I'm a killjoy.
04:08Finding people is literally what I do. You won't even tell me what you're looking for. That's bullshit.
04:12So that Delsaia seemed like a piece of work, huh?
04:17I just wish you'd told me first instead of Dutch.
04:22Some things are easier to tell a stranger than your little brother.
04:26I got my head a bit scrambled during my last combat mission and I think this doctor can help.
04:30That's it.
04:32Don't make a deal.
04:33I can handle this on my own, okay?
04:36With me.
04:40Talking at Westerly.
04:42What do you mean they lost the baby?
04:43How do you lose a baby?
04:45I've met babies. They're very slow.
04:48Are you done?
04:50Our baby's not been born yet.
04:52The target is a surrogate.
04:53The monastery where she's living is cloistered.
04:55No men in, no girls out.
04:56But the abbess has sent daily health reports to the Nine.
04:59Last week the monastery went dark.
05:01Delsaia sent her people to investigate.
05:11And our target?
05:13The remaining sisters have all gone underground.
05:15They won't even reply to the Nine.
05:17But she won't talk to her employers and how are we supposed to find her?
05:21With a little help from our friends.
05:35Where's your ID, Scarback?
05:40Enjoying your work, officer?
05:43I'll be praying for you tonight.
05:47And your family.
05:51Keep sassing them and one day I'll be bailing your ass from jail.
05:54Company punks aren't too scared of my kind.
05:59You look well.
06:01I feel well.
06:04I'm great too, by the way.
06:06Is that the new one?
06:07Yeah, I'm the new one.
06:09Nice cape.
06:11So, any news on the monastery massacre?
06:14One survivor.
06:15The abbess.
06:16My people have been in touch with her.
06:17She says to tell you that the girl is safe.
06:19The girl's name is Constance.
06:21Once the abbess heard she was carrying the last of the Lahanni Lions, she moved her.
06:24Moved her where?
06:26Only the abbess and one other sister knows the location.
06:32This will get you to the safehouse.
06:35The abbess has one condition.
06:37Trust no one.
06:38Tell no one.
06:39Until the girl is safe on Kreshi's soil.
06:41I know how to do my job, Aldous.
06:43I'm just doing mine.
06:49Hang on.
06:51These coordinates can't be right.
06:53Why? Where are we heading?
07:06Just admit it, John.
07:07We're lost.
07:09I don't get lost.
07:10The coordinates say this is the location.
07:12Except, it isn't.
07:14This is our fourth jaunt past that cliff face.
07:18And the perfect chance to enjoy a refreshing beverage.
07:22So why can't we just fly it?
07:23We can't take Lucy this deep in the sand here.
07:25It reflects electromagnetic surprise analysis.
07:27Whatever. Besides, wasn't that fun?
07:29Let me simplify, rookie.
07:31Bad air makes ship go boom.
07:34Badlands are what the company leaves behind after they strip an area bare.
07:39Hell of a place to hide a babymaker for bluebloods.
07:42Clever. Nobody will think to look at the most toxic place in the quad.
07:47Hey, does that horizon look hinky?
07:49Whoa, easy with the technical terms.
07:52He's right.
07:54There's no lichen growing on the escarpment, even though it faces south.
08:09Security projection. Nice eye.
08:16I should see your guys' faces.
08:17What's back there?
08:18It's more Badlands. Come on.
08:20Oh, and a giant fortress.
08:22Get the Rambler!
08:28Nice place for a safehouse.
08:30Unless it's just another trick, some tech mirage.
08:33For the front door.
08:34Time to ring the doorbell.
08:36Ladies first.
08:37Rarely, in my experience.
08:39And they're doing it wrong.
08:40I'll be the lady.
08:41Yes, ma'am.
08:47Moment of truth.
08:59This is a bad time to discover I'm claustrophobic.
09:02I sure hope they built this place to code.
09:04There could be an ambush. Look alive.
09:08Come on.
09:17I see it.
09:18Here they are.
09:21Who's that?
09:24This is officially my favorite ambush ever.
09:27It's okay.
09:29We're here to help.
09:31Are you here to take us to Crash?
09:33Which one of you is Constance?
09:34I am.
09:39With guns?
09:40That's different.
09:41Easy, sisters.
09:42I knew Leith's silence was important.
09:43You're scaring the girls. Let us explain.
09:45Shut up.
09:46What are you doing?
09:47They're not here to rescue us, girl.
09:48They're here to execute you.
09:51Put down the guns. We work for the Racks. We have a warrant.
09:53This is bullshit.
09:55Drop him.
09:57You want an act of faith? Here's one. I haven't killed you yet.
10:00The Abyss sent us.
10:01We're here to extract the surrogate immediately.
10:05What's wrong with her?
10:06She's eight months pregnant.
10:07Sister Therese.
10:10Take Constance to her room.
10:12And then check the perimeter.
10:17You, Dutch.
10:18Tell me about the others on Leith.
10:21Ladies, be kind to these Rakes.
10:24Apparently they're our honored guests.
10:31Well, this should go well.
10:36Everyone at the Birthing Sanctuary?
10:38Except the Abyss.
10:43I could have been there when they attacked.
10:45I could have been killed.
10:46There's a chance that whoever did it is heading here now.
10:48We need to evacuate.
10:49Right now?
10:51Constance is on bed rest.
10:52She took a turn for the worse when transferring here.
10:55Aren't we all safer in here anyway?
10:57My team's job is to transport people.
10:59We're very good at it.
11:01I can keep Constance safe.
11:06Your tracks continue through here.
11:09Get the gear.
11:11So, you're brothers.
11:15I love brothers.
11:17Do you guys like being killjoys?
11:20And flying around and stuff?
11:24Stuff is great.
11:25It's feeding time in a lion's den.
11:27And you're the meat.
11:28No, you're wrong.
11:30She has to stabilize her.
11:31She could go into labor.
11:32So stabilize her.
11:33Stabilize her.
11:34Protection camouflage.
11:35Hermetically sealed from the elements.
11:36Shock shielding on perimeter.
11:37All the precautions have been taken.
11:38The danger is out there.
11:40In here, we are perfectly safe.
11:48You were saying?
11:51System down.
11:52Security disabled.
11:54Air purifiers off.
11:55What's going on?
11:56I bet a bird flew into the grid again.
11:58Sister Therese is outside patrolling the perimeter.
12:00There's no need to panic.
12:01Get the girls to a more secure place.
12:02Check on Constance.
12:03Lock her down.
12:04Okay, ladies.
12:05Let's get lower where it's nice and cool.
12:07I'll monitor the grid.
12:08See if I can boot it up internally.
12:09You can.
12:10Well, I can.
12:12You better come along.
12:14You go with the girls.
12:16I'll sweep.
12:23Don't you think it'd be better if, you know, you stayed with them?
12:26Because I have breasts?
12:27Sort of.
12:29Is that like a trick question?
12:30They like you, okay?
12:31You're a big, muscly distraction, and we need that right now.
12:35Our warrant is for Constance, remember?
12:37And when it comes down to it, she's the one we need to save.
12:39How do you think the others will react once they figure that bit out?
12:41No idea.
12:42Neither do you.
12:43Trust me, I know I grew up in a place just like this.
12:45You grew up in a fertility cult.
12:46Okay, not exactly like this.
12:48We'd probably call a royal harem.
12:50Long story.
12:51Another time.
12:52Here's how it works.
12:53Treat people like chattel, make them fight for approval,
12:55and they will always turn on one another in the end.
12:57You've seen them.
12:58They're basically brainwashed.
12:59And probably really, really scared.
13:01Not everybody is as hard as you, Dutch.
13:05I didn't start out this way.
13:14Someone's patched this together with fusion gel and duct tape.
13:18That's impressive.
13:21It's you?
13:22I was rerouting harvest drones to terrorize my sisters
13:24when I was knee-high to a copter pod.
13:26Now you're a surrogate for crushing nobles who can't.
13:28Or won't make their own babies.
13:29How's that happen?
13:30Constance, Clara, Gwen,
13:31we're all daughters of farmers on leave
13:33who didn't need any more daughters.
13:35This is how we serve our families.
13:43Constance, hi.
13:44I'm Dutch.
13:45The lady killed Roy.
13:46I'd get up, but...
13:48I know you're not very well, but we really need to leave.
13:51I'm ready.
13:52I may be weak, but this baby is very strong.
13:54These days, I feel a movement.
13:56But he has to wait.
13:57The Lehanier is only legitimate if he's born on crushing...
14:01Am I boring you?
14:04Evaluating security.
14:05Part of my job.
14:07Yes, and listening to me wax poetic about my vow of bounty isn't...
14:11I get it.
14:12Your belief's none of my business.
14:14I'm the only one of the girls that was able to conceive this round.
14:17Well, that's great.
14:18No, I...
14:20I need to see it through.
14:21That's not faith.
14:22It's fact.
14:27You need a dirt.
14:30He's a bossy.
14:31You're also right.
14:32So we all took and passed the purity test together.
14:34It takes a lot of sacrifices to be fit for service.
14:36No booze.
14:38No boys.
14:39No flesh.
14:40Not even bacon.
14:41No room for a career.
14:42No chance to build your own copter pods.
14:44Traditions die hard.
14:46You know the old joke.
14:47What do you get when you scratch a lethe in?
14:49Crushy ancestor who's embarrassed to be there.
14:53We're all descendants of some crushy fourth or fifth son
14:55who sent to lethe when land got scarce.
14:57Some see honor in keeping that connection alive.
14:59So what do you get when you scratch a westerling?
15:04No, that's okay.
15:05We just docked there.
15:06Anyway, my family gets paid three times for my honor,
15:10what I'd make as an engineer, so...
15:13Maybe you're underestimating how good an engineer you could have been.
15:16I thought about it.
15:18Look, those girls are my real family now.
15:20I'd do anything for them.
15:22Please don't tell them that I sometimes have doubts.
15:26Not even if they bribe me with bacon.
15:30Where have you been? I told you to stay with us.
15:32I know how to protect my girls.
15:33I've been doing it for 23 years, Missy.
15:38Did you bring someone up with you?
15:41Stay with Constance.
15:42For real this time.
15:43Lock the doors. I'll be right back.
15:46And I mean now.
15:51I always wanted a big brother.
15:53You too close?
15:54I used to be.
15:56Now it's all his secrets hiding from my secrets.
15:59Your secrets?
16:00We just met and I know your blood type and why you don't like pie.
16:03Bee cake or bee pudding, but commit.
16:10Oh yes, I love to dance.
16:13You like to beat.
16:15So do I.
16:17I think there's something really wrong.
16:19A short this size is only possible if the search was external, big, deliberate.
16:23Not a bird?
16:24More like a satellite. I can override the system, but...
16:29Who sent you, Leaf Nationalist or the Nine?
16:46You are a special snowflake, John Jacobi.
16:49We weren't down for long.
16:50On my count?
16:5211 minutes without security, that's long enough.
16:54For what?
16:55Whoever cut the power to get inside.
16:59Whoever's paying will double it.
17:01Go to hell, Misty Slag.
17:03The Nine it is. Thanks.
17:12Dutch, you okay?
17:15All we want is the Lahati Breeder.
17:18Send her outside. No one else will die.
17:22No one else?
17:27Sister Therese.
17:40Lethean Breeder, I'm coming for you.
17:44I'm coming for you.
17:52I offered him more money.
17:53But Drew might have at least helped me out.
17:55Look at his hands, his gear.
17:58This is pure crashy houseguard in disguise.
18:00No colours, no crest.
18:02So no way to tell which of the Nine families he's working for.
18:05You asked!
18:07I'm going out there.
18:08No, you're not.
18:09Stay here, it's safe.
18:10And next stop, hair pulling.
18:13What the hell am I watching?
18:14Clara, let her go.
18:15Jenny, put on your damn shoe.
18:16And you!
18:18Sobbing helps exactly zero percent.
18:20He knows the names.
18:22Sorry, Diamond.
18:23Apology accepted, Clara.
18:24Now go get Constance.
18:26He knows our names.
18:29Can we get to your ship already?
18:31It's parked a few miles away.
18:33Through the Badlands?
18:36Surrogates can't breathe Westerlin air
18:37or will negate Constance's status.
18:38So will dying.
18:40We can get halfway there through the tunnels.
18:42Her room's empty.
18:45Sorry, Constance.
18:46I am.
18:47The Briggins get injured.
18:48It's rape and murder for everyone.
18:50These shots just are to race in the head.
18:52I never took you for a coward.
18:55Cowards survive.
18:57Eight failed implantations
18:59getting off the front of charity.
19:01I've given enough to bounty.
19:04And playing broodmare to crash these isn't a higher calling.
19:07That's just a story we tell idiot girls like you
19:09to get control of your wounds.
19:11Shut your mouth!
19:12Well, I knew someone would go full bitch.
19:14Just didn't think he'd be mother inferior.
19:16If we give him the girl, the rest of us stand a chance.
19:19It's triage.
19:21It's fair.
19:22It's pathetic.
19:23Let go of the girl.
19:26I won't risk my life for this baby.
19:30I will.
19:41Look at me. Just breathe.
19:42Just breathe. Look at me.
19:43It's okay.
19:44You can't.
19:45You haven't stopped judging us since the moment you got here.
19:47You think we're stupid?
19:48No, I think you're really brave.
19:50But you have been manipulated and I know what that's like
19:52and I'm not gonna do that to you now.
19:53Forget the bounty.
19:54Forget the nine.
19:55What do you want?
19:58I'm not a quitter.
19:59I promised the Lannies that I would continue their line.
20:02Don't patronize me.
20:07Being a vessel is my calling and it matters to me.
20:11Mother Sal doesn't get a say in that and neither do you.
20:16I want to finish this.
20:18For the baby and for me.
20:20Will you help us?
20:21I'm no quitter either.
20:26I can't make any promises about your baby blanket.
20:32They're coming through the doors.
20:34How many do you figure are out there?
20:36A few more than us.
20:37Probably better armed.
20:39Says who?
20:47Damn, girl.
20:50Pass me the flash rifle.
20:53Clara, take the mag.
20:54My kind of girls.
20:55Is that a flamethrower?
20:57You sure you can handle your weapons?
21:00We're country girls from Leith.
21:02We learned how to fire a rifle before we learned to thrash.
21:06Let's do this.
21:08Alright, listen up.
21:09We need your help covering us through the tunnels.
21:11In case we're not alone in there.
21:13Once we get to the door, you re-seal it and sit tight.
21:16We're not leaving Constance.
21:18This is their baby too.
21:19They're coming.
21:21Look, follow me.
21:22It's their baby too.
21:23They're coming.
21:25Looks like it's all for one.
21:28And one for me.
21:33Let's go.
21:36You sure you wouldn't rather just, uh, carry the hammer?
21:40But I think I'm gonna stick with my plasma grenades.
21:42I get it.
21:43Respect the classics.
21:48Stay close, okay?
22:04We need to keep moving.
22:06Pulse is staying, heartbeats are out.
22:07Deep breaths, Mama.
22:08Why didn't he kill me?
22:10They must need you alive.
22:12Guardians of royal children control their lands.
22:14Maybe that's why they want the baby.
22:15Steal the kid, steal the land.
22:16That only works if the baby lives.
22:18Put me in the front.
22:19I can act as the shield for the others.
22:20You're too weak.
22:22Let's move, people, now!
22:25The synthesized adrenaline shot, I stole it from the matron's cabinet.
22:28What will that do to the baby?
22:29Keep me alive long enough to get to Crash.
22:35Is it working?
22:38Oh, yeah.
22:40Come on.
22:49Let's go!
22:53Watch out!
22:55Watch out!
23:03What do we do now?
23:04I'll lay cover, clear a path to the Rambler.
23:06We'll bring up the rear.
23:07So move your percna off.
23:08Move it!
23:09Clara, watch your back!
23:14They shot Clara!
23:15Johnny, on your left!
23:16My left or a normal person's left?
23:29Jace, the coupler!
23:31Down to my core to find your pet rocks!
23:37Oh, my God!
23:40Thank God, Gwen!
23:43Reloading ammo!
23:44You'll need two minutes to reboot.
23:46We don't have two minutes.
23:47I'll buy them for you.
23:48Just promise me you're gonna get these girls back home.
23:50No, no, no, no.
23:51It's not worth it.
23:52Of course it is.
23:53My sisters.
24:00Jenny, what are you doing?
24:02Jenny, come back!
24:04It's the breeder.
24:05Hold your fire.
24:22Constance, are you okay?
24:24I'm sorry about your friends.
24:25They're just hanging there.
24:26I can't anymore.
24:28Yes, you can.
24:29Don't quit now.
24:30You're not listening to me.
24:31I'm having this baby.
24:42Initiating launch.
24:47Get us out of here.
24:49Get us out of here.
24:51We need to get to Crash.
25:03My cargo bay is not equipped for this situation.
25:05Can you reschedule?
25:07Use your anger.
25:08It's just pain.
25:09Then you do it!
25:10Where are we at?
25:11Our contractions are getting closer together.
25:12Is that good?
25:13If we don't do this part, they take us to the best doctors on Crash.
25:19Let's take her to Old Town. It's closer.
25:21The baby has to be born on Crash.
25:23To claim his landing birthright.
25:25If we fail, then all of that was for nothing.
25:28They all just died for nothing.
25:29We have to try.
25:30We'll do more than try.
25:32Dutch, need a word?
25:34I got this.
25:43Royally forked.
25:44Emphasis on royal.
25:45I'm not getting a landing code.
25:49And now being denied airspace access full stop.
25:51Delsaia revoked our clearance.
25:53Why would she do that?
25:54Core politics are a bitch.
25:56So am I.
25:57Lucy, get me Delsaia.
26:03Excuse me.
26:06I didn't think I'd hear from you.
26:07We're in stratosphere.
26:08I have the cargo on board but we're being denied entry.
26:11One of the other nine must be blocking you.
26:13I can't help with that.
26:14Lady, we need to land.
26:15And I need a discretion.
26:16Instead the other families are gossiping about dead vessels in the desert.
26:19You wouldn't connect me to that.
26:20This plan is no longer viable.
26:21And this baby is about to be viable in the hold of my ship.
26:25It's not on crushy soil, therefore not a trueborn nine.
26:27I have no obligation to a random baby.
26:29Who made the better offer, hmm?
26:30Which family bought you out?
26:32There are delicate politics at play here you cannot begin to understand,
26:35so let me say it simply.
26:36You've failed me, Killjoy.
26:38I will not soon forget it.
26:41We're going in.
26:42Dutch, there's bending the law and then there's breaking it.
26:45Shields still at 90%.
26:47We're talking about going up against the nine, against Delcea.
26:50She could have us staked in black rain, Dutch.
26:52By the time she's done with us, we might be begging to be.
26:54If she didn't want us to finish the job, she shouldn't have hired me.
26:56The last thing she wants is publicity.
26:58Constance, two more minutes.
26:59Let that baby know who's boss.
27:01Hold on.
27:02John, we have company ships on our tail.
27:06Hayley, you have unlawfully entered crushy airspace and will be shot down if you do not pull up.
27:11Do not attempt to land.
27:13We will execute with impunity.
27:15Respectfully hold on that, Border Patrol.
27:17We are RAC agents with an active warrant.
27:19This must be some sort of mistake.
27:21We're disabling our weaponry.
27:22Let's figure this out.
27:35You come with me. Secure the perimeter.
27:39Pull in! Pull in!
27:42I have failing cargo bay.
27:49I'll have a look. I'm sure everything's fine.
27:52Jesus Christ.
28:06You were told not to land. My lady was very clear.
28:08We have a valid RAC 1.
28:10Which is why your ship is still intact.
28:11Get back on board or I'll splatter this grass with gray matter.
28:15It's a bit extreme.
28:16I liked it. Felt like it came from a real place.
28:18We're just here to drop off some precious cargo.
28:21Delthea, Kendry, Abland, Kendry.
28:24May I introduce the latest crushy citizens.
28:49True born on mother soil.
28:51Your soil.
28:53Thanks to you the Lahani line lives on.
29:05Raise the trees!
29:07The nine are whole again.
29:19Welcome home, little one.
29:26I've overlooked that the surrogates breathe polluted westerly air.
29:29As far as everyone else knows, the girls remain 100% pure.
29:32I imagine that's to your advantage now that you're the air's legal guardian.
29:38You, uh...
29:40You made me a few enemies tonight.
29:42Reckless move forcing my hand.
29:44Not really.
29:46When your enemy has two faces, strike a deal with both.
29:52You can't be serious.
29:54You've read Derlick.
29:56Only the simple words.
29:58Well, go on then.
30:00Amuse me, Killjoy.
30:02What are my two faces?
30:04By my count, you're a decent person genuinely trying to protect the surrogates.
30:11A ruthless politician who acts like a king.
30:14A ruthless politician who either used me to find the girls so that you could attack them
30:19or cut a deal with the persons who did.
30:21What's your bet?
30:23Even odds.
30:25But I can make either work.
30:27If you are a decent person, the baby is safe.
30:31And if I'm a scheming opportunist?
30:33He's even safer.
30:35Crashies can't bequeath land until they turn 18.
30:38You've no claim to his without him.
30:40So, good or evil,
30:42it's now in your best interest to do everything in your power to keep him safe.
30:48aren't you a pearl hiding in the muck?
30:52It's a compliment.
30:54You have an unusual grasp of statecraft for a woman with calloused hands.
30:59I could use someone with your complexity.
31:05Now get off my property
31:07before I have you shot.
31:15I like her.
31:19Find out everything you can.
31:26That was the most painful, terrifying experience of my life.
31:30Why can't I stop staring at his fingernails?
31:33I've heard they've asked you to stay on as his nanny.
31:36I always hoped they would.
31:38He was never really mine, but I hoped I would stay in his life.
31:42Teach him about my home.
31:44Help raise a Crashie leader who understands Lee.
31:47Is that any time?
31:51I need you to take Clara and I home.
31:54Your farm?
31:57It's not my home anymore.
31:59Don't say you're staying a vessel.
32:02A guardian.
32:04Coach other girls do this honor.
32:06You know, it's not honor.
32:07It's whatever we make of it.
32:09You asked me to figure out what I want.
32:11This is what I want.
32:13Someone has to protect the vessels
32:15for as long as the girls are called to serve.
32:19And after everything they gave up for me,
32:22how could I abandon my sisters?
32:26I'd be lucky to have you.
32:32You ready?
32:39Come on.
32:55The girls are finally asleep.
33:00She was on Crash, the capital city.
33:06Dr. Jaeger.
33:11There's no sign of her after she stepped off the transport
33:13that brought her to the system.
33:14But someone, they paid significant joy
33:17for a solid cleanup job.
33:19So that's it?
33:21Well, she'll have left a trail, a clue.
33:23I mean, they always do.
33:24I didn't ask for your help, Joe.
33:26Yeah, but you should have, dipshit.
33:27I'm your brother.
33:30This doc, can she...
33:32can she fix you?
33:35I don't know, maybe.
33:36Okay, so then we search, we find out,
33:38but Dutch has to be in on it.
33:39She's family, too.
33:44Meaning don't plow our sister.
33:47Remind me, was that on the Jacoby family crest?
33:50I've seen how you look at her.
33:52Dad, this is almost working.
33:53We are a good team.
33:58We could be great.
33:59So don't mess that up for us.
34:02I won't.
34:04I promise.
34:05Promise what?
34:08Next time, I get to pick the damn warrant.
34:20I, uh, gotta go do a thing.
34:27I don't know exactly what happened to you
34:29I don't know exactly what happened to you
34:31in that rich kid orphanage of yours,
34:35but you came out the other side clean.
34:38Don't ever think otherwise.
