CINE CLÁSICO AMAZONAS NEGRAS (Adaptaciones Literarias de Hajji Baba) Las personas que hemos nacido entre los 50 y los 80, hemos gozado de las mejores series, películas y cantantes de primera...No sé qué pasó a partir de

  • 2 days ago


00:00:30¿Cuándo es la subasta?
00:00:32Esas chicas serán vendidas en Meshé.
00:00:34Se van hoy en la caravana de Osmanaga.
00:00:48Tíñeme y recórtame la barba.
00:00:50Como usted diga.
00:00:52Su caravana es la que acaba de llegar de Meshé.
00:00:55Dígame, ¿se comenta algo allí
00:00:57sobre la boda de nuestra princesa Fausia con el príncipe?
00:01:00Siempre hay tontos que creen que la felicidad llega
00:01:02cuando un príncipe se casa.
00:01:04Se habla mucho al respecto.
00:01:06Se comenta que tal boda ayudaría al comercio.
00:01:08Yo siempre digo que me gusta Bactrad para una visita,
00:01:11pero no para vivir allí.
00:01:13Me encanta ir allí y comer y ver el festejo y los faquíes.
00:01:16¿Qué es lo que oigo? ¿Acaso Hashi va a dejarnos?
00:01:19¡Ay, Gran Haze!
00:01:21Por nuestro gran jefe ejecutor ha llegado el día.
00:01:24¿No es suficiente para un hijo seguir los pasos de su padre?
00:01:27Él puede hacer dormir a un hombre
00:01:29o mantenerle despierto una semana.
00:01:31Todo con estos hábiles dedos.
00:01:35¿Por qué no estás satisfecho de ser como tu padre?
00:01:38Eres un buen barbero.
00:01:42Y me pregunto por qué debo seguir siendo barbero.
00:01:45Fijaos en el jefe favorito del shop.
00:01:47Ismael Beck el Dorado.
00:01:49¿Acaso es más atractivo que yo?
00:01:51Sí, pero él es el favorito.
00:01:54¿Y el famoso Lord Tresur,
00:01:56que llena los cofres del Rey de Oro
00:01:58y no se olvida del suyo propio?
00:02:00¿Qué era él?
00:02:01El hijo de un tendero.
00:02:05Él come y bebe lo que le apetece.
00:02:08Después del shop,
00:02:10elige entre todas las bellezas de persona.
00:02:14¿Alguien tan atractivo como tú
00:02:16no tendrá dificultades con las mujeres?
00:02:18No tengo problemas con ellas.
00:02:20Los tengo para obtenerlas.
00:02:24Yo apuesto por Hashir.
00:02:25Él conseguirá lo que se proponga.
00:02:27100 dinars a que Hashir.
00:02:28En seis meses sigue siendo barbero.
00:02:30De 100, 500 y acepto.
00:02:32Hashir es el tipo de joven que consigue lo que se propone.
00:02:36500 dinars.
00:02:37Gracias, noble mercader.
00:02:39Triunfo y te lo agradeceré.
00:02:41Ya que partes hoy, serás bienvenido en mi caravana.
00:02:44La mejor caravana para dejar Ismael.
00:02:46Será mejor que vaya bien armado.
00:02:48Es un momento arriesgado.
00:02:50Afortunadamente nosotros no tropezamos
00:02:52pero mi tío Aziz no tuvo tanta suerte.
00:02:54Dos días después fue atacado en el Gran Paso de Meshet.
00:02:57Ah, para un mercader siempre hay algún riesgo.
00:03:00¿Te recuerda, Hashir?
00:03:01Hay seguridad por completo.
00:03:03Prefiero viajar solo.
00:03:05¿Cómo lo sé?
00:03:06Dime, Hashir.
00:03:08Tú eres barbero.
00:03:09Tú lo oyes todo.
00:03:10¿Con quién crees que se casará la princesa Fawzia?
00:03:13¿Con Ahmed Khan o con Muradin?
00:03:15Con ninguno.
00:03:16Con un carácter como el suyo,
00:03:18ya debe estar casada con el diablo.
00:03:23Debo advertirte
00:03:25que no debes hablar así de la princesa.
00:03:27Si mi noble señor, el jefe ejecutor, te oyera,
00:03:30te despellejaría vivo.
00:03:32¿Pero qué es lo que he dicho?
00:03:33Que ella es ruin y cruel.
00:03:34Preferiría una patada suya que un beso de muchas.
00:03:38No os muriáis.
00:03:40Puede que yo maneje los instrumentos de un barbero
00:03:43pero tengo los deseos de un príncipe.
00:03:52Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de
00:04:23El califa estará aquí muy pronto.
00:04:25Y si no la despertamos, estará de muy mal humor.
00:04:27No quiero ser yo la que la despierte.
00:04:29¿Pero quién la despertará? Miriam, hazlo tú.
00:04:31No, yo lo hice la última vez.
00:04:33Sinat, hazlo tú.
00:04:34¿Y que me bofetee por hacerlo?
00:04:36No, que lo haga Shiden.
00:04:38Muy bien, ¿quién va a despertarme y por qué?
00:04:43¿Acaso tú?
00:04:45¿O tal vez tú?
00:04:47¿Y por qué no tú?
00:04:49¿Tan difícil es decidirlo?
00:04:52Muy bien, pues decidiré yo por vosotras.
00:04:56Tú me despertarás.
00:04:58Y ahora que estoy despierta, ¿por qué he sido despertada?
00:05:03Vuestro padre, el califa, estará aquí antes de lo que esperabas.
00:05:07En pocos minutos, rosa de rosa.
00:05:09Princesa de princesa.
00:05:10¿Está preparado mi baño?
00:05:11Tengo que elegir a alguien para que lo haga.
00:05:13¿Quién va a bañarme y quién va a vestirme?
00:05:22¿Es que soy una langosta y queréis hervirme viva?
00:05:30¿Dónde está mi perfume?
00:05:39Es pescado muerto.
00:05:42¡Póntelo tú!
00:05:44¿Habéis olvidado que soy una princesa?
00:05:46El café está frío y el baño demasiado caliente.
00:05:50Miriam, ¿vas tú también a atormentarme?
00:05:53Princesa, ahora el baño está más frío.
00:06:01Ahora está demasiado frío.
00:06:06¡Deprisa, deprisa!
00:06:07Mi padre llegará y yo no estaré preparada.
00:06:11¡Ah! ¡Idiota, has vuelto a arañarme!
00:06:14¡Oh! ¡Mi esmeralda! ¡Deseo ponérmela!
00:06:19Princesa, viene vuestro padre.
00:06:21¡Idos rápido, todas, fuera! ¡Vamos, fuera!
00:06:32Debo merecer la visita de mi padre por mis actos.
00:06:37Mi esperanza es que tu sueño haya sido probado.
00:06:41Mi esperanza es que tu sueño haya sido profundo y agradable.
00:06:44¿Cómo puedo dormir?
00:06:46Sabiendo que por primera vez en mi vida no deseo obedecer.
00:06:50Tú has sido una hija adorable y leal.
00:06:53Y por eso te he dado siempre lo que has querido.
00:06:56Pero ahora debo negarme.
00:06:58Solo porque temo por tu felicidad.
00:07:00Pero tú temiste cuando te arrojé por el caballo blanco.
00:07:03Y después lo monté.
00:07:05Como dije que haría.
00:07:06Y admitiste que estabas equivocado.
00:07:08Eso es cierto.
00:07:10Pero también es cierto que el caballo solo podía romperte los huesos.
00:07:13El príncipe Nureldin rompería tu corazón.
00:07:16Mira el anillo que me ha enviado.
00:07:19Y lee las cartas que me ha escrito.
00:07:21Sus palabras no están faltas de fuego.
00:07:23Él desea que yo sea su esposa.
00:07:25Piensa en todas las esposas que ha tenido y cómo las ha tratado.
00:07:28Ninguna puede retenerlo.
00:07:30Yo soy la única que puede.
00:07:33¿Te acuerdas de la princesa Mirsa?
00:07:36Ella era tan hermosa como tú.
00:07:39Y era gentil como una paloma.
00:07:41Tal vez él no necesitaba una paloma, sino un halcón.
00:07:46Tú puedes ser un halcón, pero él será el que mande.
00:07:50Pero padre, Nureldin me hará feliz.
00:07:53Sé que lo hará.
00:07:55En todo el este no hay nadie tan atractivo como él.
00:07:57No hay mejor guerrero.
00:07:59Ni nadie que monte tan bien o que hace mejor.
00:08:01O tenga tan poco corazón.
00:08:03Yo encontraré su corazón por él.
00:08:05Eres una chiquilla.
00:08:07Y tú eres demasiado anticuado.
00:08:09¿Tomarías por esposo un hombre que envíe una carta a tu padre diciendo,
00:08:12dámela o la tomaré?
00:08:14Pero eso solo demuestra lo ansioso que está.
00:08:16No que sea irrespetuoso.
00:08:18No intentes engatusarme.
00:08:20Yo digo que ese hombre no es para ti.
00:08:22Es malvado.
00:08:24Y yo digo que tiene un noble corazón.
00:08:27Él me desea como esposa.
00:08:30He enviado mensajeros a Ahmed Khan en Bashora
00:08:34para decirle que te convertirás en su esposa.
00:08:37¿Ahmed Khan?
00:08:41Él es joven y serio y nunca ha estado casado.
00:08:44Él construirá una mezquita en tu honor,
00:08:46incluso más bonita que el Taj Mahal.
00:08:48¿Una mezquita?
00:08:50El alabastro no agitará mi sangre.
00:08:52Nureldin puede y lo hace.
00:08:55Temo por ti. Eres tan inocente.
00:08:58¿Quién tiene la culpa de eso?
00:09:00Aquí estoy, 17 años y soltera.
00:09:03Mis hermanas y primas se casaron a los 14.
00:09:05He malgastado tres años y no voy a malgastar más.
00:09:09No pienso discutir contigo.
00:09:11Te lo ordeno.
00:09:13Soy el califa y tu padre.
00:09:15Prepárate para el viaje.
00:09:17Mañana te entregaré a mi amigo y aliado, Ahmed Khan.
00:09:21Y te enviaré encadenada si es necesario.
00:09:35Si fuera un hombre, me escaparía.
00:09:37Tal vez haya un camino.
00:09:39Tengo un mensaje de Nureldin.
00:09:41¿Es cierto eso?
00:09:42Es cierto, amada princesa.
00:09:44Hay un sendero que puede conducirte hasta sus brazos.
00:09:48Sabéis que en la avenida de Averán no hay guardias.
00:09:51Un poco más allá, al otro lado de la ciudad,
00:09:53hay un manantial y algunas palmeras.
00:09:56En ese lugar, un jinete espera a un joven imberbe.
00:09:59¿Y la ropa?
00:10:00Daos prisa si queréis llegar a tiempo.
00:10:02Está todo preparado.
00:10:04Voy a prepararme.
00:10:27Había un hombre llamado Tarzan.
00:10:36Él tenía un corazón brillante.
00:10:42Y aunque él no era padre,
00:10:48él era un hombre con un corazón brillante.
00:10:57Pero mientras se iba, la ley se descubrió.
00:11:04Él nunca sabía de la alegría de una alegría,
00:11:10ni de la alegría y el rato de los amantes.
00:11:17Nada como esto.
00:11:21Nada como esto.
00:11:25¡Ayuda a un pobre sediento!
00:11:32Tal vez sea una trampa.
00:11:34¡No, no!
00:11:36¡Soy un pobre mercader!
00:11:38¡Aquí me espajan!
00:11:41Por Allah, creo que dices la verdad.
00:11:47¿Qué ocurrió?
00:11:48¿Dónde está tu caravana?
00:11:50En el Gran Paso.
00:11:51En el atajo de Mesher.
00:11:54Nos atacaron las mujeres tucónanas.
00:11:57Es difícil de creer, amigo mío.
00:12:00He oído que las mujeres fugadas son de gran belleza.
00:12:05No te engañes, joven.
00:12:10Y fascinantemente vestidas.
00:12:13Pero son sirenas.
00:12:16Sus corazones están llenos de odio, ellas.
00:12:22Ascendieron de los infiernos como...
00:12:25como demonios.
00:12:27Y nos asaltaron.
00:12:29Aquellos que no murieron en la lucha.
00:12:33Y nos asaltaron.
00:12:35Y nos asaltaron.
00:12:37Aquellos que no murieron en la lucha.
00:12:41Fueron devorados por los buitres.
00:12:44A mí...
00:12:46me dieron por muerto...
00:12:49con esta...
00:12:51con esta faja anudada al cuello.
00:12:55Tus palabras me han llenado de interés.
00:12:58Creo que me gustaría conocer a esas mujeres.
00:13:20Solo quiero darte un consejo, joven.
00:13:24Viaja por el Gran Paso.
00:13:27Pero no tienes que terminar conmigo.
00:13:30¿Quieres que te acompañe hasta Ispahan?
00:13:33No es más que un corto paseo.
00:13:35Ya has sido bastante amable.
00:13:37Entonces, adiós.
00:13:39Que la fortuna cabalgue contigo.
00:13:44Buena fortuna para ti también.
00:14:04Alabado sea Alá.
00:14:06Alabado sea Alá.
00:14:08Yo soy su siervo.
00:14:10¿Pretendes quedarte aquí?
00:14:12Puede que sí, puede que no.
00:14:14Por el momento, como puedes ver,
00:14:16estoy dando de beber a mi caballo
00:14:18y llenando mis alforjas.
00:14:20Vete, te lo ruego.
00:14:22Puesto que en este lugar voy a recibir un tesoro
00:14:25que es el mejor tesoro del mundo.
00:14:30Te lo ruego.
00:14:32Puesto que en este lugar
00:14:34voy a recibir un tesoro de tal belleza
00:14:36que no es para unos ojos ordinarios.
00:14:38Lo que dices me intriga enormemente
00:14:40y ahora no me iría ni aunque me lo pidieran
00:14:42diez andrajosos como tú.
00:14:46Pero bueno,
00:14:48por diez dinars de oro
00:14:50podría ser persuadido para irme.
00:14:54Por Alá, tendré que matarte.
00:15:14Yo tengo sed de aventura.
00:15:16Otros la tienen de vino.
00:15:18Especialmente si es provechosa.
00:15:21Diez dinars.
00:15:23¿No tienes nada más encima?
00:15:29El sello de Nureldin.
00:15:32Tal vez debería matarte.
00:15:35Si Nureldin está en esta aventura
00:15:37puede ser más peligrosa que provechosa.
00:15:44¡Deteneos, por favor!
00:15:48Ya nos has engañado bastante, maldita.
00:15:50Ahora dinos la verdad.
00:15:52¿Dónde está la princesa?
00:15:54¿Dónde está la princesa?
00:16:25¿Has visto pasar a un guerrero por este lugar?
00:16:30Yo soy a quien esperas.
00:16:32Estoy aquí para obtener el tesoro.
00:16:34Qué listo es Nureldin
00:16:36al enviar a un guerrero disfrazado de barbero.
00:16:39¿Cómo está él?
00:16:41Todo el mundo sabe cómo está él.
00:16:44¿Qué tesoro estás esperando?
00:16:47El que tú debes revelar para probar
00:16:49si eres a quien estoy esperando.
00:16:51Qué hermoso.
00:16:53Este es el tesoro.
00:17:20¿Quién eres?
00:17:22El califa te hará saber quién soy.
00:17:25Tú debes ser la princesa Fawzia.
00:17:32La guardia de mi padre.
00:17:34¿Quién eres?
00:17:36La guardia de mi padre.
00:17:38¿Quién eres?
00:17:40La guardia de mi padre.
00:17:42¿Quién eres?
00:17:44La guardia de mi padre.
00:17:46¿Quién eres?
00:17:48La guardia de mi padre.
00:17:53Debo llegar hasta Nureldin.
00:17:55¿Y qué harás tú por mí?
00:17:57Te daré la esmeralda.
00:17:59La esmeralda y 100 dinars.
00:18:01Todo lo que desees.
00:18:03Pero date prisa.
00:18:20¿Quién eres?
00:18:22La guardia de mi padre.
00:18:24¿Quién eres?
00:18:26La guardia de mi padre.
00:18:28¿Quién eres?
00:18:30La guardia de mi padre.
00:18:32¿Quién eres?
00:18:34La guardia de mi padre.
00:18:36¿Quién eres?
00:18:38La guardia de mi padre.
00:18:40¿Quién eres?
00:18:42La guardia de mi padre.
00:18:44¿Quién eres?
00:18:46La guardia de mi padre.
00:18:48¿Quién eres?
00:19:08Debo descansar.
00:19:12Si nos detenemos, caeremos en las manos del jefe ejecutor.
00:19:16No puedo evitarlo.
00:19:18Tengo calor y estoy cansada.
00:19:20Te tendremos cuando sea seguro.
00:19:22Mi garganta está seca.
00:19:24No por mucho tiempo.
00:19:26Necesito beber.
00:19:28Las lamentaciones emanan de ti como el agua de los manantiales.
00:19:32Soy princesa y mi piel es suave.
00:19:34No estoy acostumbrada a tratos tan duros.
00:19:37Tú no eres princesa mientras estés en el desierto.
00:19:40No pienso continuar.
00:19:42Muy bien, puedes quedarte si quieres.
00:19:44Pero yo voy a seguir.
00:19:46Tú sabes que si los hombres de tu padre nos cogen,
00:19:48te llevarán de regreso a Ispaja.
00:19:50A mí me dejarán con la cabeza en un sitio y el cuerpo en otro.
00:19:53Y me gusta que sigan juntos.
00:20:18Nos detendremos aquí un rato.
00:20:43Por fin beberé.
00:20:45Bañate si quieres, pero no bebas.
00:20:50Lo que huele es el cuero.
00:20:52No me gusta.
00:20:54Pues no bebas entonces.
00:20:59Me gustaría probar un poco.
00:21:08Estaba equivocada.
00:21:10Es el agua más buena que jamás he probado.
00:21:19No hay alegría
00:21:21ni vergüenza
00:21:23ni amor
00:21:26nada como esto.
00:21:30Nunca había estado en el desierto.
00:21:32¿Y te asusta?
00:21:36Ha quitado más vidas que Núñez.
00:21:38¿No te gusta él?
00:21:40¿A quién le gusta?
00:21:48Nunca he conocido a un barbero.
00:21:51Ni yo a una princesa.
00:21:53¿Te resulta extraño?
00:21:57¿Lo ves para ti?
00:22:02Pero soy curiosa.
00:22:10Tu curiosidad es mayor que la mía.
00:22:14Con suerte nos uniremos a una caravana de mercaderes.
00:22:20¡Por allá!
00:22:26Somos dos viajeros fatigados
00:22:28que desean unirse a vosotros en el viaje.
00:22:30Llévanos ante tu jefe.
00:22:32¡Desmonta y sígueme!
00:22:48¿Quién es este?
00:22:50Este joven es mi ayudante
00:22:52y aprendiz del arte de la barbería.
00:22:54¿Te molesta?
00:22:56No, no.
00:22:58No, no.
00:23:00No, no.
00:23:02No, no.
00:23:04No, no.
00:23:06No, no.
00:23:08No, no.
00:23:10No, no.
00:23:12No, no.
00:23:14No, no.
00:23:16No, no.
00:23:18No, no, no.
00:23:20No, no.
00:23:23Este abrezo me ha provenado
00:23:25como a un gusto personal.
00:23:27¿Puedo agarrarnos?
00:23:29¡A coger a mi amigo Hashim!
00:23:31Acuérdate de mi suerte.
00:23:33Llevazos todo el breading para irme a Messe el.
00:23:36Y es aquí que se puede medir como voy a unirme con el.
00:23:41Igual que no,
00:23:43todo lleva en manos de Allah.
00:23:45¿Puedo spinner?
00:23:46more pleasures.
00:23:48Bring me the bowl of copper, fill it with hot water and bring it here.
00:23:51Bring it yourself.
00:23:53Allah has condemned me to a more stubborn apprentice than a mule.
00:23:56Oh, can we compete with fate?
00:23:58If Allah turns a camel white, can Osmanag turn it black?
00:24:02What is your skill, young man?
00:24:04Are you skilled in the astrakon massage or in fixing beards?
00:24:08It's wonderful in the massage.
00:24:10Can I, with a little pressure on certain nerves,
00:24:12immerse myself in a total dream like you do?
00:24:14He is my apprentice in everything.
00:24:16Good. Then I will undress myself,
00:24:19and your hands will remove all the pain from my bones,
00:24:23and then I will take you to see me.
00:24:25I'll bring the water, Master.
00:24:27Where are the dancers?
00:24:44I will send for them.
00:24:46This is my good friend Hashib Abay, his apprentice.
00:24:48This is Shaushmandan,
00:24:50and he has promised us protection from the fearsome Tukomanas.
00:24:53Young man, bring me my pipe.
00:24:55Send the dancer.
00:24:57I have a shipment of silk from Constantinople
00:24:59and slaves from Meshet.
00:25:01This dancer is a jewel.
00:25:03She could like a prince like Nur-el-Din.
00:25:06What kind of man is that prince?
00:25:10Fortunately for me, he is an inconstant.
00:25:13His desires are growing and lingering like the moon.
00:25:16He is going to marry Princess Fawzia.
00:25:18Is there any slave who can compare to her?
00:25:20Yes, there is one.
00:25:23She is more desirable than ten princesses.
00:25:25I have heard that Fawzia is very beautiful.
00:25:27Yes, I have heard it too.
00:25:29But as you said this morning,
00:25:32she is cruel and selfish.
00:25:35I know from one of her servants that she is not even beautiful.
00:25:39Her mouth is long,
00:25:41she has no grace in her figure,
00:25:43it is curved.
00:25:45As for her waist, it is like that of an elephant,
00:25:47and her feet, a camel does not have them.
00:25:49That's a lie.
00:25:51Have you seen the princess?
00:25:53For him, all princesses are beautiful.
00:25:58Can I leave, Master?
00:26:00No, boy, come, sit with me and look at the dancer.
00:26:04It's like Hafiz said,
00:26:06every moment of pleasure that one can enjoy is a winning point.
00:26:10To the musicians!
00:26:21To the musicians!
00:26:51What do you think of her?
00:26:53She is a magnificent girl.
00:26:57What do you think?
00:26:59I have seen better.
00:27:21What do you think?
00:27:23I have seen better.
00:27:25What do you think?
00:27:27I have seen better.
00:27:29What do you think?
00:27:31I have seen better.
00:27:33What do you think?
00:27:35I have seen better.
00:27:37What do you think?
00:27:39I have seen better.
00:27:41What do you think?
00:27:43I have seen better.
00:27:45What do you think?
00:27:47I have seen better.
00:27:54I have seen better.
00:27:57I have seen better.
00:28:13Why don't you join the others?
00:28:15I am tired.
00:28:19At least I learned. What kind of woman finds a barber beautiful?
00:28:22She is beautiful, and I dare to think that Nureltin would also believe it.
00:28:25Never! Her skin is thick as vomit, her legs are too thin, and her waist is too wide.
00:28:31That's what the others say about you.
00:28:34Barber, you're lucky not to be in Ispaja, I wouldn't...
00:28:37Would you hit me? That's your answer if you don't like it.
00:28:40You want to silence everyone who betrays you. Is that how a princess has to be?
00:28:45Go away, I'm tired.
00:28:48Leave me alone.
00:28:50You can't stay with me.
00:28:52Then leave. This is my shop.
00:28:54You can't stay with me. I have the courage to kill you myself if necessary.
00:28:59You are a truly impetuous woman. You will stay here.
00:29:05I've had a very hard day, and I don't need blows to sleep.
00:29:10Undress if you want. I don't care.
00:29:34Where is the princess?
00:29:36Are you sure?
00:29:38Give her to me.
00:29:39I will take her to Nureltin.
00:29:41She is under my command and does not need you. Get out!
00:29:45Get out!
00:30:06Don't be alarmed. I just want to talk to you. Where is your master?
00:30:10He will be back soon.
00:30:12I will make a deal with you.
00:30:14I know you are not Shirali.
00:30:16Nor am I Chaus.
00:30:18Who are you?
00:30:19An honorable spy at the service of your father, the Caliph.
00:30:22And you are Princess Fawzia.
00:31:58If this hadn't been for your audacity,
00:32:01we would be in Ispahan about now.
00:32:02You are precious to me.
00:32:03You are worth an emerald and one hundred gold coins.
00:32:08And that's why you take so many risks?
00:32:10Why not? Only the emerald is worth 2,000 tumanos.
00:32:14With that I can buy everything. Horses, houses, slaves and love.
00:32:19There are some loves that you can not buy.
00:32:21Only in the legends.
00:32:24Maybe you're right.
00:32:26Maybe the legends are for the barbers and love for the princesses.
00:32:30You will have Anureldine and I will have the emerald.
00:32:33Let's see who gets more profit.
00:33:11Well, barber, I found you, I captured you and I'm going to kill you.
00:33:16No, I'll go with my father in your favor.
00:33:19You will not see your father. Our orders are to take you directly to Basora.
00:33:24Prince Azmecan rides to Basora.
00:33:26I must see my father.
00:33:27We must hurry. We will take the shortcut through the pass of the great mountain.
00:33:32Let's go ahead.
00:34:10I know you're tired, princess, but we must continue.
00:34:12We must cross this pass before nightfall.
00:34:15Do what you want. Your plans are not mine.
00:34:25Guards, alert! This route is guarded by the Tucuman women.
00:35:52Tucuman women, attack!
00:37:43Come back, Vana!
00:39:21Come on, come on, come on!
00:39:24Come on!
00:39:26Come on!
00:39:27Come on, quick!
00:39:29Come on!
00:39:32Come on!
00:39:39We will sell you in Bokara.
00:39:41Bring the next one.
00:39:44This is the head of the caravan, great Vana.
00:39:46You can go with us.
00:39:48I'll take care of the Caliph's guard and you'll take the caravan.
00:39:52Leave me a diamond at least.
00:39:54Those rings are all I have left in the world and I'm an old man.
00:39:59Sell him in Bokara.
00:40:05Who's next?
00:40:14Can you ride and use a knife?
00:40:17I conquer men in other ways.
00:40:19Well said.
00:40:21We give women with courage a chance.
00:40:25Stay with us or we'll sell you in Bokara to the best postman.
00:40:29I want to be sold in Meset.
00:40:31To Nureldin.
00:40:34Then you're not for us.
00:40:37You'll be sold in Bokara.
00:40:40Take her!
00:40:45Who's next?
00:40:54I offer this emerald for my rescue.
00:40:56That emerald is mine.
00:40:58Leave it.
00:41:03Why is this in your power?
00:41:05He is my apprentice.
00:41:07He's just keeping it.
00:41:09What do you say?
00:41:11The emerald is mine.
00:41:14What do you offer me for your life?
00:41:17This ring and my skill.
00:41:20Let me see the ring.
00:41:25It's Nureldin's ring.
00:41:27Did he give it to you?
00:41:29No, I stole the ring.
00:41:31My name is Haji.
00:41:33I'm from Ispahan.
00:41:35I'm a barber.
00:41:37I can heal you.
00:41:39I could use you.
00:41:41What about my apprentice?
00:41:43If you heal me, I'll keep you both.
00:41:54Maybe it's because I'm sick,
00:41:57but I want to be a woman for a few minutes.
00:42:01What's stopping you?
00:42:03Who are you?
00:42:25I was forced into Nureldin's harem.
00:42:28But as you can see,
00:42:30that doesn't mean I'm the slave of any man.
00:42:34Not even the moon is more beautiful than you.
00:42:38It's a conflict of will.
00:42:40That man has the strength on his side.
00:42:43Nureldin taught me pain.
00:42:46I hate him.
00:42:48Did you escape?
00:42:50Yes, with two other girls.
00:42:52Our fame spread,
00:42:54and now when any woman escapes slavery,
00:42:56she comes with us.
00:42:58And now you're happier.
00:43:01I prefer to choose to be chosen.
00:43:13Is it possible that I am the first chosen one?
00:43:18I wish it were so.
00:43:21Where are the others?
00:43:23In my harem.
00:43:26And where is it?
00:43:29They rot in the sun,
00:43:32once their ardor cools.
00:43:35Mine grows every day.
00:43:39What does all this mean?
00:43:42Look at it for yourself.
00:43:45Who is she?
00:43:47Princess Fawzia of Isfahan.
00:43:50The daughter of the Caliph?
00:43:52And what is she doing here?
00:43:54I must give her to her fiancé,
00:43:56Prince Nureldin.
00:43:58And what is she doing here?
00:44:01I must give her to her fiancé,
00:44:04Prince Nureldin.
00:44:06And what is she doing here?
00:44:08I must give her to her fiancé,
00:44:10Prince Nureldin.
00:44:12You can forget that you were in my arms
00:44:14five minutes ago,
00:44:16because that won't save you if you lie to me.
00:44:18Allah is my witness,
00:44:20which is the truth.
00:44:22I promised to take her to Nureldin,
00:44:24and that's what I'm going to do.
00:44:26And she means nothing to you.
00:44:28It's a matter of business,
00:44:30like carrying skin to this butcher.
00:44:32You should ask me what he means to me.
00:44:35You talk like a princess,
00:44:37but that doesn't mean you are.
00:44:40Does anyone know Princess Fawzia?
00:44:43I do.
00:44:46I was her maid.
00:44:49Yes, I am Fabrian.
00:44:51And she is Princess Fawzia.
00:44:54She is at your service.
00:44:56I'll show you how well I learned my lessons.
00:44:58Everything she can do to you
00:45:00will be better than what you could expect from Nureldin.
00:45:05I will keep your kind hands,
00:45:08but I warn you,
00:45:10if you speak to her in any way,
00:45:13you will both die.
00:45:15Grand Banna!
00:45:16Everything is ready to take the slaves to Bukhara.
00:45:19We await your orders.
00:45:21Let's go!
00:45:36Compassion, please.
00:45:41I will show you compassion,
00:45:43the same you showed me.
00:46:05Compassion, please.
00:46:35Compassion, please.
00:47:05Compassion, please.
00:47:44I was scared.
00:47:47I thought you only wanted the emerald.
00:47:50The emerald?
00:47:53I'll be right back.
00:48:05I'll be right back.
00:48:35Every man's ghost.
00:49:05I'll be right back.
00:49:36Where were you?
00:49:42Take them and tie them up!
00:50:00Since you are lovers,
00:50:03I have arranged for you to die.
00:50:18We were attacked by Nureldin's men.
00:50:20They took our slaves.
00:50:22And our women.
00:50:24I am the only survivor.
00:50:26We will avenge their deaths.
00:50:28We will attack now!
00:50:33We will attack now!
00:50:41How long will it last?
00:50:44That doesn't matter anymore.
00:50:55I regret my bad temper and my selfishness.
00:51:00Don't you regret anything?
00:51:04Only one thing.
00:51:06To be tied to this stick.
00:51:08Do you regret trying to take me to Nureldin?
00:51:17I do.
00:51:21Since I know I will not live, I must tell the truth.
00:51:26I don't want to marry Nureldin anymore.
00:51:32In the last few days and nights, I have learned something.
00:51:38I have learned that I have been cruel and cruel.
00:51:47But I love you.
00:51:50I love you too.
00:51:55Do you love me more than an emerald?
00:51:57More than a thousand emeralds.
00:52:03It's easy to say now.
00:52:06Because you will not see an emerald again.
00:52:10I would not give you to Nureldin or any other man.
00:52:13If Nureldin dared to look at you, I would tear his eyes out.
00:52:16If his hands touched you, I would cut them off by the beard of Allah.
00:52:20I swear.
00:52:22I swear.
00:52:53Grand Prince.
00:52:55We have defeated the Tukomans.
00:52:57And here is your boss.
00:52:59Banah, my old love.
00:53:04I thought you were dead before you were delivered.
00:53:09Kneel and ask for forgiveness.
00:53:15Use it.
00:53:17Chained to the cross.
00:53:19Use it.
00:53:21Chained to his followers.
00:53:27Where did you get this ring from?
00:53:32I'll get the words out of your mouth.
00:53:34I can answer this, Grand Prince.
00:53:36I know where that ring comes from.
00:53:39Let her go.
00:53:42It belongs to Princess Fawzia, who was captive in the Tukoman camp.
00:53:46Princess Fawzia?
00:53:51Take the lightest horses.
00:53:53Ride to the Tukoman camp and bring the princess.
00:53:57Give 500 dinars to the man who gives it to me safe and sound.
00:55:17I beg your pardon for being unable to protect you from such a shameful act.
00:55:22I am grateful to you, Prince, and to your men for my life.
00:55:25In the future, I can protect you from all dangers.
00:55:28First, there is something you must hear.
00:55:30Hashi will tell you.
00:55:32Hashi, tell the prince.
00:55:34Tell him what happened.
00:55:37Grand Prince.
00:55:39It was the scoundrel who tried to steal Miss Morgiana from Tuareg.
00:55:43I want him here, at my feet.
00:55:58The law is clear.
00:56:00And I am the law.
00:56:03The law is clear.
00:56:05And I am the hand of justice.
00:56:13Very well. Now I want you to tell me what happened.
00:56:19Well, we were tied to a stick, Grand Prince.
00:56:23We couldn't move.
00:56:25And I was regretting the fact that after so many dangers that we had overcome,
00:56:30it seemed that I would not be able to give you the princess as I had agreed.
00:56:34After so many dangers, I have finally given it to you.
00:56:38Now, I want my reward.
00:56:45The lion has become a lamb.
00:56:52This is not enough.
00:56:56Tell the truth.
00:56:58I promised him the emerald you carry. Give it to him.
00:57:03A deal is a deal.
00:57:05He must have the emerald.
00:57:10You are a true prince.
00:57:12And I love you.
00:57:29Give him a horse.
00:57:31A deal is a deal. You promised him the emerald, not a horse.
00:57:59Let's go.
00:58:10Come back. Bring me the emerald.
00:58:14Tell my friend the Caliph of Isfahan that he is welcome to my camp.
00:58:18My city will be his and his will be mine once the princess and I are married.
00:58:28Come on.
00:58:58Come on.
00:59:28Let's go.
00:59:48Why do they have their heads shaved?
00:59:50What happened?
00:59:51Because of the Prophet's beard.
01:00:16Two dead men, but so horribly shaved that I could not resist it.
01:00:28Let's go.
01:00:55Osman Aga, so you are also capable.
01:00:58Only with the skin, but what a prince you are.
01:01:01And to think that you were nothing more than a barber a few weeks ago.
01:01:05Now you are rich, attractive, a successful merchant with everything your heart desires.
01:01:12Not everything, Osman.
01:01:13Oh, that's how things are, my son.
01:01:15One expects to have 20,000 dinars and then realizes that it is not enough.
01:01:19One needs 40,000.
01:01:21Fortunately for you, here I am.
01:01:23I will give you the opportunity to double your money, not triple it as soon as possible.
01:01:27I'm going immediately with a large caravan of goods to sell at the wedding of Ureltin.
01:01:32As you know, he marries Princess Fawzia in a few days.
01:01:36I do not think so.
01:01:37Oh, I'm not asking you to go for your money.
01:01:43Money has not brought me happiness.
01:01:45Duplicating the money will not make me happier, nor tripling it.
01:01:48Well, what do you have, Hashi?
01:01:50I'm in love.
01:01:51Oh, well, buy it.
01:01:53Whatever it costs, it will have a price.
01:01:55No, she is not for sale.
01:01:58Only a young man speaks like that.
01:02:01It's Princess Fawzia.
01:02:04The money has gone up your head.
01:02:06Princess Fawzia?
01:02:08Once I thought she loved me.
01:02:10Then take it.
01:02:11From Ureltin?
01:02:12Why not?
01:02:13He is a prince, a great and powerful prince.
01:02:17And me, a simple barber.
01:02:20I'm desperate.
01:02:21Without courage, you can not be a merchant or a prince.
01:02:25Hashi Baba?
01:02:27It's me.
01:02:29Come with us.
01:02:50Hashi Baba
01:02:52He was always in love
01:02:54In love
01:02:56In love
01:03:00Come to my tent
01:03:02Oh, my beloved
01:03:08Bring me your lips
01:03:10Warm as the sun
01:03:14Here by the mead
01:03:16Oh, my beloved
01:03:20Come to my island
01:03:29Give me your heart
01:03:31And stay there forever
01:03:35Lost in the spell
01:03:38Of stars up above
01:03:42And we'll be like
01:03:45The men of Hashi Baba
01:03:51I want to see the prince.
01:03:53Tell him I'm here.
01:03:54No one can come in, princess.
01:03:55You can not be disturbed.
01:04:10Maybe it's with that dancer you should marry.
01:04:14Let Princess Fawzia in.
01:04:21Come in.
01:04:46You are jealous, my lady.
01:04:48They are not jealous.
01:04:50You're wrong.
01:04:52Now at least I know you're not a husband to me.
01:04:55I have an escort to take me to Ispahan.
01:04:59My beloved.
01:05:01My heart only thinks of that wedding.
01:05:04It is the key to my future.
01:05:06A bitter future.
01:05:08You would be hated, not loved.
01:05:11I do not need love if I have possession.
01:05:14I have ways to persuade you to fulfill my will.
01:05:17Could you be forced into submission?
01:05:20Me neither.
01:05:22You're wasting your time.
01:05:24We are a caste of kings and we do not give up easily.
01:05:28I'll make a deal with you.
01:05:31Do what I ask of you.
01:05:33And once I have fulfilled my purpose,
01:05:35I will give you your freedom.
01:05:38What purpose is that?
01:05:39I intend to possess all of Persia.
01:05:42My troops have occupied the south to Karwan
01:05:45and the north to Samarkand.
01:05:47Ispahan is right in the middle of the road
01:05:50between Basura, Baghdad and Tehran.
01:05:53I must have and I will have Ispahan.
01:05:56You say I must.
01:05:58And I say never.
01:06:03Very well.
01:06:05I will give you Ispahan.
01:06:07Come with me.
01:06:31This amber liquid, so hot, so full of fire,
01:06:34do you think that in an instant
01:06:36it could freeze the marrow of your bones?
01:06:39Just by trying it, it would turn your blood into ice.
01:06:45Look at this other one.
01:06:47Emerald color.
01:06:49The emerald I gave you,
01:06:51which you gave to another.
01:06:53This one works slowly,
01:06:55twenty or thirty hours.
01:06:57It seems cold,
01:06:59like the ocean at its deepest point.
01:07:01And do you think that each nerve
01:07:02becomes a fire and you can't breathe?
01:07:05That you don't know if agony in the hands
01:07:07is worse than in the feet
01:07:09or in the chest worse than in the vital organs?
01:07:14That's right.
01:07:16And I fear its use.
01:07:18But two months ago,
01:07:20I gave it to my friend, El-Emir Kain.
01:07:24He broke his word.
01:07:26And I broke my heart to see his agony.
01:07:33You will be the most beautiful bride
01:07:36that Persia has ever seen.
01:07:56You are Hashibaba?
01:07:58I am, Great Khalifa.
01:07:59You are Hashibaba?
01:08:01I am, Great Khalifa.
01:08:03You are the one who took my daughter
01:08:05against my will and gave her to Nuh-el-Din?
01:08:08No one gave his daughter, Your Highness.
01:08:10I only accompanied her.
01:08:12And in the four days and four nights
01:08:14that I was with her,
01:08:16I discovered her difficult and spoiled character.
01:08:20Do you love her?
01:08:22Love her?
01:08:24As much as you can love a storm in the desert
01:08:26or an angry camel
01:08:27or a spear in the back of a horse.
01:08:29Tell Hashibaba what you told me.
01:08:32The princess begs the Khalifa, her father,
01:08:35not to go to the wedding.
01:08:37She says it is enough that she is in danger.
01:08:39The princess says that Nuh-el-Din
01:08:41will kill the Khalifa if he comes.
01:08:43She begs his father's forgiveness for disobeying him
01:08:45and not listening to his warnings.
01:08:48She asks him to find Hashib
01:08:50and thank him for what he tried to do.
01:08:58My troops will never be able to defeat Nuh-el-Din's troops
01:09:01in the desert.
01:09:03However, I must leave them to defend Isfahan.
01:09:06But Hashib, sometimes a man...
01:09:09What could I do?
01:09:11What can a barbarian do
01:09:13against the power of a prince?
01:09:15Do you love my daughter?
01:09:17Love her?
01:09:19I am the son of a barbarian.
01:09:21I am the son of a barbarian.
01:09:23I am the son of a barbarian.
01:09:24Love her?
01:09:26I am the son of a barbarian.
01:09:28Mohammed himself was not born a prince.
01:09:31And he was the one who said
01:09:33that the greatest power in the world is love.
01:09:36Nuh-el-Din's strength may weaken,
01:09:38but the power of love survives.
01:09:42I say that if you love my daughter,
01:09:44you have that power.
01:09:46Win her.
01:10:00Species of Samarkand.
01:10:03Mantis of Kashmir.
01:10:06Liranas of Damascus.
01:10:08Fine mosaic.
01:10:10Patience, patience, my doves.
01:10:14Wait, Tuarek.
01:10:16Take that out of the store.
01:10:18Is this your caravan, merchant?
01:10:20It is.
01:10:21And I have gifts for the prince and the princess, and I also have many fabulous jewels.
01:10:26Could you please inform your lord Nureldin, Prince of the Princes, that I will show him my most precious gems?
01:10:32What is your name?
01:10:34My name is known throughout Persia. I am the great merchant Vagadispan.
01:10:39And you?
01:10:42Who is he?
01:10:43This is the consecrated man. He has taken the vow of silence and darkness. That is why he does not speak and is discovered.
01:10:50Praise be to him.
01:10:51I will make you prepare everything in the store.
01:10:54Show us what you have in the store.
01:10:57No, no, wait. First you have to see what I have here.
01:11:01Oils, ointments, the finest of all Persia, girls.
01:11:06Silk, perfumes, jewels.
01:11:08The most beautiful I have ever seen.
01:11:11Where does the caravan come from? Baghdad?
01:11:13No, from Isfahan.
01:11:15This is the caravan of the great Osman Aga.
01:11:18I also want to go, but I'm afraid I'll leave the princess alone.
01:11:21Go, go all of you. I'll wait.
01:11:38These ointments and oils are made with very old secret formulas.
01:11:43In one of these oil jars there is a precious jewel.
01:11:46A diamond valued in a hundred hands.
01:11:48The lucky girl who finds the diamond will be able to enter the store and choose another.
01:11:55Remember, my adored, I remind you once again.
01:11:59The lucky girl who finds the diamond enters the store and chooses another gift.
01:12:04Look, look at the diamond.
01:12:06Oh, the diamond.
01:12:08Tuareg will take it inside the store.
01:12:10She found the diamond.
01:12:12Go, go, there are more diamonds, more gifts.
01:12:26Hasi, you risked your life to see me.
01:12:31I hope you haven't forgotten.
01:12:34How could I?
01:12:35Well, then kiss me.
01:12:42Sweeter than honey.
01:12:44But I didn't come for this.
01:12:45What for, then?
01:12:46I'm on a mission for the great caliph of Isfahan.
01:12:49To rescue his daughter, the princess, for a great reward.
01:12:52If you help me, Nur-el-Din will only be yours.
01:12:56You have been the one who has found more favors before his eyes.
01:13:00Help me and he will be yours.
01:13:02You will rule by his side.
01:13:04You will have the jewels, the dresses, the power that Nur-el-Din would give to the princess.
01:13:09What do you want me to do?
01:13:11Osman Aga has brought with him an offering for the guards.
01:13:14It is a powerful mixture of pomegranate juice and honey.
01:13:17You will serve it to the guards who watch over the women.
01:13:20No, I'm afraid.
01:13:21I swear that this will not harm the guards.
01:13:24What is in that liquid?
01:13:26Beautiful dreams.
01:13:31Do you realize it is not mortal?
01:13:34If you want a prince, you must have courage.
01:13:39The reward you promise is to my liking.
01:13:42I will do what you ask.
01:13:44Well, give this to the guards.
01:13:46I will do it.
01:13:48When will you give it to him?
01:13:50In the afternoon.
01:13:54Please, please.
01:13:56Will you take me to Isfahan with you?
01:13:58It is very important.
01:14:00Do not be afraid.
01:14:02This Tuareg can not speak and therefore is trustworthy.
01:14:05In the afternoon?
01:14:08Then will you do what I ask?
01:14:10Will you take me with you when you go to Isfahan?
01:14:12Will you hide me?
01:14:13You can.
01:14:14I'll make it richly rewarded.
01:14:16I have an old prejudice against promises.
01:14:22Take it.
01:14:23This is a sample of what you can get in Isfahan.
01:14:26You will obey.
01:14:28But tell me, how is it that a boy like you,
01:14:31a new learned barber, has such a pearl in his power?
01:14:35It was a gift.
01:14:38I did a service to Princess Fawzia.
01:14:40And how is the princess?
01:14:42Is she happy with her wedding with Ureldin?
01:14:46How can she be happy if she loves another?
01:14:48She? And who could it be?
01:14:54His name is Hashibaba.
01:14:58I had no idea that your master knew the princess.
01:15:02The last time I saw him in Isfahan,
01:15:04he was surrounded by beautiful slaves.
01:15:06I heard he's thinking of buying a charming girl as his wife.
01:15:10Oh, but that doesn't matter.
01:15:12Of course not.
01:15:14As far as I'm concerned, he treated me badly.
01:15:16He used to speak in favor of the princess.
01:15:18How is it that Princess Fawzia loves a barber?
01:15:21Because she's a fool.
01:15:23Oh, it's not wise to talk like that about Ureldin's bride.
01:15:27Tuareg, take this boy inside the store
01:15:30and show him our merchandise and hide him there.
01:15:34Thank you, noble merchant.
01:15:36Praise be.
01:15:38I must go and see Prince Ureldin.
01:15:40The afternoon is drawing near.
01:15:42Tell me, boy, what kind of jewelry does the princess like?
01:15:48Oh, they have an excellent taste.
01:15:50Except for the barbers.
01:16:04Where can I hide?
01:16:17Osmanaga is lying.
01:16:19There's no other woman for me.
01:16:21Oh, Haji, I'm so happy.
01:16:28But what are you doing here?
01:16:30You're in danger.
01:16:32I told you you were more precious to me than an emerald.
01:16:35Now I must prove it to you.
01:16:37No, you're not proving anything.
01:16:39You're just alive.
01:16:41I'll try.
01:16:43Our plan is simple.
01:16:45Osmanaga will keep Ureldin busy until the afternoon.
01:16:48Then the Tucumanas will be released and we can escape.
01:16:57I don't need pearls.
01:17:00Prince of princes.
01:17:02Lord of Persia.
01:17:04Your northern troops are ready for the attack on Basora.
01:17:07Your ally, Aleph of Shazar, sends this message.
01:17:10We are ready.
01:17:12Grand Prince, if your plans fail, we will go to Ispahan.
01:17:15Go ahead.
01:17:21And now, great merchant of Ispahan, what else do you have to show me?
01:17:25Here I have a gift,
01:17:27something worth more than your queen.
01:17:29She belonged to the queen of Shaba.
01:17:37What's the price of this necklace?
01:17:39It's very expensive, great prince.
01:17:43It's worth 100,000 Tucumanas.
01:17:47Very well.
01:17:49I'll pay you when I get to Ispahan.
01:17:51And I'll remember you.
01:17:54You value more than wealth, great prince.
01:17:57But if you could give me something to wear.
01:17:59These gems are truly wonderful.
01:18:01I've never seen gems so well-proportioned.
01:18:04The princess will be delighted.
01:18:06But great prince, that's just one of the beauties I have to show you.
01:18:10There are rubies that are like stars.
01:18:12Fantastic combinations of precious gems that have not been seen.
01:18:15I'll wait.
01:18:17But great prince, I beg you, allow me to show them to you now.
01:18:20Let me show you some of my other treasures.
01:18:23Even more calculated to please the taste of the princess.
01:18:26Wait here.
01:18:30Hurry up, you must go to the guards now.
01:18:32It's almost afternoon, do what I tell you.
01:18:34Come on, come on, quick.
01:18:39And more for you?
01:18:43Praise be.
01:18:46Praise be who?
01:18:48This is a gift from the caravan of Osmanaga.
01:18:51Praise be the generous merchant Osmanaga.
01:18:54Cold and refreshing, isn't it?
01:18:58Happiness and long life for our great prince.
01:19:00May Allah bless the wedding of our prince with Princess Fawzia.
01:19:04And may his children be numerous.
01:19:06And may Persia enjoy her mandate.
01:19:11Get up, get up, I say.
01:19:14Come on, stand up.
01:19:16Come on, get up.
01:19:18Get up.
01:19:34Abdullah, hurry up, hurry up.
01:19:48Come on, come on, come on.
01:19:51Come on, come on.
01:20:18Where is the princess?
01:20:19I don't know.
01:20:20The guards, find the princess.
01:20:22I'm the prince.
01:20:23And bring her here.
01:20:29My saber, quick.
01:20:50My saber, quick.
01:21:20My saber, quick.
01:21:50My saber, quick.
01:21:52My saber, quick.
01:21:54My saber, quick.
01:21:56My saber, quick.
01:21:58My saber, quick.
01:22:00My saber, quick.
01:22:02My saber, quick.
01:22:04My saber, quick.
01:22:06My saber, quick.
01:22:08My saber, quick.
01:22:10My saber, quick.
01:22:12My saber, quick.
01:22:14My saber, quick.
01:22:16My saber, quick.
01:22:19My saber, quick.
01:22:21My saber, quick.
01:22:23My saber, quick.
01:22:25My saber, quick.
01:22:27My saber, quick.
01:22:29My saber, quick.
01:22:31My saber, quick.
01:22:33My saber, quick.
01:22:35My saber, quick.
01:22:37My saber, quick.
01:22:39My saber, quick.
01:22:41My saber, quick.
01:22:43My saber, quick.
01:22:45My saber, quick.
01:23:57You've let us down, Hashi,
01:23:59depriving us our right to the gods.
01:24:02At last, your problems are not over.
01:24:05The men of the State will attack the city.
01:24:09I will pursue the Princess,
01:24:11I will contact the Caliphate.
01:24:13It is跟 Shinra 一抗一斗
01:24:45For them and for me.
01:24:47The barber has his princess and I will trade with them.
01:24:50Their joys will be few, but yours will be many.
01:24:56This reminds me of our bet.
01:24:58Has it been successful, Hashio?
01:25:01He has married the princess.
01:25:03He is the most valuable of all the merchants dispatched together.
01:25:07Do you call that success?
01:25:09Well, of course.
01:25:10What do you call it?
01:25:12A fortune?
01:25:14That's all.
01:25:17Hashio's luck is your bad luck.
01:25:20Pay me.
01:25:30500 dinars.
01:25:42500 dinars.
01:25:43500 dinars.
01:25:44500 dinars.
01:25:45500 dinars.
01:25:46500 dinars.
01:25:47500 dinars.
01:25:48500 dinars.
01:25:49500 dinars.
01:25:50500 dinars.
01:25:51500 dinars.
01:25:52500 dinars.
01:25:53500 dinars.
01:25:54500 dinars.
01:25:55500 dinars.
01:25:56500 dinars.
01:25:57500 dinars.
01:25:58500 dinars.
01:25:59500 dinars.
01:26:00500 dinars.
01:26:01500 dinars.
01:26:02500 dinars.
01:26:03500 dinars.
01:26:04500 dinars.
01:26:05500 dinars.
01:26:06500 dinars.
01:26:07500 dinars.
01:26:08500 dinars.
01:26:39Good people, we thank you for your wonderful affection, however the ceremony has tired the princess and I regret to tell you that I must retire, Allah be with you, you are magnificent.
01:26:57You are the idol of all my love.
01:27:05I guess I should make another appearance.
01:27:07That won't be necessary.
01:27:38Bring me your lips, warm as the sun.
01:27:44Feel my lips dance.
01:27:59Into my heart, and stay there forever.
01:28:05Lost in the spell of stars up above.
01:28:12Isn't it sweet to face life together.
01:28:19Always in love, always in love.
