• il y a 2 mois
00:00C'est le moment de l'année où tu choques tout le métal que tu touches ici.
00:03All right, what's up? MKBHD here, just wanted to talk, just me and you, for a real quick minute.
00:08What's up?
00:09So there's a bunch of things that have been evolving in the background that you haven't seen
00:12that have been completed right around now, so I wanted to share them with you.
00:16A lot of these things, when they're an announcement, they end up as a tweet.
00:19So if you're not following me on Twitter already, you're not following me on Twitter.
00:23So I'm going to share them with you right now.
00:25When they're an announcement, they end up as a tweet.
00:27So if you're not following me on Twitter already, a lot of these things end up there first.
00:32But here we are.
00:33This kind of feels like a little New Year's update video, basically,
00:35because we know the second half of the year in this tech world is product-focused.
00:42There's so many things that come out.
00:43I mean, you guys know about Techtober, but we're always so in the thick of it about covering
00:48and sharing all this new stuff that's coming out and figuring out if it's any good.
00:52And then we get to January, and then we get CES,
00:56and then there's kind of like a little bit of a chill period.
00:59Now, there is still some products here and there, but this is definitely January,
01:03and now February is more of a chance to sort of refresh things a little bit.
01:07And that's actually something I enjoy just as much as the rest of the videos,
01:12because if you don't change things up a little bit, if you don't stay on your toes a little,
01:16you might find yourself in cruise control.
01:17So we've been doing exactly that.
01:18You guys have seen the new intro.
01:20Also, new channel banner for 2022.
01:23Fresh new graphics.
01:24Absolute fire.
01:25Just freshening things up, you know?
01:26I will always have a place in my heart for all of the previous year's graphics and banners,
01:32but if we're not moving forward, we're standing still.
01:35So we're getting better.
01:35The studio channel is going strong, and we're trying all kinds of new things over there.
01:39Behind-the-scenes looks, tutorials, mini-reviews even, shorts.
01:44And also, that channel has a new banner too, by the way.
01:46So if you aren't subscribed to the studio, you're missing out.
01:49There's so much good stuff.
01:50But speaking of new, there's some even bigger new stuff that I low-key wanted to...
01:55I kind of wanted to launch everything like right around New Year's,
01:58but some of it took a little longer because we wanted to get it just right.
02:00And so we've got to that point now.
02:02So it's February 1st as I record this, but there's some good stuff.
02:05So number one, new channel.
02:07I have officially launched an MKBHD shorts channel for the hashtag shorts.
02:14Link is below.
02:15There's already two shorts there as of right now with many more to come.
02:18And so now normally, launching a new channel, I'd be like,
02:20all right, go over there right now and subscribe.
02:22But I'm not going to say that.
02:23I'm not going to do that.
02:24Only go over there to that link, to that shorts channel if you really want to.
02:30See, I really like TikToks and shorts.
02:34And that's probably like sacrilegious to say in the cinematography communities.
02:37And, you know, although 30 FPS for life, so maybe I'm not in all of those communities.
02:41But there's just something different.
02:43It's obviously a very different format,
02:45but it's a different challenge to package information in that way
02:48and to make a really good short.
02:51Like I can make a video, an MKBHD video,
02:54but the new challenge of making a good, what is an MKBHD short?
02:59That's actually really fun for me.
03:01So it's still tech related.
03:02It's still high quality,
03:03but I wanted to give you the modularity basically to be able to subscribe also to shorts
03:08if you want to or not subscribe if you don't want to see them.
03:10So instead of putting them all in one place,
03:12you can decide if you're interested in shorts and subscribe there if you want.
03:15I'm not ruling out the possibility of posting occasional shorts on this channel.
03:19I haven't done it yet, but you know, I might as well.
03:21It's fun to play with,
03:22but that's the idea is to give you that ability to subscribe to exactly what you want to.
03:27Like that's why we have a separate channel for the Waveform podcast
03:30and a separate channel for the studio.
03:32Now, if you want MKBHD shorts, you know exactly where to go.
03:35Plus, it's got a pretty sweet new banner too.
03:37So why not?
03:38And then another brand new thing, brand new website.
03:42Oh, yeah.
03:43MKBHD.com used to be pretty embarrassing if I'm being honest.
03:47Probably the only way you can actually see what it used to be is if you're on like an archiver
03:52or something like that, but the new site is everything I wanted.
03:55We took the extra time and now MKBHD.com is a beautiful, functional,
04:00secure, dope site as a hub for all things here.
04:04It is mobile friendly, of course, as you'd expect.
04:07And as a bonus, we created two entirely unique websites
04:11that you can flip between with the flick of a switch
04:14because there is a dark mode toggle.
04:16So there's a dark mode version of the entire website.
04:20And that site, of course, is where you'll find the new merch.
04:22And we've refreshed the entire MKBHD merch store.
04:26That's where you'll find all this stuff.
04:28And by the way, we're graduating from more than just apparel.
04:31So we've got the whole checkout process streamlined.
04:33It's entirely contained on MKBHD.com,
04:36but it's going to be more than just like clothes stuff.
04:38So we've still got the soft shirts and the long sleeves
04:41and the hoodie and the windbreaker.
04:43That's all great.
04:44Also, now we've got hats.
04:46We've got five panel hats and beanies for the winter months
04:49and then some actual products.
04:51So the desk mat slash mouse pad we've been using a few times is actually incredible.
04:55I love this thing.
04:57And then there's also a matte black woodwick candle that is a new studio scent.
05:02I don't know if you've ever made your own candle before,
05:04but the process for making your own candle is quite fascinating
05:08and you end up obviously designing the outside,
05:11but also it smells like a studio full of new gadgets
05:16and that's kind of awesome that we actually managed to make that happen.
05:19So we have a candle.
05:20So there's that and there's even more coming soon.
05:22I'll keep you guys posted on when the new stuff drops.
05:24I'll tweet that of course too,
05:25but I think this is the best drop we've ever had
05:28and it's the most complete store we've ever offered
05:30and it is the best way to support the channel directly.
05:33I think probably one of the biggest misconceptions about running a channel in general is that it's easy
05:39and it can still be easy to make super simple basic videos.
05:43It started off easy,
05:44but if you have ambitions to do better things or to do more,
05:49which many do, it's not easy
05:52and that's exactly why we're hiring.
05:53So that's sort of the last mini announcement is that I've updated the application
05:58that's on the site to join the team at the studio.
06:02It's a slowly growing creative team,
06:04but it's responsible for all of the stuff that you see on all these channels
06:08and on the site and in the store
06:10and on the separate projects we're also working on that you'll see coming soon.
06:14That is happening.
06:14So the couple of positions that I know I'm definitely looking for right now
06:18are an assistant waveform producer for the podcast,
06:22ad sales and an editor.
06:25So after 13 years of editing all these videos,
06:29you know, maybe there's some room for growth there too.
06:31But basically anytime there's updates to that for what positions I'm hiring for at the studio,
06:36you can always just click the apply link and you can see that right there
06:39and if you ever want to apply that'll always be there.
06:41And then last thing I'm going to be doing,
06:43I'm going to be trying some live stuff,
06:45some like live chats directly with you guys,
06:47maybe Q&A type stuff
06:50and I'm running it as a trial with people who are members of this channel.
06:53So you've had that like join button down below
06:55and many people have generously been members of the channel supporting
06:59and all they've really gotten is like a little badge next to their name.
07:02I appreciate y'all.
07:04But we're going to have a yeah,
07:05I'm going to do some members live streams
07:07and just do some chats and Q&A's and games and stuff like that
07:09and see what that's about on this channel as well.
07:12So while we're at announcements,
07:14just one more quick one for you
07:17and that's pretty much going to do it.
07:19New graphics, new channels, new website,
07:23new dark mode theme, new merch, new people.
07:27It's all coming together.
07:28I love this time of year.
07:30That's been it.
07:31Back to your regular schedule programming.
07:33See you later.