• il y a 18 heures
00:00All right, let's talk Android 13.
00:13Hey, what's up?
00:14MKBHD here.
00:15So, I just did my iOS 16 hands-on a couple of weeks ago, did my walkthrough and demo
00:20and everything.
00:21So, as I was digging through Android 13 for a sort of similar demo, two things struck
00:27The iOS videos always get just absolutely nuts views, literally every single time.
00:34And it's not just because the iPhone is already popular, but iOS updates just get saturation
00:39so quickly.
00:40There's a couple of sources estimating iOS 15 was running on 90% of compatible iPhones
00:45well within a year of it going out.
00:48So, across the board, most people who had bought an iPhone in the last four years knew
00:52that they're going to get this software.
00:54Now, in Android Land, on the other hand, as of a week ago, the distribution chart
00:57looks a little something like this, which shows that about 13.5% are on the latest
01:02version, Android 12, a much larger 27% are on a two-gen old version, Android 11, and
01:09then another 22% are on Android 10.
01:12And then the fragmentation just continues back from there.
01:14So, this Android 13 stuff I'm about to go over, a few people like Pixel owners in the
01:19beginning will be the ones to get this, but then it'll much more slowly trickle out to
01:22other phones as they get updated month by month, and that's the sort of general theme
01:27But then number two, in both camps, these updates are more minor than ever.
01:31Obviously, they're both very mature.
01:33In iOS, you could consider the new lock screen overhaul pretty major, but other than that,
01:37a bunch of smaller stuff.
01:39And then with Android, we just had the big Material U overhaul with Android 12.
01:42So, with 13, they didn't really have to overhaul things again, it's a lot of smaller tweaks,
01:48and so that's what we're seeing.
01:49I still do think a lot of the small stuff adds up to quality of life improvements.
01:53The best analogy, if you look at the Easter eggs, this is the Android 12 Easter egg from
01:57last year, and this is the Android 13 Easter egg.
02:00It's almost the same thing, but you can tell it's a little different.
02:03But hey, here we are with the very latest and greatest from Google, I have it on my
02:05Pixel 6 Pro, and so I've gone through all of the many, many updates, and gone through
02:09the liberty of picking my top five best Android 13 features.
02:13So, I'm gonna start at number five, which is the clipboard.
02:17There are a bunch of really solid improvements to the clipboard for copying and pasting
02:20within Android.
02:21So, first thing you're gonna notice, when you go to copy something, the new box pops
02:24up in the lower left corner, whether it's text, or an address, or URL, or whatever
02:28you copy.
02:29When you copy text, the phone will now give you a preview with the option to tap on that
02:33box, and then edit the text in the clipboard, so whatever you modify in here will be saved
02:38in your clipboard so that you can paste it later.
02:40And then if you copy an image, it'll automatically take you straight into markup, so you can
02:44write on it, or crop it, or save it, whatever you wanna do.
02:47And then, your phone will recognize sensitive information if it's stored in your clipboard,
02:51and automatically clear it after some time.
02:53I believe it's one hour.
02:54So, for example, my package tracking app, every time I open it, right away, it just
02:59looks and sees what's on my clipboard, in case I just copied a tracking number from
03:04another app, and it asks me if I wanna paste it.
03:07But if I just copied, like, a social security number, or a password, or something else random
03:10like that, I don't want that in there.
03:12So anytime any app might look into your clipboard, it'll be empty, because of this new Android
03:17little clipboard update.
03:18And Google is also now working on an official built-in to Android universal copy and paste
03:22between phones and tablets, so it'll just work across.
03:26We already know a Pixel tablet is coming.
03:29It's still a few months away.
03:30I guess it's sometime next year.
03:33But looking forward to that.
03:34They've done a bunch of stuff in the tablet world in this Android 13 update, but that's
03:39one of them.
03:40The clipboard will now work across both.
03:41So then number four is security in general.
03:44Lots of nice security and privacy improvements.
03:46I think my favorite is that when you give photo access to apps now, you can just choose
03:51a few photos to give it access to instead of your entire library.
03:54So that catches up to what iOS has been doing for a little bit.
03:57And also now notifications are all opt-in.
04:00So apps have to ask you for permission to send notifications instead of any being allowed
04:05by default.
04:06There's also now an active app indicator at the bottom of the notification slider.
04:10Maybe that's less security and just more of being able to see what's running and closing
04:15out anything that you might not realize is killing your battery, but yeah, it's also
04:18just convenient.
04:19So then number three is some nice audio enhancement stuff.
04:22So Android 13 will now natively support spatial audio and Bluetooth LE for higher quality,
04:29low energy and lower latency audio.
04:31All good stuff.
04:32Side note, I am testing the Pixel Buds Pro right now.
04:35As of today, when I'm using them, they do not support spatial audio, but there also
04:39is a blog post that says that they're going to be adding it later this year.
04:43So maybe a firmware update will eventually give me that, but so far they are pretty
04:47Stay tuned for that review because that's coming up soon.
04:49But then number two, this is a really interesting one.
04:51Apparently it was one of the most requested features in Android for the last little bit
04:55and now they're adding it, which is app-specific language support.
04:59So if you're bilingual, you speak more than one language, but maybe you only use that
05:03second language in a certain app.
05:06Maybe you have a family group chat in WhatsApp or you have a very specific use case where
05:10you just use one app in a different language.
05:13Now Android will natively support that exact switch without you having to work around
05:19So you go to settings, system, languages and input, and then app languages.
05:24App developers will have to opt in to do this.
05:26So not every app shows up here right off the bat, but I believe this should be a pretty
05:29quick like checkbox that they flip and then there'll be supported in multiple languages.
05:33The whole system UI changes to be the new language just for that one app.
05:37That's sweet.
05:38I'm not even someone who will actually use that feature, but I can understand how that
05:40would be very useful.
05:41So that's pretty cool.
05:42So then last but not least, number one is aesthetics.
05:46So Material You was the big overhaul for Android 12.
05:50That was the big visual change that they'd made.
05:52So now they're down to tweaking a lot of the things that they'd initially changed for
05:57Android 12.
05:58And I think a lot of these changes are good.
05:59So in the customization section, the theme picker for your wallpapers is much more precise.
06:04There's 16 different multicolor options and 16 different single color options now
06:10instead of the four of each we had before, and there's a lot more granularity between
06:15Then there's the media player.
06:16This one's nice.
06:17The notification is bigger and it changes color based on the media that you're listening
06:22So if it's music or a podcast, it's got the album art going.
06:25And then it also has a squiggly line when there's actually something playing.
06:29I'm not going to say what that looks like, but yeah, if you tap the playback location,
06:33there's a bigger volume slider and you can quickly switch to or add more sources like
06:37headphones or speakers or your car or whatever.
06:40But that new media player is sweet.
06:42And then there's even just some tiny, tiny visual stuff.
06:45Like there's a slightly new lock screen clock.
06:47There's a slightly new unlocking animation if you'll notice that.
06:51The shortcut to get to settings has moved from the middle to the bottom of quick settings
06:56to be much more reachable.
06:57I actually like it here.
06:59And the gesture bar at the bottom is now slightly larger and thicker.
07:03It was minor.
07:04There's a lot of little stuff, but again, it adds up to quality of life improvements.
07:07There's also a ton of bug fixes and performance improvements and Android runtime improvements.
07:11Hopefully things are generally less buggy and more smooth.
07:17There's a whole page of just dozens and dozens of bug fixes that they've added.
07:21I'll link it below if you want to read through those, but ideally, I mean, so far should
07:26be running better on phones like the Pixel 6 than Android 12 was.
07:29I do also want to mention though, I think there's one thing that got worse.
07:32I think they low-key made some of the haptic patterns worse.
07:36I hope they think a little bit about those, but generally that's pretty much it.
07:42That's Android 13 for you.
07:43Let me know if you're hoping to get that update on whatever phone you're using and let me
07:48know what your favorite feature is in the comment section below.
07:50Either way, that's been it.
07:52Thanks for watching.
07:53Catch you guys later.