• 20 hours ago
Spinmaster The Shapes Collection God of War Ragnarok Atreus
00:00I've been teaching you to survive we are gods boy that makes us a target from now
00:05until the end of days you are marked here to look new spin master toys the
00:09shapes collection God of War Ragnarok Atreus
00:24introducing the official Atreus six-inch figure from the shapes collection
00:28inspired by God of War Ragnarok this premium collectors piece features
00:32Atreus and detailed Archer survival garb with over 130 unique finishes
00:35designed by Meng Wang, Daniel Salas of Headhopper Studios and originally
00:40painted by Dun Jin Chow the figure showcases 33 points of articulation
00:44enhancing his dynamic combat style equipped with bow arrow and
00:48interchangeable hands for various poses Atreus is prepared to fight alongside
00:52Kratos when it comes to wisdom we are not what we know but what we're willing
00:55to learn what we've learned so far is that spin master puts us some pretty
00:59cool God of War figures having already looked at the shapes collection God of
01:02War Ragnarok Kratos before we bring in his father let's get the measurements
01:06going here for Atreus the figure stands at about five and a quarter inches in
01:10heights or Kratos's son stands at about 13 and a half centimeters tall
01:15according to Entertainment Earth Atreus is slated to drop in October 2024 for
01:19$29.99 based on only those listings he actually predates his father by two
01:24months because Kratos comes out in December 2024 not to say though that
01:29the figures don't already exist and that people haven't gotten their hands on
01:32them but only going by the listings alone now like in the game though Atreus
01:35is gonna come up short when he compares along to Kratos he only goes to about
01:39the shoulder sections of his father coming up short not only on size but
01:43also accessory count God of War's Kratos did come in clue with two variations of
01:47his shield swappable hands and a Leviathan axe Atreus actually has one
01:50less comes with two swappable hands a bow and an arrow before we look at the
01:55bow and the arrow let's discuss first the fact the figure does come in clue
01:58with hands if you like closed fists then the figure does have these although if
02:01you want to have them holding the bow and the arrow neither one of these will
02:04really be helpful at all because of course you wouldn't be able to hold one
02:07of them or even both if you decide to swap these out moving those to the side
02:12the figure does also come in clue with like I said the bow and the arrow the
02:15thing that I think is smart first of all is the way that spin master handled the
02:18bow and the arrow in the way that you attach them when we have looked at
02:21figures in the past sometimes might you even get get a case where the bow and
02:25the arrow are attached by one piece and they're all molded in the same plastic
02:28this time around you're actually getting yourself a real threaded cord as you can
02:31see it's quite elastic so if you're not too careful you'll shoot the arrow clean
02:36across the room it's already happened to me a couple of times the thing I like at
02:41least about that is that they put a little indentated groove you can see
02:44there so you can take the arrow and you can wedge it right on there and it's not
02:49going to go anywhere when you're looking to actually put this into his hands
02:53obviously if you're looking at the hands first of all this hand here is a grip
02:57this hand here is a grip but it's specifically designated for holding the
03:01arrow when you're putting this into his hands first you kind of want to just bend
03:05the elbows just a little bit take and deal first with the arrow with the bow I
03:10should say and just get the bow in his hands sort of like that then you can go
03:15ahead and take yourself the arrow attach that arrow into the groove we've already
03:18had a look at sometimes though you may find the bow is actually popping out of
03:23his hands it's just a case of popping it back into his hands then you can go
03:26ahead and take the end of the arrow the feather end of it and just have it sort
03:29of pinched in between his fingers sort of like sort of like that and he holds
03:36it fine and good I know what you're already thinking well he's not gonna be
03:38able to fire much of anything because of course the cord is pulled way back
03:41there so what you can also do then first of all you may want to even retrieve the
03:44arrow and when you retrieve the arrow the best thing I would probably advise
03:48as well even though this isn't really the correct way I found it was easier
03:52because I've actually done this where he's holding at the arrow the bow in the
03:55arrow the correct way and it ends up shooting again the arrow across the room
03:58if you take the cord and you pull it back right to where his hand attaches by
04:03the wrist now he's holding it securely and I know that's not really the correct
04:07way then take the arrow fit that into the groove just like that and everything
04:14is gonna be pulling against you then take the end of the arrow and sort of
04:19just fit it into his hands now again this is cheating a little bit because
04:22truth be told it's not really him actually holding and pulling back the
04:25cord but at least at least he's holding it now I don't know how long you're
04:31gonna be able to do it like this but at least one thing is if it hooks around
04:35his wrist like this it gives sort of the suggested idea that he's pulling back
04:38the cord you could really have the cord where I've had it fed underneath his
04:42fingers and he's still holding the arrow the thing unfortunately about that though
04:46is it pulls it pretty tight and then again I have shot the arrow across the
04:51room so it's quite a believable bow and arrow this is probably just the easiest
04:55way to pull that off removing the bow and the arrow for right now I'm gonna
04:59put it off to the side we're gonna come back though to that in final looks
05:01getting the closer look though at Atreus's head I think like Kratos
05:06they've done a really nice job of painting this I don't know over at least
05:09a hundred layers of different paint it's one of the selling points that they've
05:13made when it comes to these figures and you can definitely see there's a lot of
05:16paint that's been had here now obviously Atreus if you look at it's just the head
05:20alone it's well painted I mean for the finer features of like his eyes for
05:23example I don't see any paint bleeding I don't see any paint where it's left the
05:28eye completely and found its way to the side of his face no the head sculpt is
05:32painted really well the stubble that he also has on his head you can see is more
05:36of a lighter color and they've even nicely done this where they've
05:39transitioned the color if I get my finger out of the way they've transitioned the
05:42color so it gets a little lighter as it gets closer to his face really those
05:45attentions to detail are well appreciated when it comes to his body of
05:48course he now has his yellow I guess would be a yellow tunic and then of
05:52course he's got himself the pelt skirting that goes down below that as
05:55well this is softer plastic very similar to Kratos nice colors those of
05:58the blue you've got again like the additional markings that he has on his
06:01arms this arm obviously has the sleeve this arm doesn't so because of that this
06:05arm is gonna be a little bit thicker versus this one but they hinge the exact
06:09same way we'll talk more about the articulation in a second lots of good
06:13color that they've made here for the skirting the top being obviously brown
06:16with some additional accents there of red you got the blue underneath there
06:18and all the colors fairly accurate from what I remember of the game he even has
06:22himself a quiver on the back that stores the extra arrows there is no
06:26extra space to store the arrow that you don't currently use right now in his
06:29hands nor is there a way to remove any additional arrows these are all
06:32permanently attached very similar to the dagger that Kratos has on the side of
06:36his pelt so you can't take those off but just like the fact that they included
06:39this this could be easily one thing that they could have left off the arrows
06:43themselves as you can see a little more of a softer plastic same can also as
06:46well be said for the skirting that he has to a very soft plastic all in all
06:50it's a well-sculpted figure I had did I did have one issue though when it came
06:53to really bending his legs I don't know why I didn't have as many issues when it
06:57came to Kratos and yet Atreus something about his knees they just seem like they
07:00get kind of hung up really really tight speaking of the articulation on the
07:05characters though going back to Kratos credits the Sun the heads gonna rotates
07:08on the ball joints so Atreus his head rotates all the way around the head
07:12looks down looks up you can also move it back and forth as well upper torso is
07:17gonna be on a ball joint similar to his dad you can take as well the arm and
07:21rotate all the way around now even though he does have the fur pelt for the
07:24shoulder on one side short of maybe just finding where back whereabouts that joint
07:28is which is just right over here that's but the only problem I've ever had with
07:32this rotating the arm isn't so much the issue it's though realizing there's the
07:36joint right there you want to make sure that you bring it back home where it
07:39belongs sometimes you have to kind of twist it around manually and then just
07:43bring the arm down it's the only it's the only real problem I've had I haven't
07:46had it on this issue at all because obviously there's it's so much easier to
07:49kind of see what's going on in the clearing this arm rotates all the way
07:52around it does have a bicep swivel does have a only a single hinge in his elbow
07:57and even though like obviously this is a larger hinge than this one here I didn't
08:02have as much of a worry because I was kind of thinking getting this guy the
08:04packaging that's a pretty small arm and that's a pretty small joint and I
08:08thought that bending is something would snap but no the joints are done well I
08:12mean it's a little more of a softer plastic I feel like if anything a trace
08:15might have a softer plastic than maybe Kratos had but like no issues at all
08:20like the arms rotate fine if anything as already mentioned you just want to kind
08:23of be careful like if you move his arm around you may lose sight of where that
08:26joint should be you just don't want to force it down if the joints way up here
08:30as for again we've already looked at the torso the legs the legs split out
08:34because again the way they've layered these there's a split right up the
08:38middle and of course he has the skirt over top of that so he does have the
08:42means to split his legs pretty far like this you take the legs move forward you
08:46can move them back trace also has a swivel at top the thigh a double hinge
08:50on the knee which again is a little on the tighter side but I guess it would be
08:53a better thing to have this tight than really overly loose ankle pivot back and
08:56forth ankle rocker as well similar as well to his father trace does have
09:01peggles and bombs of his feet even though the figures don't come include
09:04display stands would be really nice if they could have included display stand
09:07because again like if they wanted to mark these all having like sort of the
09:10same thing the shapes collection I think would be kind of fun if they the
09:14line as a whole had consistent display stands that had the shapes collection
09:17featured on the front now obviously here's what he looks like with his dad
09:20size-wise I think again they fit in really well with one another I'm really
09:23impressed with how much paint applications spin master afforded both
09:27these figures I was quite impressed with what we got with Kratos and I'm equally
09:31impressed with what we get with his son Atreus joined in the game now joined in
09:34final looks I wanted to bring back Kratos and have him displayed along with
09:38son Atreus as the way they will be displayed in my shelf shortly after this
09:41review has wrapped up now the thing about this though I've got both
09:45characters with a pretty wide stance you may find that both of them have a bit of
09:49stability issues the wider of the stance that you put them in especially Atreus
09:53trace having such smaller feet like this I did have to kind of cheat a little bit
09:57and I'm using a display stand from another figure company at least they do
10:00have universally sized peg holes and bombs of both of their boots so if you
10:03want to use a stand you could ideally though it would have been great if spin
10:07master could have used their own display stands with this figure line
10:09either calling them and marking them with God of War Ragnarok specifically
10:13for Kratos or Atreus or just painting a big brush broad stroke across the whole
10:18entire line and releasing display stands that had the shape collection on top of
10:22them because after all it isn't just God of War that we'll be looking at with the
10:25shapes collection lineup now when it comes to both these characters I've got
10:28them with both wielding weapons Kratos does have the benefit of having three
10:32weapons if you count considering the fact he does have the folded up shield
10:35and an open shield Atreus only really has at his disposal the bow and the arrow
10:39the bow and the arrow if anything could be criticized is the fact that it's too
10:43effective of a bow and arrow with the string being pulled taut like this if
10:47you have it attached right around the arrow there's been about five times now
10:51I've had to go to retrieve an arrow the easiest way and probably the cheapest
10:55way is hook the line around the wrist area where the where the hand attaches
10:59on to the forearm for Atreus just sort of tuck the cording into that and it
11:04does a good enough job of looking like he's pulling back the cord when he
11:07really isn't again both these figures are slated to release between October
11:11and December Atreus is October Kratos is December even though I know a lot of
11:16people are still getting their hands on these right now Entertainment Earth
11:19currently has pre-orders I can certainly put the links down below in the
11:22video description if you guys are interested and because the prices have
11:26started to skyrocket on some of these more Kratos than Atreus probably the
11:30best way to get them is currently through Entertainment Earth big thank
11:33you once again to the folks though at spin master toys that did provide the
11:36sample of the brand new shapes collection God of War Ragnarok Atreus
11:40then we had the chance to have a look at this review what do you guys think of
11:43this line let me know down below in the comment section are you also big fans of
11:46God of War for your video question for today what's your favorite God of War
11:50game gotta go with still got a war too that's my all-time favorite but what's
11:54yours let me know down below in the comment section if in the meantime you
11:57guys did enjoy this video do it a solid throw it a like guess what stick around
12:00for more so I went for a pause I hope so I hope so we may be wrapping up
12:06things right now for God of War Ragnarok but but we will also be looking at some
12:09more shapes collection courtesy the folks over at spin master so hit the
12:13subscribe turn on that Bell do all those things but the most important thing is
12:16that you're coming back here on a regular basis as always thanks for
12:19watching see you guys next time
