The Magical pipe piper | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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Bedtime story - Horror story Best Of Fairy Tales 2024
The Magical pipe piper | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:00Lanky the Pipe Piper
00:15Once upon a time, in the Persian castle, there lived Lanky, a talented piper.
00:22On every market day, the sound of his flute never failed to make people smile.
00:34How amazing! I have to drop by every time to enjoy his flute.
00:39And get enough of it, right? He's the best pipe piper in town!
00:44But, um, what's his real name, anyway? Why does everyone keep calling him Lanky?
00:50He's been a scrawdy boy since little, so people just call him Lanky.
00:56No one remembers his real name anymore.
00:59Don't you like Lanky? I found it kind of endearing.
01:04My wife always enjoys listening to Lanky.
01:07Lately, she's been burying her nose in the sewing machine, and rarely goes outside.
01:12Should I invite Lanky to our home and play a few songs for her?
01:17Honey, look who I brought home today!
01:20Oh my, isn't it Lanky? Weren't you just playing down the street? I even heard you from here.
01:26Yes, I was playing there, and Mr. Taylor asked me to come by.
01:30I know you like him a lot, so I brought him back with me.
01:33You've been so caught up with work these days. I hope you can enjoy yourself a little.
01:38Thank you so much, dear. But, it's lunchtime now. Everything's been prepared and ready.
01:44Lanky, why don't you come sit and have lunch with us?
01:47Hope you don't mind. We can have lunch, then you can do your things.
01:51You're too kind. I'm sorry for dropping by unannounced.
01:55And the meal looks so delicious with that huge trout you got there.
01:59Thank you for the delicious food.
02:01Thank you, it just got out of the pan.
02:04Come on, let's dig in while the food is still hot, shall we?
02:09There's no need to rush, there's plenty of food.
02:12It's just, I don't get such good meals like this often.
02:24Lanky, are you alright?
02:39Honey, he isn't moving anymore. Is it possible that he...
02:44No way, he was just choking on some fishbones. How come this turned out so terrible?
02:50Keep trying, dear. We need to save him.
02:59Oh my god, why can't I hear his breathing?
03:03Honey, we're screwed. He's actually dead. He stopped breathing.
03:10This is bad. He's dead because of our trout.
03:13My god, what should we do now?
03:15He died in our house by our meal. Does this mean are we murderers, dear?
03:20No one can know about this. We can't leave him here. We need to hide his body tonight.
03:25But where can we hide it?
03:27Let me think.
03:34Dear god, where's that man coming from?
03:40A fall like that will hurt for sure.
03:43Was I the one who pushed him down the stairs?
03:46Oh no, it couldn't be. Dear god, why were you lying at my front door anyway?
03:51Honey, you need to see this.
03:55I think he's dead, dear.
03:57Is this one of your patients coming to complain?
04:00How can I remember? There are thousands of them.
04:04What should we do now?
04:06If the officials know this, I'll be severely punished.
04:09You need to help me. We need to hide his body.
04:12But where can we hide it?
04:14I got a plan. Do you remember that one grumpy and annoying neighbor?
04:19His chimney happens to sit right next to our roof.
04:23I think you and I should bring him up there and drop him down his chimney.
04:28Great idea. Let's get this over with.
04:31Or else someone might find out.
04:39What's that awful noise?
04:41Sounds like it came from the chimney.
04:43It's those mice again.
04:45Sounds like there are hundreds of them.
04:47I'll deal with you once and for all.
04:49You won't get away this time.
04:54Burglar! How dare you steal from my house!
04:57You're planning to hide in the chimney for the right time?
05:00I'll teach you a lesson. Let's see if you dare to steal again, you pathetic burglar!
05:09I've got carried away. He's dead.
05:12What should I do now?
05:14If the officials know that I beat him to death, I'll be severely punished.
05:18This isn't good. I have to get rid of the body.
05:21Now, it's almost morning.
05:23Lie here, will you?
05:26So by morning, nobody will know why you're dead, and I'll be innocent.
05:29Let's leave before someone finds out.
05:33My way home seems so shaky today.
05:36Is the street moving by itself?
05:39What? There's an earthquake?
05:41This is nothing. I can balance well.
05:43Others may fall, but not me.
05:48You'll trip me over, you moron!
05:50How dare you sit there blocking my way!
05:52Let me teach you a proper lesson, then!
05:54Stop! You're going to kill him!
05:56I'm the high official's guard.
05:58If I didn't patrol past here, no one would have known a dreadful murder case like this.
06:01I'm bringing you back for the official's judgment.
06:04No, no! It's not like that. I only hit him a few times.
06:09Don't you see? He's dead because of you!
06:12You won't get away this time, murderer!
06:15For today's trial, this drunkard has beaten a man to his death.
06:19He must be executed.
06:21To claim justice for a lanky here.
06:23I was drunk. I didn't know anything.
06:26Please spare my life.
06:28No can do. You're a murderer.
06:31If I spared you today, this city will be filled with cruel, heartless criminals like you.
06:36That's right. A life for a life. He must be executed.
06:40That's right. A life for a life. He must be executed.
06:43Enough with his head!
06:44He killed the young Pipe Piper at the market.
06:47The boy was so young and talented, and yet he killed him.
06:50Please, I know my crime.
06:52All because of my drinking habit, I accidentally killed him.
06:56But I'm not a murderer.
06:58Please, let me live so I can redeem myself.
07:01I'll never drink again.
07:03Redeem with your own life.
07:05Rules are rules, and a murderer cannot be spared.
07:08Guards, I sentence this man to his death.
07:11Wait, sir. That drunkard is innocent.
07:14I'm the one who killed Lanky.
07:16What? That's impossible.
07:18Who are you?
07:20What's all this about?
07:21Wasn't that drunkard caught red-handed beating Lanky to his death?
07:25What does this man have anything to do with it?
07:28Tell me what happened, right now.
07:30Sir, I was about to fall asleep by the fireplace.
07:34Then I heard this noise inside the chimney.
07:37I thought there were some mice inside, so I got up from the chair and searched the chimney with a stick.
07:43Turned out there was no mice at all, but it was Lanky.
07:47I thought he was a burglar trying to rob me, so I beat him up.
07:51I didn't mean to, but I beat him to death.
07:56I was afraid to be punished for murder, so I carried Lanky to the street and left him lying next to a tree.
08:03I killed Lanky.
08:05The drunkard's not guilty. I am.
08:08So that's the case. So Lanky was already dead before drunkard beat him.
08:12That's scary. He's almost dead because of someone else's crime.
08:16Knowing drunkard was about to be executed, I couldn't bear it.
08:20Another man has to die because of my doing.
08:24The guilt and regret would haunt me for the rest of my life.
08:29Your honesty is admirable, but your crime has to be punished.
08:32Guards, free the drunkard and execute this man.
08:37Wait, sir. That man is not the one to blame. It was me and my wife.
08:43We are the ones who killed Lanky.
08:46What is happening? So it's not him, but you're the murderer?
08:50This is getting weird. There's a lot more people confessing.
08:53I'm so confused. So that other man did not kill Lanky?
08:57Let's see what they have to say.
08:59You two, tell me what happened immediately.
09:02Yes, sir. I'm the town's doctor. I was going out for some fresh air that night.
09:07Then suddenly I tripped over someone who just happened to lie in our doorway.
09:12I didn't mean to, but he fell down and hit the ground.
09:16My wife and I went back to check, but he was already dead.
09:20Only now did I know who he is.
09:23We got panicked, so we brought Lanky up to the roof of that other man's home.
09:28We threw Lanky down into his chimney.
09:31We wanted him to take the blame.
09:34But today we realized that he's a good man.
09:38So we cannot just let a good person suffer for what we did.
09:42We are so sorry, but we didn't mean to kill anyone.
09:46Please spare our lives.
09:49All this time, I thought you were a mean and vile man.
09:52But seeing you willing to put your life on the line for someone else...
09:56We couldn't just stand by and watch.
09:59And I thought you were just a stingy couple.
10:02But you two turned out to be just fine.
10:05Sir, please give the doctor and his wife a chance.
10:08No! To take someone's life is an unforgivable crime!
10:12Sir, we are the real murderers.
10:15He was just having a meal with us, but he choked to death on a fishbone.
10:20We did not mean to kill him either. Please consider this.
10:24So the Taylor couple are the true murderers?
10:27This is so weird. How could this be?
10:30So you two are the ones who killed him?
10:33That day, Lanky was performing as usual at the market.
10:38I was so caught up with work, so my husband invited him to our home.
10:42He just came in for lunch, so we asked him to join us.
10:46Little did we know, the boy gobbled up the food and choked on a fishbone.
10:52We were terrified as he ceased to breathe right at that moment.
10:55So when I fell, we took his body out and put him in front of the doctor's house so he could take the blame for us.
11:01But today, knowing they are going to be executed, we cannot just stand by and do nothing.
11:08That's right. We're the ones that killed Lanky.
11:11No one should take the blame except for us. We are here to admit our crime.
11:16Please reconsider and have mercy on us.
11:20You must pay the price for your action. Both of you will face execution.
11:25Guards, bring this couple to the public execution.
11:28No, please. I'm begging you. We didn't mean to kill anyone. Please give us another chance.
11:34Rules are rules. There are no exceptions. People must know what happens to murderers.
11:43Gosh, why am I lying here?
11:46Look at that. Did he just cough the fishbone out?
11:49Lanky, he's still alive.
11:51You really passed out for days just because of a fishbone?
11:55Lanky, you greedy gobbler. Do you know how many people have suffered because of you?
12:01Oh gosh, why am I even here? My body feels so sore, like it's been beaten up.
12:06I was just having lunch with the tailors at their home.
12:09That trout is amazing. I haven't even finished that fish. Such a pity.
12:14Wait, so this means none of us are the murderers?
12:17Thank God, Lanky is still alive, everyone.
12:20You managed to scare everyone, Lanky.
12:23From now on, we get to listen to his beautiful music again.
12:28Remember to eat carefully from now on.
12:30A lot of people were in trouble just because of you.
12:34No, it's our fault too. This all happened also because we kept blaming each other.
12:40Thank you so much, you two. You two are fine. You didn't sell me out for your own sake.
12:46Same to you. I thought you were just a mean and crabby foreigner.
12:51But seeing you help the drunkard, I am so sorry that we have misjudged you.
12:58From now on, let's live in harmony as nice neighbors.
13:02How about dinner tonight at my house?
13:05Sounds great. Save me a seat. I'll be right over. Thank you.
13:09You're having a celebration? Do you need some fine music service from me?
13:13Alright, you can come and join us, Lanky.
13:16Remember not to make any fish dish, yeah?
13:19Turns out, Lanky just simply coughed up that fish bone.
13:23It had dawned on people that in life, sometimes there are little issues,
13:28but we tend to make them more complicated, causing more trouble than needed.
13:43The End
