The Morphic Staff | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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Bedtime story - Horror story Best Of Fairy Tales 2024
The Morphic Staff | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:00The Morphic Staff
00:12Once upon a time, a prosperous land was ruled by a kind-hearted king.
00:19One day, he went on an expedition with his trusty chancellor.
00:26We have been traveling for three months now, old friend.
00:29I think it's time for us to come back to the palace.
00:32Yes, your majesty.
00:34The queen and everyone must be eager for your return.
00:37It's late now.
00:38Shall we leave early in the morning?
00:41Very well.
00:42Let's set up our camp here and set off early.
00:45Yes, your majesty.
00:52Where is the king?
00:59Clearly he was here last night.
01:02He said he would return to the palace early today.
01:05Where can he possibly be?
01:07Should I wait a little longer?
01:11The king still hasn't come back yet.
01:14The sun's already high up now.
01:16Is it possible?
01:17Is it possible that he was attacked by animals last night?
01:23What if he wasn't able to return?
01:26Wouldn't that make me next in line to become king?
01:29That won't do.
01:31He still has a son back in the palace.
01:33What if...
01:34Hey, you.
01:37What are you talking about the king behind his back?
01:41Your majesty, where have you been?
01:43I'm worried about you.
01:45We must return to the palace now.
01:46The way back can become tiresome.
01:49Who are you?
01:51Your majesty, it's me.
01:53Your chancellor, of course.
01:58I am the king, and that man's a wizard.
02:02What's happening?
02:03I don't get it at all.
02:05What in the world is going on here?
02:07Earlier this morning, I made my way to the stream to quench my thirst.
02:12We ran into each other there, and after a decent chat, he has given me this one-of-a-kind
02:18staff that's able to swap our bodies.
02:21The king and I are swapping bodies currently.
02:24I've spent my whole life honing my skills to create this wizardly staff.
02:30I have long been enamored with the wisdom and virtue exhibited by the king.
02:36I never thought that I could see him in the flesh with my own eyes.
02:40This precious staff of mine, I presented it to the king.
02:44That's outrageous.
02:46The two of you must be toying with me, aren't you?
02:55So chancellor, do you believe us now?
02:59It is a miracle, indeed a one-of-a-kind magical staff.
03:05Just tap somebody with the staff three times.
03:07Your bodies will be swapped immediately.
03:12Your majesty, please take this staff as a token for my admiration for you.
03:20Thank you, wizard.
03:21I'm sure the staff will be handy.
03:24Unfortunately, I must return to the palace now.
03:27Perhaps we will meet again in the future.
03:31There's nothing I want more.
03:41Look, that beautiful bird is stuck.
03:42If this keeps going, it might not be able to survive.
03:47Your majesty, there's plenty more of them where it came from, your majesty.
03:51You don't need to waste your time rescuing it.
03:54We must hurry back to the palace, your majesty.
03:57We've been on this expedition for three months.
04:00Returning a little late won't hurt anyone.
04:02I want to save that beautiful bird.
04:04It's a shame to let it die.
04:09It's okay.
04:10You will be alright.
04:14The bird is safe and sound.
04:17It's gorgeous.
04:18I've never seen such a beautifully colored bird.
04:22Yes, a beautiful exotic azure bird indeed.
04:27Do you know what species this bird is?
04:29I don't know, your majesty.
04:31I've never seen one before.
04:34Do you think it can fly beyond this entire forest?
04:37It is small, but it has powerful wings.
04:42Your majesty, why don't you use that star from before?
04:46You can switch bodies with the azure bird to see how high up you can fly.
04:52You are right.
04:53Let me try switching with this elegant azure bird.
04:56This is truly amazing.
05:13I have become a bird.
05:15Look, chancellor.
05:16I can fly now.
05:19Very well.
05:20Now it's my turn.
05:25Chancellor, do you want to try too?
05:31Fascinating, isn't it?
05:32Now you're in my body, and I'm in the bird's body.
05:35And the real bird is currently in your body.
05:39Chancellor, what are you doing?
05:43Do you intend to kill yourself?
05:47That's right.
05:48Who needs this body anyway?
05:56When I am now the king himself.
06:01Now it's your turn, your majesty.
06:04Hey, how dare you?
06:08Chancellor, I never expected you to be the one who betrayed me.
06:11I've had enough of your nonsense chirping.
06:15You are just a bird, and I'm the king.
06:17All I need is one swing, and you'll be gone forever.
06:22Chancellor, I treated you like my own family, and this is how you repay me?
06:34Consider yourself lucky to escape death for now.
06:37But you can't run forever.
06:38Sooner or later you will die, now that I finally become the king.
06:43This kingdom is all mine.
07:03My king, you have finally returned.
07:06I have been waiting for you for so long.
07:10Father, mother and I have longed for your return.
07:13A bunch of useless parasites.
07:19My king, what did...
07:22I have been gone for a whole three months, and yet there's not even a single party to
07:25greet my return.
07:29My king, have you forgotten?
07:32After the drought last year, you have given the order to ban every royal banquet for the
07:36next three years, to aid our people, using the remaining funds.
07:42You also demanded all the court officials to follow.
07:46Those who fail will be severely punished.
07:49And you, prince, I have wasted a fortune raising you.
07:54You haven't accomplished anything.
07:55I don't want to hear any more excuses.
07:58Out of my sight, both of you.
08:02But I...
08:03Yes, my king.
08:12You fool.
08:13Raise the taxes up for me.
08:15These peasants need to know their place.
08:18Our treasury is slowly dwindling.
08:20What tax-free within a year?
08:22That's nonsense.
08:23A bunch of worthless fools.
08:26Your majesty, it was you who issued the tax exemption for the people for one year.
08:30They were just following orders.
08:33And you.
08:34You call yourself an officer.
08:36You morons only do what you are told.
08:38Don't you know that you have to make me even more wealthier?
08:41All the wealth in this kingdom belongs to me.
08:44Me, the king of this entire land.
08:59My king, are you not pleased with the water temperature?
09:03I have prepared the water for you by myself.
09:07This is boiling.
09:08Do you wish to boil me alive?
09:10But you have always preferred slightly hot water to help you with your sleep.
09:17I hate it.
09:18Have someone clean up this mess.
09:20Enough with this footbath thing.
09:22My king, you act so different.
09:25So different from the husband I loved.
09:30Remember I am your king.
09:31How dare you speak up to me.
09:37Leave me.
09:39Get out of my sight.
09:40I don't need to see you anymore.
09:43Did the queen know something I don't?
09:46She can't possibly know that her husband has now become that bloody bluebird and disappeared
09:51forever in that forest.
09:53But what if...
09:55What if by some chance that bird managed to return here?
09:58Although it's only a bird, which is harmless but it's still the king.
10:02Better safe than sorry.
10:03I must eliminate it and leave no evidence.
10:15Do you know where the guards are going?
10:17Your highness, the majesty has ordered all the soldiers in the palace to go into the
10:21forest and find for him an azure bird.
10:25But why?
10:26What does the bluebird have to do with my father?
10:28I don't know, your highness.
10:30The majesty said that we must bring back the azure bird at all costs, dead or alive, whoever
10:34finds it will be rewarded.
10:37What is this all about?
10:38Father must be hiding something from all of us.
10:43What is this?
10:44You also wish to go into the forest and seek that cursed bird?
10:47You heard me, father.
10:48But I don't get it.
10:50Why do you even bother searching for that bird?
10:54I dreamt that it would harm our entire royal family.
10:57I want to prevent that.
10:59But that's just one of your bad dreams.
11:01How can a little bird possibly do any harm to us anyway?
11:05I would rather not have any unrest to linger in my mind.
11:09I must find that bluebird and annihilate it at all costs.
11:12Yes, father, I understand.
11:15I won't let it do anything to our family.
11:18You can rest assured, father.
11:20Very well.
11:21On your way then.
11:22If you can find that bloody bluebird, I will build you a grand castle as a reward.
11:28I will do my best.
11:38So close.
11:39It was right there, that bloody bird.
11:40But it's too fast.
11:42How can we possibly track it?
11:45This is such a vast forest.
11:46To find that bluebird for my father won't be easy.
11:53What on earth?
11:54You are...
11:55Isn't this the bluebird?
11:56Why is it perched on my shoulder, instead of hiding away?
12:00It looks so beautiful and friendly.
12:02There's no way I could kill this thing.
12:06I will hide you in my bag and bring you back to the palace.
12:09I really want to know why does my father insist on killing you.
12:18So prince, you didn't find the bluebird, did you?
12:23Um, father, that bird is too fast.
12:26I'm not able to catch it.
12:28Useless brat.
12:31Your majesty, we have searched the forest for three days straight, but there's no sign
12:36of the azurebird anywhere.
12:38You fools.
12:39You are nothing more than a waste of my time.
12:42Guards, lock them up in the dungeon.
12:44I will have them executed tomorrow.
12:49Your majesty, we couldn't catch the azurebird because the prince has already caught it.
12:59Prince, you dare lie to me.
13:02Where is that bird?
13:03No, father.
13:04The bird flew away too fast.
13:06Father, no one can catch that bird, and neither can I.
13:09I saw with my own eyes.
13:11That bird hopped on the prince's shoulder.
13:13He must have hid it in his bag by his side, your majesty.
13:18How dare you?
13:19You dare lie to me?
13:21Guards, search the prince's bag for me right now.
13:29So this is your bluebird.
13:33It's a blackbird?
13:34No, but I...
13:35I clearly saw him.
13:37You must have been mistaken.
13:39As you can see, this is a blackbird, not blue.
13:42You incompetent soldiers.
13:43You blind fools.
13:45Guards, lock them up this instance.
13:49A bunch of idiots.
13:51And they call themselves the king's best marksmen.
13:54Father, don't blame them.
13:56That bird is too fast.
13:57I don't think anyone could shoot it down.
13:59I, the king, lose to a bird.
14:02I won't accept this.
14:03Can't we do anything?
14:04Perhaps an eagle could bring that bird down.
14:11You think an eagle can catch it?
14:15Guards, let the prisoners redeem themselves.
14:18Bring me back an eagle, the strongest and mightiest in the forest.
14:25I was right to paint you black.
14:27Look at you.
14:28How could you ever do any harm to us?
14:30There's something about you that feels so close.
14:38Bluebird, you feel the same way as I do, right?
14:41Prince, who are you talking with?
14:43I saw the guards preparing to hunt down eagles over there.
14:49Prince, so you did find the bluebird.
14:53It took me a lot of time to bring this bird to the palace, mother.
14:57What do you think about this bird?
14:59I feel a strange bond with it.
15:03The bird has your father's eyes, gentle and benevolent.
15:07But mother, isn't father here with us in the palace?
15:12Ever since his return from that trip, I don't know if he's still the husband I loved.
15:17He's become ruthless and terrifying, although he is still by my side.
15:22But I have always missed him, the old him, my one true love.
15:27You are not alone, mother.
15:29He's been hiding something from us.
15:31We need to figure it out.
15:32I hope that everything is revealed to us soon.
15:35If only you could understand me.
15:37If only I could tell you that I am your father and your husband.
15:43I must find that staff.
15:45I can't have my life back without it.
15:47That staff is my only way out.
15:53Who is it?
15:54What is that noise?
15:55Thief, how dare you steal my staff from me!
16:00My thoughts must be getting the best of me.
16:02This lock is very strong.
16:04No one can simply break it.
16:07This magic staff is mine and mine only.
16:12Now all I have to do is wait.
16:14Once those guards come back with a mighty eagle, that bluebird is as good as dead.
16:23Your majesty, the eagle is captured.
16:25Good, very good. Bring it to me.
16:30Now I will swap to this eagle and bring that bluebird down all by myself.
16:35No one must know about this secret and the staff.
16:44Now I must carefully hide the staff in the cabinet and deal with that bluebird as soon as possible.
16:49It won't be alive after today.
16:59What is this?
17:00Did my father just swap bodies with the eagle?
17:03I understand everything now.
17:04Whoever was in my father's body definitely stole his body.
17:08An outrageous imposter.
17:10But who could he be?
17:12And where is my father?
17:23My son, it's me. I'm your father.
17:31It's really you.
17:32Finally my husband has returned.
17:35This whole time I couldn't understand your sudden change.
17:39But it turns out it's all because of that evil chancellor pretending to be you.
17:46We have finally returned.
17:48During the expedition and after those days of living as a bird, I have longed for you both so much.
17:54It's all my fault for trusting that wicked chancellor.
17:58We also missed you dearly, father.
18:00What do you think we should do with this wizardly staff?
18:04Let's destroy it, my son.
18:05I realise now that staff should never exist.
18:08Our lives could go horribly wrong with it.
18:11It's best to be yourself and live an honest life.
18:14Yes, father.
18:19Before destroying the staff, the prince used it one last time.
18:24He transformed himself into the blue bird to trap the evil chancellor who lived under the eagle's body.
18:33The chancellor must pay for what he had done.
18:37From then on, the king, queen and the prince lived happily ever after.
18:44The prince became successor to the throne and the kingdom grew prosperous under his rule.
18:54To be continued...
