The Great War Nine-Headed Serpent | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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Bedtime story - Horror story Best Of Fairy Tales 2024
The Great War Nine-Headed Serpent | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:20I found myself a tasty snack.
00:23Oh my gosh, it's so disgusting.
00:27Run before it eats us.
00:31Why are you trembling like that?
00:34Oh no, please spare me.
00:36I'm not even worth the effort of eating.
00:38Please don't eat me, please.
00:44Haha, I won't eat you.
00:48You won't kill me, will you?
00:50If I wanted to kill you, I would have let those cranes eat you instead.
00:54You're so kind.
00:57I'll never forget this.
00:59Hmm, you're here in this swamp with me.
01:02I see you as a friend.
01:04And besides, I don't bully the weak or helpless.
01:11So, relax.
01:16So, relax.
01:20Really? Can I trust what you're saying?
01:23Of course. Why would I lie to you?
01:27Then why do you leap out of the swamp every other day, scaring away all the creatures?
01:33Are you trying to wipe them out?
01:37Haha, I do leap out.
01:40But only to defend myself while waiting for them to come.
01:45And it seems that day is nearing.
01:48Who are you waiting for? Who are these people you mean?
01:54One day soon, they'll come.
01:57I know it.
01:59Why do you think humans are coming here to harm you?
02:04I'm like a thorn in their side now.
02:07And to make it worse, they think I'm the one who made their cattle disappear recently.
02:15Is that true? Why don't you try explaining it to them?
02:18Forget it. What will be, will be.
02:23So, does that mean a fierce battle is coming?
02:27I have a feeling it is. I've provoked them enough.
02:31Meanwhile, rumors of the nine-headed monster spread panic throughout the capital, eventually reaching King Eurytheus.
02:42They say this monster is enormous and ferocious.
02:47The people are terrified.
02:50But I still don't know how to deal with it.
02:54Yes, your majesty. The farmers nearby have seen it.
02:58They were scared out of their minds by all its heads.
03:03It's terrifying.
03:07Those snake heads have tremendous power.
03:12It's already taken some cattle.
03:15It won't stop there.
03:19I can't let this monster roam freely in Lerna.
03:24One day it might destroy the kingdom and threaten our capital.
03:30Yes, your majesty. We must send a strong army to fight it.
03:36We need to be careful. We can't just rush in as you suggest.
03:41This beast has many powers. It has been around for years and knows the swamp like the back of its hand.
03:47If we're not careful, we'll face a huge defeat and lose many men.
03:53Yes, you're right, your majesty. I was too hasty.
03:57Do you have any ideas?
03:59Yes, your majesty. I've just thought of a plan.
04:03What is it? Speak up.
04:07You have Heracles, a mighty hero with unmatched strength.
04:11And he's your half-brother.
04:14Yes, but what of it? He's still in the kingdom and shows no signs of leaving.
04:23I know you want to get rid of him. Now is the perfect time.
04:29Go on. What do you mean?
04:32If you order him to kill the monster, you'll kill him.
04:36What do you mean?
04:38If you order him to kill the monster, you'll kill two birds with one stone.
04:44If he wins, you get the glory for choosing the right man.
04:50If he doesn't come back, even better for us.
04:56You're right. How did I not think of this sooner?
05:00This is the perfect chance to get rid of Heracles, that thorn in my side.
05:05If he dies, it's not on me. Excellent idea.
05:10Well done. Well done. Clever thinking.
05:15I'll reward you handsomely. Now summon Heracles to see me immediately.
05:21Yes, your majesty. Right away.
05:25Your majesty, you summoned me urgently. What do you need?
05:31Please speak, your majesty. I am ready to listen.
05:35Heracles. I hesitated to speak right away because I wasn't sure if you were willing to risk your life for the kingdom's peace.
05:45Yes, your majesty. I am ready.
05:48Good. Heracles.
05:53I've called you here to assign you a mission that's both glorious and challenging.
05:59It's a sacred duty to protect the peace of our kingdom.
06:05Your majesty.
06:07It would be my honor, your majesty.
06:10Please speak. Even if my life is at risk, I am ready.
06:15The safety of our people is what matters most.
06:18Very well. In the southern swamp of Lerna, there is a nine-headed monster wreaking havoc.
06:25I order you to go at once and destroy it.
06:31I've heard the people talk about this beast. I accept your command, your majesty. I'll prepare to leave right away.
06:40Wait, Heracles. There is one more thing.
06:44I'm listening.
06:46This time, you're representing the court.
06:50Your image reflects the kingdom's honor, and you must return victorious.
06:58What do you mean?
07:00What's wrong, Heracles? Are you afraid?
07:05If you want to refuse, there's still time. I can find another warrior.
07:13No. I just need more clarification, that's all. As for slaying the monster, I'll give it everything I've got.
07:22This task is too important to send just anyone. The person chosen must accept my terms.
07:32Yes, I understand.
07:34If you return victorious, you'll be honored. If not, you will face disgrace.
07:42The people will judge your fate.
07:49Do you accept, Heracles?
07:53Yes, your majesty.
07:56Very well. Go and prepare for your journey.
08:01And so, the brave Heracles set off immediately. After five days and nights, he finally reached the southern swamp of Lerna.
08:12Hydra, the nine-headed beast. I have come to destroy you. Only one of us will live. The other will perish. Come out now.
08:22The cave entrance was dark and eerie, with haunting sounds and echoes. Heracles shot an arrow into the cave to lure the beast out.
08:42Today is your end. From now on, you will no longer threaten innocent people.
08:47Oh no! How can it regrow its head so fast? If I keep fighting, I'll exhaust myself. I need to think of a plan to buy time.
09:01Huh? You got ahead of yourself too soon. Perhaps today is your end. What's this?
09:09Are you rung away in fear?
09:11Remember, if you dare to come back and disturb me again, you'll only find death.
09:17Hmph. I will return. Just wait and see.
09:27Have you heard anything about Heracles and Lerna yet?
09:31Yes, your majesty. Heracles has engaged the monsters in Lerna.
09:35But he couldn't defeat it. Each time he strikes, the monster's heads grow back stronger.
09:43It's truly terrifying.
09:45Really? So what do you think will happen between Heracles and the monster who will come out on top?
09:53I can't say for sure, your majesty. Heracles is incredibly strong, clever, and powerful.
09:59Hmph. How dare you praise him in front of me.
10:02No, your majesty. I wasn't finished. Unfortunately for Heracles, the monster of Lerna is truly terrifying. I think he may face a bitter end.
10:12But now, it's too late for him to back out.
10:17Haha. This is the end.
10:20Yes, indeed, your majesty.
10:30What are you doing?
10:32I'm trying to find Lerna.
10:51Oh, you startled me. I was just checking if your regrown necks were real.
10:57Those heads that sprouted during the fight look so amazing.
11:02Haha. How could he ever defeat me? Coming here is like trying to crack a rock with an egg. I, the nine-headed Hydra, am invincible. Haha!
11:14Oh, so nothing can beat you. I truly admire you.
11:20Not quite. I could still be defeated if...
11:25If what? Do you actually have a weakness?
11:30Hm. Don't be so curious. I'm not going to reveal my weakness to anyone.
11:36Ah, I apologize. I shouldn't have asked. Even though I don't talk to anyone else in this swamp, it was wrong to ask.
11:46You seem to be tight-lipped and trustworthy. Very well, I'll tell you.
11:53I am invincible, unless there's fire. Fire that dries my blood will prevent my heads from growing back.
12:02That's my only weakness. Nothing else can destroy me.
12:09Oh, I see. That's very interesting.
12:13But don't you dare tell anyone. I've only shared this secret with you. It's my life's secret.
12:22Of course. In this swamp, you're my only friend. I would never betray you. Besides, I owe you my life.
12:33It's a small favor, my timid little friend.
12:37Monster, come out and face me.
12:41Haha! Today you won't be returning home. Fight to the end. Don't run away with your tail between your legs like last time.
12:51You've underestimated me. Let me tell you, today I'm ready to fight to the death with you.
12:57If I, Heracles, don't defeat the Hydra, I have no right to return home.
13:04In the end, you're just a tool to be used.
13:09Enough talk. Prepare for my final strike.
13:13Fine. This time I won't be so lenient with you, foolish warrior.
13:22Fire. Bring me fire. Your weakness has been revealed. Prepare to meet your end.
13:32Oh no! How did they find out about that secret?
13:36I am invincible, unless there's fire. Fire that dries my blood will prevent my heads from growing back.
13:45That's my only weakness. Nothing else can destroy me.
13:52Oh, I see. That's very interesting.
13:57But don't you dare tell anyone. I've only shared this secret with you. It's my life's secret.
14:06You traitorous little wretch. You sold me out. I curse you, you deceitful crab.
14:13Because of you, my secret has been exposed.
14:17No, it wasn't me. You've misunderstood. I swear I didn't tell anyone.
14:25Hmph. I'll never believe you. Never. I despise you, you treacherous creature.
14:34I owe you my life. Don't worry. I will do everything I can to save you.
14:40Even if it costs me my life, I will try to help you.
14:42Ah, what's this? Why is a crab here all of a sudden? Ouch, you're hurting me. Let go of my hand, quickly.
14:52Is that him? Why is he helping me? Could it be...
15:01I will help you. Even if I have to die, I will help you. I swear I would never betray you.
15:07Please believe me.
15:09Oh no, little crab. You're using all your strength to save me.
15:14I misunderstood, my little friend.
15:18I... I'm sorry.
15:28To risk your life to save a friend is truly admirable.
15:32To risk your life to save a friend is truly admirable.
15:37It's just a pity your friend was a monster.
15:41Hooray for the hero!
15:43Herakles the hero who defeated the monster. Long live Herakles.
15:48What did you say? Herakles defeated the Hydra and is on his way back here?
15:53Yes, your majesty. I heard that Herakles had his soldiers secretly watch the swamp for three days and discovered the monster's weakness.
16:03Then he attacked its weak point and won without a single casualty.
16:08Sigh. It seems this challenge wasn't enough to defeat him.
16:13Yes, but at least the monster is gone.
16:17Which is good news for the people. The citizens are cheering and praising Herakles.
16:23Sigh. I didn't think he'd come back. He must have figured out my intentions.
16:31Now I'm afraid he might hold a grudge against me.
16:36If your majesty feels uneasy about this, perhaps...
16:40You say it quickly.
16:42He's strong now, and with this new victory, he's favored by the people.
16:47Even if we wanted to harm him, we can't do so at this moment.
16:50I suggest building a secret chamber inside the palace as a safe retreat for you.
16:56Should things go wrong...
16:59Very well. Do as you've said.
17:03After the monster was slain, Herakles, already a hero, became even more celebrated.
17:11The people cheered him upon his return, while Eurystheus, fearing Herakles' wrath, hid away in a secret chamber within the palace.
17:23As for the crab, its courage, bravery, and noble heart moved the goddess Hera.
17:31To honor the little crab, the goddess Hera transformed it into a constellation called Cancer, a symbol of friendship and self-sacrifice.
18:01The End
