The Stolen Princess | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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Bedtime story - Horror story Best Of Fairy Tales 2024
The Stolen Princess | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:16Once upon a time, in a distant land, there was a talented young man who was wealthy and incredibly handsome named FEDMA.
00:26FEDMA, are you really going to climb the frozen mountain?
00:31Yes, Mother. I've heard so much about Princess Tidi, the beautiful princess who lives on that mountain, and this time, I will propose to her.
00:41Oh, my dear, why put yourself through this? There are plenty of beautiful girls here who would love to marry you. Just pick another.
00:51Why travel to such a dangerous place?
00:53None of them are to my liking, Mother. Please, let me follow my heart.
01:01But the path to go there is treacherous. I've heard many who went up the mountain never returned, or were turned into ice statues. I can't bear the thought of losing you.
01:14Don't worry, Mother. Those who fail just didn't have enough courage.
01:19I'm your son. I believe I will succeed and bring back a beautiful bride for you.
01:25But I...
01:28I've made up my mind. Please don't try to stop me. I'll leave early tomorrow. You should rest.
01:42Kill him! Kill him!
01:44Sounds like something's happening up ahead. I need to check it out.
01:49What's going on here? What happened to that man?
01:56He's a deserter from the army, so he's being sentenced to hanging.
02:00Really? But why does he pass out like that?
02:04Yes, he has. He's incredibly strong. I heard it took a hundred men to capture him, so they drugged him to carry out the execution.
02:14I see. A man with such talent. What a waste for him to die.
02:24Wait! This man! Why does he look exactly like me? Hold on!
02:32Sir, can I pay to ransom this man's life?
02:35Well now, you two look like twins. Are you brothers?
02:40You could say that, but you haven't answered my question yet.
02:45Eh, ransom him? Fine, but it'll cost you a hefty sum.
02:52Name your price, as long as he's free.
02:56It's the king's law, not mine. He joined the army for fifty gold coins, but now wants to desert.
03:03To buy his freedom, you'll have to repay the fifty coins.
03:08That won't be a problem.
03:11Here is one hundred gold coins. Fifty for the king, and fifty for you. Now release the man.
03:18Wow, you're a generous man. No reason to keep him any longer.
03:26You're free now. Your brother here just paid one hundred gold coins.
03:31You're one lucky man.
03:34But I... my brother?
03:37It's done. Everyone, clear out.
03:43Careful. You're still drugged. It's you who saved me.
03:48Oh, but why do we look so much alike?
03:53Believe me, I'm just as shocked as you are. We look exactly the same.
03:58Believe me, I'm just as shocked as you are. We look exactly like each other.
04:03Perhaps it's fate. What's your name?
04:08Those cowards. They drugged me. They knew they couldn't beat me.
04:13If it weren't for that...
04:16It's over now, Jolie. No one will chase you anymore.
04:21Would you like to be my friend? My name is Fedma. Fate brought us together, so why not?
04:27Besides, you saved my life. Given how much we look alike, we should become sworn brothers.
04:33Perfect, brother.
04:36Brother, together, forever.
04:39Brother, together, forever.
04:44And so, the two men who looked exactly alike became sworn brothers and set off together for the frozen mountain.
04:51With Jolie's help, they soon reached the base of the mountain.
05:01Is this the frozen mountain? Why, there's so many stone statues of men here.
05:07Could they be? The suitors came to win the princess? Who failed? And turned to stone?
05:14I've heard of this place, but I've never seen it myself. But now, what a sight.
05:20I also heard there's a fierce giant guarding the entrance.
05:24Then leave him to me. Fighting's what I do best.
05:31Wait. Don't rush in. The fact that we look alike could be useful.
05:36You hide for now, and I'll go ahead and see what's happening. Then we can act accordingly.
05:43Alright. If things go south, I'll be ready outside.
05:54What we have here? Another fool come to meet his doom?
05:58You're the one guarding this place. Don't think I'll be that easy.
06:06Bold words, I see. However, I'm not fond of fighting.
06:12If you're here to propose to the princess, let's play a little game instead.
06:20What kind of game?
06:22If you can overcome my challenge, I will hand Princess Tidi over to you.
06:27Otherwise, you must offer me all your blood and turn to stone, just like those who failed before you.
06:36What kind of challenge is this? Tell me.
06:40The princess. She's breathtaking. I've never seen anyone so beautiful.
06:47Are you listening to me? Stop staring and focus.
06:51Oh yes. I'm listening. Continue.
06:55The challenge is very simple. Do you see? The 24 candles lit around the coffin, where Princess Tidi lies sleeping.
07:04All you need to do is blow out all 24 candles at once with a single breath, and you will win.
07:11That's it? Just that?
07:12Do you dare to try? Remember, even if one candle stays lit, you will lose your life and become a stone statue.
07:21Of course, I'll try. But I'll need a moment to eat something, to regain my strength.
07:30Fine. I'll wait inside.
07:34I have a feeling that this is all a trick. If I try it myself, I'm certain I'll fail.
07:41Don't worry about it, my friend. I've got incredible strength.
07:45Blowing out 24 candles at once, that's a piece of cake. Leave it to me.
07:52Are you sure? I don't want you risking your life because of me.
07:56Do you know who you're talking to? This is nothing to me. Come on, let's switch clothes, and I will go.
08:04Be careful. I'll be right here if you need help.
08:09Now blow out the candles, my friend. Let's see how strong you really are.
08:14You'd better keep your word. If I succeed, you must give me the princess.
08:18Of course, I just doubt that you'll survive to claim her yourself.
08:28All the candles are out. I've won.
08:32You! You're not human. How could you?
08:37Surprised? It doesn't matter. I'm a human.
08:42You're not human. How could you?
08:46Surprised? It doesn't matter. You've lost. Hand over the princess.
08:52Don't worry. A deal's a deal. I'm a man of my word.
08:57Go wait outside, and I'll wake the princess and bring her to you.
09:02All right.
09:05Is it true? You succeeded? We've won the princess?
09:10Of course. Take the princess home. I've repaid my debt to you. Wishing you both happiness.
09:18Thank you. But isn't it better to come with us? Why do you sound like this is a goodbye?
09:25It's better if I don't appear in front of the princess.
09:28Let her believe you're the one who passed the giant's challenge. Go and take her home.
09:33You're so thoughtful. Thank you again. But I still want you to join us.
09:40At least attend my wedding with the princess. After all, we're brothers.
09:45Don't worry. I'll still travel with you both. But just from the shadows.
09:49Now, let's switch our clothes back. The princess will be here any moment.
09:55Ah, yes. Right. I almost forgot about it.
10:02Go on. Take your bride the princess home. Thank you once again, brother.
10:11Tidi, you are so beautiful. Will you marry me?
10:15Of course. You're the one who passed the challenge, after all.
10:19Take your princess and leave this place.
10:36What's wrong? Why do you want to stop all of a sudden?
10:39I... I'm feeling tired. Can we... can we rest for a moment?
10:44I'm sorry. We've traveled half the day already. You must be tired. Let's stop and rest for a while.
10:51Yes, my lord.
10:54You must be hungry by now. Here, have some cake.
10:59I made it myself for us to enjoy on the journey.
11:02Princess, you're so thoughtful. And you can bake, too.
11:05It's just a small thing. Compared to you traveling a thousand miles here,
11:10conquer the difficult challenge of the evil giant, and get me out of that cave, mine is nothing.
11:16I am forever grateful to you.
11:19There's no need to talk about gratitude between us.
11:23Now, let me taste your delicious cake.
11:30This cake is delicious.
11:33This cake...
11:39How foolish you are done for!
11:54You thought you could take Princess Tidy. Think again.
11:58Stop right there!
12:02So, you're not the princess trying to poison my brother, huh? Impressive.
12:09Who... who are you?
12:11Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is, I've been following you and Fedma secretly, and I've seen everything.
12:19That giant is quite the schemer!
12:22Hmm. So what if you know? What can you do about it?
12:30You won't get away. If you know what's good for you, cooperate.
12:34Please, please spare me. I'll do whatever you want.
12:45Is this the giant tree you mentioned?
12:48Yes, this is it. The giant was originally a demon.
12:53He trapped the princess in order to lure young and powerful men there, then drained their blood to gain power.
13:01All his power is stored in a bottle buried under the roots of this tree.
13:06If you destroy it, he'll be easy to defeat.
13:10And what about the bottle you used earlier to drain Fedma's life? Where is it?
13:15No, that bottle was just a decoy. The giant gave it to me to siphon Fedma's strength.
13:22Once it's full, it transfers the power to the main bottle under this tree.
13:28So, if I destroy that bottle, the people turned to stone will come back to life, right?
13:34Only those who were turned within the last day. The rest will only revive if the giant is defeated.
13:40If you're lying, even by a single word, I'll end you on the spot.
13:45I wouldn't dare lie. My life is entirely in your hands.
13:54Here's the bottle containing the giant's power.
14:04Oh my! I'm alive!
14:07Oh my! I'm alive! What happened?
14:12Thank goodness, Fedma. You've been revived.
14:22Hmph. How frustrating. That giant tricked us.
14:28Thank goodness you were watching out for me. Otherwise, I'd be done for.
14:33Let's not dwell on that. The important thing now is defeating the giant.
14:38You know how to open the cave, right? Lead the way.
14:42Yes, sir.
14:43Huh. Are there intruders in my cave? How dare they?
15:02Where's the giant? Why isn't he here?
15:06Did you trick us?
15:08No, I swear with my life, I didn't. He's usually asleep at this hour. I have no idea where he could be.
15:18So, turns out there were two of you. Two little mice sneaking into my lair, huh?
15:24And you. Useless. You failed me, and now dare to betray me by bringing these fools here.
15:31Please, master. Spare me. I had no choice. I...
15:35Hmph. Save your breath. Today's the day of your demise, giant.
15:42We'll see about that. Let's see what you're made of.
15:48Hmph. You're quick, but can you handle my strength?
15:54What's this? Where is my strength?
15:57My power. Where has it gone?
16:05Surprised? By power, do you mean the bottle hidden beneath the great tree on the mountain?
16:12I've already destroyed it. You're powerless now.
16:16Hmph. Now it's our turn. Get ready to say goodbye.
16:21What? My power has been destroyed?
16:25What? My power has been destroyed?
16:35Princess Tiddy, is that you?
16:38Who? Who are you?
16:40I've come to rescue you. The giant has been defeated, and you are free, princess...
16:46Is it? Is it true? You really killed him?
16:51Yes, it's true. You don't need to be afraid anymore. From now on, I'll protect you.
16:57You're so brave. I'll never forget this great act of kindness.
17:04We must hurry. This cave is collapsing. We need to get out as quickly as possible. Let's go!
17:21Oh, we've been saved! We've come back to life!
17:28The giant was finally defeated, and the young men he had turned to stone were revived.
17:35Grateful for Thedmar's heroism, she agreed to marry him.
17:40For Jolene, after bidding farewell to the couple, he continued to explore the world.
17:50To be continued...
