The Goblin’s Soup Pot | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

  • 2 days ago
Bedtime story - Horror story
The Goblin’s Soup Pot | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:00The Goblin's Soup Pot
00:14Once upon a time, in an ancient countryside, there were two sisters.
00:19The elder, named Anna, was a wealthy restaurant owner, while the younger, named Victoria,
00:25made a living as a charcoal burner.
00:28Anna, you're still sitting here selling food?
00:32The road on the hill collapsed, and many people were buried under the rubble.
00:37What did you just say?
00:38My family went to deliver goods over there today.
00:40I hope nothing's happened to them.
00:42You should hurry.
00:43I heard your sister and brother-in-law were there too.
00:47Yes, I'll go right away.
00:49Ah, no!
00:51My dear!
00:53Why did you leave me like this?
00:56Oh, dear!
01:00How will my sister and I live now?
01:03Oh, God!
01:05Why has this happened?
01:07In just one day, both my sister and I have become widows.
01:16From that day on, Victoria had to fend for herself to raise her four children.
01:22Their already difficult life became even more dire.
01:26Victoria, are you back from work already?
01:30Yes, sister.
01:32There's less and less work at the charcoal kiln.
01:35I'm thinking of finding another job.
01:37If things keep going like this, my children and I will starve.
01:41Um, could you spare a few scraps of bread for my children, please?
01:46I'm struggling just as much as you are.
01:49Where am I supposed to find extra food to give away?
01:52Here's what I suggest.
01:53My restaurant is getting busier, and I need help.
01:57If you want, you can come work for me.
02:02I can work here.
02:03That would be perfect.
02:05I really need a job to support my family.
02:08My husband is gone too, and there is so much work to do at the restaurant.
02:12I can't pay you much at first, but I can promise that you all won't go hungry.
02:18It's better than slaving away and exhausting yourself at the coal mine all day for barely
02:23enough to eat.
02:24Yes, thank you, sister.
02:27I'll quit the coal mine tomorrow and start helping you right away.
02:31The sooner, the better.
02:34Starting tomorrow, come early.
02:37Wash all the dishes and dry them.
02:39Then, while I'm at the market, wipe the tables and fetch water.
02:44When it gets busy, help me in the kitchen or serve the customers.
02:48Yes, sister.
02:50I'll be careful and work hard.
02:52Every day, I'll give you some food to take home to the kids.
02:56They'll be a bonus if you do well.
03:00Thank you so much, sister.
03:11What are you doing?
03:13You nearly spilled hot soup all over us.
03:15Do you realize how hot the soup is?
03:18If it had spilled on us, could you have compensated us?
03:22I'm so sorry, sirs.
03:23I was careless.
03:24I'll clean it up right away.
03:27Look at how ridiculous she looks.
03:29Joseph, is that you?
03:31Did you throw that banana peel on the floor on purpose to make me slip?
03:35Your mother spoils you.
03:36Now you're becoming a troublemaker, always picking on others.
03:40So what if I did?
03:42If you scold me, I will tell mom.
03:45Then she'll surely fire you.
03:47Then you'll have nowhere to go to and nothing left to eat.
03:50Can't catch me.
03:51Can't catch me.
03:54What's all this noise about?
03:57Mom, Aunt Victoria spilled food all over the customers.
04:01You should punish her.
04:03I didn't do it on purpose.
04:05It's your son.
04:06He was...
04:07Oh, come on.
04:09He's just a kid.
04:10He didn't know anything.
04:11You made a mistake and now you're blaming him.
04:14Are you trying to drive away all my customers?
04:18I swear it's the truth, sister.
04:20If you don't believe me, you can ask the other people in the restaurant.
04:26Are you here to help me or to sabotage my entire business?
04:30I'm going to deduct this from your wages.
04:33Now go clean the kitchen, knead the dough for tomorrow's bread, and then you can go
04:38Yes, sister.
04:41Every day, Victoria would come to work and Anna would give her the same tasks.
04:48By the end of the night, her sister would only pay her with an increasingly smaller
04:52piece of bread.
04:54Victoria became cleverer.
04:56Each day, after kneading the dough, she would leave without washing her hands.
05:02Looks like we're going to have thin flour soup again.
05:05This dish is really something, isn't it?
05:09Just one bowl makes you feel completely refreshed.
05:11It's perfect with a piece of bread.
05:16Poor things.
05:17I'm sorry, my children.
05:19I've worked so hard, but all your aunt gives me is this tiny piece of bread.
05:28Yo, Lee.
05:29Could you please spare me a little piece of bread?
05:33I'm starving.
05:34Oh, sir.
05:35I'd love to offer you some food to eat, but unfortunately, I am not the owner of this
05:41Let me ask my sister first.
05:45Get out of here, you dirty beggar.
05:48If customers see someone like you, they'll never come back.
05:52Please, just a little charity, and I'll leave right away.
05:57I haven't had anything to eat for days now, ma'am.
06:00Give me a break.
06:03Get lost.
06:04I'm a widow with no fortune, barely getting by.
06:08If you don't leave now, then I will release the dogs.
06:14Get lost, you dirty beggar.
06:16That hurts.
06:17Screw you.
06:18That hurts.
06:19Screw you.
06:20Sir, let me take you away from here.
06:23This evening, meet me at the turn in the road where the olive trees are.
06:28You know where it is, right?
06:29For now, I must get back to work or my sister will scold me again.
06:34Alright, I'll wait for you there.
06:38Sir, here sir, take this bread.
06:42This is all I have for today.
06:44But whose share is this?
06:46Why are you giving it to me?
06:48Don't worry about it.
06:49Just take it.
06:50I have four children and myself five mouths to feed.
06:54I'm giving you my portion.
06:56Don't feel bad.
06:57I've worked hard today, so when I get home, I will be too tired to eat or feel hungry
07:04Thank you so much.
07:06I'll be sure to repay your kindness one day.
07:11If you don't mind, I'd like to invite you to my home tomorrow.
07:14I don't have much, just some thin flour soup, but you're welcome to join us.
07:20You're too kind.
07:21I'll definitely come.
07:23You have a heart of gold, young lady.
07:28I told you yesterday, Joseph.
07:31Don't run around in the sun all day.
07:33You have lost so much weight already, and now you look so frail.
07:38Hmm, wasting food like that and still skinny as a twig.
07:43It's a waste to raise you.
07:45How are your kids, Victoria?
07:47Are they healthy?
07:49Yes, sister, they're doing well.
07:53We eat whatever we can, so they're never sick, thank God.
07:57I only give you a tiny piece of bread each day, yet your children are still healthy.
08:04Unlike my son, there must be something fishy going on.
08:11Leave the boy with me, go to the market and buy me some cheese.
08:15Tomorrow's the weekend, and I'm expecting lots of customers, but I'm out of everything.
08:20But it's almost evening.
08:22Maybe I can go tomorrow morning.
08:24The market is far, and my kids are waiting for me at home.
08:29Stop making excuses.
08:30If I tell you to go, you go.
08:32There won't be time left tomorrow.
08:42Hello, Aunt Anna.
08:44Are you visiting us today?
08:47What do your mother feed you that makes your cheeks so plump?
08:51You all look so adorable.
08:54We eat flour soup, Aunt.
08:58Flour soup?
08:59Where does it come from?
09:01When Mother comes home from work, she dips her hands in water and scrapes off the flour.
09:08Then she makes a delicious soup.
09:11So that's how it is.
09:13What a sneaky little mouse, stealing from me right under my nose.
09:17How bold of her.
09:19She thinks she can easily get away with that.
09:22Sister, I've bought the cheese.
09:25I'll knead the dough now and then head home before it gets too late.
09:28No need.
09:29It's already late.
09:31From tomorrow, knead the dough in the morning.
09:33The weather is too hot, and the dough might turn sour overnight.
09:37Oh no.
09:39What will my children eat tomorrow?
09:45Let's see how your kids manage with just a little piece of bread.
09:56My children will have to go hungry tonight.
09:59But how can I bear to see their desperate, hungry eyes?
10:07Young lady, do you remember your invitation to your home for dinner last time?
10:12Yes, I remember, sir.
10:14Please come.
10:15Follow me home.
10:18Children, we have a special guest tonight.
10:23Please be polite and listen to him.
10:25Hello, sir.
10:28Mother, please make some flour soup.
10:31We're starving.
10:33I'll start cooking right away.
10:36Tonight, we'll have delicious meat soup.
10:41Will it take long, mom?
10:44The meat today is quite tough, you see.
10:46It needs to simmer for a long time.
10:49Why don't you all go play outside?
10:51I'll call you when the soup's ready.
10:57Sir, please don't be angry with me.
11:00Last time, I have given you my share of bread.
11:03But tonight, our house have nothing left.
11:08So what are you cooking in that pot there?
11:11I put a stone in the pot and told the children it was meat soup.
11:15I'm hoping they'll be distracted and fall asleep, forgetting their hunger.
11:21Are you trying to fool me?
11:23I can already smell the meat cooking.
11:27I wouldn't dare, sir.
11:29There's nothing in the pot but a stone.
11:31There's no meat.
11:33Then why don't you have a look on the pot again?
11:35I'm sure I smell real meat.
11:39Oh! How is there meat soup here?
11:43I'm certain I only put a stone in.
11:49Well, you don't have a delicious pot of soup.
11:52Why don't you check the cellar?
11:54I also smell freshly baked bread and some fine, fine wine down there as well.
12:02It's true. There's bread and wine.
12:05This is miraculous.
12:07Who are you, really?
12:10I'm just an old goblin from the forest who happened to run into you.
12:14I told you before that I would repay your kindness, didn't I?
12:19From now on, you'll never have to worry about food again,
12:22because your pot over there will always be full.
12:28Thank you so much.
12:30Now, call the children in to eat.
12:32They must be starving.
12:34Afterward, I still have some business to settle with your sister and her troublesome son.
12:41What are you going to do?
12:43Please, forgive my sister and nephew.
12:46I appreciate your kind heart, my dear,
12:49but I just can't let it go like that.
12:51We goblins have a rule that's been around for thousands of years,
12:55and that is, we must give everyone what they deserve.
13:00As the goblin said, everyone gets what they deserve.
13:05Thanks to his magic, Victoria and her children enjoyed the most sumptuous meal of their lives
13:12with meat soup, bread, and fine wine.
13:19You strange old man, where do you think you're going?
13:22Get out of my restaurant!
13:24From now on, every time you curse someone, your teeth will ache terribly.
13:31Oh no, old man, why do my teeth hurt so much?
13:36I'll show you, old man, how dare you upset my mother.
13:40You unruly child! You need a lesson!
13:46Arrgh, please! I'm sorry! Stop hitting me! Stop hitting me!
13:51From then on, every time the elder sister or her son cursed,
13:58their teeth would ache and their bodies would feel like they were being beaten.
14:03The old goblin returned to his three thousand year old tree
14:07and settled in for another three hundred years of rest.
14:21The End
