The Ghost Wedding | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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Bedtime story - Horror story Best Of Fairy Tales 2024
The Ghost Wedding | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:00The Ghost Wedding Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom where
00:18magic existed, two wizarding families couldn't stand each other.
00:26Rose, you go and distribute food to the poor.
00:31Thank you, Wizard Savvy, for creating food for us poor folk.
00:36Without him, my entire family would have starved.
00:39Wizard Savvy and his family are truly kind-hearted.
00:44Even though they are both wizards, Wizard Savvy is kind and good-hearted.
00:49But Wizard Moola, all she cares about is money oppressing us poor folk
00:54while serving the soldiers and officials.
00:57Wizard Moola is cruel and greedy.
01:00She's committed so many evil deeds.
01:09Ah, it hurts so much. I didn't steal anything. I'm innocent.
01:14Wizard Moola, use your magic to make him confess. I'll reward you well.
01:21How can we use magic for something like this?
01:26Son, as long as there's money and power involved, nothing is off-limits.
01:37Rose, how cruel is fate. I, son of Wizard Moola, have fallen in love with you.
01:43Daughter of Wizard Savvy, our families have been enemies for generations now.
01:49Jack, don't be so pessimistic.
01:51Maybe our love can end the centuries of hatred between our families.
01:59I hope the sealing charm in this lantern works.
02:02If it does, our wish will come true.
02:05And we'll be together forever, for all eternity.
02:10Don't worry. The life-bonding spell I spent nights researching is finally complete.
02:16Plus, you've already enchanted it with protection.
02:21We'll be together forever.
02:26Neither of you will ever get what you want.
02:31This is the spell that can break your life-bonding charm.
02:37I won't let the two of you be together either.
02:41Oh no! Stop, father!
02:44Mother, please don't destroy that charm.
02:49I know our families have a long history of conflict, but Rose and I truly love each other.
02:55We just want to be together. Please, accept our love.
03:00Rose, do you know who his mother is? Wizard Moola.
03:04She's notorious for creating spells, even deadly ones, just for money.
03:08I can't let my daughter marry into such a family.
03:12Typical words from a pathetic wizard who waves a useless wand all day.
03:17Magic exists to create power and wealth, not to help commoners who complain about suffering.
03:25If you continue to be this naive, your family will soon fall.
03:31Ha! A wicked wizard like you deserves to be cursed.
03:35I'll wait for the day you face the consequences of your evil.
03:40Father, please don't be so angry.
03:44Mother, please stop.
03:47Ha! He dares to curse my family. How could I possibly let that slide?
03:53What? You were the one who chided my family first. Today, I won't let you off.
03:59Let's see who should be afraid of whom.
04:02Today, I'll teach you a lesson.
04:05Let's see how powerful you are to challenge me.
04:24Mother, are you alright?
04:26Why did you have to risk your life like that?
04:29Why did you have to risk your life like that?
04:33If you still care for me, you'll end your relationship with him.
04:37If not, I'll die in protest.
04:41Ha! The mindset of the faint.
04:44If your daughter dares to woo my son again, I'll end her without hesitation.
04:51Mother, how could you say that?
05:04Jack, I miss you so much.
05:08You must be suffering too, wherever you are.
05:13Why can't we be together?
05:16What are family honor and hatred compared to love?
05:24Not what I say. Father will never understand our love.
05:29I need to escape and protect our love.
05:36Someone, let me out.
05:38Mother, I need to talk to you. I can't live without Rose.
05:45Jack, it's me, Rose.
05:50Thanks to the spirit separation spell I learned from my father, I escaped from home.
05:56The spirit separation spell? Isn't that dangerous? You could lose your soul?
06:02I don't care. I just wanted to see you.
06:05I possessed one of your servants and managed to get to you.
06:09Do you want to escape with me?
06:12Of course, Rose. Let's go. I know a secret way out.
06:20By now, our parents back home must have known that we've escaped.
06:27They're both powerful wizards. They'll find us, even if we hide at the ends of the earth.
06:34They'll come and separate us again, won't they?
06:37No, I will never leave you.
06:41I can't bear to be apart from you anymore.
06:46If, in this life, we're unable to be together...
06:50Then let's die together forever.
06:55As long as I'm with you, hell will feel like heaven.
07:02But fate, alas, is cruel.
07:07Rose, why did you do something so foolish?
07:10I'm sorry. I... I... I'm the one who pushed you into this.
07:21What? Are you saying my son can't be saved?
07:26My apologies. Wizard, I've done everything I can.
07:29If you don't mind, I'd like to apologize to you.
07:32My apologies. Wizard, I've done everything I can.
07:35His injuries aren't severe, but whether he wakes up or not,
07:39it is entirely dependent on him and his destiny.
07:43Please forgive me.
07:46Destiny? He's all I have. How can I leave my only son's life to destiny?
07:52Wizard, I heard that Rose, the daughter of Wizard Savvy, didn't survive.
07:56Could it be that she's holding onto Master Jack, wanting him to die with her?
08:00Maybe that's why he hasn't woken up?
08:03Of course. They wanted to die together.
08:07But my son was saved in time, so luckily he didn't die.
08:12That petty girl Rose, that girl must be trying to pull him down with her.
08:19We can't just stand by and let Master Jack die.
08:22As I recall, isn't there a way to break her hold on him?
08:31I found Lady Rose's handkerchief in Master Jack's room.
08:35It's a keepsake they exchanged.
08:38I'll cast a spell on Rose's handkerchief and let it fly away.
08:42The first man to pick up this handkerchief, he will become her one and only groom.
08:49They will be bound together for eternity.
08:52That man will die alongside her.
08:55They will be bound together for eternity.
08:58That man will die alongside her and follow her to the afterlife.
09:05This spell will create a ghost wedding.
09:08Once Rose is bound to another man, she won't be able to drag Master Jack to his death.
09:15I pity the poor misfortune fool who picks up this cursed handkerchief.
09:20He'll go down in place of my son.
09:26Abracadabra, handkerchief, fly with the wind and find the man who will die with Rose.
09:37Oh no, what is this?
09:39I only wanted to visit Jack one last time before passing on.
09:43But why has his mother done this?
09:46She wants to force me into a ghost wedding, binding me to a stranger.
09:51Oh, I don't want to marry someone I don't love.
09:54And I don't want an innocent person to die.
10:00What's going on here?
10:02Rose, are you here?
10:03Do you want to tell me something?
10:07Alright, I'll use the spirit separation spell to talk to you.
10:16Father, that spell is dangerous.
10:18You could lose your soul.
10:21It's alright, Rose.
10:22If it means I can see you again, it's worth the risk.
10:29I'm sorry.
10:32Don't cry, my daughter.
10:33It's all my fault for being so stubborn.
10:36Only thinking about family honor and not your happiness.
10:39I regret it all.
10:42Father, please don't blame yourself anymore.
10:45I don't hold it against you.
10:47But I need to ask for your help.
10:50If we don't act quickly, I will suffer for eternity.
10:54What is it? Tell me.
10:56I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy.
11:00Wizard Mola is preparing a ghost wedding to marry me to a stranger.
11:11You quickly and secretly find Lady Rose's bewitched handkerchief.
11:16It's flying toward the southern forest.
11:19You must not let it fall into any man's hands.
11:23Yes, sir!
11:25I will not let my daughter be forced to marry someone she doesn't love.
11:32Why hasn't father's servant found the handkerchief yet?
11:36I've been gathering wood all day.
11:38I need a rest.
11:41Oh, what a beautiful handkerchief.
11:44My wife would love this.
11:46Oh, no!
11:48If you touch that handkerchief, you'll be bound to me and you'll die.
11:58Wizard, we found Lady Rose's handkerchief.
12:01Good. I need to destroy it and dispel Mola's cast on it.
12:07But wait.
12:10For years, Mola has been a villain.
12:13And I couldn't stop her.
12:15She was too powerful with too many allies.
12:18But this time, she targeted my daughter.
12:23I have only one daughter, Rose.
12:26She is all I have.
12:28Her death shattered me.
12:30And yet, Mola won't even let her die in peace.
12:35If no one intervenes, my poor daughter, she will keep suffering for eternity.
12:41I've tolerated many things, but not this.
12:45I will avenge my daughter and give her a groom she truly desires.
12:50You there! I have an important task for you.
12:53Yes, sir.
13:11I hope you agree with my decision.
13:14After all, didn't you want to die with my daughter?
13:17Then you're the perfect groom for this ghost wedding?
13:23Oh, no, father!
13:25You can't!
13:27If Jack gets the handkerchief, if he becomes my groom in this ghost wedding, then he'll die.
13:34I truly want my daughter to be with the one she loves forever.
13:40I know you're doing all this for me.
13:43But this will bring misfortune to someone else.
13:48I can sense it.
13:50My spell has finally found the one to be the groom for the ghost wedding.
13:55You check on Master Jack right now.
13:58Oh, no! Master Jack is cold to the touch, and his breathing is weak.
14:03You evil woman!
14:05You wanted to lay down an innocent life to save your son.
14:08But now, the tables have turned.
14:11Your son is now the groom in the ghost wedding you created.
14:16He'll soon be with Rose.
14:18What nonsense are you talking about?
14:21Why is there a handkerchief in Master Jack's shirt?
14:25What? The bewitched handkerchief?
14:28How did it get into my son's shirt?
14:31What's happening? Why am I here?
14:35Theta, did you see anyone sneak in here?
14:39I don't remember.
14:41I was discussing something with the wizard outside the castle,
14:44when suddenly, a powerful force took over me, clouding my mind.
14:48When I regained consciousness, I was here.
14:51What? Could it be you were possessed?
14:56That voice you spoke in earlier?
14:59It sounded like Wizard Savvy.
15:02Only he could master the possession spell at such a level.
15:07Could it be?
15:09Could he have possessed you and brought the handkerchief here?
15:13But how could he? How did he possibly know about my plan?
15:18It's not looking good. Wizard, Master Jack's breathing is weak,
15:23and his pulse is almost gone. I think he's about to…
15:26Silence! My only son cannot die.
15:30Once the groom is found, the ghost wedding will proceed.
15:34Master Jack's soul is likely already at the wedding.
15:37No, I won't let my son die.
15:41This charm will keep Jack's body alive for a little longer.
15:45I must get to the ghost wedding. I'll bring my son's soul back.
15:56How did things end up like this?
16:00Rose, please don't cry. Isn't this what we always wished for?
16:05Once the ghost wedding is complete, our souls will be bound for eternity.
16:10Don't you want to be with me forever?
16:13I want to be with you, but…
16:17That's all that matters. If you want to be with me, let's not overthink it.
16:22Let's complete the wedding.
16:25I… I…
16:29Have you forgotten? We swore that if we couldn't live together, we'd die together.
16:35Are you going to leave me to live alone in misery?
16:38Without you, life would be worse than death.
16:41Please, Rose, let me be with you for eternity. Don't leave me in this world alone.
16:48I love you. How could I want to leave you?
16:52I just want us to be together forever.
16:55I know. Everything will be alright.
16:58If you both have reached an agreement, then let's proceed with the ceremony.
17:05Jack, do you take Rose as your wife?
17:08And do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and bad,
17:13in sickness and health, to love and honor her for all eternity?
17:18I do.
17:25Rose, do you take Jack as your husband?
17:28And do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and bad,
17:33in sickness and health, to love and honor her for all eternity?
17:39I… I…
17:42Say yes, Rose.
17:44Stop this. Please.
17:47Rose, I beg you. Please stop.
17:51Please stop. Jack's body is still alive. Let his soul return. Let him live.
17:58What are you doing here? The wedding is already happening. There's nothing you can do now.
18:04No matter how cruel I am, I am still a mother.
18:09How can I just stand by doing nothing and watch my only son die?
18:16Weren't you planning to sacrifice some other innocent man to save your son?
18:21He is someone's son, someone's husband, someone's father.
18:26Have you thought about the suffering you would cause his family?
18:30Your son has to pay for his mother's cruelty.
18:33No. Do you realize what you're doing right now?
18:37You're staining your own two hands with blood, Savvy.
18:41Your daughter just died. You of all people must know the pain of losing a child.
18:47I… I…
18:49You clearly understand your doing, so why would you cruelly take away someone else's child?
18:57I know I've done terrible things, all for money and power.
19:02I'm willing to take all the punishment, but please spare my son's life. Spare my son life.
19:11I… I was blinded by anger, trying to avenge my daughter, and I've driven your son to the brink of death.
19:18Part of me believed that's what he wanted, and what my daughter wanted.
19:22They loved each other so much that they wanted to go together.
19:26I'm only fulfilling that wish, something I couldn't do when my daughter was alive.
19:30No, you can't think that way. Your daughter is gone, but my son is still alive.
19:37This bond cannot continue.
19:40It seems my anger has made me heartless. I… I've made a terrible mistake.
19:48Rose, if you and Jack are here, please listen to me. I know how much you both love each other.
19:55I was cruel to try and separate you two, and force you to marry someone else.
20:00But please understand this poor mother. I only wanted to save my son's life.
20:06Fate allowed Jack to live. He deserves to keep living.
20:11You love him, don't you? Don't you want him to continue to live too?
20:16Rose, what my mother says isn't what I want. Please say yes, and we can be together forever.
20:23No, Jack. I can't do that.
20:26I beg you. Let me die with you. I'm begging you.
20:30No, you can't die. You have to live. You must live for both of us.
20:37I will always live inside your heart, filling your life with eternal love.
20:42I will be in your eyes, seeing the world through you.
20:47I will be in your breath, in your soul.
20:50I will be in your eyes, seeing the world through you.
20:54I will be in your breath, in your skin, and experiencing life with you.
21:00So you have to live and work to end the hatred between our families.
21:05So cherish your body, your life, and keep living, for both of us, because I will always be with you.
21:20I love you. I love you.
21:29Each night, place this charm on your forehead.
21:33No matter where you sleep, under a bridge or in a cave, you will be warm and safe.
21:38You won't need to worry about the cold or rain.
21:41Thank you, wizard.
21:44I've finished distributing food to the poor.
21:46There's still a lot of work left that I need your help with, Moola.
21:51Oh, you'll have to wait then. There are many people here who need my help today.
21:57Alright, alright.
22:16I love you.
