Three Magic Pebbles | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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Three Magic Pebbles
Bedtime story - Horror story | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:00Once upon a time, in a village far away, there was an honest, kind-hearted man named Joseph.
00:27I'm off to grind the rice. There's a lot today, so I probably won't be back until evening. Go ahead and eat dinner without me.
00:33Be sure to come back early. Don't get distracted and wander off, or you'll see what happens when you get home.
00:40I'll come straight back when I'm done. No wandering. But I have to go all the way to the Cassie River. It's not close by, you know.
00:47I know, I know. Just making sure you don't forget. It wouldn't hurt if this lousy village had a mill closer to home. When will we ever get one?
00:57I want that even more than you do. I'd better get going, it'll get too late.
01:02Yeah. Go on then, but make it quick. There's plenty of work at home.
01:10Good day, neighbors!
01:12Off to grind rice again, Joseph?
01:15So hardworking, aren't you?
01:18Yes, I'll be on my way now.
01:20Laura is really lucky, huh? She's so sharp-tongued, but she married a husband who's not only gentle and honest, but also hardworking.
01:31Exactly! They balance each other out perfectly. No wonder their home is so peaceful. You never hear them argue.
01:39Yeah, I agree. Their family may not have much wealth, but they've got each other, and that's what counts.
01:48That's a blessing right there.
01:57Uh, today's not my day. The usual road's flooded. Now I have to take a much longer detour. Must be from last night.
02:06Are you calling me? Who are you?
02:09I'm just a hermit who happens to pass by here. I need a small favor from you. Would you be willing to help?
02:16Oh, what do you need? If I can help, I'd be happy to.
02:20It's not a difficult task at all.
02:25Look over there!
02:27What's that?
02:29It's a sign.
02:30It's not a difficult task at all.
02:34Look over there! There are a total eight of us.
02:38Oh, all of them? They are hermits just like you?
02:43Yes, we're all hermits. We're about to begin our prayers, but we need ten people, and we're one short. Could you fill in for the missing person?
02:52But I don't know how to pray. I'm just a simple farmer, not very refined.
02:57Don't you worry. There's nothing, actually. All you need to do is sit with us, close your eyes sincerely, and chant Kiramira three times.
03:07Kiramira? Kira-mira. I got it. Is that all?
03:13Yes, but you must remain still for one full hour. Will you help us?
03:19One hour? It will be too late by then, and my wife will surely be furious. But if I don't do it, what are all of you going to do?
03:28It's part of our ritual. If we don't pray before sunset, we can't leave this place and we'll have to wait until tomorrow to try again.
03:38It's getting late. This place is so empty. It'd be a shame for you all to wait here until tomorrow.
03:45Alright, I'll help. I can be late a little. It's better than letting you stay here overnight.
03:52Thank you. You truly are a kind man. Please, follow me.
04:07Kira-mira. Kira-mira. Kira-mira.
04:24It's done! You can go now.
04:27So, you're all free to go now, right? I'll be heading home then.
04:32Wait! Here's a gift as our gratitude. Thank you so much for your kindness.
04:38A gift? What is it?
04:41These are three magical pebbles. Put them in your grain sack. But you must never tell anyone about them.
04:48If you keep the secret, your sack will never run out. But if you reveal the secret, your family will perish.
04:55Magical? I promise I won't tell anyone. Thank you very much.
05:01Oh! They've all disappeared. Did I just meet spirits? How strange.
05:10I wonder if what they said is true. If it is, I won't need to travel all that way to grind rice anymore. I'd better hurry home.
05:20Yesterday, I put the three pebbles in this sack and emptied all the flour. If what they said is true…
05:27Oh my gosh! The sack! It's full again!
05:31Honey! What are you doing in the kitchen this early? Shouldn't you be out in the field working?
05:39Ah, it's nothing. I was just taking a nap.
05:43What are you doing in the kitchen this early? Shouldn't you be out in the field working?
05:48Ah, it's nothing. I was just checking on the flour we ground yesterday.
05:53It's the same rice and flour as always. What's there to check? Hurry up and get to the field. There's plenty of work to do.
06:03That was close. The hermit said I must keep this a secret, or my family will die. I can't let her find out.
06:16Our sponge cakes sold out so quickly today. Over a hundred gone just like that. I need to knead more dough.
06:25At this rate, we'll run out of flour soon. And Joseph will have to go grind more.
06:33Wait a minute. Clearly I have used so much of the flour this morning. But now the sack is full again?
06:42Did Joseph refill it already? Without telling me?
06:46Hmph! He must have ground extra and kept it hidden somewhere. My husband sure has surprises.
06:54Well, at least there's more. Less work for him later.
06:58Honey, the flour's nearly gone again. Better grind more tomorrow.
07:04There's no need to go. Oh no! I almost spilled the secret.
07:09What do you mean, no need to go? If you don't, where will I get flour for my cakes?
07:15Our cakes are selling like crazy.
07:18I mean, there's no rush. Let's wait until it's all used up.
07:22I mean, there's no rush. Let's wait until it's all used up.
07:26And from now on, let me knead the dough for you, no need for you to handle the sack.
07:31Aren't you lovely? Now you want to take over kneading the dough for your wife?
07:37Well, you've been working so hard because of all the customers. I want to help out.
07:43Good. Don't forget to knead the dough tomorrow then.
07:48I won't!
07:53Wow! We sold even more cakes today than yesterday.
07:58If it keeps going like this, I probably need to double the batch.
08:02So many customers couldn't buy them today. Such a waste.
08:06Better knead some dough now. If I wait for him, it'll be too late.
08:10Wait! Where's the flour sack? Clearly I saw it here earlier.
08:17Maybe it's in the kitchen.
08:19Clearly I saw it here earlier.
08:22Maybe it ran out and Joseph took it to grind more.
08:26Just when I need it the most.
08:33Oh my god!
08:36Oh, it's just a rat. You scared me half to death.
08:40How dare you sneak into our pantry!
08:43Better watch out, I'm going to catch you, mice!
08:46Where are you hiding? Come out and face me!
08:51Oh, there's the flour sack. But, why did Joseph put it in the pantry here?
08:57I haven't had to worry about the flour recently. I thought it was still in the kitchen.
09:02Hmph! He made me worried for nothing.
09:06Wow! There's still so much flour.
09:10This man, why did he grind all this, without telling me?
09:13I'll take some for now and knead it, then come back for more.
09:32Time to get more flour for kneading.
09:35Wait! I just took a lot of flour, but now the sack is full again.
09:40But Joseph hasn't back home yet. There's no one to refill the sack.
09:45Could it be, that the sack refilled itself?
09:49That doesn't make any sense.
09:52Or, maybe someone snuck in to refill it?
09:56But who? That's even more nonsense.
09:59No one can enter the pantry beside me and Joseph.
10:03I need to test this again.
10:11Oh my goodness! It's true!
10:15The flour sack magically refilled itself.
10:19Joseph must have known about this and hid it from me.
10:24That's why he insisted on kneading the dough himself.
10:28All right. Let's see how long you can keep this from me.
10:33Just wait until you get home.
10:35What? You found out?
10:38Yes, I did.
10:41How long were you going to hide it from me?
10:44Tell me, why has the flour become magical?
10:49What kind of treasure are you hiding from me?
10:52I can't tell you. If I do, we'll all die.
10:56I'm sorry, Joseph.
10:59I'm sorry, too.
11:01I can't tell you. If I do, we'll all die.
11:05What kind of nonsense is that? Are you trying to scare me?
11:10Tell me now.
11:12Please believe me. I'm telling the truth.
11:15I promise not to reveal the secret.
11:18Isn't it enough that we have plenty of flour? Why does it matter where it comes from?
11:22No way. I can't live like this, not knowing the truth.
11:27I'll go mad if I don't find out.
11:30But I really can't tell you.
11:34Hmph. So you're hiding something from me.
11:38Am I even your wife, Joseph? You can know, but I can't?
11:42Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll leave this house.
11:45You can stay here alone with your magical flour sack.
11:49Please don't say that.
11:52I'm serious.
11:53I'm serious. Either you tell me, or starting tomorrow, you will never see me ever again.
12:00Fine. I'll tell you.
12:03Finally. Now, tell me everything.
12:08Here's what happened.
12:17So it's all because of three magic pebbles in the flour sack?
12:20I thought it would be some grand magical treasure or something.
12:24See? That's all there is to it, but you forced me to tell you.
12:29Yes. But if those three tiny pebbles are that powerful,
12:34I'm sure that, that Hermit has even more valuable treasures hiding from you.
12:39I think. Why don't you look for him again?
12:42This time, ask for something that can turn into gold?
12:48We have enough flour to live comfortably for the rest of our lives. Why would we need more?
12:53Why stop there? You're so foolish. This is useless.
12:58Such magic and flour is all that you want?
13:01If we can have gold or silver, we'd be truly wealthy Joseph.
13:06We can't. Besides, I don't even know where to find him.
13:09Joseph! What did you promise me? Why did you reveal the secret?
13:14Do you want to bring death upon your family?
13:17Please. I only told my wife. She won't tell anyone. Right, dear?
13:24Yes. Yes. I swear. I swear I won't tell a soul.
13:29Hmph. You've broken the pact. You will be punished.
13:33Please. Spare my wife. She's innocent. Punish me instead.
13:39My love. If only I had trusted you, none of this would have happened.
13:44Hmph. Fine. Since you are a good man, I won't take any lives.
13:51But your flour sack will forever remain empty, and the life of you and your husband, it will never be peaceful like before.
13:58That's your punishment for breaking your promise.
14:00Remember this.
14:06Oh no! My flour sack. This is all your fault. Are you satisfied now?
14:11This all happened because of your greed and curiosity.
14:14It's your fault. You couldn't even keep a simple secret, and now you're blaming me?
14:21Now we have no flour left. You're such a useless woman.
14:25What did you just say?
14:26As the hermit said, Joseph's flour sack remained empty, and the couple quarreled endlessly.
14:32Their lives were filled with misfortune from that day on.
14:56The End
