The Prince inside the Portrait | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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Bedtime story - Horror story Best Of Fairy Tales 2024
The Prince inside the Portrait | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:16Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom, there was a beautiful princess, yet she had no interest
00:24in love.
00:25No matter how many royal proposals she received, she declined them all.
00:33Princess, the king has fallen ill. He has summoned you to see him right now.
00:38What did you say? What has happened to him?
00:42Father, are you alright? Everything was fine the last time I saw you.
00:48I'm sorry for hiding this from you, but I'm weaker now every day.
00:53I'm afraid that I can't look after you much longer.
00:57Please don't say that. You will get better soon.
01:01Alice, you are my one and only daughter. I can't rest in peace until you have found
01:09yourself a decent man to take care of you.
01:13What? What do you mean, father?
01:16Each time I mentioned about your marriage, you always changed the subject.
01:22But you really have to consider it now. I know you don't want to see many faces,
01:29so I have given the order. Whoever wants to marry the princess,
01:34have to send a portrait of themselves to the palace.
01:39The portraits will arrive in a couple of days. Choose yourself a husband.
01:45This is my last wish. Can you do it for me?
01:50I understand, father. Please rest, we need you.
01:55Husband, husband, why do I have to have a husband?
01:59I'm totally capable of taking care of myself. Who needs a husband?
02:05Princess, look at all these portraits. There are thousands of them. This is absolutely awful.
02:13This is great! There are lots of princes who want to marry you.
02:16Who wouldn't? A gorgeous princess like you must be every princess's wish.
02:22I really don't want to get married. Please do it for the king. The king is sick.
02:28What if knowing you are getting married can help him back on his feet?
02:33Can't you see I'm trying? But none of them fits my taste.
02:40Can't pick a random guy. Take your time, princess.
02:46I know, you can leave now. Thank you.
03:10That melodious tune, where does it come from?
03:13It's so close. Does it, does it come from this chamber?
03:22The voice, the voice is coming from that portrait.
03:27Oh my god, a singing portrait.
03:30Greetings, my princess.
03:32Huh? A portrait is talking to me. Am I seeing things?
03:37Greetings, my princess.
03:39Um, greetings, prince, in the portrait.
03:44You are choosing a husband, aren't you? Do I fit your taste? I hope that we can be happy together.
03:49This man, he has the charm I've been looking for. I've never seen a charming prince like him.
03:56He looks mysterious. I want to know more about him.
04:01If we're going to marry, where can I find you?
04:06I can't just marry anyone, let alone a portrait.
04:10I am Prince Peter from the kingdom of Wali. But due to a curse, I am now an ice sculpture,
04:15being held at the castle of the Ice Queen. She forced me to marry her, but I resisted.
04:21Therefore, she trapped me in ice forever. The only way to undo the curse is
04:26getting a sincere kiss from a girl who loves me.
04:29That's horrible. Where is the evil queen's castle? I'll come and save you.
04:35The castle is three mountains and three rivers away from here. I can only say that much.
04:42What just happened? Am I dreaming? Did I really just have a conversation with a prince in a
04:48portrait? If it was the truth, I have to save him.
05:00Are you telling me the truth, Alice? Have you found your match? Who is that man?
05:06Let me send the messenger to inform him. Father, there's no need for a messenger.
05:12I will go to him myself. How is that possible? You're a princess.
05:18He should be the one who comes to you. Besides, who knows what could be on the way?
05:25Father, I have followed your wishes for this marriage. Please approve my wish this once.
05:33All right, all right. As long as you're getting married.
05:37If father knows that I'm looking for Prince Peter myself, who is trapped under the curse
05:42of the Ice Queen? He'd definitely stop me. If not, he could send a lot of soldiers along.
05:48She'll definitely know that something is up. She cursed Peter. Who knows what she could do next?
05:54Best I get there unnoticed. I will go alone.
05:59Oh, it's morning already. I've fallen asleep. I guess I was too tired traveling all night.
06:07Now, Alice, eat then go.
06:28I traveled 10 days and nights, yet I just managed to cross one river and one mountain.
06:35If I keep going, it will take at least 20 more days to get to the Ice Queen's castle.
06:42Looks like my horse won't be able to run much longer.
06:45Traveling by foot would be so much harder without him.
06:49I'm sure he'll be all right.
06:51Looks like my horse won't be able to run much longer.
06:54Traveling by foot would be so much harder without him.
06:58Oh, my foot hurts. It hurts so badly.
07:06Mrs, what has happened? Did you get injured?
07:11Yes, I was looking for some fruits to eat.
07:15My bare foot must have stepped on some sharp stones. The cut is deep.
07:21Oh, you poor thing. I'll clean the wound and pat you up.
07:27You can do that? Thank you so much. I don't feel the pain anymore.
07:33No, don't mention it. It's thanks to this healing potion.
07:37I packed some medicines just in case something happened.
07:40Who knew I would use them to help someone?
07:44Really? Oh, you are thoughtful.
07:48In the meantime, wear your shoes. You really shouldn't go barefoot at your age.
07:52What if you got hurt again?
07:55I can't. If I wear your shoes, how would you walk then?
08:01I'm not walking. I have my horse.
08:04Moreover, I'm young. My eyesight is good.
08:07I won't get injured just because of some sharp stones. You can rest assured.
08:13You're so kind.
08:14Here you go. Bread and milk. I heard that you're looking for food.
08:18You can have all of this bread and milk. There should be enough for a few days.
08:22And please take some rest.
08:25You are such a kind and warm-hearted lady. You're going on a trip, you say?
08:32Oh, let me hear it. Where are you heading, dear?
08:36Well, actually, I'm Princess Alice of Kingdom Saree.
08:40Princess Alice of Kingdom Saree. I'm on my way to the Castle of the Ice Queen.
08:45I need to save the one I love, Prince Peter, from her curse.
08:50You are going to that evil queen's castle all by yourself?
08:55She is well known as a vicious, malicious witch. How could you go against that?
09:01I don't know either. I'm just following what my heart says.
09:06I fell in love with Peter the moment I saw him. All I want is to be with him.
09:12You're a brave and sincere young girl. I believe that you can save the man you love.
09:21Oh, dear. You... you are...
09:25The Ferdant Fairy. Your kind heart and burning love have touched me. Let me help you.
09:34Oh, thank you, Ferdant Fairy.
09:38This is the Ice Slipper and the Shapeshifter Gem.
09:42These are my gifts to you. Use them wisely and save your prince, my dear.
09:47Thank you, Ferdant Fairy.
09:57This gem will help you to change to anything you want.
10:02I believe you will find it useful.
10:20Finally, I found it. The home of the ice cream. It's so cold it creeps me out.
10:29These ice slippers. If you could make the Ice Queen wear them, I'm sure it will be fire.
10:36I understand.
10:39But how can I make her volunteer to take these slippers and put them on?
10:45Let's see.
10:48I am Prince Peter from the Kingdom of Wali. But due to a curse, I am now an ice sculpture,
10:54being held at the castle of the Ice Queen. She forced me to marry her, but I resisted.
10:59Therefore, she trapped me in ice forever. The only way to undo the curse is
11:04getting a sincere kiss from a girl who loves me.
11:08That's horrible. Where is that evil queen's castle? I will come and save you.
11:15She made the prince marry her. She must have a thing for a beautiful, charming man.
11:20The shapeshifter gem. That's it. I've got it.
11:30I am Prince Alice.
11:37Why is the castle so quiet? Is anyone here?
11:40A handsome young man at my door. What a pleasant surprise.
11:47You... you are?
11:50I am Ice Queen, owner of this very castle. And you? Can I know your beautiful name?
12:00I am Princess... uh, Prince Alice.
12:03Prince Alice. Beautiful name, beautiful man. And here I thought Prince Peter is the most
12:12handsome man out there. I was wrong. You are even more charming than him.
12:20Thank you for your compliment. Your beautiful name is Prince Alice.
12:25I was wrong. You are even more charming than him.
12:30Thank you for your compliment. You're beautiful, as people say.
12:34Your beauty was the main reason why I came all the way here today.
12:38Is that so? You're too enchanted by my beauty.
12:43Yes. Yes, I am.
12:46Hahaha! Finally, there's someone who knows how to use their eyes.
12:59Has no one ever complimented your gorgeous appearance?
13:02Ah, of course there are. But I don't fancy any of them.
13:09Their appearance wasn't worth my attention.
13:12And those who I like don't want to be with me. So I have turned them all into ice sculptures.
13:22Is Prince Peter one of those foolish men who turned you down?
13:26Yes, but forget him. He is now forever a popsicle.
13:32I fancy you, my dear. Would you want to be my husband?
13:39Or do you want to end up like him?
13:44Of course I want to marry you. To be with you is everything I've ever dreamed of.
13:49To show you, my love, I've even come with a gift to propose. Will you marry me?
13:53Oh my! A gorgeous pair of ice slippers.
13:59A beautiful pair of slippers for a beautiful queen.
14:02It took a lot of effort to get these for you.
14:04Will this token of my love be enough for you, my queen?
14:07I love them, and I love you even more.
14:12My beautiful beloved ice queen, be with me the rest of my life.
14:16If you agree, then please let me put these on for you.
14:20Yes, I agree.
14:23It is settled then. Give me your feet.
14:31I've never seen such beautiful slippers. Thank you.
14:36Anything you want, dear.
14:39Ah! What is happening? Aren't these made of ice?
14:43Dare to fool me!
14:46You won't survive from this flame, you vicious queen. Go to hell!
14:57Now that the queen is gone, where is Prince Peter? I need to find him.
15:02Prince Peter, I'm coming for you.
15:07Peter, here you are.
15:11You poor thing. God knows how long you've been turned into ice.
15:15If only I could have come here sooner to save you.
15:19She forced me to marry her, but I resisted. Therefore, she trapped me in ice forever.
15:24The only way to undo the curse is getting a sincere kiss from a girl who loves me.
15:36Finally, I am free. I am no longer an ice statue. I owe you. Thank you. Thank you for saving me.
15:43I have freed you from the evil queen.
15:46You're one of a kind, don't you know?
15:48You have gone through hell and back to rescue a man you have just met. I sincerely thank you.
15:53Who told you to come to me inside a portrait?
15:56I have been captivated by you. The moment I saw your portrait, I have found myself in your portrait.
16:04The moment I saw your portrait, I have vowed to love only you for my whole life.
16:11But I wonder, you were an ice sculpture the whole time.
16:15How could you get into the portrait and come to me like that?
16:19Ah, I have met a really kind-hearted fairy. She was the one who helped me.
16:25Oh my god, will I have to stay in this ice sculpture for the rest of my life?
16:30Anyone there? Help me, please.
16:36Poor young man. I really want to help you, but my magic is no match to that evil ice queen.
16:44However, I do know how to get you out of her curse.
16:47The only way to undo the curse is getting a true love kiss from a sincere girl.
16:52You will be normal again.
16:54True love's kiss? How can I even find a girl here?
17:00Princess Alice of Kingdom Saree is looking for a husband through their portrait.
17:05I will send your portrait to her with my magic.
17:08If you can make her love you through this, then there might be hope for you.
17:13I didn't know if you were willing to come here, but you have risked so much to save me.
17:18I'm lucky to have you.
17:19I think fate has brought us together. I met a fairy too.
17:24If it wasn't for the kind-hearted fairy's help, I couldn't have rescued you.
17:29We really have come a long way.
17:32Indeed. Now shall we head back to my kingdom?
17:34I want to ask my father to give us his blessing.
17:37Will you marry me?
17:39Yes, I will. But please can we go back to my kingdom first?
17:43My father must be worried, since I've been away by myself.
17:48Of course. How inconsiderate of me. I love you.
17:52How inconsiderate of me. I love you.
17:55So do I, my love.
17:57Soon after, a huge wedding between the two kingdoms occurred.
18:03Prince Peter and Princess Alice, through hardship, are finally together.
18:10They live happily ever after.
