The Magical Horn | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories

  • 2 days ago
Bedtime story - Horror story
The Magical Horn | Best Of Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories | English Aqsa's Stories
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00:00The Magical Horn
00:14Once upon a time, there was a soldier named Alan,
00:18who had just been discharged and was happily on his way home to reunite with his family.
00:25Wow! I've been walking all day, and I'm only a third of the way home.
00:30Looks like I need to find a place to rest before continuing.
00:39Refreshing! I'm completely awake now!
00:42Hey, young man!
00:45Are you calling me?
00:47Beside you and me here. Do you see anyone else?
00:51What's this about? I don't think we know each other.
00:54We don't need to know each other to talk, right?
00:57You may not know about me, but I know a lot about you.
01:02Oh, really?
01:04You're Alan, the soldier who was just discharged, and now you're on your way home.
01:10Am I right?
01:12Oh, how do you know that about me?
01:15I also know that the bag you're carrying only has a few stale pieces of bread,
01:20some old clothes, and two pairs of torn socks.
01:24You don't have a single coin on you, do you?
01:28I can't believe it! You've described everything perfectly.
01:32You can see through my bag? Are you some kind of wizard?
01:36Hmm. Just a few tricks. Nothing that could be called magic yet.
01:42Well, it doesn't matter if you know magic or not. It has nothing to do with me.
01:47I'm just happy that I'm about to go home to see my mother after all these years.
01:51Even though you don't have a single coin? And as I understand it, your mother is quite poor as well.
01:58That's alright with me.
02:00Hmm. You're quite the optimist. But I believe no one in this world wouldn't want to be rich.
02:07Surely, you'd want to be wealthy too, right?
02:12Dreams will always just be dreams. If they can't come true, it's better not to think about them.
02:18That's what I learned in the army.
02:20Who says dreams can't come true?
02:23Help me with one task, and I'll give you 1,000 gold coins.
02:28You're joking, right? What kind of task could be worth that much?
02:32You're not asking me to kill someone or break into a lady's chamber to steal her away from you, are you?
02:39Those are just trivial matters easy to do on the surface.
02:45The task I need you to do lies underwater.
02:49What? What exactly are you talking about?
02:52I want you to dive into this river and bring me something from the bottom.
02:58It's worth 1,000 gold coins.
03:01Dive to the bottom of the river? Are you insane?
03:05This river is thousands of meters deep. I can't hold my breath that long.
03:10I'd dive before I could bring you anything.
03:13Who said anything about holding your breath?
03:16Here's a magical sword that parts the water, allowing you to walk straight to the bottom.
03:22What? A sword that parts water? I have to try it first.
03:26Wow! It really works! The water is parting!
03:30With this sword, I've got nothing to fear.
03:34Take these three packs of beef and two packets of powder.
03:39Follow my instructions carefully.
03:42Alright, I'm in!
03:49When you reach the bottom, you'll find a large cave guarded by three water serpents.
03:56Throw each of them a pack of beef, and they'll move aside for you.
04:02Then, go deeper inside, and you'll come across a magnificent castle.
04:11Inside the castle, there is a large room with two lions.
04:16Throw the two packets of powder into their eyes, and they'll be blinded.
04:21Once that's done, proceed into the next room.
04:26In the center of the room, there's a large iron chest, and a giant snake lies on top of it.
04:33It will spit venom at you if you get too close.
04:36But don't be afraid, just say to it.
04:40I am Alan, son of Reno from Dinamo.
04:45Oh wow! It's actually leaving!
04:47I just said that, and the snake slithered away. That old man's advice really works.
04:52Look! The chest is opening by itself.
04:55The horn he wanted must be inside.
04:57Let's grab it and head back for my 1,000 gold coins.
05:04Only Alan, son of Reno from Dinamo, can open this chest?
05:09Does that mean this horn belongs to me?
05:12That's right. When I faced the snake, I introduced myself, and it left right away.
05:18My father passed away when I was young, so I never knew his name.
05:22But that old man knew everything.
05:24He even had a magical sword, so he must be a wizard.
05:28But this... and this horn...
05:31If the inscription on the chest is true, this horn rightfully belongs to me.
05:36That wizard just used me to get it.
05:38This must be no ordinary horn.
05:42Alright, I'll go ask that old man what this is all about.
05:48There it is! Hand over the brass horn!
05:51Here's your payment, 1,000 gold coins!
05:56Hold on!
05:57You need to explain why this horn is so important that you'd pay 1,000 gold coins just for me to retrieve it.
06:04Uh, well...
06:05This horn was passed down from my ancestors.
06:08It was stolen by a monster long ago and hidden in a castle at the bottom of the river.
06:14I only recently found out where it was.
06:17Now, hand it over.
06:21You're lying, old wizard!
06:23I saw the inscription on the iron chest.
06:25Only Aelin can open it.
06:27That means this horn belongs to me.
06:30I'm not giving it to you.
06:32Keep your money and get out of here.
06:34You... you dare break your promise?
06:36I told you to retrieve it for me.
06:38I only took what's rightfully mine.
06:40There's no shame in that.
06:42You can have your sword back.
06:45I swear, you'll regret keeping that horn.
06:48You'll be cursed for your greed.
06:56It's getting dark.
06:57Luckily, I've left that forest behind and the old wizard isn't chasing after me.
07:02I should find a place to stay for the night so I'll have the strength to continue tomorrow.
07:08There's a house with lights still on.
07:10Maybe they haven't gone to bed yet.
07:14Is anyone home?
07:17Who's there?
07:19Ah, sorry to bother you so late.
07:22I'm a soldier who was just discharged and on my way home.
07:26It's gotten dark and I was wondering if I could stay the night.
07:29I'll leave first thing in the morning.
07:32Oh, that's not a problem at all.
07:35Come in.
07:36You can stay here.
07:38Thank you very much.
07:41This is my son's room.
07:43He's also in the army, so it's empty.
07:46You can sleep here for the night.
07:48Thank you, ma'am!
07:52Sigh, why can't I sleep?
07:54I still don't know what this horn is capable of.
07:57It must be something extraordinary to be hidden deep inside that castle at the bottom of the river
08:01and for that old wizard to be willing to pay 1,000 gold coins for it.
08:06Maybe I should try blowing it softly, just to see what happens.
08:16Who are you?
08:18Greetings, Master.
08:20From this moment on, I am your servant, Master.
08:23Whatever you need, just say the word and I will fulfill your wish.
08:28You! You came out of the horn?
08:31You can make anything I wish for come true?
08:34Yes, anything you desire.
08:37Then, can you take me home right now, okay?
08:40Of course, Master.
08:49Oh my, Aelyn! Where did you come from?
08:53Mother! Is that you?
08:55Is this our home? I've made it back home?
08:58Yes, your home, but how did you get here?
09:01This is incredible! I really made it home! This horn is truly magical!
09:06What horn are you talking about?
09:08Here! I retrieved it from the bottom of a river.
09:11When I blow into it, a spirit will appear and he will grant my wishes.
09:17Is that so? Your father used to tell stories about this horn, but I never believed it was real.
09:24It's real, Mother! This must be the horn our ancestors left behind for us.
09:29We'll never have to live in poverty again!
09:32Mother, to celebrate my return from the army and the fact that I now have this magical horn,
09:37let's invite the entire village tomorrow and throw a grand feast!
09:41A grand feast? But...
09:45Mother, don't forget! I have the horn! We can have all the food we need!
09:50Alright, alright. I'll invite everyone tomorrow.
09:54I want 100 lavish banquet tables to feed the entire village tomorrow.
09:59Yes, Master!
10:02Now I understand why the old wizard wanted this horn so badly.
10:06It's a good thing I was smart enough to keep it.
10:09It's time to start thinking about my future.
10:13I want to become the richest noble in the entire Denamo region.
10:17Yes, Master!
10:21I'm so happy! Now I can have anything I want! Praise the magical horn!
10:29I can't believe it! We've become so rich, my son! This is unbelievable!
10:36From now on, Mother, whatever you want, just tell me and I'll make it happen.
10:40This is already more than enough for me.
10:43All I wish for now is that you settle down, get married, then I'll be truly happy.
10:50Before, when we were poor, no one wanted to marry me.
10:53But now that I'm the richest man in the region, the girls will be lining up to marry me.
10:57But I don't want any of the local girls.
10:59What do you mean? Have you already set your sights on someone from outside the village?
11:05Have you heard the princess is looking for a husband?
11:07She's stunningly beautiful. Only someone like her would be a worthy match for me.
11:12You want to marry the princess? That's impossible!
11:16The king would never agree.
11:18No matter how rich we are, we have no title or noble rank.
11:22We're not suited for the princess.
11:24Mother! You're forgetting that I have the magical horn.
11:27Later, I'll summon the spirit. I'll have him fulfill this wish for me.
11:32Oh yes, I remember. But, my son, don't overuse the power of the horn.
11:37Love should come from the heart. No magic in the world could change that.
11:43I just want you to be happy.
11:46Don't worry. This horn can do anything.
11:49Just wait and see. I'll become the prince.
11:52You'll be so proud.
11:57Huh? Why are you here? Where's the giant?
12:01The horn can only grant three wishes.
12:04You've already used all three. Your time is over.
12:07Now, it's time for me to take it back.
12:09What? It only grants three wishes? So where are you taking the horn?
12:14It's going back to where it belongs.
12:16Oh no! So the horn can only grant three wishes?
12:19I thought it would give me unlimited wishes.
12:21Now, my dream of marrying the princess will never come true.
12:26If only I could turn back time, I would never have wasted my first two wishes.
12:30That damned wizard! Why didn't he tell me this before?
12:47I'm so frustrated. Losing the horn is such a disappointment.
12:51If only I could go back to the river and retrieve it again.
12:54I bet every time someone takes it from the chest, its magic will be refreshed.
12:58And it can grant three new wishes.
13:00But without the wizard's magical sword, how could I go down again?
13:06Magical sword here! Magical water parting sword!
13:11Huh? That sword.
13:14Who said you had to hold your breath?
13:16Here's the magical sword that can part the water and take you to the bottom of the sea.
13:20Use it!
13:22What? A magical sword that parts water?
13:25This sword looks exactly like the one the old wizard had. Could it be?
13:29Young man, do you want to buy this sword?
13:32You said this sword can part water, right? Are you telling the truth?
13:37Yes, that's right. There are only two swords like this in the world.
13:42They are family heirlooms. One has been lost.
13:46And this one, I'm selling it because since I'm old now, a bit of money would be better.
13:52Only two swords? Could the other one belong to the old wizard?
13:56They look so similar.
13:58How can I be sure this sword really parts water like you say?
14:03Hmm. Take the sword and try it out for yourself.
14:06If it works, you can come back and pay me.
14:09Does that sound fair?
14:12Alright, you've convinced me. I'll take the sword.
14:16It seems like luck is on my side. With this sword, I'll go back and retrieve the horn again.
14:32I've packed three pieces of beef and two packets of powder.
14:35This time, I'll be quick.
14:37I'll use my three wishes wisely and not make the same mistakes as before.
14:43Amazing! The water is parting!
14:47What's happening? Why is the water closing in?
15:00I warned you, didn't I? You'll regret keeping that horn.
15:05Now, you'll never be able to return to the surface again.
15:13It turns out the old man selling the sword was the same wizard in disguise.
15:19He gave Alan a fake sword, and Alan was swept away by the current.
15:25He died, a victim of his own greed.
15:34To be continued...
