Is Media TOUGH on Kyle Shanahan?

  • 11 hours ago
00:00Yeah, it's all absolutely got a raw deal.
00:02Now, back to Stiney and Guru on 95.7 The Game.
00:08They got the Jets lost last night, baby.
00:11They need to go 8-3 for you to win the bet.
00:13I don't want to win it.
00:14That'll be the best pay-up I'll ever have.
00:16But you have to pay then.
00:17I just said it.
00:18I'll be more than happy to, but they get Devontae Adams.
00:22You don't have the ha-ha.
00:25We're talking about the media, and specifically how we treat the 49ers as opposed to how the
00:32Eagles maybe get treated, how the Jets and Giants get treated, how Dallas gets treated,
00:37the Cowboys, and the reputation that the Bay Area is a soft media market.
00:43Well, let me throw it out this way, Guru.
00:47I think Tim Kawakami of the SF Standard, he asks the tough questions, doesn't he?
00:56Does it in an understated way?
00:58Not really confrontational, phrases it appropriate.
01:01But I don't think there's a question that Tim Kawakami won't ask of a big boy or a big
01:06boy player.
01:07That's interesting, and I love Tim, and I'll say this.
01:13I think that comes more in a podcast form, now that the climate's changed, and he'll
01:21go there.
01:22But our former friend Larry Krueger, right now, I dub him, Stony, as the one that's going
01:26to ask the real questions.
01:28So I got to give him some love for that.
01:31But Tim's a big boy.
01:34But just right now, Stony, my thing about the Brandon Aiyu, Kyle Shanahan relationship,
01:40and again, who am I to even point fingers?
01:43I just feel like as a whole, how is your relationship with Brandon Aiyu, Coach, because it seems
01:48like you guys aren't on the same page, and there's whispers that you guys might not even
01:53like each other.
01:54Is that blown out of proportion?
01:55You know what he's going to say.
01:57He's going to say, we're fine.
01:59But as a fan, I think I would feel relieved that somebody even tried to crack the code.
02:05And you might get the company answer.
02:07But maybe it was asked, and I'm wrong.
02:09I'm going to stick up for the media.
02:11But I understand the debate.
02:13I mean, he did get asked about what happened with the shorts, and Shanahan turned it into
02:17a joke.
02:20He said, well, I don't know what he said, but he...
02:23Now what if somebody would have came behind the joke?
02:25Another person is saying, okay, what about the core essence of your relationship with
02:30Do you regret the contract extension, Kyle?
02:33Oh, come on.
02:34No, I'm just like...
02:35He's not going to say, yes, we do.
02:36Oh, okay.
02:37I hear you.
02:38I mean, he's going to say, absolutely not.
02:39He's not getting the answers.
02:40He's asking the questions to maybe get the answer.
02:43But I mean, a question like, do you regret signing Brandon IU?
02:47Easy for me to say.
02:49Well, even if it's an appropriate question, you're not going to get, yes, yes, it was.
02:56You're just, you're not.
02:57I don't think.
02:58But I also think part of this, and we're going to jump into calls in a moment.
03:03I also think part of this, and I get it.
03:06The Bay Area's always had a reputation, media-wise, of being soft.
03:10But I do think that you have to put some of it into context.
03:15And that is, in the last 15 years, the Giants won three World Series.
03:20The Golden State Warriors won four NBA Finals.
03:25And the Niners haven't gotten the big prize, but boy, they've been successful during the
03:29Harbaugh era and now during the Shadohan era.
03:32So is it a function of, you know, these teams that we cover and we ask questions about,
03:37they're all pretty good.
03:39Or obviously the Giants have now gone through a dry spell, but I do think they're different.
03:43But it's still, Stani, I think, and I'm not saying you're wrong, it's bigger than wins
03:47and losses.
03:48I don't know.
03:49The Kevin Durant situation.
03:51Evan came in and had posed a great question.
03:52Do you think, had we been harder or softer, he would have stayed?
03:55He would have.
03:56Could the media as a whole have done something different?
03:58Did we run him out of town?
04:00Or was that drama?
04:01I don't know.
04:02Well, there are, there are some.
04:03Could there have been something facilitated or done different to where maybe he would
04:07have looked at this situation here differently?
04:09He looked at his, just going off of his words, that he got treated unfairly and differently.
04:15And I don't know if it's our job to bend over backwards to make him feel any different.
04:20No, I thought, I thought he got treated fairly.
04:25I think there are, there are some Warrior fans that feel like the media ran him out
04:28of town.
04:31I don't quite see it, but I think that's out there.
04:34888-957-9570 is the number.
04:38Let's get it started.
04:39Let's go to Allen in Walnut Creek.
04:42What's going on, Allen?
04:43How you doing, man?
04:44What do you want, Allen?
04:45What do you want from us?
04:46Hey, fellas.
04:47Thanks for taking the call.
04:48Hope you guys are doing good.
04:50Look, I do think it's different here.
04:53I mean, if we want to stick with the Niners, the last time you guys played Jerry earlier,
04:57the last time I remember anything from Jed York, it was winning with class and all the
05:02debacles that came out of the Harbaugh era.
05:06And you know, we don't really hear anything else from him, but I think it goes beyond
05:09the Niners.
05:10And, you know, look, I think the Wiggins situation you guys were talking about, I mean, look,
05:16that's a personal, that's an off the court thing.
05:17What I would have, I mean, what, what happened in the aftermath of Draymond and Jordan Poole?
05:21We kind of just under the rug, got Jordan out of town and that was that.
05:26But that whole dynamic, I don't know the team's recovery.
05:29Ah, Alan, you cut out.
05:36There is something off that though.
05:37The last time we heard Jed York speak, people felt like he stepped in it because he said
05:41his quarterback was going to reset the market.
05:43It's true.
05:45And we were talking about how that's going to negatively impact the team.
05:48So what do you want?
05:51And that wasn't facilitated by a confrontational interview.
05:54It was just a question that was asked and he answered it.
05:58And you're right.
05:59But I don't think that was a like, I don't think he said anything wrong.
06:03I think that came out of euphoria.
06:05But unless he's, you know, he can't blindfold what we're watching.
06:10And right now it looks like we're watching a guy that's about to get more money than
06:14he's ever made in his life.
06:15But Stani, just on that alone, was that I'm just asking you and Evan, was that the worst
06:20thing to say that I think my quarterback might reset the market?
06:25I think it was a statement that some people said he shouldn't have said and other people
06:31didn't care for the most part, because I think a lot of people said, well, yeah, I mean,
06:35if he continues to play like this, he will reset the market.
06:39I just thought, oh, that's an interesting thing to say a year before you have to say
06:43it when a lot of what he's going to do this year will determine whether he resets the
06:48market or not.
06:49888-957-9570 is the number.
06:54Let's go to let's go to Cove in the town.
06:58What's up, Cove?
06:59How you doing, man?
07:01How you doing?
07:03Go ahead and allow me on the radio here.
07:06But I'll just say a couple of things.
07:09I think it's a lack of accountability from ownership down.
07:12And what I mean by that is very simple.
07:14If we just want to take the two regimes that under Eddie DiBartolo and every since Jeb
07:20York has been running the team, we can see that Eddie D had a lot of class and he set
07:25the market on how owners should be and how they should treat their players and run the
07:29whole entire organization.
07:31The 49ers, ever since Eddie D has taken over, haven't won anything.
07:35But the fans and the media offer this delusion of entitlement, like they're entitled to winning
07:43the title every single year.
07:45And I don't agree with that.
07:46There's 31 other teams out there that are equally working hard to make it happen.
07:51But when there's no questions asked about the accountability of what's going on in the
07:56organization or when someone messes up or does something wrong, if the question is asked,
08:01it's asked only one time.
08:03The difference is in other states and in other cities, the question is continued.
08:09It's stayed on and it's repeated and asked.
08:12And then the Warriors showed their true colors as well.
08:15And what the caller said previous to that, what I think he was getting to was when the
08:19whole Draymond thing came and he beat up a pool, there was no accountability again from
08:26the ownership all the way down.
08:28That translates to other places and to the players and to the fans.
08:34The fans want to know what's going on.
08:36They're in the game.
08:37They're invested in the game.
08:40Get the call, Cove.
08:41A lot of good stuff.
08:42But, Stony, I just feel like, just from my experience or our experience, we called out
08:47that whole pool Draymond situation as much as we can.
08:50Is he asking there was more to it and we didn't get to the bottom of it?
08:53Or we asked the pertinent questions but got the standard answers?
08:57Well, I do think, I do agree with Cove that questions get asked more in other markets.
09:05I absolutely think there's something to the effect of, hey, Steve Kerr, how did the punch
09:16affect the team?
09:17Well, it hurt us and I think it might have cost us and da-da-da-da-da.
09:20Okay, that's it.
09:22Which he said as much.
09:24And that's it.
09:25But I do think that there are other markets where you do follow up and you follow up and
09:33you follow up.
09:34That's what I'm talking about.
09:35But that's also one of those things where you do it too much and we're watching saying,
09:41okay, he's not going to answer the way you want him to answer or her.
09:46So really, don't you appreciate that more than it never not being?
09:51Up to a point.
09:52Up to a point.
09:53And I'm just the type of person, just removing myself, Stony, just I appreciate the effort.
09:59But that goes, and like you said, Goo, you may not get the answer.
10:02And I just told you about 30 minutes ago, Stony, it's not the answer so much, it's,
10:07are you going to ask it?
10:09And if you keep asking it, I think you get more respect, like, you know what, we're trying.
10:14And then just like you said, we're not going to get it.
10:17But you can't be mad at us because we did our job trying to get Pride that answer.
10:21You know, I'm thinking, okay, this week, the 49ers play the Chiefs.
10:25All right.
10:26They haven't played them since the Super Bowl.
10:28So is it fair to ask Kyle Shanahan, you know, looking back at the Super Bowl, you know,
10:35do you wish you would have handled overtime differently?
10:37I think it's more like that, like total fair.
10:42And it should be asked.
10:43And he will say, you know what, we're not, we're not focused on what happened at the
10:48Super Bowl.
10:49We're preparing for him this week.
10:51And we're going to, we're going to try to do our best this week to beat him.
10:56I don't really think it serves any purpose to talk about a Super Bowl from seven months
11:01I'm just telling you, I think that's what he would say.
11:03What do you think?
11:04No, I get that.
11:05I would say, Kyle, you've lost two Super Bowls to this team.
11:08Does that keep you up at night?
11:10How much do you give?
11:11Do you think about that in the offseason when you see the Chiefs?
11:14Is that something you think about?
11:15Because you could have two Super Bowl victories right now.
11:19888-957-9570 is the number.
11:24We're asking a question of Bay Area sports fans, and it's simple.
11:29Are we holding the owners, the GMs, the coaches, and the players accountable enough?
11:37And do other cities do it better than us?
11:40And would you like that we do more of that here?
11:43888-957-9570 or are you okay with the way that these guys get questioned, Shanahan?
