Met Office Saturday Evening Weather Forecast 21/09/2024

  • 2 days ago
21 September - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there, good evening. With Sunday marking the autumnal equinox, summer has now officially
00:06come to an end and it ended with a bang for some of us. We've seen some very heavy showers
00:10and thunderstorms spreading their way in across certain areas of England into parts of Wales
00:15as well during the course of today. This evening those will continue to rumble their way on
00:19a bit, spreading again into parts of Midlands, Wales and then maybe just clipping the far
00:23south of Northern Ireland as well. Into the early hours of tomorrow morning we'll also
00:28see our next batch of thundery rain moving its way into southern areas of England as
00:32well. Quite a cloudy night for north-eastern England and up into eastern Scotland as well.
00:37Some drizzle, mist and murk around here, but cooler conditions underneath the clearest
00:41skies across parts of western Scotland, maybe even a touch of frost in the most sheltered
00:44regions. But for most of us it is certainly going to be a very mild night, holding up
00:48in the teen figures, 15-16 degrees Celsius as your lows for the likes of south-east England.
00:54We do then have a rain warning in force throughout Sunday for this band of rain that's going
00:59to be moving across Wales, central-southern areas of England. Some very heavy pulses are
01:03possible with some surface water issues, travel disruption, so it is worth taking care if
01:08you are out and about here or travelling during the day. Maybe even some thunderstorms developing
01:12as we head into the afternoon for a time. Further towards the north it's a bit drier,
01:17still with that drizzle though along eastern coastal regions and still quite dull and gloomy
01:21here. The best of the sunshine certainly is going to be across the likes of the Highlands,
01:24Argyll and Bute. Temperatures will respond here, pushing towards 18-19 degrees Celsius
01:29even for the likes of Oban, Fort William and other western areas of Scotland. 20-21 degrees
01:34Celsius is still possible in the south as well, but it's going to be feeling much more
01:37humid here underneath all that rain and cloud as it spills its way in. This rain will still
01:44be in place as we head throughout Sunday evening as well, gradually stalling a touch across
01:48parts of Wales into the central region during that overnight period. Again, some very heavy
01:53pulses are possible and we have another rain warning that comes into force on Monday as
01:57well. There's some uncertainty just in regards to the exact positioning of this rain on Monday,
02:01so it is worth staying up to date with the forecast for all the latest, but potential
02:05for eastern Wales into the Midlands up towards north-eastern England to see some very heavy
02:09pulses of rain during the day. Sunlight and shine and heavy showers developing across
02:14south-eastern areas to the south of this and the cloud developing a bit more widely across
02:18Scotland and Northern Ireland as well. We still could see 21-20 degrees Celsius in the
02:24south-east where we do see that sunshine in place. Still quite humid though in amongst
02:28all of that, but things are slightly turning cooler further towards the north whilst we
02:33will see temperatures particularly in western Scotland notably down compared to recent days.
02:37Even the likes of Lowick will be seeing their temperatures drop 10 degrees Celsius at best
02:41here as we see some patchy rain move its way into the far north. And this is because we're
02:46going to see a shift in wind direction with northerly winds starting to move their way
02:50in and with that we start to see those cooler conditions piltering in from parts of the
02:55Arctic. And this will slowly push its way into many areas of the UK as we head over
02:59the forthcoming days. There is also another area of low pressure waiting in the wings
03:02for the middle part of next week, so things are certainly staying very autumnal and unsettled
03:08as we head over the next few days. We will of course have plenty of updates on all of
03:13that so do subscribe to the YouTube channel for those and we'll see you again here very
03:17soon. Bye bye.
