Met Office Saturday Afternoon Weather Forecast 21/09/2024

  • 2 days ago
21 September - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there, good afternoon. It's somewhat mixed fortunes across the UK today in terms
00:05of our weather, with two pressure systems affecting us. It's high pressure in the north,
00:09keeping things a bit more settled, but low pressure is increasingly moving its way into
00:13the south to provide a slightly more unsettled theme over the next couple of days. For Scotland
00:18at least, with high pressure in charge, a fine day for the Highlands. Argyll and Bute,
00:21a lot of sunshine, clouds still looming though through the central belt and along those eastern
00:25coastal regions. A few sunny spells should hopefully emerge for Northern Ireland, parts
00:28of north-west England as well, but you'll see those showers starting to move their way
00:32in for Wales, central south-western areas of England. These graphics, not to be taken
00:36too literally, they will be scattered in nature, so not everyone will see the thunderstorms,
00:40but there is a warning in force throughout the rest of the day because where they do
00:43occur, we could see some torrential downpours of rain, hail, frequent lightning as well,
00:48so some travel disruption is possible and it's worth staying up to date with the forecast.
00:52You can also use the radar feature in the Met Office app to track any showers and thunderstorms
00:56as they develop during the day. If you manage to dodge the showers though, there will still
01:00be some decent sunny spells for central south-eastern areas, and so temperatures here climbing towards
01:0525°C, 20°C is also possible for the likes of Oban and other areas of north-west Scotland
01:11where we see a lot of sunshine during today. That cloud along eastern coastal areas though
01:16will keep it a bit cooler, 13-12°C here, and it will start to ingress a bit more inland
01:21as we head throughout this evening, spreading its way back in, but far north-west of Scotland
01:25and again staying relatively clear. Into the evening though, those showers will push
01:29their way in across Wales, might clip the far south of Northern Ireland even before
01:34we see another pulse of thundery rain moving its way in across the Channel Islands and
01:38then into southern areas of England come dawn tomorrow morning.
01:42Quite a muggy, mild night for a lot of us, temperatures not dropping much below 13-16°C,
01:48but it'll be cooler again in those rural spots of north-west Scotland, particularly in those
01:52sheltered valleys we might even see a little touch of air frost there.
01:57For Scotland and Northern Ireland, even into Northern England, Sunday is a relatively similar
02:01day, again the best of the sunshine will be further towards the west, whereas that cloud
02:05will try and burn its way back towards eastern coastal areas again but could produce the
02:08odd spot of drizzle. For the south though, it is this band of thundery rain that will
02:12push its way steadily northwards, again turning very wet for Wales, central-southern areas
02:16of England. Further disruption is possible with this rain already falling in places that
02:20have seen quite a lot of rainfall over the past couple of days. Still quite muggy and
02:24humid in amongst all of this, temperatures a little down but still around 20-21°C, still
02:30feeling pretty warm in that sunshine across north-western Scotland, quite cool though
02:34across those eastern coasts of Scotland and north-east England.
02:38This rain will linger across Wales and stall a bit into the Midlands as well as we head
02:42into Sunday evening, but it should eventually gradually move its way eastwards as we head
02:48during the day on Monday, and into the new working week things are generally still staying
02:53on the slightly unsettled side. Tuesday could be a bit of a calmer day for many of us, Wednesday
02:57though and into the midweek is certainly looking increasingly wet and windy. But as we do head
03:03into the new week, temperatures are going to be dropping down a bit for all of us, it
03:06is certainly going to be turning cooler over the next few days.
03:09There'll be plenty more updates on that across our YouTube channel so make sure you are subscribed
03:14and ready for all of those, otherwise we'll see you again here very soon, bye bye.
