Met Office Monday Evening Forecast 07/10/2024

  • 2 days ago
07 October - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office.
00:03Thundery showers around through Monday evening.
00:06Some big downpours in places.
00:08Spray surface water on the roads and lightning and hail an extra hazard
00:12as well as these heavy downpours spread their way across southern England,
00:16parts of South Wales up towards the Midlands.
00:19So yes, do take note if you're heading out on the roads this Monday evening.
00:23Not very pleasant out there.
00:25The heavy showers will drift northwards,
00:27tending to ease off a little bit through the night
00:29but turning pretty wet over parts of East Anglia
00:32and by the end of the night, northern England and parts of Northern Ireland too.
00:35Staying fairly damp across northern Scotland.
00:37Notice where the winds are coming from here, bringing colder air in across Shetland.
00:41Elsewhere, it's quite mild actually.
00:43Temperatures holding up in double figures,
00:45maybe even in the teens in some towns and cities.
00:47But clearer skies in southern Scotland.
00:49Northern England will dip down into single figures in the countryside here.
00:53On to Tuesday.
00:55Tuesday is again a mix of sunshine and showers
00:57but probably more showers than sunshine.
01:00A bright start for some but heavy showers getting going over Wales.
01:04Southern England again, you can see the swirl here.
01:06That's an area of low pressure just generating the showers pushing northwards.
01:10We've also got this band of thicker cloud sitting over northern England,
01:14northern Ireland and southern Scotland for much of the day with outbreaks of rain.
01:17Northern England should brighten up but then the showers will move in here too.
01:21Not quite as damp over northern Scotland as it's been through Monday
01:25but still staying pretty grey here with those winds coming down from the north.
01:28That is going to bring a chill.
01:30Temperatures struggling here to get much above 10, 11, 12 Celcius.
01:34Feeling colder with the wind.
01:36Whereas further south, actually when it brightens up between the showers,
01:39temperatures could pop up into the mid to high teens, 18, 19 is possible.
01:43But the showers won't be too far away.
01:45Quite a gusty wind blowing as well,
01:47particularly across the south coast of England and into southern parts of Wales.
01:51Especially gusty close to these showers which become even more widespread
01:55through Tuesday afternoon and evening.
01:57Further heavy downpours again over central and eastern parts.
02:00Again, a lot of spray, a lot of surface water on the roads.
02:03The possibility of further flooding.
02:05The rain continues to fall into parts of eastern Scotland,
02:08particularly the southeast as that breeze continues to come down from the north.
02:13Quite a lively wind at times across the southeast of England.
02:17So you can see by now the swirl.
02:19That's the low pressure.
02:20It's crossed the UK but it's still bringing heavy showers into Wednesday.
02:24Probably a drier day in southern England, south Wales and parts of Northern Ireland.
02:28Cheering up too across Scotland with some sunshine.
02:30But southeast Scotland, northeast England staying dull and staying damp
02:34and feeling even cooler with that wind coming in from the North Sea.
02:38Temperatures, well, 12, 13 at best and feeling colder with the wind.
02:42Only single digits across parts of northern Scotland.
02:45Again, in the south with a bit of brightness, we might squeak into the high teens.
02:49But the northerly wind is coming for all parts.
02:52That swirl, that area of low pressure will be clearing away.
02:56But further south, this is the remnants of Hurricane Kirk,
02:59now named Storm Kirk by the French Weather Service
03:02because it's going to bring them some very strong winds and heavy rain.
03:05Northern parts of Spain and Portugal will also be seeing
03:08some very wet and windy conditions on Wednesday.
03:11As this storm system moves through, it's going to spread its way into France
03:16across the Bay of Biscay during Wednesday night.
03:18Those isobars really squeezing together.
03:20So potential for some very strong winds here as it moves in.
03:23It then does head its way northwards, gets close to the UK.
03:27But at the moment, it's likely to stay to the south
03:30and that generates a northerly wind right across the UK.
03:34So turning colder for us as that storm system moves through.
03:38For more details on the full week ahead, make sure you hit subscribe on our YouTube channel.
