Met Office Wednesday evening weather forecast 24/07/2024

  • 2 days ago
24 July - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, one thing you might have noticed about July so far, the significant lack of
00:04sunshine and Wednesday night, Thursday, not doing us any favours in that respect either
00:11with extensive cloud once again arriving from the Atlantic, that cloud becoming widespread
00:15overnight, lowering onto western hills and bringing coastal mist and drizzle as well
00:21to southern and southwestern parts.
00:23So a dreary night to come, but with the widespread cloud it is going to be a mild night, some
00:28might say a muggy night for sleeping, 15 or 16 Celsius in places by dawn.
00:34Despite it being a reasonably warm start to the day, it's not going to be a bright start
00:40for most, particularly gloomy morning across southern and southwestern areas with that
00:45coastal mist and some heavier rain running along the English Channel coast and some inland
00:50areas in the south of England during the morning and early part of the afternoon.
00:55Elsewhere it does tend to brighten up through the day, some sunshine returning to Wales,
00:59the Midlands, north east England for example, mostly dry by the afternoon, but for Scotland
01:03and Northern Ireland we'll see showers pushing in from the west, those showers heavy in places.
01:09Now where we do get some sunshine we've still got that relatively humid air and so it could
01:15actually feel quite warm, for example Hull there 23 Celsius, but temperatures significantly
01:21down in the south and south east where we've got the outbreaks of rain continuing through
01:25the afternoon and the extensive cloud cover and a fresher feel for Scotland and Northern
01:30Ireland because of a change in wind direction and low pressure bringing a return to sunshine
01:36and showers.
01:37This front though takes a while to get out of the way and that means that the rain could
01:41turn heavy for a time in the south and south east and it could stick around for much of
01:46Thursday evening and overnight, even some further outbreaks of rain running along the
01:49coast there through the evening and overnight, but eventually that cloud and rain does move
01:54away and we're all into the sunny spells and showers regime or the clear spells and showers
01:59regime if it's overnight and for Scotland and Northern Ireland some heavier showers
02:04moving through for the first part of the night as well, perhaps the odd rumble of thunder
02:09before the showers become fewer by dawn once again.
02:13Still relatively mild and muggy in the south east but fresher elsewhere as the clear spells
02:19and the change in wind direction arrive.
02:22Friday then, some early cloud, perhaps some rain to begin things in the far south east.
02:27Then it's sunny spells and showers for the vast majority.
02:30The showers scattered but most frequent across Scotland and Northern Ireland, particularly
02:34towards the north west.
02:37Fewer showers elsewhere, some places getting away with a dry day and in any sunny spells
02:42feeling pleasantly warm once again in the east and south east, 22 to 24.
02:47In the south west, 21 Celsius.
02:49In the north and north west, mid to high teens, 20 Celsius possible in some parts of eastern
02:55Scotland though.
02:56Now, Friday evening brings further sunny spells and showers and that theme continues into
03:03The showers on Saturday could be heavier and more prolonged in places, but Sunday is likely
03:08to be the best day with widespread sunny skies.
