Met Office Thursday afternoon weather forecast 08/02/2024

  • 2 days ago
08 February - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, the weather is messy for the rest of Thursday in many places, as is often the
00:05case when you have two competing air masses across the UK. We've got cold Arctic air moving
00:11south across the northern half of the UK, Atlantic much milder air moving north. And
00:17where these two air masses collide, a band of precipitation which has been falling as
00:23rain in the south, rain, sleet and snow across central and northern parts of the UK. Now
00:29we've seen some substantial sleet and snow affecting parts of mid and north Wales, the
00:33north midlands through the morning. But here's the boundary between the much milder air and
00:38the colder conditions, it's moving north. So the snow generally turning back to rain,
00:43although there is the risk, early part of the afternoon, of some freezing rain for a
00:47time across higher parts of north Wales, hence the amber warning here. And there's the risk
00:51of continued snowfall from the peak district northwards across northern England into Northern
00:57Ireland and southern Scotland during the rest of the afternoon. Now, at lower levels
01:02it's certainly a mixed picture. Some places will get rain, some places will get a patchy
01:09covering of snow depending on how heavy the precipitation is. But generally it's turning
01:14back to rain from the south as the afternoon goes on. And it's just higher parts that will
01:20see the greatest risk of disruption. So, for Northern Ireland, 15 centimetres above
01:25150 metres. For northern parts of England, 2 to 5 centimetres above 200 metres, 10 centimetres
01:32for some of the higher areas and that could cause disruption on some of the higher trans-Pennine
01:38routes. But this amber warning, therefore, parts of the peak district into the south
01:42Pennines, a continued risk of 25 centimetres above 300 metres. But as I mentioned, down
01:48at lower levels where some of the main populated centres are, it's mostly going to be rain,
01:53increasingly so as that mild rare feeds in from the south during the afternoon. Now,
01:58in the far south after a wet start, some drier interludes during Thursday afternoon, but
02:03another bout of wet weather arrives as we end the day. That could cause further issues
02:07of course coming at a busy time in the afternoon, some heavy and persistent wet weather. And
02:12throughout Thursday, 25 millimetres and in some places 45 millimetres of rain accumulating.
02:18Gusty winds here and a gusty wind also blowing east to west across parts of northern England.
02:24Not going to feel very pleasant in that wind, it's going to feel cold. And across Scotland,
02:29actually brighter skies here, fewer wintry showers in the far north compared with recent
02:33days. But still, we've seen some impacts from the snow in Orkney, continued disruption here
02:39and there could be a few more sleet and snow showers falling throughout Thursday afternoon.
02:43But sunshine in between and look at that temperature contrast, 2 to 5 Celsius at best in the
02:47north. Lower than that where the snow continues to fall across higher parts of northern England
02:52into northern Ireland and southern Scotland. But 12 or 13 Celsius in the south, although
02:56not feeling very pleasant in the wind and rain. Heading into the afternoon, we follow
03:01that band of rain, sleet and hill snow northwards and increasingly as the milder air mixes in,
03:05it is going to be turning back to rain away from the highest peaks of northern England,
03:10southern and central Scotland. And there's increasingly a risk of disruption across parts
03:16of Scotland as we go through Thursday night. But mostly, it's going to be over higher parts.
03:21Always a chance that snow will come down to lower parts inland, but this will be very
03:27patchy. Most of the accumulations will be above 300 metres, risk of 10 centimetres in
03:32places. Again, enough to cause disruption as we start off Friday. But for the rest of
03:37the U.K. on Thursday night, we've got spells of rain pushing north across the southern
03:42half of the country, heavy and persistent, followed by lively showers coming into southern
03:46counties of England and south Wales. Further sleet and snow showers arriving into the north
03:50and east of Scotland ahead of the main band of precipitation. And this, by the end of
03:55the night, will be mostly rain across northern Ireland, much of northern England away from
03:58the highest peaks. And southern Scotland also seeing increasingly persistent rain, sleet
04:03and hill snow. An easterly breeze continues across the northern half of the U.K., southwesterlies
04:10in the south, and it's going to be blustery for many areas as we begin Friday. But a mild
04:15start in the south, 9 or 10 Celsius, closer to freezing further north where we've got
04:20the wintry weather continuing throughout the day on Friday. Again, you can see by the blues,
04:24a lot of this is rain at lower levels, but certainly further issues to do with snowfall
04:28over higher parts of Scotland. And increasingly, that snow will affect eastern parts of Scotland
04:34above 100, 200 metres or so. Yellow snow and ice warning in force for eastern and northern
04:41Scotland for the second half of Friday, because there's the risk of above 200, 300 metres
04:47of 10 to 20 centimetres of snow building up over the Grampians and the Highlands. And
04:52you could see some smaller amounts at lower levels as well. But elsewhere across the U.K.,
04:57we're well and truly into the mild air by this stage, so that it's rain showers circulating
05:02around an area of low pressure. Those showers will be hit and miss. There could be some
05:06heavy downpours later Friday across southeastern parts. They'll move away into the night time.
05:12And the weekend sees more rain, seat and snow across eastern and northern Scotland, much
05:17of the snow over the hills. But elsewhere across the U.K., it's considerably milder
05:21with areas of rain or showers.
