Met Office Thursday evening weather forecast 08/02/24

  • 2 days ago
08 February - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there. It's been a complicated weather picture across the UK as mild and wet Atlantic
00:06air moves north and comes up against cold Arctic air that we've had in place across
00:11the northern two-thirds of the UK. And what we've seen through Thursday is one band of
00:16rain moved north, turned to sleet and snow in places across Wales, northern England,
00:21northern Ireland and southern Scotland, and then another bout of rain moving into southern
00:25parts of England and south Wales. Weather continues to be a yellow rain warning because
00:29of the risk of further issues due to that heavy rain overnight and into the start of
00:34Friday. Now, we've got that mild air moving north and it is winning out and as a result
00:40the snow increasingly becoming confined to higher parts of northern England, peak district
00:46northwards really, rain almost entirely now across Wales and increasingly the snow also
00:51confined to hills across northern Ireland into southern Scotland through the night above
00:55150, 200 metres. But still, the scope for significant snow accumulations could cause
01:00some issues over the Antrim Mountains, the Sperrins, the Mournes as well as the South
01:05Pennines up into the southern uplands. And so mostly this is a hill snow feature but
01:10there could be some patchy snow at lower levels for parts of Scotland as the main band of
01:15precipitation moves north overnight before eventually the snow level rises by the start
01:21of Friday. And these are the kinds of amounts that could occur, so a couple of centimetres
01:26possible at lower levels initially before eventually above 300 metres most of that snow
01:30will be lying 8 to 10 centimetres possible in places and that could cause some impacts
01:36on the roads, for example first thing Friday. Otherwise, it's rain that will be the main
01:42talking point I think overnight across much of England and Wales away from higher parts
01:45of northern England. Initially a band of rain moving north and then followed on by blustery
01:50showers into Wales, southern and south-western England. Further north again to the north
01:56of this weather front we've got clear conditions across parts of western Scotland, cloudier
02:01further east and north with further wintry showers coming through, further accumulating
02:05snow for the far north and north-east of Scotland for example. Minus 2 Celsius here but 10 Celsius
02:11in the south first thing, although it's not going to feel very pleasant with the blustery
02:15showers moving through, merging to longer spells of rain to the south and south-west
02:19as well as south Wales for a time, some heavy downpours but also some drier interludes emerging
02:23as the day goes on. Meanwhile, the main band of rain, sleet and hill snow moves north again
02:28most of the snow settling over hills above 2 or 300 metres, could come down to lower
02:34levels for a time across eastern Scotland but as the day goes on it will mostly be hill
02:39snow and there will be some significant accumulations with temperatures here at 2 or 3 Celsius but
02:45further south the mild air really taking control, 12 or 13 in the far south and with
02:51some sunny spells coming through it's actually going to feel quite pleasant out of the breeze.
02:56Now later Friday we're going to see that snow building up significantly over higher parts
03:01of eastern Scotland as you can see, rain at lower levels certainly near the coast but
03:06snow over the hills and some really substantial accumulations, 20 centimetres above 300 metres,
03:13a few centimetres building up at lower levels and the further north you are across Scotland
03:18the lower that snow height will be. So potential for disruption increasingly further north
03:26as we go through Friday, the milder air affecting the rest of the UK, areas of cloud and showers,
03:32certainly some showery rain for Northern Ireland into southern Scotland, northern England as
03:36we go through Friday night into Saturday, some clear spells further south but further
03:41showers come along for Wales and the south west and once again significant temperature
03:45contrast close to freezing in the north and north east of Scotland but back to mid to
03:50high single figures elsewhere across the country. We start Saturday with some sunshine for England
03:55and Wales certainly through central and south eastern parts but further showers are moving
04:00in across Wales and the south west so never too far away from a shower towards the south
04:05west but the best chance of any sunny spells will be across northern and eastern England.
04:10Much of Scotland and Northern Ireland sees cloudy skies, outbreaks of rain and some hill
04:16snow for the north and north east of Scotland but that will ease as the day goes on and
04:20for many places it is relatively mild, 8 to 11 Celsius just clinging on to the cold air
04:26there in the far north of Scotland. Plenty going on but eventually the wintry stuff becomes
04:33confined to the north and then the far north with rain elsewhere but some brighter weather
04:39into the weekend as well.
