Sunday afternoon forecast 21/11/21

  • 2 days ago
21 November - National weather forecast by Greg Dewhurst.
00:00Hello there. Sunday's forecast is looking sunny for much of the UK though we will have some
00:04blustery showers particularly in the north and east and feeling much colder compared to Saturday
00:09for many of us. The reason for this is cold air has moved across the UK however as we go into the
00:13beginning of next week it stays settled a little bit less cold before as we head towards the middle
00:19of the week it turns colder from the north and windier too. Taking a look at the picture for
00:24the rest of Sunday plenty of sunshine across central and western parts of the UK. Showers
00:29most frequent towards the east coast but filtering inland at times some of these wintry at times
00:35over the higher ground particularly across Scotland and the far northeast of England.
00:39Cool feeling day temperatures back down into single figures for many which we haven't seen
00:44for quite some time so feeling colder out there than it has done compared to recent days. Add on
00:49the strength of the wind gusting 30 to 35 miles an hour it will feel even colder so an extra layer
00:54may be needed when out this afternoon. Through Sunday evening we'll see showers continue across
01:00the north and the east though they should start to fade away a little as we head overnight.
01:04Clearing skies for many away from the far north will mean temperatures will dip away
01:09for many we'll see a frost developing particularly across central and western areas perhaps escaping
01:14the frost will be the far east and south where it does stay windier elsewhere light winds so
01:19temperatures dipping to around freezing. So a cold start to Monday morning ice scrapers at the ready
01:25for some of us. Showers from the word go still across the east and far southeast and then as we
01:30head through the day thicker cloud and patchy rain will move in across Scotland but plenty of sunshine
01:36elsewhere and generally lighter winds than Sunday it will just feel a little less cold. Temperatures
01:42though still generally around average if not a little below in the north around 9 or 10 celsius
01:48at the very best the wind's still quite brisk across southeast England as well. Looking at the
01:54week ahead high pressure initially in charge keeping it settled temperatures around average
01:59however towards the end of the week it will turn colder and more unsettled as well.