Thursday morning forecast 31/03/2022

  • 2 days ago
31 March – National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkhill.


00:00Hello, it's cold and there's some wet and wintry weather around through the next 24
00:05hours or so. That's because of this cold front that's making its way southwards across southern
00:10parts of the UK. Behind it we have cold arctic air plunging across the UK bringing a real
00:16drop in our temperatures. Back to Wednesday evening and you can see the front I mentioned
00:21earlier making its way southwards bringing rain here but also a little bit of snow. I'm
00:25not expecting much if any to settle on any roads or pavements here but we could see a
00:30centimetre or two of slushy snow settling on grassy surfaces. Elsewhere and further
00:35north plenty of wintry showers feeding in on that arctic wind. As a result we run the
00:39risk of seeing some icy patches developing through the night as well as a little bit
00:44of snow settling perhaps 5cm above 400m or so. We do have an ice warning in force, there
00:50could be some traffic disruption particularly down the eastern side of Scotland and north
00:53east England. Temperatures are going to drop quite sharply as we go through the night particularly
00:58across sheltered glens of Scotland. Here it could get as low as minus 5 or minus 6 Celsius,
01:03a little bit less cold further south but still a pretty cold start first thing on Thursday
01:08morning. As we go through Thursday itself then any rain and snow across the far south
01:12should clear away through the morning. Otherwise then plenty of wintry showers again feeding
01:17in from the north and north east. So it's always across northern and eastern parts where
01:21we're most likely to see the showers but they will feed further inland as we go through
01:25the day. Temperatures again on the low side across parts of Scotland and northern England
01:30similar to what we saw through Wednesday but in the south it's going to be quite a lot
01:34colder than we've seen of late and when you factor in strong winds towards the south east
01:39where we have the risk of gales towards coastal parts of East Anglia and towards the Dover
01:44Strait here it's going to feel even colder. As we go through the end of the day on Thursday
01:49we're still going to see plenty of showers feeding in from the north and these again
01:54are likely to bring the risk of a little bit of snow settling particularly over any modest
01:59high ground as well as icy patches as we go through the night. Once more temperatures
02:03dropping particularly under clearer skies so across the sheltered glens of Scotland
02:07falling several degrees below freezing and towards the west of parts of Wales and south
02:12west England here we are likely to have a frost first thing Friday morning as well.
02:18As we look through Friday itself then there is the potential for a spell of more persistent
02:22rain sleet and snow making its way southwards down western parts of Scotland and into northern
02:27Ireland as we go through the day. Elsewhere and yes there will still be some showers around
02:31but perhaps fewer showers than we're expecting as we go through Thursday. These could still
02:36have a little bit of wintry element to them so watch out for a little bit of rain sleet
02:40and snow. Temperatures on Friday are looking similar to Thursday so again a bit disappointing
02:45for the time of year. There's further cold weather to come as we go through this weekend.
02:51Temperatures should pick up a little bit particularly by night so I think the nights are going to
02:54be less frosty than what we're going to see through the next couple of days but it is
02:58often going to be cloudy and it could be a little bit unsettled as well. So it is definitely
03:02worth keeping up to date with the forecast wherever you are on the Met Office app, our
03:06website and of course all of our social media channels. I'll see you later.
