Sunday morning forecast 08/05/22

  • 2 days ago
08 May - national weather forecast for Sunday presented by Alex Burkill
00:00Hello, and welcome to the forecast from the Met Office.
00:04Sunday is going to be a mostly fine day, but we do still have a few lingering showers to
00:08get rid of first through Saturday evening. Once they die out, it is going to be a dry
00:12night for most, but there will be some thick cloud pushing into southeastern parts, and
00:16also a little bit of rain reaching the outer Hebrides later. Some places will turn a little
00:20chilly under any clear spells, particularly towards the northeast where a little fog is
00:24possible too. Through Sunday itself then, that rain in the
00:28far north-northwest will continue its way northeastwards, reaching Shetland later on.
00:32Otherwise, for many it is going to be a fine day, though we will see some fair weather
00:36cloud bubbling up into the afternoon. In the sunny spells, it will feel pleasantly warm,
00:41with generally light winds and temperatures in the low 20s, although that is down a nudge
00:45compared to Saturday. Through Sunday evening, we are going to see
00:48a lot of the cloud filtering away, as a result we'll have clear skies through the night,
00:53turning things quite chilly, but towards the northwest, here it's going to turn a little
00:57bit more unsettled. That unsettled weather is then going to feed in from the northwest
01:01as we go through towards the working week, staying drier in the southeast for longest,
01:05but even here we are going to see some rain arriving later, and we're going to see temperatures
01:10dropping compared to what we've seen over the weekend. With some unsettled weather on
01:13the way, it's worth keeping up to date with the full forecast, wherever you are.
