JEOPARDY! 10/11/2024 Ep 720HD || Jeopardy October 11,2024

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JEOPARDY! 10/11/2024 Ep 720HD || Jeopardy October 11,2024


00:00:00Alex for backstage at Sony Picture Studios this is jeopardy
00:00:13Introducing today's contestants a clinical psychologist from Bethesda, Maryland
00:00:19Doc white a lawyer originally from Manchester, Vermont
00:00:23Eamon Campbell
00:00:24And our returning champion a content manager from Riverside, Connecticut
00:00:30Mark Fitzpatrick whose five-day cash winnings total
00:00:36107,000 $201 and now here is the host of Jeopardy
00:00:47Thank You Johnny Gilbert
00:00:49Welcome to Jeopardy after earning his fifth win yesterday our champion Mark Fitzpatrick is headed to the tournament of champions and when I asked him
00:00:56What his expectations for that tournament might be his response was a lot more losing
00:01:02I don't know if that kind of lack of confidence after your big success here on Jeopardy
00:01:06Mark is a ray of hope to your challengers Eamon and dot but we're gonna find out today starting in the Jeopardy round
00:01:12Good luck to the three of you. Let's reveal your categories
00:01:16First up we have a little day music
00:01:19Then 18th century history
00:01:21Make it singular
00:01:23Transport USA
00:01:25Then let's hear it for animal moms. And finally, hey, I'm just doing my job
00:01:31Mark, where do you want to begin?
00:01:3318th century history for a thousand, please on
00:01:36April 28 1789 Fletcher Christian of the Royal Navy embarked on this new career
00:01:43Mark, what is privateer? Sorry? No a minor dot
00:01:49He was a mutineer back to you mark 18th century history 800 the answer there is a daily double
00:01:58You can wager up to $1,000 mark to a thousand, okay, here's your clue in 18th century history
00:02:04This North American colonial Empire seen on 16th century maps as Gallia Nova
00:02:10Ended with the fall of Quebec and Montreal
00:02:16What is
00:02:18Canadian Empire, sorry, no Gallia Nova, New France
00:02:22Select again mark 18th century history 600
00:02:25This lands Chosun dynasty was troubled by Prince Sado who kept killing eunuchs and was left to die in a rice chest
00:02:33Amen, what is Japan? That's not correct marker dot mark was Thailand. That's also incorrect dot care to try
00:02:40What is Korea back to you mark?
00:02:4214 18th century sd 400
00:02:45Once he had 32 as a freezing point
00:02:47He put the thermometer in his armpit and was happy to find his body temp was close to a neat 3 times 32
00:02:54Amen, it was Fahrenheit. Yes
00:02:5618th century 200 the first of this pair of battles on April 19th
00:03:021775 lasted a few minutes around sunrise the second took longer until around sunset
00:03:08Mark, what is Lexington and Concord? You got it?
00:03:12Make it singular a thousand
00:03:14graffiti graffiti or this
00:03:17Mark was graffito. Yes, make it singular 800
00:03:23Mark, what is codex? It is make it singular 600 strata
00:03:29Amen, what is stratum? That's right. Make it singular 400 bison
00:03:34Amen was bison just bison. Yeah transport USA 800 when the ferry can't go
00:03:40Madeline Island in Lake Superior is accessible by this two-word conduit also in the title of a TV show
00:03:49That's the ice road amen transport 600
00:03:53PA is for Port Authority in this acronym for the train. That's a vital link between Manhattan and New Jersey
00:04:00Amen was path train right transport 400 upon reflection
00:04:05It probably wasn't the best look for the brand when this bus line owned a meatpacking company from 1970 to 1983
00:04:12Mark was Greyhound right transport a thousand
00:04:162200 trains a day run between Boston and Washington DC in what Amtrak calls the Northeast this type of passageway
00:04:24Mark, what is corridor? Correct. Let's hear it for animal mom 600
00:04:29Talk about a parcel of kids this North American marsupial can give birth to as many as 20 babies at a time
00:04:35Each no larger than a bee
00:04:37Amen was no possum. Yes animal moms 800
00:04:41Hens dissolve their own bones if needed to get this element to make shells for their young
00:04:47Dot what's calcium? That is correct. Talk about a good mom
00:04:50You're on the board now with $800 and we're gonna take a quick break much more jeopardy to come right after this
00:04:59Dot white of Bethesda, Maryland is a clinical psychologist and also and I'm jealous if this is true dot
00:05:05You've been in the Guinness Book of World Records. That's true. I was part of the world's largest clogged dance
00:05:11we set the record at a conference for youth dance in
00:05:162006 in the Netherlands and all clogged together. It was very loud. What's the record the number of people we were at 475
00:05:23But sadly, I wrote it in past tense because the records been broken
00:05:27Oh, no, I wonder how many people we have here today. We could try to get back into this. Yeah, let's do it
00:05:31Are you wearing your lucky clogs right now? No
00:05:34Sadly, no, amen. Campbell is a lawyer originally from Manchester, Vermont. Tell us about your coffee table. I mean, I love this
00:05:41Yeah, of course. So when my grandfather died my mom found among his belongings really cool old lobster trap
00:05:48So I had some downtime when I was studying for the bar and I turned it into a pretty cool coffee table
00:05:53This is an extremely New England story. You have a lobster to a lobster trap for your coffee table
00:05:58Mark Fitzpatrick is back with us from Riverside, Connecticut. He's a content manager and a recovering musician. Is that right?
00:06:04Tell us about your past musical career. Yeah, I feel like like a lot of band kids
00:06:08I played an instrument while I was young and totally quit. So I played the trombone from when I was 10 to 18
00:06:16Probably hours a week and I've not touched it a single time
00:06:20Since I turned 18
00:06:21Well, that's the time in your life when you have the most people at home to annoy with a trombone
00:06:24Yeah, and you were you were making the most of it. It's a naturally annoying
00:06:28I'm sure you sounded great dot you just gave us a correct response and that means you have control of the board choose again
00:06:34Could I get make it singular for 200?
00:06:38alumni seven letters
00:06:40Mark what is?
00:06:42Alumnus. Yes. I'm just doing my job a thousand
00:06:45There's a fluid specific to your specific job applying makeup can be part of it preserving more than dignity
00:06:55What is an embalmer that's the fluid back to you mark doing my job 800
00:07:00Knows the proper use of propofol can count to 16 letters in the job can tell people to count backward from 100
00:07:09Amen, what is anesthesiologist?
00:07:11You say that again?
00:07:14No, I'm sorry marker dot dot. What is an anesthesiologist? I think you got there. Yes
00:07:21Doing my job 600
00:07:23Feel general millions look at every move you make and critique it Otto Graham and Russell Wilson good examples
00:07:30Amen was a quarterback. That's correct. Doing my job 400 a
00:07:34Work crew leader a jury leader less remunerative
00:07:38Amen was a foreman. Yes doing my job 200
00:07:42Three letters dealing with numbers an exam section for it is called auditing and attestation the exam itself takes 16 hours
00:07:49Dot what is the CPA right?
00:07:52animal moms for 200
00:07:54Dad must be relieved when mom of the Emperor species of this returns from a long trek to the ocean and regurgitates fish for the
00:08:02Chick, amen was a penguin. You got it animal moms 400
00:08:06This time period from the Latin for carrying contest any mom's patients for an elephant
00:08:11It can be 22 months and an octopus 53 dot what is gestation? Yeah
00:08:18animal moms a thousand
00:08:19Aphids can produce young through this virgin birth method with no mating and produce pregnant babies holding more young
00:08:27Dot what is asexual reproduction? Can you be more specific?
00:08:31What is hermaphroditic
00:08:33I'm sorry, that's not it marker even
00:08:36Was parthenogenesis back to you dot?
00:08:40Transport for 200, please in this city with more fabled transit options
00:08:44The number eight muni bus and a little walking will take you from Pier 39 to Chinatown mark with New York
00:08:51No, amen was San Francisco. That's correct little day music 600
00:08:56Ice cube said he was inspired to write this hit in a state of euphoria. I gotta say Mike
00:09:03What is today's been a good day? No, amen or dot?
00:09:08Close mark, but it's called it was a good day back to you. Amen a little day music 400
00:09:14Real name Scott mesquite. This rapper was just 24 when he released his hit debut single day and night
00:09:21Amen who's Kid Cudi? Yes day music 800 Thursday. I don't care about you. It's this cure title dot
00:09:29What is Friday? I'm in love. That's the song
00:09:31day music a thousand
00:09:33Six o'clock already. I was just in the middle of a dream begins this bangles hit that Prince wrote
00:09:39Dot what is manic Monday? That's another thousand for you
00:09:42Day music 200 last clue the name of this Bay Area
00:09:46Pop-punk band is slang for sunlit hours given over to smoking pot dot. What is Green Day? That's correct
00:09:53I'm shocked to learn what Green Day means mark the champion. You'll select first in Double Jeopardy. It begins right after this break
00:10:05Or to set for Double Jeopardy and our champion mark has some ground to make up he'll select first from these categories
00:10:11Russian geography first then TV characters
00:10:16territorial governors
00:10:17I'm him then women authors and in the sixth spot starts and ends with T. Where to mark
00:10:25Russian geography
00:10:272000 please it has a short name at just two letters, but it flows
00:10:322,268 miles across Russia as the seventh largest river in the world
00:10:37Mark, what's the ob you got it?
00:10:39Woman authors
00:10:412000 in a letter to pen pal across the sea Harriet Beecher Stowe she discussed her own novel Daniel Duranda
00:10:48Mark who is Elliot George Elliot is right woman authors
00:10:521600 Joan Didion established her reputation as an essayist with her
00:10:571968 collection slouching towards this place mark what is Bethlehem? Yes
00:11:03Women authors 1200 answer their daily double
00:11:09And the last three clues have put you in the lead mark, but at all, okay
00:11:145800 at stake then in women authors. Here's your clue
00:11:18You can breathe easier knowing that Terry Macmillan wrote a sequel to this novel called getting too happy
00:11:27What is
00:11:31No, you ran out of time waiting to exhale the name of that book. All right, you're back to zero start building again
00:11:37Russian geography 1600
00:11:39This seven hundred and fifty mile long Russian territory between the sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea is home to twenty nine active volcanoes
00:11:47Mark, what is come Chaka right Russian geography 1200?
00:11:52Because of a dispute over the Kuril Islands in the western Pacific Russia and Ukraine
00:11:57Kuril Islands in the western Pacific Russia and this nation have never signed a treaty ending World War two
00:12:02Amen was Japan. Yes TV characters 1200 on the Apple TV Plus show Dark Matter
00:12:09She plays Daniela Dessen who exists in more than one timeline
00:12:13Amen was Jennifer Connelly. It is TV characters 16
00:12:17First name Gregory this pill-popping title doctor woke up in a burning building in the 2012 series finale
00:12:24Amen was house. Correct TV characters 800
00:12:28Also known as Leopold Stotts. This South Park lad has a feminine alter ego named margarine
00:12:34Dot who's butters? Yes
00:12:37TV characters 2000 on the boys
00:12:40Jesse Usher plays this speedy superhero with a name familiar from a Duke Ellington number
00:12:45Amen, who's a train that is a train TV characters 400
00:12:502022 gave us the last episode of this weepy NBC drama that featured characters like Randall Kate and Kevin
00:12:57Amen was this is us. Correct?
00:12:59I'm him 1200 my 1905 Claire de Lune shares its name with a poem by Paul Verlaine
00:13:07Mark what is Debussy? Correct territorial governor 1600 answer daily double
00:13:16You're back in third mark, what do you want to do with this last stand? Let's do it again true daily double
00:13:21Yeah, okay 2,800 bucks at stake in territorial governors
00:13:25Frank Franz served as an Indian agent of the Osage agency before becoming this territories last governor in 1906
00:13:33What is Oklahoma? That's correct. You're in second place with 5600
00:13:40Territorial governors 2000
00:13:42Territorial governors
00:13:45Florida governor William Pope Duvall tried to be fair to these people the wars named for them were before and after his
00:13:521822 to 1834 tenure
00:13:55Dot who are the Seminoles, correct?
00:13:58I'm him for 1600. I lasted 11 days as White House communications director in July 2017
00:14:06mark who is
00:14:08Tuchio no, I'm sorry. Amen. Who's Scaramucci? Yeah, that is one Scaramucci. I'm him 800
00:14:15As mayor of Flavortown, I've brought my frosted tips to diners and drive-ins and even some dives
00:14:21Dot who is Guy Fieri, right? I'm him
00:14:252000 they call me the prince of humanism and the greatest scholar of the Northern Renaissance, but you can call me Desi
00:14:34Who is Desiderius Erasmus back to you dot
00:14:38Starts and ends with t16 this metal stand of three legs is used to hold cooking vessels over a fire
00:14:47What is a trivet dot starts and ends with t1200
00:14:51Please seven letter word for a decorative crest of hair on the crown of the head
00:14:58what is
00:15:01Trust no, I'm sorry. Amen or dot
00:15:04That's a top knot back to you dot starts ends with T for 800
00:15:09I'm afraid you're this again young person absent from school without permission
00:15:14Mark, what is truant? Yes starts ends of t2000
00:15:18Siege the day heavy projectiles could be hurled from one of these in the Middle Ages dot. What is a trebuchet it is
00:15:27Russian geography 400
00:15:29This city was Russia's capital from 1712 until just after the 1917 revolution dot what is st. Petersburg you got it
00:15:37Russian geography 800
00:15:39Basically all of Russia east of the Ural Mountains. This region's name may come from a totter word meaning sleeping land
00:15:46Mark, what is Siberia? Correct?
00:15:49territorial governors
00:15:501200 before his brief time as US president. He served 12 years as governor of the Indiana Territory
00:15:58Amen was William Henry Harrison, correct?
00:16:01territorial governors 800 in
00:16:031941 its governor Joseph poindexter protested the transfer of some of the Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic
00:16:10Amen, what are the Philippines? No?
00:16:13marker dot
00:16:14He was right. It was Hawaii in 1941 back to you. Amen women authors 800
00:16:20Called zippy zesty and zotty this debut novel cooked up by Bonnie Garmus became a streaming series starring Brie Larson
00:16:28Dot what is lessons in chemistry, correct?
00:16:31women authors 400
00:16:33She dedicated Frankenstein to her father William Godwin
00:16:36Amen, who is Shelley? Yes starts and ends with T
00:16:40It can refer to a sequence of RNA or a written record of what was said orally dot. What is the transcript?
00:16:46You got it. I'm him for 400 in
00:16:491992 I died in Little Rock, Arkansas after founding the largest retail sales chain in the United States
00:16:56Mark, who's Walton you'd be more specific. Who's Sam Walton? It is Samuel territorial governors 400
00:17:03Arkansas governor James Miller was once famous for his quote. I will try sir during this early 19th century war
00:17:11Amen was the war of 1812. You got it. That means you have the lead with
00:17:15$12,200 as we head into Final Jeopardy dots not far behind. Here's your category players
00:17:21World political history you three work on your wages while we take a break then we'll come back with the clue
00:17:27It's a tight race for the lead as we enter Final Jeopardy world political history is the category here's the clue
00:17:34William Whitelaw and John Payton were also rams in a
00:17:381975 leadership vote with this Victor 30 seconds players. Good luck
00:18:09First with $4,800. He wrote down a
00:18:14Lovely farewell message. Thanks for a fun day. Hey mark. You're welcome
00:18:18Unfortunately, it'll cost you whatever you wagered. You didn't wager anything. You still have
00:18:22$4,800 dot-y was in second place with ten thousand four hundred her response was
00:18:28Was gonna be Washington something. Yeah, that's not correct. I'm afraid not you wagered
00:18:34$599 you now have nine thousand eight hundred and one. So it's up to Eamon Campbell who was in the lead with twelve thousand two hundred his response
00:18:43Who is Thatcher?
00:18:45Missing a T but that's sure I can read that and that is correct
00:18:48This was the leadership vote for the Tory party in Great Britain that set her up to win the prime minister seat four years
00:18:53Later, how much did you wager Eamon?
00:18:56$1,500 gives you thirteen thousand seven hundred and you end the week as a Jeopardy champion
00:19:00Thanks for joining us on the Alex for that stage this week, we'll see you on Monday
00:19:41Alex for backstage at Sony Pictures Studios. This is Jeopardy
00:19:55Introducing today's contestants a clinical psychologist from Bethesda, Maryland
00:20:00Doc quite a lawyer originally from Manchester, Vermont Eamon Campbell
00:20:06and our returning champion a content manager from Riverside, Connecticut
00:20:11Mark Fitzpatrick whose five-day cash winnings total
00:20:17107 thousand two hundred one dollars
00:20:21And now here is the host of Jeopardy
00:20:29Thank You Johnny Gilbert
00:20:30Welcome to Jeopardy after earning his fifth win yesterday
00:20:33Our champion Mark Fitzpatrick is headed to the tournament of champions
00:20:37And when I asked him what his expectations for that tournament might be his response was a lot more losing
00:20:43I don't know if that kind of lack of confidence after your big success here on Jeopardy
00:20:48Mark is a ray of hope to your challengers Eamon and dot but we're gonna find out today starting in the Jeopardy round
00:20:53Good luck to the three of you. Let's reveal your categories
00:20:57First up we have a little day music then 18th century history
00:21:03Make it singular
00:21:05Transport USA
00:21:06Then let's hear it for animal moms. And finally, hey, I'm just doing my job
00:21:12Mark where do you want to begin?
00:21:1418th century history for a thousand, please on
00:21:18April 28 1789 Fletcher Christian of the Royal Navy embarked on this new career
00:21:24Mark, what is privateer? Sorry? No a minor dot
00:21:30He was a mutineer back to you mark 18th century history 800. The answer there is a daily double
00:21:39Can wager up to $1,000 mark to a thousand, okay
00:21:42Here's your clue in 18th century history
00:21:45This North American colonial Empire seen on 16th century maps as Galia Nova ended with the fall of Quebec and Montreal
00:21:57What is
00:21:59Canadian Empire, sorry, no Galia Nova, New France
00:22:03Select again mark 18th century history 600
00:22:07This lands Chosun dynasty was troubled by Prince Sado who kept killing eunuchs and was left to die in a rice chest
00:22:14Amen, what is Japan? That's not correct marker dot mark was Thailand. That's also incorrect dot care to try
00:22:21What is Korea back to you mark?
00:22:2414 18th century history 400
00:22:26Once he had 32 as a freezing point
00:22:29He put the thermometer in his armpit and was happy to find his body temp was close to a neat 3 times 32
00:22:36Amen, who's Fahrenheit? Yes 18th century 200 the first of this pair of battles on April 19th
00:22:441775 lasted a few minutes around sunrise. The second took longer until around sunset
00:22:49Mark, what is Lexington and Concord? You got it
00:22:53Make it singular a thousand
00:22:55graffiti graffiti or this
00:22:59Mark was graffito. Yes, make it singular 800
00:23:04Mark, what is codex it is make it singular 600 strata
00:23:10Amen, what is stratum? That's right. Make a singular 400 bison
00:23:15Amen, what is bison just bison? Yeah transport USA 800 when the ferry can't go
00:23:22Madeline Island in Lake Superior is accessible by this two-word conduit also in the title of a TV show
00:23:31The ice road Amen transport 600
00:23:35PA is for Port Authority in this acronym for the train. That's a vital link between Manhattan and New Jersey
00:23:41Amen, what is path train right transport 400 upon reflection?
00:23:46It probably wasn't the best look for the brand when this bus line owned a meatpacking company from 1970 to 1983
00:23:53Mark was greyhound right transport a thousand
00:23:582200 trains a day run between Boston and Washington DC in what Amtrak calls the Northeast this type of passageway
00:24:05Mark, what is quarter? Correct. Let's hear it for animal mom 600
00:24:10Talk about a parcel of kids this North American marsupial can give birth to as many as 20 babies at a time
00:24:16Each no larger than a bee
00:24:18Amen was no possum. Yes animal moms 800
00:24:22Hens dissolve their own bones if needed to get this element to make shells for their young
00:24:28Dot what is calcium? That is correct. Talk about a good mom
00:24:32You're on the board now with $800 and we're gonna take a quick break much more jeopardy to come right after this
00:24:41Dot white of Bethesda, Maryland is a clinical psychologist and also and I'm jealous if this is true dot
00:24:47You've been in the Guinness Book of World Records. That's true
00:24:49I was part of the world's largest clog dance. We set the record at a conference for youth dance in
00:24:582006 in the Netherlands and all clogs together. It was very loud. What's the record the number of people?
00:25:03We were at 475, but sadly I wrote it in past tense because the records been broken. Oh, no
00:25:08I wonder how many people we have here today. We could try to get back into this. Yeah, let's do it
00:25:12Are you wearing your lucky clogs right now? No
00:25:15Sadly no
00:25:16Eamon Campbell is a lawyer originally from Manchester, Vermont. Tell us about your coffee table. I mean, I love this
00:25:22Yeah, yeah, of course. So when my grandfather died my mom found among his belongings really cool old lobster trap
00:25:29So I had some downtime when I was studying for the bar and I turned into a pretty cool coffee table
00:25:34This is an extremely New England story. You have a lobster lobster trap for your coffee table
00:25:39Mark Fitzpatrick is back with us from Riverside, Connecticut
00:25:42He's a content manager and a recovering musician. Is that right? Tell us about your past musical career
00:25:47Yeah, I feel like like a lot of band kids. I played an instrument while I was young and totally quit
00:25:52So I played the trombone from when I was 10 to 18
00:25:57Probably hours a week and I've not touched it a single time
00:26:01Since I turned 18. Well, that's the time in your life when you have the most people at home to annoy with a trombone
00:26:06Yeah, and you were you were making the most of it. It's a naturally annoying
00:26:09I'm sure you sounded great dot. You just gave us a correct response. And that means you have control of the board
00:26:15She's again, could I get make it singular for 200?
00:26:19alumni seven letters
00:26:21Mark what is?
00:26:23Alumnus. Yes. I'm just doing my job a thousand
00:26:26There's a fluid specific to your specific job applying makeup can be part of it preserving more than dignity
00:26:34What is an embalmer that's the fluid back to you mark do my job 800
00:26:40Knows the proper use of propofol can count to 16 letters in the job can tell people to count backward from 100
00:26:48Amen, what is an athesiologist?
00:26:50You say that again an athesiologist?
00:26:54No, I'm sorry marker dot dot what is an anesthesiologist? I think you got there. Yes
00:26:59Doing my job 600
00:27:01field general millions look at every move you make and critique it Otto Graham and Russell Wilson good examples
00:27:08Amen was a quarterback. That's correct. Doing my job 400 a
00:27:13Work crew leader a jury leader less remunerative
00:27:16Amen was a foreman. Yes doing my job 200
00:27:20Three letters dealing with numbers an exam section for it is called auditing and attestation
00:27:25The exam itself takes 16 hours dot. What is the CPA right animal moms for 200 dad must be relieved when mom of the
00:27:34Emperor species of this returns from a long trek to the ocean and regurgitates fish for the chick
00:27:40Amen was a penguin. You got it animal moms 400
00:27:44This time period from the Latin for carrying contest any mom's patients for an elephant
00:27:49It can be 22 months and an octopus
00:27:5153 dot what is gestation? Yeah, animal moms a thousand
00:27:57Aphids can produce young through this virgin birth method with no mating and produce pregnant babies holding more young
00:28:04Dot what is asexual reproduction? Can you be more specific?
00:28:08What is her mouth for did it work? I'm sorry. That's not it. Marker. Amen
00:28:14What's parthenogenesis back to you dot?
00:28:18What's parthenogenesis back to you dot
00:28:21Transport for 200, please in this city with more fabled transit options
00:28:26The number eight Muni bus and a little walking will take you from Pier 39 to Chinatown
00:28:31Mark, what's New York? No, amen was San Francisco. That's correct little day music 600
00:28:38Ice cube said he was inspired to write this hit in a state of euphoria. I gotta say
00:28:45What is today's been a good day? No amen or dot
00:28:50Close mark, but it's called it was a good day back to you. Amen a little day music 400
00:28:55Real name Scott mesquite. This rapper was just 24 when he released his hit debut single day and night
00:29:02Amen, who's Kid Cudi? Yes day music 800
00:29:06Thursday, I don't care about you. It's this cure title dot. What is Friday? I'm in love. That's the song
00:29:13Day music a thousand
00:29:15Six o'clock already. I was just in the middle of a dream begins this bangles hit that Prince wrote
00:29:20Dot what is manic Monday? That's another thousand for you
00:29:24Day music 200 last clue the name of this Bay Area pop punk band is slang for sunlit hours given over to smoking pot
00:29:32Dot what is Green Day? That's correct. I'm shocked to learn what Green Day means mark the champion
00:29:37You'll select first in double jeopardy. It begins right after this break
00:29:46Board is set for double jeopardy and our champion mark has some ground to make up he'll select first from these categories
00:29:53Russian geography first then TV characters
00:29:57territorial governors
00:29:59I'm him then women authors and in the sixth spot starts and ends with T. Where to mark
00:30:07Russian geography
00:30:082000 please it has a short name at just two letters, but it flows
00:30:142,268 miles across Russia as the seventh largest river in the world
00:30:18Mark, what's the ob you got it?
00:30:21woman authors
00:30:222000 in a letter to pen pal across the sea Harriet Beecher Stowe she discussed her own novel Daniel Duranda
00:30:29Mark who is Elliot George Eliot is right woman authors 1600
00:30:34Joan Didion established her reputation as an essayist with her 1968 collection slouching towards this place
00:30:42Mark what it is Bethlehem. Yes women authors 1200 answer there daily double
00:30:51And the last three clues have put you in the lead mark, but at all okay
00:30:565,800 at stake then in women authors. Here's your clue
00:30:59You can breathe easier knowing that Terry MacMillan wrote a sequel to this novel called getting too happy
00:31:08What is
00:31:14Reckless no you ran out of time waiting to exhale the name of that book all right you're back to zero start building again
00:31:21Russian geography 1600 this
00:31:25750 mile long Russian territory between the sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea is home to 29 active volcanoes
00:31:32Mark what is come Chaka right Russian geography 1200?
00:31:36Because of a dispute over the Kuril Islands in the Western Pacific
00:31:40Russia and this nation have never signed a treaty ending World War two
00:31:44Amen was Japan yes TV characters 1200 on the Apple TV plus show dark matter
00:31:50She plays Daniela Dessen who exists in more than one timeline
00:31:54Amen was Jennifer Connelly it is TV characters 16
00:31:58First name Gregory this pill-popping title doctor woke up in a burning building in the 2012 series finale
00:32:05Amen was house correct TV characters 800
00:32:09Also known as Leopold Stotts this South Park lad has a feminine alter ego named margarine
00:32:15Dot who's butters yes?
00:32:18TV characters 2000 on the boys
00:32:21Jesse Usher plays this speedy superhero with a name familiar from a Duke Ellington number
00:32:27Amen who's a train that is a train TV characters 400
00:32:312022 gave us the last episode of this weepy NBC drama that featured characters like Randall Kate and Kevin
00:32:38Amen was this is us correct. I'm him 1200 my
00:32:431905 Claire de Lune shares its name with a poem by Paul Verlaine
00:32:47What is Debussy correct Territorial Governors 1600 answer Daily Double
00:32:57You're back in third mark. What do you want to do with this?
00:33:00Last stand let's do it again true Daily Double. Yeah, okay 2,800 bucks at stake in Territorial Governors
00:33:06Frank Franz served as an Indian agent of the Osage agency before becoming this territories last governor in 1906
00:33:13What is Oklahoma that's correct you're in second place with 5,600
00:33:20Territorial Governors
00:33:232000 Florida governor William Pope Duvall tried to be fair to these people the wars named for them were before and
00:33:30After his 1822 to 1834 tenure
00:33:33Dot who are the Seminoles correct?
00:33:37I'm him for 1600 I lasted 11 days
00:33:41I lasted 11 days as White House communications director in July 2017
00:33:45Mark who is
00:33:48Tuchio no, I'm sorry. Amen. Who is Scaramucci? Yeah, that is one Scaramucci. I'm him 800
00:33:55As mayor of Flavortown, I've brought my frosted tips to diners and drive-ins and even some dives
00:34:01Dot who is guy Fieri, right? I'm him
00:34:04Right, I'm him
00:34:062000 they call me the Prince of Humanism and the greatest scholar of the Northern Renaissance, but you can call me Desi
00:34:15Who is Desiderius Erasmus back to you dot
00:34:20Starts and ends with t16 this metal stand of three legs is used to hold cooking vessels over a fire
00:34:27What is a trivet dot starts and ends with T 1200, please
00:34:31Seven letter word for a decorative crest of hair on the crown of the head
00:34:37What is
00:34:39Trust no, I'm sorry. Amen or dot
00:34:43That's a topknot back to you dot starts and ends with T for 800
00:34:48I'm afraid you're this again young person absent from school without permission
00:34:52This again young person absent from school without permission
00:34:55Mark, what is truant? Yes starts and ends of T 2000
00:35:00Siege the day heavy projectiles could be hurled from one of these in the Middle Ages
00:35:05Dot what is a trebuchet it is?
00:35:08Russian geography 400
00:35:10This city was Russia's capital from 1712 until just after the 1917 Revolution dot. What is st. Petersburg?
00:35:17You got it Russian geography 800
00:35:20Basically all of Russia east of the Ural Mountains this region's name may come from a totter word meaning sleeping land
00:35:27Mark, what is Siberia? Correct?
00:35:30territorial governors
00:35:321200 before his brief time as US president. He served 12 years as governor of the Indiana Territory
00:35:39Amen, it was William Henry Harrison, correct?
00:35:42territorial governors 800 in
00:35:451941 its governor Joseph Poindexter protested the transfer of some of the Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic
00:35:52Amen, what are the Philippines? No
00:35:54marker dot
00:35:55He was right. It was Hawaii in 1941 back to you. Amen
00:35:59women authors
00:36:01800 called zippy zesty and zotty this debut novel cooked up by Bonnie Garmus became a streaming series
00:36:08Starring Brie Larson dot what is lessons in chemistry, correct?
00:36:12women authors 400
00:36:14She dedicated Frankenstein to her father William Godwin
00:36:18Amen, we're Shelly. Yes starts and ends with T
00:36:21It can refer to a sequence of RNA or a written record of what was said orally dot. What is the transcript?
00:36:27You got it. I'm him for 400 in 1992
00:36:31I died in Little Rock Arkansas after founding the largest retail sales chain in the United States
00:36:37Mark who's Walton you'd be more specific. Who's Sam Walton? It is Samuel territorial governors 400
00:36:45Arkansas governor James Miller was once famous for his quote. I will try sir during this early 19th century war
00:36:52Amen, what's the war of 1812? You got it. That means you have the lead with
00:36:56$12,200 as we head into Final Jeopardy dots not far behind. Here's your category players
00:37:02World political history you three work on your wages while we take a break then we'll come back with the clue
00:37:09It's a tight race for the lead as we enter Final Jeopardy world political history is the category here's the clue
00:37:16William Whitelaw and John Payton were also rands in a 1975 leadership vote with this Victor 30 seconds players
00:37:23Good luck
00:37:53First with $4,800 he wrote down a
00:37:57A lovely farewell message. Thanks for a fun day. Hey mark, you're welcome
00:38:02Unfortunately, it'll cost you whatever you wagered. You didn't wager anything. You still have
00:38:06$4,800 dot white was in second place with ten thousand four hundred her response was
00:38:12Was gonna be Washington something. Yeah, that's not correct. I'm afraid dot you wagered
00:38:19599 you now have nine thousand eight hundred and one so it's up to Eamon Campbell who was in the lead with twelve thousand two
00:38:25hundred his response
00:38:27Who is Thatcher?
00:38:29Missing a T, but that's sure I can read that and that is correct
00:38:33This was the leadership vote for the Tory party in Great Britain that set her up to win the prime minister seat four years later
00:38:38How much did you wager Eamon?
00:38:40$1,500 gives you thirteen thousand seven hundred and you end the week as a Jeopardy champion
00:38:49Thanks for joining us on the Alex for next stage this week, we'll see you on Monday
00:39:22The Alex for backstage at Sony Pictures Studios
00:39:26This is Jeopardy
00:39:36Introducing today's contestants a clinical psychologist from Bethesda, Maryland dot white a lawyer
00:39:44originally from Manchester, Vermont Eamon Campbell and
00:39:48our returning champion a content manager from Riverside, Connecticut
00:39:52Mark Fitzpatrick who's five-day cash winnings total
00:39:59107,000 two hundred one dollars and
00:40:03Now here is the host of Jeopardy
00:40:10Thank You Johnny Gilbert
00:40:12Welcome to Jeopardy after earning his fifth win yesterday our champion Mark Fitzpatrick is headed to the tournament of champions
00:40:18And when I asked him what his expectations for that tournament might be his response was a lot more losing
00:40:24I don't know if that kind of lack of confidence after your big success here on Jeopardy
00:40:29Mark is a ray of hope to your challengers Eamon and dot but we're gonna find out today starting in the Jeopardy round
00:40:35Good luck to the three of you. Let's reveal your categories
00:40:39First up we have a little day music then 18th century history
00:40:44Make it singular
00:40:46Transport USA
00:40:48Then let's hear it for animal moms. And finally, hey, I'm just doing my job
00:40:54Mark, where do you want to begin?
00:40:5618th century history for a thousand, please on
00:40:59April 28 1789 Fletcher Christian of the Royal Navy embarked on this new career
00:41:06Mark, what is privateer? Sorry? No, amen or dot
00:41:11He was a mutineer back to you mark 18th century history 800 answer there is a daily double
00:41:20You can wager up to $1,000 mark, it's 2,000. Okay. Here's your clue in 18th century history
00:41:26This North American colonial Empire seen on 16th century maps as Gallia Nova
00:41:32Ended with the fall of Quebec and Montreal
00:41:38What is
00:41:40Canadian Empire, sorry, no Gallia Nova, New France
00:41:45Select again mark 18th century history 600
00:41:48This lands Choson dynasty was troubled by Prince Sado who kept killing eunuchs and was left to die in a rice chest
00:41:56Amen, what is Japan? That's not correct marker dot mark was Thailand. That's also incorrect dot care to try
00:42:02What is Korea back to you mark?
00:42:0514 18th century history 400
00:42:07Once he had 32 as a freezing point
00:42:10He put the thermometer in his armpit and was happy to find his body temp was close to a neat 3 times 32
00:42:17Amen, it was Fahrenheit. Yes
00:42:1918th century 200 the first of this pair of battles on April 19th
00:42:251775 lasted a few minutes around sunrise. The second took longer until around sunset
00:42:31Mark what is Lexington and Concord? You got it?
00:42:35Make it singular a thousand
00:42:37graffiti graffiti or this
00:42:40Mark was graffito. Yes, make it singular 800
00:42:46Mark, what is codex it is make it singular 600 strata
00:42:51Amen, what is stratum? That's right. Make a singular 400 bison
00:42:57Amen what is bison just bison?
00:42:58Yeah transport USA 800 when the ferry can't go
00:43:03Madeline Island in Lake Superior is accessible by this two-word conduit also in the title of a TV show
00:43:12That's the ice road amen transport 600
00:43:16PA is for Port Authority in this acronym for the train. That's a vital link between Manhattan and New Jersey
00:43:23Amen was path train right transport 400 upon reflection
00:43:27It probably wasn't the best look for the brand when this bus line owned a meatpacking company from 1970 to 1983
00:43:35Mark was Greyhound, right?
00:43:37transport a thousand
00:43:392200 trains a day run between Boston and Washington DC in what Amtrak calls the Northeast this type of passageway
00:43:46Mark, what is quarter correct? Let's hear it for animal mom 600
00:43:51Talk about a parcel of kids this North American marsupial can give birth to as many as 20 babies at a time
00:43:57Each no larger than a bee
00:44:00Amen was no possum. Yes animal moms 800
00:44:04Hens dissolve their own bones if needed to get this element to make shells for their young
00:44:09Dot what's calcium? That is correct. Talk about a good mom
00:44:13You're on the board now with $800 and we're gonna take a quick break much more jeopardy to come right after this
00:44:22Dot white of Bethesda, Maryland is a clinical psychologist and also and I'm jealous if this is true dot
00:44:28You've been in the Guinness Book of World Records. That's true. I was part of the world's largest clogged dance
00:44:34We set the record at a conference for youth dance in
00:44:392006 in the Netherlands and all clogged together. It was very loud. What's the record the number of people we were at 475
00:44:46But sadly, I wrote it in past tense because the records been broken. Oh, no
00:44:50I wonder how many people we have here today. We could try to get back into this. Yeah, let's do it
00:44:54Are you wearing your lucky clogs right now? No
00:44:57Sadly, no, amen. Campbell is a lawyer originally from Manchester, Vermont. Tell us about your coffee table. I mean, I love this
00:45:03Yeah, of course. So when my grandfather died my mom found among his belongings really cool old lobster trap
00:45:11So I had some downtime when I was studying for the bar and I turned into a pretty cool coffee table
00:45:16This is an extremely New England story. You have a lobster to a lobster trap for your coffee table
00:45:20Mark Fitzpatrick is back with us from Riverside, Connecticut. He's a content manager and a recovering musician. Is that right?
00:45:26Tell us about your past musical career. Yeah, I feel like like a lot of band kids
00:45:31I played an instrument while I was young and totally quit
00:45:34So I played the trombone from when I was 10 to 18
00:45:39Probably hours a week and have not touched it a single time
00:45:42Since I turned 18
00:45:44Well, that's the time in your life when you have the most people at home to annoy with a trombone
00:45:47Yeah, and you were you were making the most of it. It's a naturally annoying
00:45:51I'm sure you sounded great dot you just gave us a correct response and that means you have control of the board choose again
00:45:57Could I get make it singular for 200?
00:46:00alumni seven letters
00:46:02Mark what is?
00:46:04Alumnus. Yes. I'm just doing my job a thousand
00:46:08There's a fluid specific to your specific job applying makeup can be part of it preserving more than dignity
00:46:17What is an embalmer that's the fluid back to you mark doing my job 800
00:46:23Knows the proper use of propofol can count to 16 letters in the job can tell people to count backward from 100
00:46:31Amen, what is anesthesiologist?
00:46:34You say that again?
00:46:37No, I'm sorry
00:46:38Marker dot dot what is an anesthesiologist? I think you got there. Yes
00:46:44Doing my job 600
00:46:46Field general millions look at every move you make and critique it Otto Graham and Russell Wilson good examples
00:46:52Amen was a quarterback. That's correct doing my job 400 a
00:46:56Work crew leader a jury leader less remunerative
00:47:00Amen was a foreman. Yes doing my job 200
00:47:04Three letters dealing with numbers an exam section for it is called auditing and attestation the exam itself takes 16 hours
00:47:12Dot what is the CPA right?
00:47:15animal moms for 200
00:47:17Dad must be relieved when mom of the Emperor species of this returns from a long trek to the ocean and regurgitates fish for the
00:47:24Chick Amen was a penguin you got it animal moms 400
00:47:29This time period from the Latin for carrying contest any mom's patients for an elephant
00:47:34It can be 22 months and an octopus 53 dot what is gestation? Yeah
00:47:40animal moms a thousand
00:47:42Aphids can produce young through this virgin birth method with no mating and produce pregnant babies holding more young
00:47:49Dot what is asexual reproduction? Can you be more specific?
00:47:53I what is hermaphroditic work? I'm sorry. That's not it marker even
00:47:59What is parthenogenesis back to you dot?
00:48:03transport for 200
00:48:04Please in this city with more fabled transit options the number eight muni bus and a little walking will take you from Pier 39
00:48:11To Chinatown mark with New York. No
00:48:15Amen was San Francisco. That's correct
00:48:17Little day music 600 ice cube said he was inspired to write this hit in a state of euphoria. I gotta say
00:48:26What is today's been a good day? No a minor dot?
00:48:31Close mark, but it's called it was a good day back to you. Amen a little day music 400
00:48:37Real name Scott mesquite. This rapper was just 24 when he released his hit debut single day and night
00:48:43Amen who's Kid Cudi? Yes day music 800 Thursday. I don't care about you. It's this cure title
00:48:51Dot what is Friday? I'm in love. That's the song
00:48:54day music a thousand
00:48:56Six o'clock already. I was just in the middle of a dream begins this bangles hit that Prince wrote
00:49:02Dot what is manic Monday? That's another thousand for you
00:49:05Day music 200 last clue the name of this Bay Area
00:49:09Pop-punk band is slang for sunlit hours given over to smoking pot dot. What is Green Day? That's correct
00:49:15I'm shocked to learn what Green Day means mark the champion. You'll select first in double jeopardy. It begins right after this break
00:49:28Board is set for double jeopardy and our champion mark has some ground to make up he'll select first from these categories
00:49:34Russian geography first then TV characters
00:49:39territorial governors
00:49:40I'm him then women authors and in the sixth spot starts and ends with T. Where to mark
00:49:48Russian geography
00:49:492000 please it has a short name at just two letters, but it flows
00:49:552,268 miles across Russia as the seventh largest river in the world
00:49:59Mark, what's the ob you got it?
00:50:02Woman authors
00:50:032000 in a letter to pen pal across the sea Harriet Beecher Stowe she discussed her own novel Daniel Duranda
00:50:11Mark, who is Elliot George Elliot is right woman authors 1600 Joan Didion established her reputation as an essayist
00:50:19With her 1968 collection slouching towards this place mark. What is Bethlehem?
00:50:25Yes, women authors 1200 answer their daily double
00:50:32And the last three clues have put you in the lead mark, but at all, okay
00:50:375800 at stake then in women authors. Here's your clue
00:50:41You can breathe easier knowing that Terry Macmillan wrote a sequel to this novel called getting too happy
00:50:50What is
00:50:55You ran out of time waiting to exhale the name of that book. All right, you're back to zero start building again
00:51:00Russian geography 1600
00:51:02This 750 mile long Russian territory between the sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea is home to 29 active volcanoes
00:51:10Mark, what is Kamchatka? Right Russian geography 1200
00:51:15Because of a dispute over the Kuril Islands in the Western Pacific
00:51:18Russia and this nation have never signed a treaty ending World War two
00:51:22Amen was Japan. Yes TV characters 1200 on the Apple TV Plus show Dark Matter
00:51:28She plays Daniela Dessin who exists in more than one timeline
00:51:32Amen was Jennifer Connelly. It is TV characters 16
00:51:37First name Gregory this pill-popping title doctor woke up in a burning building in the 2012 series finale
00:51:44Amen was house. Correct. What is the name of the city of New York?
00:51:47Was house correct TV characters 800 also known as Leopold Stotch
00:51:53This South Park lad has a feminine alter ego named margarine
00:51:57Dot who's butters? Yes
00:51:59TV characters 2000 on the boys Jesse Usher plays this speedy superhero with a name familiar from a Duke Ellington number
00:52:08Amen, who's a train that is a train TV characters 400
00:52:122022 gave us the last episode of this weepy NBC drama that featured characters like Randall Kate and Kevin
00:52:19Amen was this is us. Correct
00:52:22I'm him 1200 my 1905 Claire de Lune shares its name with a poem by Paul Verlaine
00:52:30Mark what is Debussy? Correct territorial governor 1600 answer daily double
00:52:38You're back in third mark, what do you want to do with this last stand? Let's do it again true daily double
00:52:44Yeah, okay 2,800 bucks at stake in territorial governors
00:52:48Frank Franz served as an Indian agent of the Osage agency before becoming this territories last governor in 1906
00:52:56What is Oklahoma? That's correct. You're in second place with 5600
00:53:03Territorial governors 2000
00:53:05Territorial governors
00:53:08Florida governor William Pope Duvall tried to be fair to these people the wars named for them were before and after his
00:53:151822 to 1834 tenure
00:53:17Dot who are the Seminoles, correct?
00:53:21I'm him for 1600. I lasted 11 days as White House communications director in July 2017
00:53:28mark who is
00:53:31Tuchio no, I'm sorry. Amen. Who's Scaramucci? Yeah, that is one Scaramucci. I'm him 800 as
00:53:38Mayor of Flavortown. I've brought my frosted tips to diners and drive-ins and even some dives
00:53:44Dot who is Guy Fieri, right? I'm him
00:53:472000 they call me the Prince of Humanism and the greatest scholar of the Northern Renaissance, but you can call me Desi
00:53:57Who is Desiderius Erasmus back to you dot
00:54:01Starts and ends with t16. This metal stand of three legs is used to hold cooking vessels over a fire
00:54:10What is a trivet dot starts and ends with t1200 please
00:54:14Seven letter word for a decorative crest of hair on the crown of the head
00:54:20What is?
00:54:23Trust no, I'm sorry. Amen or dot
00:54:27That's a topknot
00:54:28Back to you dot starts ends with T for 800. I'm afraid you're this again young person absent from school without permission
00:54:36Mark, what is truant? Yes starts ends of t2000
00:54:41Siege the day heavy projectiles could be hurled from one of these in the Middle Ages dot. What is a trebuchet it is
00:54:49Russian geography 400
00:54:52This city was Russia's capital from 1712 until just after the 1917 revolution dot what is st. Petersburg you got it
00:55:00Russian geography 800
00:55:02Basically all of Russia east of the Ural Mountains this region's name may come from a totter word meaning sleeping land
00:55:09Mark, what is Siberia? Correct?
00:55:12territorial governors 1200
00:55:14Before his brief time as US president. He served 12 years as governor of the Indiana Territory
00:55:21Amen is William Henry Harrison, correct?
00:55:23territorial governors 800 in
00:55:261941 its governor Joseph Poindexter protested the transfer of some of the Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic
00:55:33Amen, where are the Philippines? No?
00:55:36marker dot
00:55:37He was right. It was Hawaii in 1941 back to you. Amen women authors 800
00:55:43Called zippy zesty and zotty this debut novel cooked up by Bonnie Garmus became a streaming series starring Brie Larson
00:55:51Dot what is lessons in chemistry, correct?
00:55:53women authors 400
00:55:55She dedicated Frankenstein to her father William Godwin
00:55:59Amen, who's Shelley? Yes starts and ends with T
00:56:02It can refer to a sequence of RNA or a written record of what was said orally dot was a transcript. You got it
00:56:09I'm him for 400 in
00:56:121992 I died in Little Rock, Arkansas after founding the largest retail sales chain in the United States
00:56:18Mark, who's Walton you'd be more specific. Who's Sam Walton? It is Samuel territorial governors 400
00:56:26Arkansas governor James Miller was once famous for his quote. I will try sir during this early 19th century war
00:56:34Amen was the war of 1812. You got it. That means you have the lead with
00:56:38$12,200 as we head into Final Jeopardy dots not far behind. Here's your category players
00:56:43World political history you three work on your wages while we take a break, then we'll come back with the crew
00:56:50It's a tight race for the lead as we enter Final Jeopardy world political history is the category here's the clue
00:56:57William Whitelaw and John Payton were also rams in a 1975 leadership vote with this Victor 30 seconds players
00:57:05Good luck
00:57:34First with $4,800 he wrote down
00:57:39Lovely farewell message. Thanks for a fun day. Hey mark, you're welcome
00:57:43Unfortunately, it'll cost you whatever you wagered. You didn't wager anything. You still have $4,800 dot-white was in second place with
00:57:5110,400 her response was
00:57:54Was gonna be Washington something. Yeah, that's not correct. I'm afraid not you wagered
00:58:00599 you now have
00:58:039801 so it's up to Eamon Campbell who was in the lead with 12,200 his response
00:58:08Who is Thatcher
00:58:11Missing a T, but that's sure I can read that and that is correct
00:58:14This was the leadership vote for the Tory party in Great Britain that set her up to win the Prime Minister seat four years
00:58:19Later, how much did you wager Eamon?
00:58:21$1,500 gives you
00:58:2313,700 and you end the week as a Jeopardy champion
00:58:30Thanks for joining us on the Alex for that stage this week, we'll see you on Monday
00:59:03The Alex for backstage at Sony Pictures Studios
00:59:08this is
00:59:17Introducing today's contestants a clinical psychologist from Bethesda, Maryland dot quite a lawyer
00:59:25originally from Manchester Vermont Eamon Campbell and
00:59:29our returning champion a content manager from Riverside, Connecticut
00:59:34Mark Fitzpatrick who's five-day cash winnings total
00:59:40107,000 two hundred one dollars and
00:59:44Now here is the host of Jeopardy
00:59:48Ken Jenny
00:59:51Thank You Johnny Gilbert
00:59:53Welcome to Jeopardy after earning his fifth win yesterday
00:59:56Our champion Mark Fitzpatrick is headed to the tournament of champions
00:59:59And when I asked him what his expectations for that tournament might be his response was a lot more losing
01:00:06I don't know if that kind of lack of confidence after your big success here on Jeopardy
01:00:11Mark is a ray of hope to your challengers Eamon and dot but we're gonna find out today starting in the Jeopardy round
01:00:16Good luck to the three of you. Let's reveal your categories
01:00:20First up we have a little day music then 18th century history
01:00:25Make it singular
01:00:27Transport USA
01:00:29Then let's hear it for animal moms. And finally, hey, I'm just doing my job
01:00:35Mark, where do you want to begin?
01:00:3718th century history for a thousand, please on
01:00:40April 28 1789 Fletcher Christian of the Royal Navy embarked on this new career
01:00:47Mark what is
01:00:49Privateer, sorry. No Eamon or dot
01:00:52He was a mutineer back to you mark 18th century history 800 answer there is a daily double
01:01:02You can wager up to $1,000 mark to a thousand, okay
01:01:05Here's your clue in 18th century history
01:01:08this North American colonial Empire seen on 16th century maps as Gallia Nova
01:01:14Ended with the fall of Quebec and Montreal
01:01:20What is
01:01:22Canadian Empire, sorry, no Gallia Nova, New France
01:01:26Select again mark 18th century history 600 this lands Choson dynasty was troubled by Prince Sado
01:01:33Who kept killing eunuchs and was left to die in a rice chest?
01:01:37Amen, what is Japan? That's not correct marker dot mark was Thailand. That's also incorrect dot care to try
01:01:44What is Korea back to you mark 14 18th century history 400?
01:01:49Once he had 32 as a freezing point
01:01:51He put the thermometer in his armpit and was happy to find his body temp was close to a neat 3 times 32
01:01:58Amen, it was Fahrenheit. Yes
01:02:0118th century 200 the first of this pair of battles on April 19th
01:02:061775 lasted a few minutes around sunrise. The second took longer until around sunset
01:02:12Mark what is Lexington and Concord? You got it?
01:02:16Make it singular a thousand
01:02:18graffiti graffiti or this
01:02:21Mark was graffito. Yes, make it singular 800
01:02:27Mark, what is codex it is make it singular 600 strata
01:02:33Amen, what is stratum? That's right. Make it singular 400 bison
01:02:38Amen was bison just bison. Yeah transport USA 800 when the ferry can't go
01:02:44Madeline Island in Lake Superior is accessible by this two-word conduit also in the title of a TV show
01:02:53That's the ice road amen transport 600
01:02:57PA is for Port Authority in this acronym for the train. That's a vital link between Manhattan and New Jersey
01:03:04Amen was path train right transport 400 upon reflection
01:03:09It probably wasn't the best look for the brand when this bus line owned a meatpacking company from 1970 to 1983
01:03:16Mark was Greyhound right transport a thousand
01:03:202200 trains a day run between Boston and Washington DC in what Amtrak calls the Northeast this type of passageway
01:03:28Mark what is corridor? Correct? Let's hear it for animal mom
01:03:32600 talk about a parcel of kids this North American marsupial can give birth to as many as 20 babies at a time
01:03:39Each no larger than a bee
01:03:41Amen was no possum. Yes animal moms 800
01:03:45Hens dissolve their own bones if needed to get this element to make shells for their young
01:03:51Dot what's calcium? That is correct. Talk about a good mom
01:03:54You're on the board now with $800 and we're gonna take a quick break much more jeopardy to come right after this
01:04:04White of Bethesda, Maryland is a clinical psychologist and also and I'm jealous if this is true dot
01:04:09You've been in the Guinness Book of World Records. That's true. I was part of the world's largest clog dance
01:04:15We set the record at a conference for youth dance in
01:04:202006 in the Netherlands and all clogs together. It was very loud. What's the record the number of people?
01:04:26We were at 475 but sadly I wrote it in past tense because the records been broken
01:04:31Oh, no, I wonder how many people we have here today. We could try to get back into this. Yeah, let's do it
01:04:35Are you wearing your lucky clogs right now? No
01:04:38Sadly, no, amen. Campbell is a lawyer originally from Manchester, Vermont. Tell us about your coffee table. I mean, I love this
01:04:45Yeah, of course. So when my grandfather died my mom found among his belongings really cool old lobster trap
01:04:52So I had some downtime when I was studying for the bar and I turned into a pretty cool coffee table
01:04:57This is an extremely New England story. You have a lobster a lobster trap for your coffee table
01:05:02Mark Fitzpatrick is back with us from Riverside, Connecticut. He's a content manager and a recovering musician. Is that right?
01:05:08Tell us about your past musical career. Yeah, I feel like like a lot of band kids
01:05:12I played an instrument while I was young and totally quit so I played the trombone from when I was 10 to 18
01:05:20Probably hours a week and I've not touched it a single time
01:05:24Since I turned 18. Well, that's the time in your life when you have the most people at home to annoy with a trombone
01:05:28Yeah, and you were you were making the most of it. It's a naturally annoying
01:05:32I'm sure you sounded great dot you just gave us a correct response and that means you have control of the board choose again
01:05:38Could I get make it singular for 200?
01:05:42alumni seven letters
01:05:44Mark what is?
01:05:46Alumnus yes
01:05:47I'm just doing my job a thousand. There's a fluid specific to your specific job applying makeup can be part of it
01:05:55preserving more than dignity
01:05:59What is an embalmer that's the fluid back to you mark do my job 800
01:06:04Knows the proper use of propofol can count to 16 letters in the job can tell people to count backward from 100
01:06:13Amen what is anesthesiologist?
01:06:15Can you say that again anesthesiologist?
01:06:18No, I'm sorry marker dot dot what is an anesthesiologist? I think you got there. Yes
01:06:25Doing my job 600
01:06:27Feel general millions look at every move you make and critique it Otto Graham and Russell Wilson good examples
01:06:34Amen was a quarterback. That's correct doing my job 400 a
01:06:38work crew leader a jury leader less remunerative
01:06:42Amen was a foreman. Yes doing my job 200
01:06:45Three letters dealing with numbers an exam section for it is called auditing and attestation the exam itself takes 16 hours
01:06:53Dot what is the CPA right?
01:06:56animal moms for 200
01:06:58Dad must be relieved when mom of the Emperor species of this returns from a long trek to the ocean and regurgitates fish for the chick
01:07:06Amen was a penguin you got it animal moms 400 this time period from the Latin for carrying
01:07:13Contest any mom's patience for an elephant. It can be 22 months and an octopus 53 dot what is gestation? Yeah
01:07:21animal moms a thousand
01:07:23Aphids can produce young through this virgin birth method with no mating and produce pregnant babies holding more young
01:07:31Dot what is asexual reproduction? Can you be more specific?
01:07:34I what is hermaphroditic?
01:07:37I'm sorry, that's not it marker. Amen
01:07:40What's parthenogenesis back to you dot transport for 200, please in this city with more fabled transit options
01:07:48The number eight Muni bus and a little walking will take you from Pier 39 to Chinatown
01:07:53Mark with New York. No
01:07:56Amen was San Francisco. That's correct
01:07:58Little day music 600 ice cube said he was inspired to write this hit in a state of euphoria. I gotta say
01:08:07What is today's been a good day? No, amen or dot?
01:08:12Close mark, but it's called it was a good day back to you. Amen a little day music 400
01:08:18Real name Scott mesquite. This rapper was just 24 when he released his hit debut single day and night
01:08:25Amen who's Kid Cudi? Yes day music 800 Thursday. I don't care about you. It's this cure title
01:08:32Dot what is Friday? I'm in love. That's the song day music a thousand
01:08:37Six o'clock already. I was just in the middle of a dream begins this bangles hit that Prince wrote
01:08:43Dot what is manic Monday? That's another thousand for you
01:08:46Day music 200 last clue the name of this Bay Area
01:08:50Pop-punk band is slang for sunlit hours given over to smoking pot dot. What is Green Day? That's correct
01:08:57I'm shocked to learn what Green Day means mark the champion. You'll select first in double jeopardy. It begins right after this break
01:09:09Board is set for double jeopardy and our champion mark has some ground to make up he'll select first from these categories
01:09:15Russian geography first then TV characters
01:09:20territorial governors
01:09:21I'm him then women authors and in the sixth spot starts and ends with T. Where to mark
01:09:29Russian Geography
01:09:312000 please it has a short name at just two letters, but it flows
01:09:362,268 miles across Russia as the seventh largest river in the world
01:09:41Mark, what's the ob you got it?
01:09:43Woman authors 2000 in a letter to pen pal across the sea Harriet Beecher Stowe
01:09:49She discussed her own novel Daniel Duranda
01:09:52Mark who is Elliot George Elliot is right woman authors 1600 Joan Didion established her reputation as an essayist
01:10:00with her
01:10:011968 collection slouching towards this place mark what is Bethlehem? Yes women authors
01:10:081200 answer their daily double
01:10:13And the last three clues have put you in the lead mark, but at all, okay
01:10:185800 at stake then in women authors. Here's your clue
01:10:22You can breathe easier knowing that Terry Macmillan wrote a sequel to this novel called getting too happy
01:10:31What is
01:10:36You ran out of time waiting to exhale the name of that book. All right, you're back to zero start building again
01:10:42Russian Geography 1600
01:10:44This 750 mile long Russian territory between the sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea is home to 29 active volcanoes
01:10:51Mark, what is Kamchatka right Russian Geography 1200 because of a dispute over the Kuril Islands in the Western Pacific
01:10:59Because of a dispute over the Kuril Islands in the Western Pacific Russia and this nation have never signed a treaty ending World War two
01:11:06Amen was Japan. Yes TV characters 1200 on the Apple TV Plus show dark matter
01:11:13She plays Daniela Dessen who exists in more than one timeline
01:11:17Amen was Jennifer Connelly. It is TV characters 16
01:11:21First name Gregory this pill-popping title doctor woke up in a burning building in the 2012 series finale
01:11:28Amen whose house correct TV characters 800
01:11:32Also known as Leopold Stotts. This South Park lad has a feminine alter-ego named margarine
01:11:38Dot who's butters? Yes
01:11:41TV characters 2000 on the boys Jesse Usher plays this speedy superhero with a name familiar from a Duke Ellington number
01:11:49Amen, who's a train that is a train TV characters 400
01:11:542022 gave us the last episode of this weepy NBC drama that featured characters like Randall Kate and Kevin
01:12:01Amen was this is us, correct
01:12:03I'm him 1200 my 1905 Claire de Lune shares its name with a poem by Paul Verlaine
01:12:11Mark what is Debussy? Correct territorial governor 1600 answer daily double
01:12:20You're back in third mark, what do you want to do with this last stand? Let's do it again true daily double
01:12:25Yeah, okay 2,800 bucks at stake in territorial governors
01:12:29Frank Franz served as an Indian agent of the Osage agency before becoming this territories last governor in 1906
01:12:37What is Oklahoma? That's correct. You're in second place with 5600
01:12:44Territorial governors 2000
01:12:46Territorial governors
01:12:49Florida governor William Pope Duvall tried to be fair to these people the war is named for them were before and after his
01:12:561822 to 1834 tenure
01:12:59Dot who are the Seminoles, correct?
01:13:02I'm him for 1600. I lasted 11 days as White House communications director in July 2017
01:13:10mark who is
01:13:12Tuchio no, I'm sorry. Amen. Who's Scaramucci? Yeah, that is one Scaramucci. I'm him 800
01:13:19As mayor of Flavortown, I've brought my frosted tips to diners and drive-ins and even some dives
01:13:25Dot who is Guy Fieri, right? I'm him
01:13:292000 they call me the Prince of Humanism and the greatest scholar of the Northern Renaissance, but you can call me Desi
01:13:38Who is Desiderius Erasmus back to you dot
01:13:42Starts and ends with t16. This metal stand of three legs is used to hold cooking vessels over a fire
01:13:51What is a trivet dot starts and ends with t1200 please
01:13:56Seven letter word for a decorative crest of hair on the crown of the head
01:14:02what is
01:14:05Trust no, I'm sorry. Amen or dot
01:14:08That's a top knot back to you dot starts ends with T for 800
01:14:13I'm afraid you're this again young person absent from school without permission
01:14:18Mark, what is truant? Yes starts ends of t2000
01:14:22Siege the day heavy projectiles could be hurled from one of these in the Middle Ages dot. What is a trebuchet it is
01:14:31Russian geography 400
01:14:33This city was Russia's capital from 1712 until just after the 1917 revolution dot what is st. Petersburg?
01:14:40You got it Russian geography 800
01:14:43Basically all of Russia east of the Ural Mountains. This region's name may come from a totter word meaning sleeping land
01:14:50Mark, what is Siberia? Correct?
01:14:53territorial governors
01:14:541200 before his brief time as US president. He served 12 years as governor of the Indiana Territory
01:15:02Amen was William Henry Harrison, correct?
01:15:05territorial governors 800 in
01:15:071941 its governor Joseph poindexter protested the transfer of some of the Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic
01:15:14Amen, where are the Philippines? No?
01:15:17marker dot
01:15:18He was right. It was Hawaii in 1941 back to you. Amen woman authors 800
01:15:24Called zippy zesty and zotty this debut novel cooked up by Bonnie Garmus became a streaming series starring Brie Larson
01:15:32Dot what is lessons in chemistry, correct?
01:15:35women authors 400
01:15:37She dedicated Frankenstein to her father William Godwin
01:15:40Amen, who is Shelley? Yes starts and ends with T
01:15:44It can refer to a sequence of RNA or a written record of what was said orally dot. What is the transcript?
01:15:50You got it. I'm him for 400 in
01:15:531992 I died in Little Rock, Arkansas after founding the largest retail sales chain in the United States
01:16:00Mark, who's Walton you'd be more specific. Who's Sam Walton? It is Samuel territorial governors 400
01:16:07Arkansas governor James Miller was once famous for his quote. I will try sir during this early 19th century war
01:16:15Amen was the war of 1812. You got it. That means you have a lead with
01:16:19$12,200 as we head into Final Jeopardy dots not far behind. Here's your category players
01:16:25World political history you three work on your wagers while we take a break then we'll come back with the clip
01:16:31It's a tight race for the lead as we enter Final Jeopardy world political history is the category here's the clue
01:16:38William Whitelaw and John Payton were also rands in a
01:16:421975 leadership vote with this victor 30 seconds players. Good luck
01:17:13First with $4,800. He wrote down a
01:17:18Lovely farewell message. Thanks for a fun day. Hey mark, you're welcome
01:17:22Unfortunately, it'll cost you whatever you wagered. You didn't wager anything. You still have
01:17:26$4,800 dot white was in second place with ten thousand four hundred her response was
01:17:32Was gonna be Washington something. Yeah, that's not correct. I'm afraid not you wagered
01:17:38$599 you now have nine thousand eight hundred and one. So it's up to Eamon Campbell who was in the lead with twelve thousand two hundred his response
01:17:47Who is Thatcher?
01:17:49Missing a T but that's sure I can read that and that is correct
01:17:52This was the leadership vote for the Tory party in Great Britain that set her up to win the prime minister seat four years
01:17:57Later, how much did you wager Eamon?
01:18:00$1,500 gives you thirteen thousand seven hundred and you end the week as a Jeopardy champion
01:18:05Thanks for joining us on the Alex for that stage this week, we'll see you on Monday
