Sturm der Liebe Folge - 4297 Eine Zukunft mit Vincent?

  • 2 days ago
Sturm der Liebe Folge 4297 Eine Zukunft mit Vincent?


00:00And how do you like the new one?
00:06Yes, he's very nice.
00:07But it's a shame that such great men always like men.
00:12Except for my Eric.
00:15What do you mean?
00:16What do you mean, Ed?
00:17Miro Falk.
00:18I don't understand.
00:19Why shouldn't he want anything from women?
00:21Except for his job.
00:23His job.
00:25Markus, this is so absurd.
00:27Philipp is becoming a better person because of Anna.
00:29And I'm starting to get intrigued.
00:32You're right.
00:34Your stepfather showed his true face and let you fall.
00:38Not a nice experience, I'm sure of that.
00:41I hope you've learned from that.
00:44And show yourself to be accountable.
00:47Should the opportunity arise in the future,
00:51and I'm sure it will arise very soon,
00:54I'll count on you.
00:56Autoimmune disease.
00:57It's rarely researched,
00:59and therefore hardly any therapy.
01:02Complete joint pain that progresses relatively quickly.
01:05Are you saying that I'm kissing Eric?
01:07Not that.
01:09But that you're not happy about how it was with you two?
01:18God, that's...
01:19That's her hand.
01:24If it looks like that,
01:28my days are counted as one.
01:33Even if it really is Manus Immobilis,
01:37but at the moment it's just my guess, right?
01:48It all points to it.
01:50Yes, but the disease picture is extremely complex,
01:53and if the X-rays are very similar,
02:03that alone is not enough to diagnose it.
02:10Yes, you're absolutely right.
02:14There are still some investigations to be done, right?
02:18Yes, and we'll have to wait and see how the antibodies are.
02:21Yes, and I still have to do a joint puncture.
02:24And a colleague has already given me an appointment.
02:27Who knows?
02:28Maybe it's just something harmless, right?
02:35Please, Mrs. Neubach, this remains between us, yes?
02:38Yes, of course.
02:39You can count on me.
02:43And if I can do anything for you...
02:49It's nice that we agree.
02:53Markus can't do whatever he wants here.
02:57What should I do?
03:00Do you know the saying,
03:02keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer?
03:07That's going to be difficult.
03:09Markus just wanted to serve me.
03:11Besides, I'm sick and tired of this thing with Anna-Eva.
03:14He just asked for her permission.
03:17But Markus is not stupid.
03:20But he still hasn't forgotten that you are his stepson.
03:25Press a little on the tear glands.
03:28What do you expect?
03:30As soon as Markus trusts you again, keep your eyes and ears open.
03:35So I'm supposed to spy on him for you?
03:38I need a means of pressure.
03:40He's blocking my plan
03:42to build an apartment for Alexandra and me in the East Wing.
03:48I understand.
03:51I'll see what I can do.
03:57You know, Mrs. Seifeld, I was very surprised
04:00when I heard that we will soon have a barbershop here in Fürstendorf.
04:04What was already in there.
04:06Yes, that's probably true.
04:07And I was already able to meet our new barber.
04:11A very likeable man.
04:13I think as soon as he opens,
04:16I'll let myself be furnished there a bit.
04:19That could do good for a wounded soul.
04:22I've already heard the story with Benno.
04:26Ah, hello.
04:28Mr. Schwarzbach.
04:31Is there still room available?
04:33Always for you.
04:35Can I bring you a coffee?
04:36Oh yes, that's a good idea. Thank you very much.
04:38Of course.
04:39So, how did the meeting go?
04:41Ah, good.
04:44As far as Philipp is concerned, we will keep an eye on him.
04:47Oh, really?
04:48You were pretty angry with him.
04:50Yes, it's okay.
04:54And, apart from that, there was no argument?
05:00Well, there was.
05:03Christoph was actually thrilled that I voted against his plan
05:06to build a penthouse for himself and Alexandra.
05:10But what does that actually mean?
05:12In our fashion world, the situation would be more relaxed
05:15and you could move out of your guest room again.
05:17That's true.
05:20Ah, you voted against it
05:22because he voted against Philipp Brandt's dismissal.
05:25I voted in favor of the hotel.
05:28And your emotions didn't play a role?
05:31I'm sorry.
05:32We need the room for paying guests.
05:34But the Prince's Court is not Christoph's private palace.
05:38Well, then let's hope that this is the real reason for your decision.
05:43Because your arguments won't get anyone anywhere.
05:46I totally agree with you.
05:48But I'm also a businessman.
05:51In case I repeat myself,
05:53your quarrels won't get anyone anywhere.
05:56I know. I'll hold back.
05:58Don't worry.
06:01Ah, Mr. Brandes.
06:02We'll get a new horse tomorrow.
06:04Would you be so kind as to prepare the free box?
06:06Yes, of course I will.
06:07Great, thank you.
06:08Ah, have you already been able to contact my boyfriend?
06:11Yes, we talked on the phone and he sent me the documents.
06:14The studs all look very promising.
06:16Yes, there are some that I could imagine for the breeding farm in Thalheim.
06:21Yes, wonderful, that's very nice.
06:23That will make Heinz happy.
06:26Thank you again for making contact with Mr. Stegmann.
06:29We horses have to stick together, don't we?
06:32Of course I still need some time to think.
06:34But I'll let him know as soon as I've made up my mind.
06:36You'll see.
06:37They're really great animals.
06:39The best herders.
06:41Well, I'll be on my way then.
06:43All right.
06:44Thank you. Bye.
06:47Horses are going to Thalheim again soon.
06:49I can't wait.
06:51Yes, that's true.
06:52But first, of course, the stable has to be finished.
06:54Yes, but that's why I can still make friends, can't I?
06:57Yes, of course you can look forward to it.
06:59It will only be a change if you live in Thalheim and I live here in Bichlheim.
07:04It's not far.
07:06That's true.
07:08But it still sounds weird.
07:27Oh, Mrs. Schwarzbach.
07:30Do you have a moment?
07:31Yes, sure.
07:32What's up?
07:33I heard that there were disagreements between your fiancé and Markus again.
07:39Yes, they just can't let it go.
07:41Why can't they actually live peacefully next to each other?
07:44Well, I guess too much has happened for that.
07:49For my part, I would like to thank you.
07:52I guess too much has happened for that.
07:56For my part, I would like to thank you.
08:01And you're not mad at Markus that he crossed your apartment plans?
08:05Oh, yes, it would have been nice, but you don't have to break up a fight because of that.
08:10I'm glad you see it that way.
08:13Maybe we should point out to the two of them that it would make more sense to put their energy into more important things than this little war.
08:21Well, I agree with you on that.
08:26Are the plans for next week already out, Mr. Seidlich?
08:29No, unfortunately not yet.
08:30When are they coming? I have a seminar on Tuesday for my further education.
08:33I don't know exactly when they'll be here. They'll be here a little later.
08:36Great, I'll just pick them up after work from the beauty salon.
08:39I'm looking forward to it too.
08:42These are the mini plans for next week.
08:45You already had a date with the new barber? That was fast.
08:48There are no rumors in the world right now.
08:50He's new and we get along quite well.
08:52There are rumors anyway.
08:56Olli told me that the new one is supposed to be gay.
08:59And Olli got it from Hanno and...
09:01I know exactly who started it.
09:03Tell me, do people really have nothing better to do?
09:06It's just a rumor that has become self-sufficient.
09:09The colleague has only been here for one day.
09:12It doesn't matter if someone is gay or...
09:17But not every barber is automatically gay.
09:21In my opinion.
09:22Besides, I think it's stupid to put people in drawers.
09:25It happened to me before.
09:27It's not cool to just talk about rumors.
09:31You didn't mean it in a bad way.
09:33It doesn't matter who you love.
09:35What matters is that you're happy.
09:37And we'll discuss rumors again in the staff room in the future.
09:41That's his reception.
09:45Not in the lobby.
09:52What are you doing?
09:54What are you doing?
10:14You're already home.
10:16Ah, hello.
10:18Did you already have time to look at your calendar?
10:20Does our little break work?
10:22I've already found a beautiful hotel with a view of the Kiensee.
10:28What's wrong?
10:29Aren't you in the mood?
10:31Yes, yes.
10:32I'm really in the mood.
10:34I just have a case that's taking a toll on me, you know.
10:38I'm sorry.
10:39What are you doing?
10:41Ah, I...
10:42I have to go to the hospital again.
10:46A patient.
10:48But we'll see each other this evening, okay?
10:52Don't give up.
10:56Am I disturbing you?
10:57No, no, not at all.
10:58Come in.
11:13Hello, my angel.
11:18The perfect decoration for your big day.
11:22I've already found a few nice things.
11:24I would marry you at a wedding in Breustüberl.
11:29By the way, you could have told me before the meeting that you were going to have an apartment converted in Ostflügel.
11:35Then there would have been no more surprises.
11:36And I didn't have the impression that you didn't like the idea.
11:40Not at all.
11:42It would be nice to be able to enjoy our togetherness without cohabiting.
11:46Don't you like our shared apartment life anymore?
11:49An apartment of my own would be a dream.
11:52I already have ideas for the design, but...
11:55I don't think anything will come of it.
12:00I know exactly how angry you are at Markus because he voted against the apartment plans.
12:04Of course.
12:06But I won't let that happen.
12:09Since we're going to stay in a shared apartment,
12:12wouldn't it be more pleasant for all of us if we left the personal stuff out?
12:17We are shareholders and want what's best for the hotel.
12:20I'm not so sure about Markus.
12:22It wasn't long ago that he wanted to kill Prince Noah.
12:28You have a big heart, don't you?
12:31Not when it comes to compromising with this criminal.
12:36Then it will never stop.
12:38And there will be this eternal battle of power between you two that no one wins.
12:46I'll talk to Markus again in private about the apartment.
12:50Maybe we'll come to an agreement.
12:54Good luck with that.
12:57May I bring you something, Mr. Saalfeld?
13:01An espresso?
13:03With pleasure.
13:12Here you go.
13:15Would you like something sweet? Some cookies?
13:19Mom, come on.
13:21I still have a stomach.
13:23I can tell what's going on. You're totally avoiding me.
13:27Is everything okay between you and Michael? I mean, he was a bit strange earlier.
13:32Yeah, we're both just working too much.
13:35It'll come back to you. Don't worry.
13:37That's how it is in a relationship. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down.
13:41Yeah, in some relationships it's like a roller coaster.
13:45You and Vincent? Is everything okay between you two?
13:49Yeah, just...
13:52We were talking about Talheim earlier, and it became clear to me that I hadn't thought about it at all,
13:58that he could come along, or whether he even wanted to.
14:04Actually, I had planned to move to Talheim with Philipp.
14:07Anna, Vincent and you, you've had completely different worries so far.
14:12The kidney transplant is just over.
14:15You're so fresh together.
14:17It's obvious that you're not going to make plans for the future.
14:21Yeah, you're probably right.
14:23Not just probably.
14:29Your mango maracuja smoothie.
14:31Very nice.
14:40Would you like something to drink?
14:44How are you?
14:46Good, good.
14:47How's your study going?
14:50Actually, pretty good.
14:52The teachers are all doing great with the app.
14:55The relatives are all doing great with the app.
14:58You've got something.
15:01The thing with Christoph Saalfeld.
15:03I thought it would be better after the conversation.
15:06No, no.
15:09It's actually about something completely different.
15:13A colleague of mine might be seriously ill.
15:16And if the diagnosis is confirmed, he might never be able to work as a doctor again.
15:22That's terrible.
15:24I'm so sorry.
15:27I always imagine what I would do if something like this happened to me.
15:31Oh, my little cookie.
15:33I can understand that it's affecting you.
15:37Did you offer him your help?
15:39Yeah, sure.
15:42You can't really do anything about it.
15:44I mean...
15:45I'm not a specialist in this field, and...
15:48Of course, you can't change the fact, but...
15:52Often, you help people by giving them time.
15:57I'm very glad that you're so compassionate and sensitive.
16:02But, yes.
16:03Of course, you have to learn not to take things too seriously.
16:09You can't let it drag you down too much.
16:16But it does.
16:37Come in.
16:39Hello, Markus.
16:47What's up?
16:52I heard that I'm allowed to stay as a manager.
17:00To be honest, I'm surprised that you were approved.
17:10But I can't tell you how happy I am that I'm allowed to stay here.
17:17I was actually sure that I didn't make a mistake, but...
17:22Apparently, I was really wrong about the evaluation.
17:25That could have been really bad for you.
17:29I took your words to heart again.
17:33And that's exactly why I'm taking full responsibility.
17:42I want to apologize to you.
17:47Can we maybe start all over again?
17:53Philipp, I thank you for your apology.
18:00Something like this will never happen again.
18:05I promise.
18:08You and I, we're a really good team.
18:12And you were and are like a father to me.
18:20Please give us one last chance.
18:23Apology accepted.
19:10I'm pretty good at this.
19:12I used to play with my grandpa.
19:14Let me guess, one of the best darts players in the world.
19:17Almost, but recently I played a tournament with my cousin.
19:20I did too.
19:22When was that?
19:23In fifth grade.
19:28Oh, that's Theo and Lale, two really nice colleagues.
19:31Come, I'll introduce you.
19:32They're in the middle of a conversation.
19:34It's okay, we'll just say hello.
19:36No, I'm really hungry.
19:39It'll only take a few minutes.
19:41If you're already so good at your darts, then you have to deliver.
19:44I mean, the new colleagues aren't leaving.
19:46Okay, you can't wait to lose.
19:48We'll see about that.
19:56Was it like that?
19:58Exactly like that.
19:59You can stay firm.
20:10I have to ask you something.
20:13Sounds serious.
20:19You said earlier that it would be a change
20:23if I go to Thaleim and you stay here in Bichelheim.
20:28Will you come with me?
20:32To be honest, I thought you wouldn't ask at all.
20:38It sounds like you've been waiting for it.
20:40Yeah, a bit.
20:57I love you, Emma.
21:01I want to share my life with you.
21:06And I with you.
21:08You know, it was clear to me that I wanted to go to Thaleim with you.
21:14I want to help you realize your dream.
21:18But I didn't want to put pressure on you either.
21:22So you want to dare it with me, yeah?
21:27Are you sure about that?
21:33Of course, you need a successor for practice and for the stud farm.
21:37That'll work out quickly.
21:41I can't wait for our dream to finally begin.
21:58So the lost son has returned.
22:05But the big return will probably stay.
22:08But Markus has accepted your apology.
22:13At least he said so.
22:15There you go. Well done.
22:18Making mistakes isn't easy.
22:20Especially when you haven't done it yourself.
22:23But Markus knows that.
22:25Still, you did the right thing.
22:28I'm glad you're on my team now and Markus doesn't suspect a thing.
22:32Is that right?
22:37Where's the problem?
22:43Markus doesn't trust me anymore.
22:46Weren't you convinced?
22:49He knows how hurt I was that he's no longer behind me.
22:52Well, your change of heart came a bit suddenly, of course.
22:56And I know Markus.
22:58He's still skeptical.
22:59Stay on the ball.
23:03But if all this doesn't work...
23:05Don't forget who you owe the job to right now.
23:13Yes, thank you very much again for carrying out the function so quickly, Gerhard.
23:18How long do I have to calculate until the result is there?
23:22Yes, of course.
23:25That's very kind of you. Thank you very much.
23:27Yes, thank you.
25:25I'll get him.
25:29It's not like I didn't look forward to your invitation.
25:31But you don't just come here to take me out for breakfast like this, do you?
25:34Sometimes I do. Not today.
25:37What's it all about?
25:39About the flat for Christoph and me.
25:42Oh, Alix.
25:44Come on, is Christoph sending you to talk me out of it?
25:48You know me so well to know that I won't let him send me.
25:52Really? Do I?
25:53Do you?
25:55No, I have my own interest in renting a nice apartment in Ostflügel.
26:03And it should be in your interest as well.
26:07Alex, you know my opinion. And I won't change it.
26:15Is the current situation pleasant for you?
26:19You don't want to stay in a guest room forever, do you?
26:23And you and Christoph in an apartment? That won't work in the long run.
26:27Well, if he would constantly make absurd murder attempts, maybe it would.
26:32You're not completely innocent that you constantly hit on each other, are you?
26:37So, a cup of tea.
26:39Thank you very much.
26:40And a cup of black coffee. Breakfast will be ready soon.
26:44Thank you very much.
26:45You're welcome.
26:50I understand that you don't want to teach little ones.
26:53Do you do that? It doesn't seem like it at the moment.
26:57I'm not like that.
26:59It doesn't seem like it at the moment.
27:01I'm not your opponent, Markus, and you know that.
27:04I think I only showed you that recently.
27:14Without you, there would have been no cooperation between the prince's court and Katja's Weingut.
27:19And for that, I'm really very grateful to you.
27:23I applied for you because it's a good thing.
27:27And now I'm asking you for your support.
27:32It only has advantages for all of us if Christoph and I move into our own apartment.
27:39All right.
27:41And again, with better knowledge.
27:43But only if I really have my peace of mind from you two.
27:46You do.
27:47You do.
27:56You do.
28:08What is that?
28:10Wasn't it already at the anniversary?
28:12And how did you like it?
28:14How did I make it for you?
28:16There were so many choices, but Theo and I fell in love with this one right away.
28:19Then it fits perfectly.
28:20Oh, how nice.
28:21Now we've both found our dream men, and yours just smiled wide.
28:25Is there anything new?
28:29Okay, I want to know everything.
28:32I asked Vincent if he wanted to move to Thalheim with me.
28:36And of course he wanted to.
28:37Oh my God, I'm so happy for you.
28:42Yes, it's all pretty exciting.
28:45And somehow surreal.
28:46Yes, how life works.
28:48Actually, you wanted to move there with Philipp and set up the horse breeding.
28:51And now you're living your dream with the vet.
28:54It's the best thing that could have happened to you.
29:04Yes, but this incredible stubbornness, the children definitely inherited it from you.
29:08Me and stubbornness? I don't know what you're talking about at all.
29:10Yes, yes.
29:12Good morning.
29:13Hey, hello you two.
29:14Come on, sit down with us.
29:17If we don't bother you.
29:18No, not at all.
29:21Good morning.
29:25You look in a good mood.
29:27How come?
29:29I just gave my consent that Alex and Christoph get the apartment in Ostflügel.
29:35Oh really?
29:36That's nice.
29:37Just decided.
29:39I think we should go for it.
29:42Yes, definitely.
29:44You absolutely have to try the new Himmelimetten drink.
29:46Mrs. Klee has created it.
29:48Mrs. Klee, indeed.
29:50Well, you should always try something new.
29:54Christoph, come on.
29:59Sabrina, please bring us five times this Himmelimetten super drink.
30:03With pleasure.
30:05Is there something to celebrate?
30:07Markus has just given green light for our apartment in Ostflügel.
30:13Did he?
30:15If you talk to me reasonably, you can get to an agreement very quickly.
30:19In any case, the two of us will soon live in our own four walls.
30:23And we're really looking forward to that.
30:29Come on, Christoph.
30:31Just relax.
30:33I really don't want any more arguments with you.
30:48I love you.
31:19Hey, Anna.
31:22Where did you just come from?
31:24I was at Apollo.
31:28I'm on my way to the Gestüt Hotel, too.
31:38Hey, by the way, your father is really well connected here.
31:42He gave me the contact to a breeder.
31:46That means your horse breeding is going really well.
31:50Two studs are particularly interesting.
31:51I might buy them.
31:56And then you're going to Thailand soon, aren't you?
32:05Yes, as far as that is concerned, I have to tell you something.
32:09Because I don't want you to hear from anyone else.
32:13Vincent is coming with me.
32:19I know that was our plan, but ...
32:22All right.
32:27You don't have to justify yourself.
32:34See you.
32:42See you.
33:13Our own home.
33:15I'm going to contact an architect tomorrow.
33:19Then there will be peace here again.
33:22To be honest, I don't really trust Vincent.
33:27Well, as long as we stick together, he can do whatever he wants.
33:32Don't think about the next strike right away.
33:34You never know about Markus.
33:37You just reconciled.
33:39A quarter of an hour ago, you jumped on it.
33:41Did you forget?
33:42Honey, I'm very grateful that you convinced him.
33:44But the past has shown that you can't trust Markus Eifel.
33:51Together, we make up 60% of the share at Fürstenhof.
33:54And with that, we are unbeatable.
33:57With that, we can actually make all the decisions on our own.
34:01With that, we can actually make all the decisions on our own.
34:05That almost sounds like you're assuming that I'm going to agree with every one of your decisions.
34:12What do you mean by assuming?
34:14But I would like us to agree.
34:18Well, excuse me, we're still two independent people.
34:22Nevertheless, we are a couple.
34:25And we have to act as a unit.
34:27But just because we're getting married soon doesn't mean that I have to agree with every decision you make.
34:58Knock, knock.
35:03Knock, knock.
35:10Dr. Niederbüll?
35:14I want to see how you're doing.
35:16Von Neubach, hello.
35:19Did you spend the whole night here?
35:27Can I get you something from the cafeteria? Coffee?
35:38Did you research all night?
35:52Did you find anything?
35:56What about the result of the joint function?
36:24I have Immanus Immobilis.
36:35Hungry again after last night?
36:38Yes, me too.
36:40Sit down, if you have time.
36:43Yes, I'll just take my time.
36:48Hi, what can I do for you?
36:51Hi, what can I get you?
36:54I'll just take the same.
36:58It was a beautiful evening in the Bräustüber.
37:00Even though I had to put up with a massive defeat.
37:03Well, you got yourself a huge Kaiserschmarrn.
37:06Yes, I needed that.
37:08It was delicious, but of course it doesn't come close to your star cuisine.
37:12How did you manage to do that?
37:15More with luck than with reason.
37:19I came to my job at Fürstenhof rather unconventionally.
37:24I'm looking forward to the story.
37:27Well, my predecessor, André Konopka,
37:29he really wanted to open a restaurant in South Africa.
37:31But he had time pressure to find a successor or a successor.
37:36Actually, I wouldn't have come to Farge for the job because I didn't have enough references.
37:41So he briefly forged my life and convinced the bosses of me.
37:47Cool guy.
37:48Yes, you could say that.
37:52The same.
38:01Hello, Mrs. Bergmann.
38:06Hey, what are you doing here?
38:08You know each other?
38:10Miro took over the beauty salon in Fürstenhof.
38:13Ah, that's you.
38:17Can someone explain to me?
38:20Theo and I know each other from the computer course.
38:24Two computer nerds.
38:26Well, in terms of computers, you can't really do anything to Theo.
38:29No, neither can Miro.
38:31I know.
38:36And now Philipp apologizes to me, even though I wanted to enforce his release.
38:40That's good.
38:41Then you at least had a word.
38:43That wasn't a statement.
38:44That was a staging.
38:45You were always close to each other.
38:47And he just doesn't want to give up.
38:49And that's why he's taking a step towards you.
38:51I don't believe that in my life.
38:53Well, I think Philipp has changed a lot in the last few weeks.
38:56I don't believe a word he says.
38:58Christoph is behind it.
39:00What does he have to do with it?
39:02Christoph and Philipp are now doing the same thing against me.
39:06Come on, get a little closer and you're suspecting him again because of something.
39:10Christoph just can't do anything else.
39:12He can't tolerate anyone next to him.
39:14Christoph prevented Philipp's release.
39:16And that's why Philipp is now in his debt.
39:19That sounds to me like a conspiracy that's just going on in your head.
39:22Oh, yeah?
39:23And why is Philipp suddenly coming at me?
39:25No, no, no.
39:26Christoph is planning something against me.
39:28It's obvious.
39:29Markus, you're getting involved in something.
39:31I'm not waiting for him to make the next move.
39:35What do you mean?
39:36I'm coming to him.
39:37He can dress up nicely.
39:42I'm coming to him.
39:48I wish you a pleasant stay.
39:49Thank you very much.
39:52Does it have to go on like this forever?
39:54How do you defend Christoph Saalfeld?
39:56But he's the one who keeps coming up with some intrigues.
40:00Even if?
40:01Do you think it will help anyone if you do exactly the same?
40:04But I can't just sit on my hands and watch him use everything to his advantage.
40:10I can't imagine that Philipp Brandt would do that for his own sake.
40:14And that he would do it, too.
40:15And how can you be so sure?
40:17They never liked each other.
40:18Besides, you're much closer to him.
40:20But the situation could have changed.
40:22You're getting involved in something.
40:25Christoph Saalfeld just wanted his apartment in the East Wing.
40:28And he's getting it now that you've agreed to it.
40:30Because of Alex.
40:32I've talked to him, too.
40:33You'd also prefer it if your arguments would finally stop fighting each other.
40:38Christoph Saalfeld is simply untrustworthy.
40:45I love you.
40:48And I love you.
40:51But what does that have to do with it?
40:55I'm just afraid of the means by which you can retreat in certain situations.
41:01It has to stop.
41:09All right.
41:13I won't do anything against Christoph.
41:17And I hope that's not a mistake.
41:31Now listen to me, child.
41:34Difficult times will come for you.
41:37It's important that you listen to your heart.
41:40It will show you the right way.
41:43Because sometimes I don't love what it seems to be.
41:51Why am I remembering the dream of Wilma now?
41:56I listened to my heart and now I'm going to Talheim with Vincent.
42:01And that's the right thing to do.
42:04Then why can't I get out of my head what Philipp said?
42:17That I confuse gratitude with love.
42:33I'm not afraid of the means by which you can retreat in certain situations.
42:37It's important that you listen to your heart.
42:40It will show you the right way.
42:43Then get out with the language. What's the news?
42:46Yes, come on, we're all very excited.
42:48Well, just now in the hospital, Professor Dr. Auerbacher called me.
42:54My doctor father, why am I telling you anything if you don't even remember the important names?
43:00You just can't ask us for that.
43:03It doesn't matter.
43:05In any case, he looked at the first interim results I sent him.
43:11And he is very satisfied and said, if this continues like this,
43:14then nothing stands in the way of my doctor title.
43:18You are my hallmark.
43:20Yes, yes, even if you don't remember the names.
43:30Hey, there you are at last.
43:32I was worried.
43:34It must be.
43:36But I am.
43:40How would you feel if I just stayed away for a night without leaving a message?
43:45Where have you been?
43:47In the hospital, where else?
43:50I don't know.
43:52I don't know.
43:54I don't know.
43:56I don't know.
43:57In the hospital, where else?
44:00Nicole, I...
44:03I told you, I have a difficult case I have to take care of.
44:08No, but couldn't you have just left a message or reacted to one of my calls?
44:13I called you a dozen times.
44:15Is that too much?
44:18Is this supposed to be an interrogation?
44:22It's not like that otherwise.
44:25You neither.
44:27Daniel, what's wrong with you?
44:29Do I really have to justify myself in front of you that I take care of my patients?
44:48I have to talk to you.
45:02You have to do something for me.
45:05Oh yes? And what would that be?
45:08You will make sure that Markus finally gets what he deserves.
45:12What do you mean by that?
45:14I want him to go to prison.
45:19Are you serious?
45:21Why should I help you?
45:27Why should I help you?
45:38So you admit that you mixed the sleeping pills in my juice, Mrs. Neubach?
45:49That was a deliberate attack.
45:52No, no, no, that was a huge mistake.
45:54I didn't want anything to happen to you, Mr. Saalfeld.
45:57You have to believe me.
45:59Please, I...
46:02Can you forgive me?
46:07That's why.
46:10You just acted as if you would forgive Maxi.
46:14And the whole restart with us.
46:17It's all a lie.
46:19You will help me, otherwise I will go to the police.
46:21You can't do that!
46:22Your daughter put my life at risk.
46:28Maxi didn't want that.
46:32She has no idea who she is dealing with.
46:37You are really so cold.
46:40You have a choice.
46:43Either Markus goes to prison,
46:47or your daughter.
46:56Shirin is coming to visit Gerry in three weeks.
46:59Oh, how nice!
47:01It would be great if they were there at my wedding, right?
47:04Yes, if you want to get married in three weeks.
47:08I'm still looking for an apartment, by the way.
47:10I think I really know something.
47:12Did the evil Christoph do something again to annoy us?
47:16I'm just so kind to Frieden's love.
47:19I wanted to offer to look for a successor.
47:22I think that's fine.
47:24I'm sure we'll find him quickly.
47:28That's more like a deer.
47:30No, that's a dog.
47:32What is it?
47:34Look, a dog.
47:36Have you never seen a dog before? It must belong to someone.
47:38It's a sign.
