Rocky & Bullwinkle Starring In The Chinese Laundry

  • la semaine dernière
00:00C'est parti !
00:30Pour Bullwinkle the Moose
00:32And a host of others
00:37Hurry Bullwinkle, the show's about to start !
00:40I'm coming as fast as I can !
00:43Wave to the people !
00:48Now what are you doing ?
00:49Signing autographs !
00:51This is John Smith !
00:53But your name is Bullwinkle !
00:55I know, but that's hard to spell !
01:01We're gonna have a lot of fun !
01:03Come on and join us !
01:05Sure ! There's always room for one more !
01:18Perry discovered the North Pole, Amundsen the South
01:21However, neither of these esteemed explorers would have had much success
01:24finding Frostbite Falls, Minnesota in the dead of winter
01:27Incidentally, that's it !
01:29That steeple sticking up out of the snow
01:31Now with the town submerged under 30 or 40 feet of the soft white stuff
01:35you might wonder how its inhabitants managed to dig their way out
01:38Well, they don't !
01:40They rely completely on a snowplow !
01:42A snowplow with antlers !
01:44Spring will be a trifle late this fall
01:48Bullwinkle, is that you up there ?
01:50It's me, Granny Goodfoot !
01:52Keep talking, Granny, till I get zeroed in !
01:54Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to be here
01:58Got you !
02:00Bullwinkle, bless your mittens !
02:03And that's the way it went throughout the winter
02:05The moose unearthed an average of 20 Frostbitten Frostbite Fallers a day
02:09Here, my boy, here's a rouble for your trouble
02:12No sir, not one red cent !
02:14With the arrival of spring, when the thermometer came all the way up to zero
02:17the grateful town folk decided to reward their faithful snowplow
02:21Let's get him a watch !
02:22Let's get him a bigger shovel !
02:24No, we must get him some food !
02:26Let's get him a bigger shovel !
02:28No, we must get him something worthy of his labor
02:31So they merged their meager finances and ordered a statue of Fulton J.T. Figsbee
02:35the man who first discovered icicles
02:37Why the white tie and tails, Bullwinkle ?
02:39Haven't you heard, Rock ?
02:41I'm to be given a testimonial dinner
02:43Yeah, but that's a week away
02:45Besides, you're not fully dressed
02:47Sure I am !
02:48I got on my fuchsia spats, my cerise hanky
02:51My, ooh, shame on you, Rocket J. Squirrel
02:55Practically stark naked in front of all these people
02:57Now it's common knowledge that the only laundry in Frostbite Falls is run by a former cookie cutter
03:02All your shirts have holes in them
03:04Yeah, here's a gingerbread boy
03:07There's a macaroon
03:08Doggone it, I don't have one decent shirt to my...
03:10Oh yes, I do
03:12Ta-da !
03:13This one I've been saving for a special occasion
03:16That's a shirt ?
03:17Of course it's a shirt !
03:19It even has truffles
03:20It also has a spot !
03:21Where ?
03:22Alas, an infinitesimal dash of Tabasco sauce marred an otherwise ghastly piece of wearing apparel
03:27Get some spot remover
03:29Here you are
03:30That's a rolled up newspaper
03:32Well, I knew a fella who had a dog named Spot
03:34And this was the doggone best spot remover you ever did see
03:38Not bothering to explain, Rocky proceeded to eradicate the stain
03:42That's funny
03:43A straight line funny ?
03:44I mean the spot, it's pretty
03:46Sure enough, the ink stain grew larger
03:48You said it was Tabasco sauce
03:51Well, from here it looked like it
03:52It doesn't matter, I shall simply wrap it up thusly and send it to be laundered
03:56To Carl, a cookie cutter ?
03:58No, to Ed Foo Young's Chinese Laundry
04:01I hope you don't mind my asking, Bullwinkle, but exactly where is your shirt going ?
04:05Well, Rock, when you're looking for a Chinese Laundry, you don't look in Switzerland
04:09Oh, don't tell me
04:10Yup, one round trip ticket to Shanghai
04:13Shanghai ? China ?
04:15They got a Shanghai in Ohio, but they don't do shirts as well
04:18Oh, better make that two round trip tickets, please
04:21See, Rock, does anybody ever wonder where we get all the money to gallivant around the world like we do ?
04:26Never mind, Bullwinkle, the plane's leaving in an hour
04:29Yeah, but I think it's also improbable
04:36Well, like the man said when he built a bigger building, we're off on another story
04:40And a tall one at that
04:42Be with us next time for Hello, Orient
04:45Or that some dandy looking China you have there
04:50Let's face it, any moose who spends the winter digging his neighbors out of the snow deserves a tribute
04:55Three cheers for Bullwinkle !
04:57Oh, we have to give him more than that
04:58Four cheers ?
04:59They decided to honor him with a testimonial dinner
05:01Unfortunately, although he had white tie and tails, he lacked a shirt
05:05Oh, no I don't, I've been saving this one for years
05:08Well, you didn't save it long enough
05:10I guess the shirt was not only gauche but extremely bizarre
05:13That's where I got the pattern for it, out of Harper's Bizarre
05:16It wasn't an easy shirt to get close to, but if you managed to get within three feet, you noticed a stain
05:21Shucks, I'll have that out in a jiffy
05:23Rocky didn't have a jiffy, perhaps that's why the stain expanded
05:26Shortly thereafter, a plane bearing Bullwinkle's shirt took off into the wild blue
05:31Yonder !
05:33You're sending your shirt to a laundry, right ?
05:35Right !
05:36To a Chinese laundry, right ?
05:38Well, they're known for their smart work
05:40However, the Chinese laundry he mailed it to was in Shanghai, China
05:43Two tickets to Shanghai, please
05:45I have to pick it up in order to be back here in time for the banquet
05:48How come we didn't go with a shirt in the first place ?
05:51You saw that shirt, would you want to ride with it ?
05:55Shanghai has a population of millions employed in various occupations
05:58Among which is the Mammoth Frap Toy Manufacturing Company
06:02Whose slogan, if it's a frap, it's great, is known the world over
06:06Better not go into the laboratory, Mr. Frap
06:08Professor Steinmess left orders not to be disturbed
06:11I'm an employer, Miss Bracegirdle, I can disturb anybody
06:15Gently, Boris, gently !
06:18You don't got to tell me I got the hands of a surgeon
06:21That's surgeon, Boris
06:23Don't call me Boris, my pseudonym is Steinmess
06:27Steinmess, I want to see what you're working on
06:30Go away, can't you see I'm...
06:32Oh, hello, man who pays salary
06:35I kiss your hand, the one you signed the cheques with
06:38Good grief, what are you cooking in that hibachi ?
06:41It's a great new toy, I call it Mickey Moose Watch
06:45You see, the little hand points to the hour...
06:47That's the oldest toy in the world
06:49Steinmess, you're fired
06:52Out, out, both of you, out !
06:54Bullwinkle's shirt reached its destination on Monday
06:57Our heroes, due to a monsoon over Santa Barbara
06:59Didn't get to Shanghai until Wednesday
07:01There, on the corner of Chao and Main
07:03They spotted, perhaps that's the wrong word
07:06Ed Foo Young's Chinese laundry
07:08Well, looks like we finally caught up with the little rascal
07:11It sure does and I can't wait to...
07:13That's odd
07:15Your last word was too, that isn't odd, it's even
07:18Look who's walking into the laundry
07:21Sure enough, Steinmess, Boris and Natasha
07:24Were also patronizing Ed Foo Young's
07:26I'm a little too far away to tell
07:28But that looks like our old friends, Pick and Pat
07:30Yeah, I guess you're right, come on
07:32You can imagine our heroes' surprise
07:34To discover that the only person in the laundry
07:36Was a man behind the counter
07:37Well, whoever came in here disappeared
07:39Hello there, man behind the counter
07:41I have come for my shirt
07:43We're very busy, you present ticket, you get shirt
07:46He doesn't have a ticket
07:48You see, this entire transaction
07:50Was perpetrated under some extraordinary circumstances
07:53You like to break that down into English ?
07:56And the little squirrel proceeded to recapitulate
07:58Episodes 1 and 2
07:59But let us digress and enter a secret room
08:01Behind the laundry
08:03It is here that Boris and Natasha found refuge
08:05From prying eyes
08:07What's going on ?
08:09I'm afraid we won't know until our next chapter
08:11Tentatively entitled
08:12Let's blow up New York
08:14Or we bombed them at the palace
08:19Well, at present, we're headquartering in Shanghai, China
08:22Rocky and Bullwinkle, you may recall
08:24Are there to pick up Bullwinkle's shirt
08:25From a Chinese laundry
08:27Bullwinkle is fast, just to have a clean shirt
08:30Well, you wouldn't expect me to wear a dirty shirt
08:32To my testimonial dinner, would you ?
08:34Don't answer that
08:36Other familiar figures were also in the city
08:38At the Frap Toy Manufacturing Company, to be specific
08:41Professor Steinmesser, I hired you
08:43To create new toys for me
08:45You hit fingernail right on the head, old boss man
08:48Well, you've been in this lab for six months
08:50What have you got to show for it ?
08:51190 yen in take-home pay
08:54Boris had been working on something, a toy watch
08:57Of course, this was as old as the hills in Hong Kong
09:00Boris and Natasha were fired on the spot
09:03There it is, Bullwinkle
09:04Ed Foo Young's Chinese laundry
09:07They were about to enter
09:08When who should come along and precede them, but
09:10You got dirty linen to wash
09:12No, but I got dirty plans
09:14Boris went in, Natasha went in
09:16Rocky went in
09:17And Bullwinkle went in
09:19Yes, but inside, there was no sign of Boris and Natasha
09:22One clean shirt to go
09:23If he got a ticket, it would take some haggling to get his shirt
09:25That's when we peeked into a secret back room
09:28Boris, for why we slave like white-collar workers
09:31Just to make toy tiki-tok
09:33Shh, keep your accent down
09:35Now, you mean to say you thought that was actually really toy watch ?
09:39Here, look at master plans
09:41An intricate blueprint was spread before them
09:44Now, see here were fireplaces in the kitchen
09:46That's plan for house
09:48For my old age, which was ten years ago
09:50Here is master blueprint
09:52And on the back of a bubble gum wrapper
09:54Inscribed with a head of a rusty diaper pen
09:56Was a detailed drawing of the toy watch
09:58Yes, but what does watch do ?
10:00You see miniature mushroom cloud over watch ?
10:05Again, I got to say yes
10:07This little tiki-tok, as you so quaintly put it, honey bunch
10:10Is really a tiny atom bomb
10:13With weapon like that, me and you can rule the world
10:16But darling, you never smuggled watch out of Shanghai
10:19They got wanted posters of you all over town
10:22There was even one in the secret room
10:24Don't fear dear, I'm not going to smuggle watch
10:27I got confederate
10:28You know Jefferson Davis ?
10:30Look through peephole, what do you see ?
10:32I see shelves filled with shirt packages
10:35Ah, but that small package on the second shelf contained more than a shirt
10:39Now, watch doorway
10:40Accomplice comes in, says secret word
10:43Gets package and meets us in US of A
10:46Say, there are two auspicious characters out there
10:48Never mind, just listen for secret word
10:51Yeah, but those two...
10:52Listen for secret words
10:54I tell you Mr. Young, I have to be back in Frostbite Falls by Saturday night
10:59Go see travel agent
11:00But he needs his shirt
11:02How things look, confederate show up yet ?
11:05No, just that moose
11:06Secret word, wait for secret words
11:09Please Mr. Young, you got to let Bullwinkle have his shirt
11:13Bullwinkle ? That very ridiculous name
11:16By the by darling, what are secret words ?
11:19I quote, perhaps you would rather I be John Philip Sousa ?
11:24Perhaps you would rather I be John Philip Sousa ?
11:27You likely repeat that for West Coast
11:29I said...
11:30Never mind, here is secret package waiting for you
11:34And with time definitely not on their hands, our boys left the shop
11:38Well, be sure not to miss our next episode
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