Blues Clues S04 E14

  • il y a 3 jours
00:19Oh ! Nice throw Blue !
00:21Here, catch !
00:24Hey !
00:26We're just about to play some ball games in the backyard.
00:28Do you wanna play too ?
00:29Great ! Come on !
00:32See ? We're having a backyard ball game bonanza !
00:37It's time for the first event !
00:43What's the first event ?
00:44The Roll-A-Rama !
00:47First, Pale rolls the ball to Shovel.
00:50Then, Shovel rolls the ball to Pale.
00:54Ready Pale ?
00:55I'm ready !
00:58You'll help me cheer him on, right ?
01:00Great !
01:00Let's go ! Shovel and Pale !
01:09Nice roll, Pale !
01:11Nice stop, Shovel !
01:17The ball rolled back to Shovel.
01:19Uh-oh ! The ball's supposed to roll up the hill !
01:23I think Shovel's having a hard time rolling the ball up the hill.
01:27So, how should Shovel roll the ball if he wants to get the ball all the way up the hill ?
01:35Roll it harder !
01:36You think rolling it harder will get it up the hill ?
01:39I'll try it !
01:44I did it ! I rolled it up the hill !
01:48So, Pale can roll the ball softly down the hill, but Shovel has to roll it hard to get it up the hill.
01:56You were a really big help to Shovel in the Roll-A-Rama.
02:01You're like a coach who helps a player figure out how to play a game.
02:05Yeah ! Thanks, coach !
02:08So, Blue, what ball game do you want to play ?
02:14We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what ball game Blue wants to play.
02:19We are gonna play Blue's Clues, cause it's a really great game.
02:23So, remember, Blue's paw print will be on the clues. Blue's Clues.
02:31Wow ! Bouncing balls !
02:36Cool !
02:38You know what we need to play Blue's Clues, our handy-dandy ?
02:41Notebook !
02:42Notebook ! Right ! Come on !
02:45Blue's Clues, I'm so excited !
02:50Wow ! Nice throw, side table !
02:53Thanks, Steve ! Here's your notebook !
02:56Thanks ! Here's your ball !
03:00To play Blue's Clues, we gotta find...
03:04Paw print !
03:05Oh ! A paw print ! Right ! And that's our first...
03:09Clue !
03:10A clue ?
03:11Then we put it in our...
03:12Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues...
03:16We gotta find another paw print, that's the second clue !
03:19We put it in our notebook, cause they're Blue's Clues...
03:22Blue's Clues !
03:24We gotta find the last paw print, that's the third clue !
03:27We put it in our notebook, cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues...
03:31You know what to do !
03:32Sit down in our thinking chair and think...
03:38Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time...
03:41We can do...
03:46That we wanna do !
03:47You know, I can tell I'm really gonna need your help today...
03:50Trying to figure out what ballgame Blue wants to play...
03:53You will help, right ?
03:56Great !
03:57Hey, have I ever shown you my invisible ball ?
04:01No ?
04:02Well, it's a great way to play catch !
04:04Here, catch !
04:07Nice ! Throw it back !
04:09Oh !
04:11Good arm !
04:12Come on !
04:14We are looking for Blue's Clues...
04:17Catch !
04:19Wonder where they are...
04:21Throw it back !
04:22Oh, I got it !
04:25A clue, a clue !
04:28What ? Oh, you see a clue ?
04:30Where ?
04:32That way !
04:34Right there !
04:36There's a clue !
04:38What's it doing ?
04:41Yeah, it's rolling !
04:43So, rolling must be our first clue !
04:45You know what we need ?
04:46Our handy-dandy...
04:47Notebook !
04:48Notebook, right !
04:50So, rolling...
04:54Let's draw a curvy line with two loops and an arrow...
04:57There, rolling...
04:59So, we're trying to figure out what ballgame Blue wants to play...
05:03And our first clue is rolling...
05:07So, what ballgame could Blue wanna play with rolling ?
05:14But I think we should find two more clues...
05:17It's almost time for the next event !
05:22Steve, we're practicing for the bounce-off !
05:26Blue and I are gonna play together !
05:30Cool !
05:33What's the bounce-off ?
05:35You drop a ball...
05:37And count how many times it bounces...
05:41You try to get as many bounces as you can !
05:44Will you help us ?
05:46Hey, coach, will you help him too ?
05:49Great !
05:51Sure, we'll help !
05:54Yeah, Blue !
05:56We want a ball that bounces lots of times !
05:59Okay !
06:01So, we have a rubber ball...
06:05A hard plastic ball...
06:09And a sock ball !
06:10So, which ball do you think will bounce the most when they drop it ?
06:17The rubber ball !
06:19You think the rubber ball will bounce the most ?
06:22Great idea, Blue !
06:24Let's try it and see !
06:30Alright, it'll be an experiment !
06:33Let's drop all three balls at the same time...
06:37And see which one bounces the most !
06:40Ready ?
06:42Drop !
06:46The rubber ball bounced the most !
06:49Why do you think that is ?
06:52Yeah, maybe it's because the rubber ball is kind of springy...
06:56So that helps it bounce !
06:58Blue, let's use the rubber ball !
07:01We know we want to use the rubber ball...
07:04But where's the best place to bounce it ?
07:08Hey, coach...
07:10Where should Blue and Periwinkle drop the ball...
07:13To get the most bounces ?
07:15The grass ?
07:17The blanket ?
07:19Or the pavement ?
07:22The grass ?
07:24Or the pavement ?
07:26The grass ?
07:28Or the pavement ?
07:29The pavement !
07:31The pavement, you think ?
07:34Great idea !
07:36Let's try it !
07:38Okay !
07:40Ready ?
07:42Drop !
07:44Look at that !
07:46The ball bounced the most on the pavement !
07:49Why do you think that is ?
07:52Maybe it's because the pavement is the hardest !
07:55The grass and the blanket are kind of soft...
07:58So the ball didn't bounce as much !
08:00Thanks again, coach !
08:02So we're going to use the rubber ball on the pavement !
08:06We're almost ready for the bounce-off !
08:14Hey, Blue !
08:16Are you trying to figure out where to drop the ball from ?
08:19Coach, I think we need your help !
08:21So if Blue wants to get the most bounces...
08:24Should she drop the ball from...
08:26Down low ?
08:28Up high ?
08:30Or in the middle ?
08:35Up high !
08:37We should drop the ball from up high ?
08:39Well, let's try it and see !
08:41Alright, we'll all drop the balls from different heights...
08:44And see which one bounces the most !
08:46Ready ?
08:48Drop !
08:51Look at that !
08:53The higher you drop the ball from...
08:55The more times it bounces !
08:56Blue !
08:58We should drop the ball from up high !
09:00It's time for the next event !
09:02The bounce-off !
09:05It's time ! Let's go !
09:09Are you ready for the bounce-off ?
09:13We're ready !
09:15Ok, Periwinkle and Blue...
09:17Are going to drop the rubber ball...
09:19Onto the pavement...
09:21From up high !
09:23We'll see how many bounces they get !
09:24Let's count !
09:26On your mark...
09:28Get set...
09:30Drop !
09:344...5...6...7...8...9...10 !
09:3710 !
09:39We got 10 bounces !
09:43Thanks coach !
09:45Periwinkle and Blue !
09:47Periwinkle and Blue !
09:49You helped Periwinkle and Blue get 10 bounces !
09:52That's the most ever !
09:54You're an amazing coach !
09:56Wow ! 10 bounces !
10:00That's a lot of bounces !
10:02A clue ! A clue !
10:04Yeah ! Periwinkle and Blue !
10:06Periwinkle and Blue !
10:10No ! A clue !
10:12Oh ! You see a clue !
10:14Right there !
10:17There it is !
10:19There's a clue on these plastic bottles !
10:21You know what we need ?
10:23Our handy-dandy...
10:25Notebook !
10:27So, plastic bottles...
10:32First, a line that curves down and around like this for a bottle...
10:37Then a second bottle behind the first one...
10:41And a third bottle on the other side...
10:45There ! Plastic bottles !
10:47So, we're trying to figure out what ballgame Blue wants to play...
10:50And our first clue was...
10:53Rolling !
10:55And now, our second clue is...
10:57Plastic bottles !
11:00Well, what ballgame could Blue want to play ?
11:03With rolling and plastic bottles ?
11:07Maybe !
11:09But I think we should find one more clue !
11:11Mail time ! Mail time !
11:13The mail's here !
11:15Here's the mail, it never fails !
11:17It makes me want to wag my tail !
11:19When it comes, I want to wail !
11:28Hey Steve ! I found your invisible in the yard !
11:31Oh ! Thanks, Mailbox !
11:36Got it !
11:38And here's your letter !
11:41Thanks !
11:43We just got a letter !
11:46We just got a letter !
11:47We just got a letter !
11:49We just got a letter !
11:51We just got a letter !
11:53Wonder who it's from ?
11:56Look ! It's a letter from our friends !
11:59Hi Steve !
12:01We're playing with the ball !
12:17Bye Steve !
12:19Bye !
12:22Sounds like Blue, come on !
12:26Hey !
12:28Blue just skidooed !
12:30Into that stadium !
12:32Let's go too !
12:34Blue skidoo, we can too !
12:47I wonder what everyone's cheering about ?
12:50Hi Steve !
12:52Are you ready ?
12:54Ready for what ?
12:56To get to the obstacle course !
13:00You have to get from the green flag
13:04to the red flag.
13:06Oh !
13:07That's the obstacle course !
13:10Uh, uh, hold on !
13:12What's the obstacle course ?
13:15Uh, uh, hold on !
13:18Coach ?
13:20Will you help me get through the obstacle course ?
13:22You will ?
13:23Great !
13:24We'll do it together !
13:27Yeah !
13:28Yeah, we're ready !
13:30You start here at the green flag.
13:33When I say go, run that way and pick up the ball.
13:37Ready ?
13:38Yep !
13:39Ready !
13:40You ready ?
13:41Ready !
13:42We're ready !
13:43On your mark !
13:44Get set !
13:45Go !
13:49Ok, now what do we do ?
13:51You have to bounce the ball into the box.
13:55Ok !
14:04Uh, coach ?
14:05I need your help.
14:07The ball is bouncing straight up and down
14:09but I need to bounce it into that box.
14:12Which direction should I bounce it ?
14:14Forward !
14:16You think I should bounce the ball forward ?
14:19Let's try it and see !
14:33I bounced the ball forward and it went into that box !
14:36Cool !
14:38This way !
14:44Now, you have to roll the ball against the wall
14:49so that it comes back to you.
14:51Ok !
14:53Let's try it !
15:03Uh, coach ?
15:04I need your help.
15:06I want the ball to roll back to us.
15:09So, how should I change how I'm rolling the ball ?
15:12Roll it harder !
15:14Oh !
15:15You think if I roll the ball harder,
15:16it'll come back further ?
15:18Well, let's try it and see !
15:35Great job !
15:36You did it !
15:37Brilliant thinking, coach !
15:38The hardest part is coming !
15:39This way !
15:50This is the last part of the obstacle course.
15:54You have to roll the ball into that hole.
15:58Ok !
15:59Roll the ball into that hole.
16:02Let's try !
16:09Uh, uh-oh !
16:11The ball rolled right over the hole !
16:14So, how should I roll the ball differently
16:16so that the ball can go into the hole ?
16:22Roll it softer !
16:24Oh !
16:25You think I should roll it softer ?
16:27Well, let's try it and see !
16:30Ok !
16:31Here I go !
16:33Nice !
16:35Let's try it !
16:36Here I go !
16:38Nice and soft !
16:47We did it !
16:48I rolled the ball softly
16:49and it had time to go into the hole !
16:52You did it !
17:02You finished the obstacle course !
17:05We did !
17:06We did it !
17:07Thanks to you, coach !
17:10Well, we'll see you later, beach ball !
17:12Thanks !
17:13You're welcome !
17:14Bye !
17:18A clue !
17:19A clue !
17:21Yep, I owe it all to you !
17:23No !
17:24A clue !
17:28There's a clue !
17:30There it is !
17:31On these fallen down plastic bottles !
17:33You know what we need ?
17:34Our handy dandy ?
17:35Yes !
17:38Notebook !
17:40Right !
17:42So, fallen down plastic bottles !
17:48Let's draw the bottle shape
17:49laying on its side !
17:53Another bottle shape
17:54laying in the other direction !
17:57Now, a third !
18:00And there !
18:01Fallen down plastic bottles !
18:03We have all three clues !
18:05You know what that means ?
18:06We're ready to sit
18:07in our ?
18:08Thinking chair !
18:09Thinking chair !
18:10Let's go !
18:24Ah !
18:25Ok !
18:26Now that we're in our thinking chair,
18:28let's think !
18:30You will help !
18:31Right !
18:33You will ?
18:35Great !
18:37we're trying to figure out
18:38what ballgame
18:39Blue wants to play !
18:40And our clues are...
18:42Rolling !
18:45Plastic bottles !
18:48Fallen down plastic bottles !
18:52what ballgame
18:53could Blue want to play
18:54with rolling
18:55plastic bottles
18:56and fallen down plastic bottles ?
19:01maybe it's a game
19:02with a rolling ball !
19:04Yeah !
19:06Yeah, maybe Blue
19:07could roll the ball
19:09into the bottles
19:10that are standing up !
19:12Then what would happen ?
19:15Right !
19:16The bottles would
19:17fall down !
19:19What game would that be ?
19:24Bowling !
19:25That's it !
19:26Bowling !
19:27Blue wants to roll a ball
19:28and make plastic bottles
19:29fall down !
19:30Like bowling !
19:32We just figured out
19:33Blue's clues !
19:36We just figured out
19:37Blue's clues !
19:38We just figured out
19:39Blue's clues !
19:40We just figured out
19:41Blue's clues !
19:42Because we're really smart !
19:45Come on !
19:47It's time for the last event !
19:49Blue's bowling for bottles !
19:51Yeah, Blue !
19:52Yeah, Blue !
19:54It's Periwinkle !
19:55Remember how we helped
19:56Blue and Periwinkle
19:57practice for the bounce-off ?
19:59Yeah !
20:00Bowling for bottles !
20:02And remember how we
20:03got through
20:04Beach Ball's obstacle course ?
20:13Hey coach !
20:14I think Blue's gonna
20:15need a little help
20:16figuring out
20:17where to aim !
20:19So if Blue wants to
20:20roll the ball
20:21and knock down
20:22all the bottles
20:23where should she
20:24aim the ball ?
20:28In the middle !
20:29In the middle !
20:30Well !
20:31Let's try it !
20:32Let's see !
20:35Here we go, Blue !
20:38Here we go, Blue !
20:50Yeah !
20:52Wow !
20:53Blue hit the bottles
20:54in the middle
20:55and all the bottles
20:56fell down !
20:57Way to go, Blue !
20:58Blue !
20:59Blue !
21:00Blue !
21:01And cheers to you too coach
21:02for helping everybody
21:03out today !
21:04You !
21:05You !
21:06You !
21:07Thanks so much
21:08for coming over !
21:09I really
21:10had a ball !
21:11Speaking of !
21:12Here !
21:13Catch !
21:16Now it's time
21:17for so long
21:19But we'll sing
21:20just one more song !
21:23Thanks for doing
21:24your part
21:25You sure are smart
21:26You know with me
21:28and you
21:29and my dog Blue
21:30we can do
21:33that we wanna do !
21:34See you later !
21:37Thanks !
21:58Bye bye !
21:59Bye bye !
22:00Bye bye !
22:01Bye bye !
22:02Bye bye !
22:03Bye bye !
22:04Bye bye !
22:05Bye bye !
22:06Bye bye !
22:07Bye bye !
22:08Bye bye !
22:09Bye bye !
22:10Bye bye !
22:11Bye bye !
22:12Bye bye !
22:13Bye bye !
22:14Bye bye !
22:15Bye bye !