Blues Clues S04 E08

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00:15Time to go, everybody!
00:17Do you have everything?
00:18You ready, mommy?
00:19Just a minute, I'll get the door.
00:22Hi, you're just in time.
00:24Yeah, you're just in time.
00:27Papa! Papa!
00:29Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper are going to have their new baby.
00:32So they're going to go to the baby hospital.
00:34Paprika, you're going to be a big sister.
00:37I'm going to be a big sister soon.
00:40Goodbye, Paprika. You have a good time with Grandma Cayenne.
00:44I'm so excited to be here with my Paprika.
00:47Oh no, where's my baby bag?
00:50Oh boy, can you help find Mrs. Pepper's baby bag?
00:53Where is it?
00:56Right there.
00:58Thank you.
01:00Wow, you were such a big help just then.
01:03Okay, off we go.
01:05Goodbye, Paprika. We'll call you very soon.
01:09Okay, bye.
01:11Call us.
01:12We'll be waiting.
01:14Okay, here's the plan.
01:16Mr. Salt will call us on the phone when the baby is born.
01:20And then we get to go to the baby hospital.
01:23Let us know if the phone rings.
01:25We'll be in the kitchen.
01:27Right. Bye.
01:29The baby's going to be here soon.
01:32I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl.
01:35What do you think?
01:38Well, I guess we just have to wait and find out.
01:43Yeah, we should do something special.
01:46You know, to welcome the new baby.
01:49Oh, we can play Blue's Clues to figure out what we should do to welcome the new baby.
01:55I love Blue's Clues.
01:59We are going to play Blue's Clues because it's a really great game.
02:02So remember, Blue's pawprint will be on the clues.
02:05Blue's Clues.
02:07Hey, pawprint, what were you like as a baby?
02:14Oh, look how tiny pawprint is.
02:19Pawprint was.
02:23Hey, what were you like as a baby?
02:27You know, maybe later on, I can dig out my old baby book
02:30and we can look at some of my baby pictures.
02:32Like there's this one where I have bananas all over my face.
02:35Oh, but first, you know what we need to play Blue's Clues?
02:38Our handy dandy...
02:40Notebook, right. Come on.
02:44Hey, side table.
02:45Hey, Steve.
02:46What's this?
02:49Is this your baby picture?
02:51Yeah, that's me.
02:53Wow, look at you as a little baby drawer.
02:57What's that you're holding?
02:59My yayay.
03:00I mean, my pacifier.
03:02Because when I was a baby, I liked to hold things.
03:05I still do.
03:07Yeah, like my notebook.
03:11Thanks, side table.
03:14To play Blue's Clues, we gotta find...
03:18Oh, a pawprint, right.
03:20And that's our first...
03:23A clue?
03:24Then we put it in our...
03:25Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
03:29We gotta find another pawprint, that's the second clue.
03:32We put it in our notebook cause they're Who's Clues?
03:35Blue's Clues.
03:37We gotta find the last pawprint, that's the third clue.
03:40We put it in our notebook cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
03:44You know what to do.
03:45Sit down in a thinking chair and think.
03:52Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time, we can do...
03:59That we wanna do.
04:02You know, I can tell I'm really gonna need your help today.
04:05Trying to figure out what we should do to welcome the new baby.
04:09You will help, right?
04:11You will?
04:15Oh, come on!
04:17We are looking for Blue's Clues.
04:19We are looking for Blue's Clues.
04:21We are looking for Blue's Clues.
04:23Wonder where they are.
04:27A clue!
04:29Oh, you see a clue?
04:32Behind you!
04:35There's a clue!
04:38On this...
04:39What is this?
04:42A rattle!
04:46A rattle!
04:47Our first clue is a rattle.
04:49You know what we need?
04:50Our handy-dandy...
04:54So, a rattle.
04:56A big circle for the top.
04:58Two straight lines with two circles for the handle.
05:02A semi-circle.
05:03And we have a rattle.
05:05So, what should we do to welcome the new baby?
05:08With a rattle?
05:13Let's get some more information.
05:17The mail's here!
05:18Let's go!
05:27Is that the phone?
05:33It is the phone.
05:38Hello? Has the baby been born yet?
05:40No, the baby hasn't been born yet.
05:42It's just Mr. Salt checking in.
05:45Grandma Cayenne and Paprika are having lunch.
05:48We're playing Blue's Clues.
05:52All right.
05:54Talk to you soon.
05:58Could you say,
06:00I was waiting and waiting for you to say,
06:03But it never happened!
06:05I'm sorry, mailbox.
06:06Are you ready?
06:10Thank you.
06:12Has the new baby been born?
06:13No, not yet.
06:14This baby thing takes time.
06:16I guess we'll have to wait.
06:18Here's your letter.
06:21Thanks, mailbox.
06:22We just got a letter.
06:26We just got a letter.
06:28We just got a letter.
06:30We just got a letter.
06:32Wonder who it's from.
06:35It's a letter from our friends.
06:37Hi, Steve.
06:38We're going to meet my new baby sister.
06:40Come on, Chris.
06:45Hi, Mom.
06:46Hi, Christopher.
06:48Is this your baby sister?
06:50Her hands are so small.
06:56What does the baby say?
06:58She's yawning.
06:59She's yawning.
07:00She's yawning.
07:01She's yawning.
07:02She's yawning.
07:04She's yawning.
07:06She's yawning.
07:10Bye, Steve.
07:14You know, I think having a new baby around is going to be really cool.
07:17Don't you think, Blue?
07:20Where are you?
07:23Hey, Blue!
07:25Are those our baby books?
07:31I have tons of pictures of mine I want to show you.
07:34Where is it?
07:38I wonder whose baby book this is.
07:42That must have been the baby's bed.
07:46And maybe this is the baby's favorite toy.
07:51Oh, and this must have been the baby's first bath.
07:55So, whose baby book do you think this is?
08:01Slippery soap!
08:04Slippery soap?
08:07That's baby Slippery.
08:09Hey, Slippery!
08:11Blue has your baby book.
08:14That's me in the bath!
08:19Oh, look at this one.
08:21I wonder whose this is.
08:24This must be a picture of the baby's cradle.
08:28And this is the baby's favorite toy.
08:34Oh, and this is a picture of when the baby was born.
08:37So, whose baby book do you think this is?
08:49That is Paprika!
08:51Hey, Paprika!
08:53Did you know that Blue drew that picture of you the day you were born?
08:57I'm bigger now.
08:59Yeah, you are bigger.
09:00Look, another book.
09:02I wonder whose baby book this is.
09:06This is the baby's favorite blanket.
09:10And this must have been the baby's favorite song.
09:13One, two, buckle my shoe.
09:16Three, four, knock the door.
09:20Oh, and this must be the baby's first pair of bells.
09:25So, whose baby book do you think this is?
09:29Tickety, you think?
09:33Oh, yeah, look!
09:35Tickety was such a tiny alarm clock then.
09:39Did you find my baby book?
09:41I want to see.
09:43Yeah, here it is.
09:45I remember that song.
09:47I used to want to hear it all the time.
09:51I wonder where mine is.
09:53Oh, here it is.
09:55I wonder where mine is.
10:00Oh, look!
10:02I wonder whose baby book this is.
10:10Yeah, look!
10:13Wow, Blue was just always so blue.
10:21Hey, here's mine.
10:25This is me when I was a little baby.
10:29And this is the picture I wanted to show you.
10:31That's me eating my favorite food, bananas.
10:35Isn't that cool?
10:37You know, every once in a while, I just like to look at my baby book.
10:43A clue!
10:44What, you have a baby book too?
10:45Yeah, they're good to have.
10:47A clue!
10:48Oh, you see a clue?
10:51On the guitar!
10:53Look at that!
10:54My guitar is a clue!
10:56Our second clue.
10:57You know what we need?
10:58Our handy-dandy...
11:00Notebook, right.
11:02So, my guitar.
11:06Let's draw a peanut shape for the body,
11:08a long rectangle for the neck,
11:10two lines across,
11:12then a circle,
11:14a line below,
11:16and some straight lines for strings.
11:18There, a guitar.
11:20So, our first clue was a rattle.
11:24And now our second clue is my guitar.
11:28So, what does Blue think we should do to welcome the new baby
11:33with a rattle and my guitar?
11:36Do you know?
11:40But I think we should find our last clue.
11:44What was that sound?
11:47The phone!
11:54It's Mr. Salt.
11:56Any news?
12:00Right now?
12:02Okay, right away!
12:07The baby has been born!
12:09I'm a big sister now!
12:12That's right, you are!
12:13How special!
12:14Let's go!
12:17Let's go see the new baby!
12:19I'll wait here and make sure everything is ready.
12:22Okay, come on!
12:24Alright, Blue and Paprika!
12:26Let's go to the baby hospital!
12:29The baby is here!
12:31The baby is here!
12:33We've waited and waited and waited!
12:35Now the baby is here!
12:37Hey Steve?
12:39Well, what kind of baby is it?
12:41Is it a girl?
12:42Or is it a boy?
12:46You know, I don't know.
12:48I didn't even ask.
12:50We'll find out soon enough.
12:51This must be the baby hospital!
12:56I guess we go this way.
13:06Look at all these babies!
13:09Babies everywhere!
13:11I don't know what to do!
13:13I don't know what to do!
13:15I don't know what to do!
13:17I don't know what to do!
13:19I don't know what to do!
13:21Well, hello there!
13:23What brings you to our baby hospital?
13:25Hi, I'm big sister Paprika.
13:27Hi, I'm Steve.
13:29This is Blue and this is our friend.
13:31Hi, I'm the baby doctor.
13:33I think Paprika's new baby brother or sister is sleeping at the end of this hall.
13:37I can take you there.
13:41These babies are just so little.
13:43Will my baby brother or sister be little?
13:46All newborn babies are pretty small.
13:48Oh, I'll show you the newest baby born in here.
13:51He's a baby alligator.
13:53Do you want to see if you can find him?
13:55He's grey and he has scales and a pink tongue.
14:00So, do you see the grey, scaly baby alligator with a pink tongue?
14:05Where is he?
14:11There, that one!
14:13That one?
14:14Yes, that's him!
14:18Do all babies cry?
14:20Will my brother or sister cry?
14:22Will babies sometimes cry because they need something?
14:26Come on, let's look at some more babies.
14:33Our newest duckling is sleeping soundly.
14:35She's the orange fuzzy one with the large beak.
14:38So, can you find the new duckling that's orange, fuzzy and has a large beak?
14:44Where is she?
14:50That one!
14:52There's the new duckling!
14:55They named her fuzzy.
14:57Good name, don't you think?
14:59Good name!
15:05Ah, here's the nurse you were looking for, Paprika.
15:08Paprika, here you are!
15:10Steve! Blue!
15:12Hello, doctor!
15:14Hello! Paprika is a very good big sister.
15:16She has lots of questions about babies.
15:18Oh, and so does Steve.
15:20Yeah, we learned that babies are small and sometimes they cry when they need something.
15:27So, Mrs. Pepper, how are you feeling?
15:29Fine, thanks!
15:31So, who wants to meet Paprika's new baby brother?
15:36I have a brother?
15:38Yes, we had a boy!
15:40And you're his big sister!
15:42You had a boy?
15:46Paprika, do you want to see if you can find your baby brother?
15:48He has a white top.
15:50He's kind of red like his sister.
15:52And he's wrapped in a yellow blanket.
15:54So, can you help Paprika find her new baby brother?
15:57He's got a white top.
15:59Kind of red.
16:01And he's wrapped in a yellow blanket.
16:03Which one is he?
16:07That one!
16:09There he is! He's so little!
16:14Aw, he's crying!
16:17His name should be Cinnamon!
16:20He looks like a cinnamon.
16:22Cinnamon is a perfect name!
16:26You have just named your new brother!
16:28Cinnamon is such a cool name!
16:30Good job, big sister!
16:32How lucky Cinnamon is to have you as a big sister, Paprika!
16:35Congratulations to everyone!
16:37Bye, Doctor!
16:39Thank you!
16:41You're welcome! Bye-bye!
16:43Yeah, we'd better go.
16:45We'll see you all when you bring the baby back.
16:58Did you see the new baby?
17:00Yeah. It's a boy.
17:02Named Cinnamon.
17:04Great name!
17:06I am so proud!
17:08Hey, we still have to figure out what we should do to welcome the new baby.
17:13Yeah, I know.
17:15A clue!
17:17Yeah, I know. He's coming home soon.
17:19No! A clue!
17:21You found our third clue?
17:25In the frame!
17:28Our third clue!
17:30And it's on this... picture!
17:32You know what we need?
17:34Our handy-dandy...
17:38Notebook, right!
17:40A picture!
17:42Let's draw a rectangle for the paper,
17:43a circle inside for the head,
17:45two semicircles for ears,
17:47eyes, and that wide open mouth.
17:49There! A picture!
17:51Hey! We have all three clues!
17:54You know what that means!
17:56We're ready to sit in our...
17:58Thinking chair!
18:00Let's go!
18:04Okay! Now that we're in our thinking chair,
18:07let's think!
18:09You will help, right?
18:13What should we do to welcome the new baby?
18:15What was our first clue?
18:18A rattle!
18:20A rattle! Right!
18:23And our second clue...
18:25My guitar!
18:27And our last clue is...
18:29This picture!
18:32So what could we do to welcome the new baby with...
18:35A rattle, my guitar, and this picture?
18:39Do you know?
18:41Well, I could play my guitar!
18:44And someone else could shake the rattle!
18:51And if we do this?
18:53Like in the picture?
18:55What... What would we be doing?
19:00Singing! Making music!
19:03Singing! Making music!
19:05Blue! Is that what we should do to welcome the new baby?
19:08We just figured out Blue's Clues!
19:12We just figured out Blue's Clues!
19:14We just figured out Blue's Clues!
19:16We just figured out Blue's Clues!
19:18Because we're really smart!
19:21My guitar!
19:23Okay! I'm ready to sing a welcoming the new baby kind of song!
19:26Are you?
19:28We're home! And we brought the new baby!
19:30The baby's here!
19:32They're home!
19:34Let's go meet the new baby!
19:36Let's go!
19:40Here's Cinnamon!
19:44He's so cute!
19:46My little grandson!
19:48It's about time we met you!
19:50He is so beautiful!
19:54Welcome, Cinnamon!
19:56We have something to welcome the new baby!
19:58But first, something for the big sister!
20:02A present?
20:04For me?
20:05Oh! It's a picture of the big sister!
20:08With her new brother!
20:10Oh, wow! Thanks!
20:12You're welcome!
20:14So, is everyone ready for our song?
20:16Yeah! Alright!
20:18Hey, big sister! Will you play the rattle for us?
20:22Great! Sing with us!
20:27I'm so happy!
20:29The baby's here now!
20:32I'm a puppy!
20:34He's so lovely!
20:40Our Cinnamon!
20:44Thank you so much for all your help today!
20:51Come on!
20:53Let's give them some time alone!
20:59Now it's time for so long!
21:00Now it's time for so long!
21:03But we'll sing just one more song!
21:07Thanks for doing your part!
21:09You sure are smart!
21:11You know with me and you
21:13And my dog Blue
21:15We can do anything
21:17That we wanna do!
21:21You know, we'll always remember that you were here
21:23When Cinnamon was born!
21:34See you next week!