Blues Clues S04 E18

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Hey Steve, is that you?
00:02It is!
00:05Could you help me find Blue?
00:07Here he is!
00:11Hi Blue!
00:19Hi, come on in.
00:21I could really use your help.
00:23What do you think this is a book about?
00:26The planets.
00:29Oh, right!
00:31It is a book about the planets.
00:33Thanks, come on.
00:36See, Blue is organizing all the books in the book nook.
00:39And I'm helping out.
00:41Will you help too?
00:47Hey Blue, here's a book about planets.
00:49Where does it go?
00:52Oh, right!
00:54In our outer space category.
00:59There's a book about the moon.
01:03And one about an astronaut.
01:05They're all things about outer space.
01:07See, Blue made all these different categories for our books.
01:11Like books about outer space,
01:13and transportation books,
01:15and fairy tale story books.
01:18Hey Blue, what other categories are there?
01:24What do you think these books are about?
01:29Numbers, counting.
01:31Numbers, counting, right!
01:34That's a great idea for a category.
01:38There's just so many things we could read about.
01:43This is one of my favorite books.
01:45It's called Helen's Hiding Place.
01:48You would love this book.
01:50You know, maybe we could read a little bit about Helen today.
01:54Hey Blue, what do you want to read about?
02:01We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what Blue wants to read about.
02:06We are going to play Blue's Clues because it's a really great game.
02:10So remember, Blue's paw print will be on the clues.
02:13Blue's Clues.
02:15Now how are we going to get rid of this paw print?
02:19You know, maybe we can look in a book to find out.
02:23Maybe we could take a look in this book.
02:30We could wipe it away.
02:32Or spraying it away.
02:34We've done that.
02:36This looks good.
02:38We could bounce it away.
02:40Yeah, let's try that.
02:48That book gave us a great idea.
02:51You know what we need to play Blue's Clues?
02:53Our handy dandy...
02:55Notebook, right.
02:56Come on.
02:58I have a book for you, Steve.
03:00You do?
03:02Yeah, your notebook.
03:05Oh yeah.
03:07Thanks, side table.
03:10To play Blue's Clues, we've got to find a...
03:14Paw print!
03:15Oh, a paw print.
03:17And that's our first clue.
03:20A clue?
03:21A clue!
03:22Then we put it in our...
03:23Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
03:27We've got to find another paw print.
03:29That's the second clue.
03:30We put it in our notebook.
03:31Cause they're Who's Clues, Blue's Clues.
03:35We've got to find the last paw print.
03:37That's the third clue.
03:38We put it in our notebook.
03:39Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
03:42You know what to do.
03:43Sit down in our thinking chair and think.
03:52Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time,
03:55we can do anything...
03:59that we want to do.
04:02You know, I can tell I'm really going to need your help today,
04:05trying to figure out what Blue wants to read about.
04:07You will help, right?
04:12So now, we just have to find Blue.
04:15A clue! A clue!
04:18You see a clue?
04:20Over there!
04:23There's a clue!
04:24And it's the color blue.
04:26You know what we need?
04:27Our handy-dandy...
04:29Notebook, right!
04:32The color blue.
04:34We'll use our light blue crayon to make a zig-zag line back and forth.
04:39The color blue.
04:41Back and forth.
04:43The color blue.
04:44So, we're trying to figure out what Blue wants to read about.
04:47And our first clue is the color blue.
04:52Well, what could Blue want to read about with the color blue?
04:58But I think we should find more clues.
05:01Now we can read Helen's Hiding Place.
05:08Or maybe later.
05:10Hey, Slip!
05:11What are you doing?
05:12I'm drawing the ocean.
05:14But I want to figure out what you could say in an ocean.
05:20Good idea, Blue!
05:23Maybe we can look in a book to help you.
05:28Will you help Slippery find a book?
05:31Come on!
05:42So, which would be the best book to help Slippery figure out what he could see in the ocean?
05:52The book with the waves.
05:53And the octopus.
05:58Oh yeah!
05:59That storybook has pictures of the ocean.
06:01With an octopus and waves.
06:04And a submarine.
06:06Blue, could I borrow this book?
06:11Merci, Blue.
06:13Je vais mettre un grand octopus et un submarine dans ma photo.
06:18Au revoir, Slippery.
06:19Appréciez le livre.
06:21Quelle bonne idée!
06:23Utiliser un livre avec des photos pour vous aider à imaginer ce que quelque chose a l'air.
06:27Bien pensé.
06:29Hey, Tickety!
06:31Slippery a dit que vous aviez beaucoup de bons livres ici.
06:34La parole passe vite.
06:36Que voulez-vous?
06:37Je veux pratiquer l'alphabet.
06:39Pouvez-vous m'aider?
06:40Bien, regardons un livre et découvrons.
06:47Alors, quel livre serait le meilleur pour aider Tickety à pratiquer l'alphabet?
06:56Le livre avec les lettres.
07:01Oh yeah!
07:02Celui-ci a des lettres.
07:04Donc Tickety peut pratiquer les lettres de l'alphabet.
07:07Ça commence avec A.
07:09Puis ça va jusqu'à B.
07:11Soyez sûr de nous dire comment ça s'arrête, Tickety.
07:17Je le ramènerai quand je serai finie.
07:20Très bien.
07:21Ce livre aidera vraiment Tickety à pratiquer l'alphabet.
07:25J'ai trouvé un oiseau dans mon jardin.
07:30Salut, Periwinkle!
07:31Quel genre d'oiseau as-tu trouvé?
07:33Je ne sais pas.
07:34Je veux le trouver.
07:36Eh bien, entrez!
07:38Peut-être que nous pouvons regarder un livre pour l'aider.
07:44Alors, Periwinkle veut trouver un livre qui lui aidera à déterminer quel genre d'oiseau il a vu.
07:49Regardons les titres du livre.
07:53Nous avons...
07:54Billy Bird va au dentiste,
07:56les oiseaux dans le monde,
07:58un guide pour les oiseaux dans le jardin,
08:00et Paula Pony fait un nouveau ami.
08:02Quel d'entre ces livres serait le meilleur pour Periwinkle de lire?
08:13Un guide pour les oiseaux dans le jardin.
08:15Voyons voir.
08:18Oh, oui.
08:19Il y a des photos et des informations sur plein de différents types d'oiseaux ici.
08:23Hey, Periwinkle!
08:24Qu'est-ce que tu penses que tu trouveras pour l'oiseau que tu cherches ici?
08:28Merci, Blue!
08:29Je vais voir si je peux trouver cet oiseau.
08:32Hey, bien joué!
08:34Il l'est!
08:37Regarde, c'est un oiseau!
08:39C'est un oiseau!
08:41C'est un oiseau.
08:43Blue, tout le monde a trouvé un livre qui leur aidera à déterminer quelque chose.
08:58Une clue! Une clue!
09:01Taming of the Shrew?
09:03Je ne l'ai jamais lu, t'as-tu lu?
09:05Non, c'est une clue!
09:08Oh, une clue.
09:14Et elle pointe en haut.
09:16Donc, notre deuxième clue est en haut.
09:18Tu sais ce qu'on a besoin?
09:19Notre handy-dandy?
09:21Un livre!
09:22Un livre, correct.
09:24En haut.
09:28Poignons un oiseau pour en haut.
09:30Là, en haut.
09:33Donc, on essaie de déterminer ce que Blue veut lire.
09:36Et notre première clue était la couleur bleue.
09:40Et maintenant, notre deuxième clue est en haut.
09:44Alors, qu'est-ce que Blue veut lire avec la couleur bleue et en haut?
09:49Que penses-tu?
09:53Mais je pense qu'on devrait trouver notre dernière clue.
09:56Hé, maintenant, on pourrait lire Ellen's Hiding Place.
10:01Mais d'abord, il faut que j'y aille.
10:18Salut, Steve, j'ai une lettre pour toi.
10:20Merci, Jailbox. Est-ce que tu es en hausse d'attente?
10:22Oui, j'étais en train de lire un magnifique livre d'histoire et j'ai hâte de voir comment ça se termine.
10:28Oh, alors, va, va, retourne à ton livre. Au revoir.
10:31Au revoir.
10:33On vient d'obtenir une lettre.
10:37On vient d'obtenir une lettre.
10:38On vient d'obtenir une lettre.
10:40On vient d'obtenir une lettre.
10:42Je me demande qui c'est.
10:46C'est une lettre de nos amis.
10:49Salut, Steve.
10:50On vient de lire un livre sur les dinosaures.
10:52Regarde celui-là.
10:54Peut-être qu'il va dans ce volcan.
10:58C'est un apatosaure.
11:00Il a un long nez.
11:05Il ressemble à un transaure.
11:07Oh, je peux voir sa bouche.
11:09Quand j'ai retiré le livre, il faisait comme ça.
11:15Au revoir, Steve.
11:17Au revoir.
11:18Au revoir.
11:49Au revoir, Steve.
11:50Au revoir, Steve.
11:51Au revoir, Steve.
11:52Au revoir, Steve.
11:53Au revoir, Steve.
11:54Au revoir, Steve.
11:55Au revoir, Steve.
11:56Au revoir, Steve.
11:57Au revoir, Steve.
11:58Au revoir, Steve.
11:59Au revoir, Steve.
12:00Au revoir, Steve.
12:01Au revoir, Steve.
12:02Au revoir, Steve.
12:03Au revoir, Steve.
12:04Au revoir, Steve.
12:05Au revoir, Steve.
12:06Au revoir, Steve.
12:07Au revoir, Steve.
12:08Au revoir, Steve.
12:09Au revoir, Steve.
12:10Au revoir, Steve.
12:11Au revoir, Steve.
12:12Au revoir, Steve.
12:13Au revoir, Steve.
12:14Au revoir, Steve.
12:15Au revoir, Steve.
12:17The parrot didn't see her.
12:19And the elephant didn't see her either.
12:22I found it!
12:23I found it!
12:24whispered Helen.
12:25I found the greatest hiding place in the entire jungle.
12:28The end.
12:30You know, my favorite part is when the elephant waves his big floppy trunk at Helen.
12:37I just love that part.
12:39You know, I wonder what elephants use those big trunks for anyway.
12:44Hey, maybe we could look in a book to find out more.
12:49Blue, do you have any books about elephants?
12:55Where could we find a book about elephants?
13:10Hey Blue, are we going to the library?
13:14Great idea!
13:15Then we can find some books about elephants.
13:17I love the library.
13:19Do you want to come too?
13:23We are going to the library.
13:25We are going to the library.
13:27We are going to the library.
13:29To find some books about elephants.
13:36Look at all these books!
13:38Do you think we'll find a book about elephants?
13:44Oh, hi Marley!
13:46Do you remember Marley?
13:48She's a librarian.
13:49She works at the library.
13:51So, Marley, we're looking for a book about elephants.
13:54So we can figure out what elephants use their trunks for.
14:00Oh, right.
14:02So, if we look in the right section of the library, we'll find books about elephants.
14:10Okay, let's take a look at the signs.
14:14So, if we want to find a book about elephants, which section should we look in?
14:21People and places?
14:23Machines and vehicles?
14:25Or, plants and animals?
14:31Plants and animals!
14:33Oh, the plants and animals section.
14:36Good thinking, because elephants are animals.
14:44Oh, these are all books about plants.
14:57These are all books about animals?
15:01Look at all the animal books!
15:02I wonder where the elephant books are.
15:05Let's read the signs.
15:07Animals that live in the jungle.
15:10Animals that live in the Arctic.
15:13So, which bookcase would have a book about elephants?
15:20That one!
15:21Jungle animals!
15:24Oh, good thinking, because an elephant lives in the jungle.
15:28And an elephant lives in the Arctic.
15:31So, which bookcase would have a book about elephants?
15:43So, these are all books about animals that live in the jungle.
15:48What are all the letters for?
15:52Oh, these are letters of the alphabet, right?
15:59So, what letter does elephant start with?
16:04Oh, right!
16:06E is for elephant.
16:11Oh, so the E section has books about animals whose name starts with the letter E.
16:17Like eagles.
16:20And elephants.
16:22Are these all books about elephants?
16:25So, is this a book about an elephant family?
16:34And is this a book about a girl and an elephant?
16:45This book is called, All About Elephants.
16:47Do you think this book will help us learn more about elephant trunks?
16:51Let's see.
16:58What's that elephant doing with its trunk?
17:03It's spraying water to give the little one a bath.
17:07And this one is using its trunk to pick up food.
17:11And this one is using its trunk to pick up food.
17:14And this one is using its trunk to pick up food.
17:17That's so cool!
17:19I think we found the perfect book.
17:21Marley, we'd like to borrow this book from the library so we can learn more about elephants.
17:32Hey, Blue!
17:33Did you borrow a book too?
17:40Okay, so I need to bring this back in two weeks.
17:43Thanks so much for all your help.
17:51Great book finding!
17:53A clue!
17:54A clue!
17:55Yeah, right.
17:56This book is due back in two weeks.
18:00It's a clue!
18:04There's a clue!
18:05On that cloud!
18:07You know what we need?
18:08Our handy-dandy...
18:10Notebook, right.
18:12A cloud.
18:17We draw a puffy shape that curves around like this.
18:21And it's a cloud.
18:23We have all three clues.
18:25You know what that means.
18:26We're ready to sit in our...
18:28Thinking chair!
18:29Thinking chair!
18:30Let's go!
18:41Now that we're in our thinking chair,
18:43let's think.
18:45You will help, right?
18:49trying to figure out what Blue wants to read about.
18:52And our clues are...
18:53The color blue.
18:58A cloud.
19:01What could Blue want to read about with the color blue?
19:05And a cloud.
19:08We could look up.
19:11And then we might see the color blue.
19:16And then a cloud...
19:18Could drift by.
19:21if we looked up,
19:23and we saw the color blue and a cloud,
19:25what would we be looking at?
19:30The sky!
19:32The sky.
19:34That's it!
19:35Blue wants to read a book about the sky!
19:37We just figured out Blue's clues!
19:40We just figured out Blue's clues!
19:42We just figured out Blue's clues!
19:44We just figured out Blue's clues!
19:46Cause we're really smart!
19:48Come on, Blue.
19:49Let's go read about the sky.
19:53Hey, Blue.
19:54Did you borrow a book about the sky from the library?
19:59When we went to the library
20:00to find a book
20:01to help us figure out
20:02what elephants use their trunks for?
20:05Alright, Blue.
20:06Ready to read your book?
20:10The title is
20:11A Trip Through the Sky.
20:26What was your favorite part?
20:29Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:30I like that part too.
20:32Hey, Blue.
20:33What was your favorite part?
20:35Of course,
20:36because you love finding shapes in the clouds.
20:38What a great book!
20:39Come on.
20:44Looks like everybody found a book to read today.
20:46And you really helped.
20:48Hey, how about you?
20:49What are you going to read about today?
20:52That sounds great.
20:55Now it's time for so long
20:58But we'll sing just one more song
21:02Thanks for doing your part
21:04You sure are smart
21:05You know, with me and you
21:07And my dog Blue
21:09We can do
21:11That we want to do
21:13Bye-bye. See you later.
22:07Abonne-toi !