Blues Clues S04 E11

  • il y a 3 jours
00:19Hi, you're just in time
00:21Common, Plum is at my house
00:23come meet him
00:24Periwinkle's friend Plum, just came over for a special visit
00:28You wanna go meet him?
00:29Great !
00:30Are you coming ?
00:31Yeah, come on !
00:35Hi Blue !
00:36Hello !
00:37Harry Winkle hasn't seen his friend Plum since they live next door to each other, in the city.
00:41Hey Plum, my friend Steve and Blue want to meet you.
00:44That must be Plum.
00:45Hello !
00:46Harry Winkle has told us so much about him.
00:47Hello !
00:48Let's go say hello.
00:49Hello !
00:52This is my friend Plum.
00:54Hello !
00:55Hola !
00:56Hello !
00:57Hola ?
00:59Plum just said hola.
01:01What do you think hola means ?
01:06Hello !
01:07Oh ! Hello !
01:10Hola is how I say hi in Spanish.
01:14Plum knows how to speak two languages.
01:16He can speak English and Spanish.
01:20You speak two languages ?
01:23Si !
01:24My dad speaks Spanish and my grandma speaks Spanish and my grandpa speaks Spanish.
01:29So I know how to speak Spanish too.
01:31Cool !
01:32Well, hola Plum, I'm Steve.
01:35Hola !
01:36And this is Blue.
01:37Hola !
01:38And this is our friend.
01:39Hola !
01:40Steve, guess what ?
01:42I know some Spanish words too.
01:44Plum taught me.
01:46Listen !
01:48Amigo !
01:51Amigo ?
01:52What do you think amigo means ?
01:57Friend !
01:58Oh yeah ! Friend !
02:00See, Periwinkle and Plum are amigos.
02:03Just like you and me.
02:05And Blue and me.
02:07And you and Blue.
02:08We're all amigos.
02:10So what are you two amigos going to do today ?
02:14Hang on, we'll show you.
02:19We're going to make a marionette.
02:21A marionette ?
02:24What's a marionette ?
02:26It's a puppet with strings.
02:28I learned how to make them from my grandfather.
02:30Look, I have one.
02:34Cool !
02:35The strings make the puppet move.
02:39And you can make all different kinds of marionettes.
02:42Like a musician or a flamingo.
02:45Or an astronaut.
02:47Hey, maybe we should make a marionette.
02:50Yeah, then we can have a marionette show.
02:53Yeah, great idea.
02:55Well, what kind of marionette should we make ?
03:03We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out
03:05what kind of marionette we should make.
03:09We are going to play Blue's Clues
03:11because it's a really great game.
03:13So remember, Blue's pawprint will be on the clues.
03:16Blue's Clues.
03:18Hey Plum.
03:20How do you say clues in Spanish ?
03:23Las pistas.
03:25So Blue's pawprint will be on las pistas.
03:29We're going to start making our marionettes.
03:34Adios Plum.
03:35Adios Periwinkle.
03:37So how should we get rid of this pawprint ?
03:40Should we say...
03:42Hola ?
03:44Adios ?
03:50Adios pawprint.
03:56Way to use your Spanish.
03:58You know what we need to play Blue's Clues,
04:00our handy dandy ?
04:02Notebook, right.
04:03Come on.
04:05Hola, side table drawer.
04:07I'm practicing my Spanish.
04:09Do you know any Spanish words ?
04:13I know a Spanish song.
04:14Would you like to hear it ?
04:22Abierta para tu libreta.
04:26Para tu libreta.
04:29What a great song.
04:31What do you think side table drawer was singing about ?
04:37Open and close.
04:38For our notebook.
05:17We gotta find the last pawprint.
05:19That's the third.
05:20Put it in our...
05:21Because the Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues,
05:24you know what to do.
05:25Sit down in a thinking chair and think.
05:31Because when we use our minds,
05:33take a step at a time,
05:34we can do anything...
05:39that we wanna do.
05:42You know, I can tell I'm really gonna need your help today.
05:44I'm trying to figure out what kind of marionette we should make.
05:47You will help, right ?
05:50So, did you see which way Blue went ?
05:52That way.
05:53That way ?
05:54Come on.
05:57We are looking for pistas.
05:58We are looking for pistas.
06:00We are looking for pistas.
06:02Wonder where they are.
06:05A clue.
06:06Una pista.
06:08Pizza ?
06:09I like pizza.
06:11No, una pista.
06:13Oh !
06:14Oh, una pista.
06:16You see a clue.
06:17Or, una pista.
06:20Where ?
06:21Behind you.
06:24There it is.
06:25There's a clue.
06:26On this pad of paper.
06:28You know what we need ?
06:29Our handy-dandy...
06:33Or, libreta.
06:39A pad of paper.
06:40Let's draw a parallelogram.
06:42A line for the binding.
06:44A line for the bottom of the pad.
06:46And a bunch of lines that bend around the corner for pages.
06:52A pad of paper.
06:53So, we're trying to figure out what kind of marionette we should make.
06:57And our first clue is a pad of paper.
07:01So, what kind of marionette should we make with a pad of paper ?
07:09But, I think we should find two more pistas.
07:15Steve !
07:17Hey, that sounds like Periwinkle.
07:19Come on.
07:34Hola, Plum.
07:35Hola, Periwinkle.
07:36Hola, amigo.
07:37Look, we started our marionette.
07:40Do you want to help us finish putting it together ?
07:44Will you help finish putting together Plum and Periwinkle's marionette ?
07:49Sure, we'll help.
07:55Plum, what do we need ?
07:57La cabeza.
07:59La cabeza.
08:02What is la cabeza ?
08:04I think I'm going to need your help.
08:07La cabeza goes right there.
08:10Oh, ok.
08:11So, which one of these shapes could be la cabeza ?
08:19That one, the head.
08:22Si, la cabeza.
08:26Oh, la cabeza.
08:29It's the head.
08:31Good listening.
08:32What should we add next, Plum ?
08:35Las piernas.
08:37Las piernas.
08:39What are piernas ?
08:42Las piernas go right here.
08:45So, which one of these shapes could be las piernas ?
08:53Those right there, the legs.
08:57Si, las piernas.
09:00Yeah, las piernas, the legs.
09:04What's next, Plum ?
09:06Los pies.
09:08Los pies.
09:09What are pies ?
09:11Pies go right there.
09:13So, which one of these shapes could be los pies ?
09:22Those right there, the feet.
09:25Si, los pies.
09:26Right, los pies, the feet.
09:30Look, we're almost done.
09:33Cabeza, piernas, pies.
09:37Cabeza, piernas, pies.
09:41Now we just have to add a few more parts.
09:44Attach the string and color it in.
09:47Thanks for helping.
09:50No problem.
09:51Gracias for teaching us some new Spanish words.
09:53We better go look for some more pistas.
09:56Adios, Plum.
09:57Adios, Periwinkle.
10:04Cabeza, piernas, pies.
10:08Hey, it's kind of like a song.
10:10Do it with me.
10:12Cabeza, piernas, pies.
10:19Cabeza, piernas, pies.
10:22Cabeza, piernas, pies.
10:25Olé !
10:26Olé, Chef. Olé.
10:29Cabeza, piernas, pies.
10:33Olé !
10:35A clue, a clue.
10:37Yeah, do it too.
10:40No, there's a clue.
10:41Una pista.
10:43Una pista ?
10:44Where ?
10:45Behind you.
10:46Una pista.
10:49There's una pista.
10:51On this smock.
10:54Way to use your cabeza.
10:55You know what we need ?
10:56Our handy dandy...
10:59Or our...
11:07We can draw rectangles,
11:08touching at a corner for the collar.
11:10Then the outline of the shirt.
11:13Two lines with some dots in between for buttons.
11:17Some squiggles for smudges.
11:19And it's a smock.
11:21So, we're trying to figure out
11:23what kind of marionetta we should make.
11:25And our first clue was a pad of paper.
11:29And now our second clue is a smock.
11:32So, what kind of marionetta should we make
11:35with a pad of paper and a smock ?
11:41But I think we should find our last clue.
11:47The mail's here.
11:50Here's the mail, it never fails
11:52It makes me wanna wag my tail
11:54When it comes, I wanna wail
12:02Steve, I just learned my first Spanish word.
12:05Plum taught it to me.
12:07Really ? What word ?
12:11What's that ?
12:13I'll show you.
12:14Here's your carta.
12:21Gracias, mailbox.
12:22You're welcome.
12:26We just got una carta.
12:30We just got una carta.
12:32We just got una carta.
12:34We just got una carta.
12:36Wonder who it's from.
12:41Look, it's una carta from our amigos.
12:46Hola, Steve !
12:49We're playing a colors game in Spanish.
13:09Adios, Steve !
13:13Oh, oh, oh !
13:17Hey, Blue, what are you doing ?
13:19Oh, oh, oh !
13:20Hey, did you borrow Plum's puppet book ?
13:22Oh, oh, oh !
13:23Oh, oh, oh !
13:25Oh, oh, oh !
13:26Oh, oh, oh !
13:28Blue just skidooed into the puppet book.
13:30Let's go !
13:32Blue skidoo, we can too !
13:37Oh !
13:43Oh !
13:44This must be where puppets get their clothes.
13:47Hola, me llamo Pedro.
13:50Hola, Pedro.
13:52Do you speak Spanish ?
13:55Wow, Pedro speaks Spanish, just like Plum.
13:58Necesito mas ropa, por favor.
14:02Mas ropa ?
14:05Oh !
14:06Ropa !
14:07Clothes !
14:09You need more clothes.
14:11Si, mas ropa.
14:13Oh, oh, oh !
14:14Bien, peut-être que nous pouvons t'aider.
14:16Et apprendre quelques mots en espagnol de Pedro aussi.
14:19Aqui !
14:21Oh !
14:25Necesito algo para mis piernas.
14:29Piernas !
14:30Oh, oh, oh !
14:31Nous savons ce mot.
14:32Nous l'avons appris de Plum.
14:33Oh, oh, oh !
14:34Necesito zapatos, guantes, pantalones, o una camisa.
14:40Ok, so what should Pedro wear on his piernas ?
14:45Zapatos ?
14:46Guantes ?
14:48Pantalones ?
14:49Or, una camisa ?
14:55Pantalones !
14:56Oh, oh, oh !
14:57Pantalones !
14:58Si, los pantalones son perfectos para mis piernas.
15:02Oh, oh, oh !
15:03Bien, Pedro can wear pantalones on his piernas.
15:08Mas ropa, por favor.
15:10Mas ropa.
15:11Oh, oh, oh !
15:13Necesito algo para mi cabeza.
15:16Oh, oh, oh !
15:17Oh, right, your cabeza.
15:19We learned that word too.
15:20Oh, oh, oh !
15:21Necesito una gora, guantes, sandalias, o un sueter.
15:29Ok, so what could Pedro wear on his cabeza ?
15:34Una gora ?
15:35Guantes ?
15:36Sandalias ?
15:37Or, un sueter ?
15:41Una gora.
15:43Una gora ?
15:44Oh, oh, oh !
15:46Si, una gora es perfecta para mi cabeza.
15:49Oh, oh, oh !
15:50Bien, Pedro can wear una gora on his cabeza.
15:55Mas ropa, por favor.
15:57Mas ropa.
15:58Oh, oh, oh !
16:00Necesito algo para mis pies.
16:03Oh, pies.
16:05Oh, oh !
16:07Necesito una bufanda, calcetines, una corbata, o un abrigo.
16:30Oh, oh, oh !
16:33Si, los calcetines son perfectos para mis pies.
16:38Yeah, Pedro can wear calcetines on his pies.
16:43Oh, oh, oh !
16:44Una gora en la cabeza, pantalones en las piernas, y calcetines en los pies.
16:56Oh, oh, oh !
16:57Una gora en la cabeza, pantalones en las piernas, y calcetines en los pies.
17:09Adios, Pedro.
17:14Una pista.
17:15A shoe.
17:17Shoes ?
17:19Oh, yeah.
17:20Hey, Pedro, don't forget the shoes.
17:23Oh, los zapatos.
17:27No, a clue.
17:29Oh, you see a clue.
17:31Where ?
17:32On the paintbrush.
17:36Oh, yeah, there's a clue on this paintbrush.
17:40You know what we need, our handy dandy ?
17:52A paintbrush.
17:53We can draw this pear shape with a long curve for the handle.
17:57A wavy line for paint, bent lines for bristles.
18:01A line here, and we've got a paintbrush.
18:06Hey, we have all three pistas.
18:09You know what that means.
18:10We're ready to sit in our...
18:11Thinking chair.
18:12Thinking chair.
18:13Let's go.
18:25Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.
18:29You will help, right ?
18:32So, we're trying to figure out what kind of marionetta we should make.
18:36And our pistas are...
18:39A pad of paper.
18:41A smock.
18:43And a paintbrush.
18:46So, what kind of marionetta could we make with a pad of paper,
18:51a smock, and a paintbrush ?
18:55Well, maybe the marionetta could wear the smock.
19:01And maybe it could use the paintbrush on the pad of paper.
19:06Well, who wears a smock and uses a paintbrush on a pad of paper ?
19:13A painter.
19:14A painter.
19:15A painter.
19:17Blue wants to make a painter.
19:20Blue wants to make a painter marionetta.
19:22We just figured out Blue's Clues.
19:26We just figured out Blue's Clues.
19:28We just figured out Blue's Clues.
19:30We just figured out Blue's Clues.
19:32Because we're really smart.
19:33Come on.
19:34Let's go make our marionetta.
19:36Then, we can have our marionetta show.
19:42Look, we finished our marionetta.
19:45We're ready for the show.
19:50Hola, Plum. Hola, Periwinkle.
19:53Remember how we helped them put the cabeza, piernas, and pies on their marionetta ?
20:00Then, we added el pelo, los ojos, la boca, la nariz, y las manos.
20:10It's our marionetta. It's a painter.
20:13Si, un pintor.
20:15Oh, un pintor.
20:16Un pintor.
20:18Hey, Blue, let's put something on la cabeza.
20:22Would you help, por favor ?
20:24What do you wear on your cabeza ?
20:29Una gorra.
20:31Si, una gorra.
20:33Hola, Pedro.
20:34Remember how we helped Pedro find his pantalones, gorra, and calcetines ?
20:41Look, our marionetta is finished.
20:43Now, it's time for the marionetta show.
20:52Hola, pintor. I like your gorra.
20:56What are you going to paint ?
21:00Oh, adios. Adios.
21:08You were such a big help today. Gracias.
21:12Now it's time for so long.
21:16But we'll sing just one more song.
21:20Thanks for doing your part. You sure are smart.
21:23You know with me and you and my dog Blue,
21:26We can do anything that we want to do.
21:30Adios. Gracias.
21:41Au revoir.