Blues Clues S04 E04

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Hi, it's me, Steve. Is that you? It is? Could you help me find Blue?
00:20Was that the doorbell? This sounds like a job for...
00:25Stripe Man!
00:27It's me, Steve. We're being superheroes today.
00:33That sounds like... Super Blue!
00:37She has the power of leaving hooves and skidooing.
00:41Hey, do you want to be a superhero today too?
00:45Great! Come on!
00:47Oh, have you seen my green superhero mask anywhere?
00:55It's on your head.
00:58Oh, it's on my head. Thanks for helping me out.
01:03Hey, you know, maybe that can be your superpower.
01:07You're so good at helping.
01:09We will call you the Incredibly Helpful Friend.
01:15Okay, let's go find the other superheroes.
01:25Slippery and Tickety are being superheroes too. Come on.
01:33It is I, Stripe Man. I have returned with Super Blue and our newest superhero, the Incredibly Helpful Friend.
01:40I'm Clock Girl, the clock with the superpower of telling time.
01:44And I'm Super Soap. I have the power to clean up anything.
01:50Together we're the Thinking Squad.
01:53We're superheroes who solve problems by using our thinking powers.
01:59Stripe Man, what's that? Listen.
02:07I wonder what could be making that strange sound.
02:11The sound, it stopped.
02:14Stripe Man, what could have made that strange sound?
02:17That is a good question, Super Soap. And the answer can only be found by...
02:26Oh, by playing Blue's Clues.
02:30Good idea, Super Blue.
02:32We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what made that strange sound.
02:37We are going to play Blue's Clues because it's a really great game.
02:41So remember, Blue's paw print will be on the clues. Blue's Clues.
02:46Now, we just need to clean up this paw print.
02:50Cleaning? That's a job for me.
02:53I'll clean it up for you.
02:56Now, we just need to clean up this paw print.
03:00Cleaning? That's a job for Super Soap.
03:05Oh, nice work, Super Soap. Way to use your super powers.
03:10Anytime, Stripe Man.
03:12Well, you know what we need to play Blue's Clues? Our super duper...
03:17Notebook. How incredibly helpful of you. Let's go.
03:22Hello, side table. We've come for our notebook.
03:25This looks like a job for...
03:29Wonder Drawer.
03:31My super power is holding things, like a notebook.
03:34Aha, holding things. Now, that is an important super power.
03:39Thank you, Wonder Drawer.
03:41You're welcome, Stripe Man.
03:43To play Blue's Clues, we've got to find...
03:47Paw print.
03:49Oh, a paw print. Right.
03:51And that's our first...
03:54A clue?
03:55Then we put it in our...
04:31That we wanna do.
04:33Okay, incredibly helpful friend.
04:35Our mission is to figure out what made that strange sound.
04:45You will help, right?
04:48Great. So, uh...
04:50Did you see which way it went?
04:52That way.
04:53That way.
04:55Come on.
05:01A clue!
05:03What was that?
05:06Oh! You see a clue?
05:09Out the window.
05:15There's a clue on those bubbles.
05:17You found the clue.
05:19You're so incredibly good at finding things.
05:22You know what we need?
05:23Our super-duper...
05:33For bubbles, we draw some circles like this.
05:36Add little shapes for the shiny spots.
05:40And we have bubbles.
05:42There. Bubbles.
05:44So, our mission is to figure out what made that strange sound.
05:52So, what could have made that strange sound with bubbles?
05:56Oh! Maybe.
05:58But, uh, I think we should find some more clues.
06:05That sounds like super glue!
06:08Let's go.
06:11What do you think super glue found?
06:15Spilled milk.
06:18There's a spill.
06:19Nice work, super glue.
06:21Well, there's no use flying over spilled milk.
06:25We've got to do something.
06:28Incredibly helpful friend, we need you.
06:30What should we do about this spill?
06:35Clean it up.
06:36Brilliant idea.
06:37We should clean up this spill.
06:41We'd better act fast.
06:42The spill is moving toward the edge of the table.
06:45All right, thinking squad, let's think.
06:48Which superhero do we know who has the power of cleaning?
06:53Oh, yeah. Slippery.
06:56I mean, super soap.
06:59Did someone call for super soap?
07:01Yes, we did.
07:03There's a spill.
07:04Stand back.
07:05I know what to do.
07:07First, I need to lay down a paper towel to soak it up.
07:11I see.
07:12Next, I take a damp sponge.
07:14A damp sponge.
07:16And wipe up the spill like this.
07:20Finally, I use another paper towel to dry it.
07:25That was amazing.
07:26You really are really good at cleaning things up.
07:29Well, that's my superpower.
07:32I'm glad I could help.
07:34Super soap, away!
07:36Goodbye, super soap.
07:37And well done.
07:40Oh, no!
07:42Sounds like someone else needs the thinking squad.
07:44Let's go.
07:46Ah, there you are, thinking squad.
07:50Hello, Mr. Salt.
07:51What's going on?
07:52I'm making juice pops in the freezer.
07:54And they will be ready at 2 o'clock.
07:56But I don't know if it's 2 o'clock yet.
07:58I see.
08:00Oh, we have to figure out if it's 2 o'clock yet.
08:05What do we need?
08:08A clock!
08:10Amazing thinking.
08:11A clock.
08:12If we look at a clock, we'll be able to tell if it's 2 o'clock yet.
08:15What superhero do we know who has the power of telling time?
08:21Oh, yeah.
08:23I mean, Clock Girl.
08:25I heard my name.
08:27Yes, Clock Girl, you're just in time.
08:29Mr. Salt needs to know if it's 2 o'clock yet.
08:31Oh, okay.
08:33Well, my big hand is on the 12.
08:37The 12.
08:38And my little hand is on the 2.
08:42On the 2.
08:43So that means it's 2 o'clock.
08:46Thank you so much.
08:48It's time to take out the juice pops.
08:50Clock Girl, you are super good at telling time.
08:52I practice all the time.
08:54Good work.
08:55Mommy, where's my teddy bear?
08:58This way.
08:59This way.
09:04That way.
09:08Hello, Mrs. Pepper.
09:09Young Paprika.
09:10What seems to be the problem?
09:12Paprika does not know where her teddy bear is.
09:15She wants it for her nap.
09:18Just a moment.
09:21Okay, Paprika can't find her teddy bear.
09:24What can we do to help?
09:27Find it.
09:28Great idea.
09:29We could try to find it.
09:31Hey, which superhero is so incredibly good at finding things?
09:39Yeah, it's you.
09:40The incredibly helpful friend.
09:42Because you helped me find my mask and that clue.
09:45Come on.
09:47So, where is Paprika's teddy bear?
09:50Where is it?
09:53It's right there.
09:55My teddy bear.
09:57You found it.
09:59Thank you.
10:00You found it.
10:01Way to use your superpower.
10:03Thank you so much.
10:05You're welcome.
10:06Glad we could be of help.
10:11Well, it's just another job well done by the Thinking Squad.
10:16A clue, a clue.
10:18Yes, thanks to you.
10:20No, a clue right there.
10:24Oh, yeah.
10:25You found another clue on this water.
10:28You know what we need?
10:29Our super duper...
10:33So, water.
10:38Let's draw two wavy lines.
10:40Like this.
10:44So, what could have made the strange sound
10:48with bubbles and water?
10:54But I think we better find our last clue.
10:57The mail's here.
10:58Let's go.
11:00Here's the mail, it never fails
11:02It makes me want to wag my tail
11:04When it comes, I want to wail
11:07The mail's here.
11:14What's that?
11:17What's that?
11:18It's the strange sound again.
11:22And it stopped again.
11:23Stripe Man, what was it?
11:25We don't know, Mailbox.
11:27But it's our mission to figure it out.
11:29Oh, good.
11:30Well, here's your letter.
11:35No problem.
11:37We just got a letter.
11:40We just got a letter
11:42We just got a letter
11:44We just got a letter
11:45Wonder who it's from?
11:49It's a letter from our friends.
11:52Hi, Steve.
11:53I'm Super Morgan
11:54and I help people out.
11:56Super Morgan, away!
11:58Maybe someone needs help in here.
12:05Thanks, Super Morgan.
12:09Daddy's gonna help Super Morgan away.
12:13I can help.
12:15Thanks, Super Morgan.
12:19Bye, Steve.
12:22Thinking Squad, I need you.
12:25Somebody needs us.
12:29Super Blue just skidooed
12:31into that comic book.
12:34Thinking Squad skidoo
12:36to the rescue
12:42Thinking Squad
12:44to the rescue
13:13I see.
13:14Hello, Frank.
13:19Hey, how come you don't have a superhero name
13:22like Super Frank or Wonder Frank or Frank Man or something?
13:25I don't have a super name
13:27because I don't know what my superpower is.
13:30Will you help me figure out what my superpower is?
13:35Will you help Frank figure out his superpower?
13:40Yes, of course, Frank.
13:41We'll help.
13:47Who's that?
13:48That's the Fancy Dancer.
13:50She's a dancing superhero.
13:54But she looks a little sad.
13:56Hi, Fancy Dancer.
14:00Are you sad?
14:03I have nobody to dance with today.
14:06I'll be right back.
14:09Thinking Squad.
14:11We need a way to make Fancy Dancer feel better.
14:14You're right, Frank.
14:15Let's think.
14:18So, what could we do to make Fancy Dancer feel better?
14:23Dance with her.
14:25Great thinking.
14:27Frank, we suggest you dance with her.
14:31I can dance with her.
14:33May I dance with you?
14:39I feel much better now.
14:44Thank you.
14:47Wow, looks like she's feeling much better now that somebody danced with her.
14:56Hey, Frank, who was that?
14:59That's the Runner.
15:01Come on.
15:09Hey, Frank, what exactly did you say her superpower was?
15:13She's the fastest runner in town.
15:18I better see what's going on.
15:23Hi, Runner.
15:24Are you okay?
15:25Every time I try to run, I fall.
15:28I don't know what's going on.
15:30Stripe Man, come here.
15:34How can we help the Runner?
15:36How can we help the Runner?
15:38She keeps falling.
15:41How can we help the Runner stop falling?
15:46Tie her shoes.
15:48Tie her shoes?
15:50Oh, her shoes are untied.
15:52That's probably why she keeps falling down.
15:55Thanks, Stripe Man.
15:58Here you go, Runner.
16:00Now you probably won't fall.
16:04Tying shoes is super important.
16:07Look at me.
16:12She's a great runner.
16:14Running is her superpower.
16:18What's my superpower?
16:20Oh, don't worry, Frank.
16:24We've got to think.
16:25We need to find out what Frank's superpower is.
16:27Oh, hi again.
16:28Thanks for dancing with me, Frank.
16:30It really made me happy.
16:32Hey there, Frank.
16:33Now that my shoes are tied, I'm running without falling.
16:37We just need to figure out Frank's superpower.
16:39What did Frank do for both Fancy Dancer and the Runner?
16:45Made them happy.
16:46Made them happy?
16:48Oh, yeah.
16:50It did make them happy.
16:52So, Frank, maybe making people happy is your superpower.
16:59What's happening?
17:02I'm not Frank anymore.
17:04Cheer Upper is my new superhero name.
17:06Because I cheer people up.
17:08I make them happy.
17:10I finally found my superpower.
17:12Thank you, Thinking Squad.
17:15I couldn't have done it without your thinking powers.
17:18You're welcome.
17:20Cheer Upper.
17:32There's the sound.
17:34Come on.
17:41It stopped.
17:43We need to figure this out.
17:45What are we going to do?
17:48Super Blue to the rescue.
17:55Did you see that?
17:57Blue just used her superpower to leave a clue.
18:00You know, I've never actually seen her do that before.
18:03Nice work, Super Blue.
18:06Oh, there's a clue on these clothes.
18:09You know what we need?
18:10Our super duper...
18:15So, clothes.
18:21Let's draw a shirt with some circles for buttons.
18:27A pair of pants.
18:30Two curvy lines for socks.
18:33There. Clothes.
18:36Our third clue.
18:38Hey, we have our third clue.
18:41You know what that means.
18:42We're ready to sit in our...
18:44Thinking chair.
18:45Thinking chair.
18:46Let's go.
18:49Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.
18:53You will help, right, incredibly helpful friend?
18:58So, we're trying to figure out what's making that strange sound.
19:02And our clues are...
19:09And clothes.
19:12So, what could be making that strange sound with bubbles, water and clothes?
19:21Well, bubbles come from...
19:26And if we had soap and water, we'd probably be washing something.
19:31But what could we be washing?
19:35Oh, yeah.
19:36Maybe the clothes.
19:38So, what do you think could be making that strange sound that uses soap and water to wash clothes?
19:46A washing machine.
19:48A washing machine.
19:50Yeah, because washing machines use soapy bubbles and water to wash clothes.
19:57And they make that strange sound.
19:59We just figured out Blue's Clues.
20:03We just figured out Blue's Clues.
20:05We just figured out Blue's Clues.
20:06We just figured out Blue's Clues.
20:08Because we're really smart.
20:11But, girl, super-soap, we think the strange sound is coming from...
20:16The washing machine.
20:18Now, all we have to do is investigate to see if we're right.
20:21Thinking Squad, to the washing machine.
20:30Hi, Thinking Squad.
20:32It's the Cheer-Up.
20:34Remember how we helped him find his superpower?
20:36Come on.
20:37We're investigating a strange sound.
20:42We're getting closer.
20:45The washing machine.
20:49Is it making the sound we've been hearing?
20:53Hey, we did it.
20:55The strange sound is...
20:57The washing machine.
20:59Thinking Squad, our work here is done.
21:02Yay, Thinking Squad.
21:04We figured it out.
21:06You know, you really are an incredibly helpful friend.
21:09Hey, thank you so much for all your help today.
21:39C'était amusant, Super-Soap.